147 research outputs found

    Super-resolution of 3D Magnetic Resonance Images by Random Shifting and Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Enhancing resolution is a permanent goal in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, in order to keep improving diagnostic capability and registration methods. Super-resolution (SR) techniques are applied at the postprocessing stage, and their use and development have progressively increased during the last years. In particular, example-based methods have been mostly proposed in recent state-of-the-art works. In this paper, a combination of a deep-learning SR system and a random shifting technique to improve the quality of MR images is proposed, implemented and tested. The model was compared to four competitors: cubic spline interpolation, non-local means upsampling, low-rank total variation and a three-dimensional convolutional neural network trained with patches of HR brain images (SRCNN3D). The newly proposed method showed better results in Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio, Structural Similarity index, and Bhattacharyya coefficient. Computation times were at the same level as those of these up-to-date methods. When applied to downsampled MR structural T1 images, the new method also yielded better qualitative results, both in the restored images and in the images of residuals.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Exploring the Capability of HAADF-STEM Techniques to Characterize Graphene Distribution in Nanocomposites by Simulations

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    This paper explores the capability of scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) techniques in determining the dispersion degree of graphene layers within the carbon matrix by using simulated high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) images. Results ensure that unmarked graphene layers are only detectable if their orientation is parallel to the microscope beam. Additionally, gold-marked graphene layers allow evaluating the dispersion degree in structural composites. Moreover, electron tomography has been demonstrated to provide truthfully 3D distribution of the graphene sheets inside the matrix when an appropriate reconstruction algorithm and 2D projections including channelling effect are use

    Computerized restriction endonuclease analysis compared with O-serotype and phage type in the epidemiologic fingerprinting of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains

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    ObjectiveTo assess restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) of chromosomal DNA using SalI enzyme, low-concentration (0.4%) agarose gels and digitalized data management of the REA patterns obtained for the typing of clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates.MethodsA group of 67 clinical unrelated isolates from 10 Spanish hospitals was used to study the discriminatory power, reproducibility and typeability of REA typing.ResultsA SalI REA pattern consisted of a variety (1–10) of restriction bands in the range between 12.2 and 48.5 kb and an unresolvable smear of low-molecular-weight bands. Forty different SalI REA patterns with an index of discrimination of 0.979 were obtained. Low typeability (91.04%) was the major limitation of REA typing. Analysis of blinded subcultures of eight Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains showed the reproducibility of REA typing to be 87.5%. Combined phenotypic typing (O-serotyping and phage typing) performed on the same group of strains showed comparable discrimination but much lower reproducibility. Isolates selected from five clusters of nosocomial infections in hospitals in the UK were typed by REA typing, and the results show high agreement when compared with conventional phenotypic typing methods in distinguishing between strains.ConclusionsThese data underline the usefulness of REA typing enhanced with digitalized data management for the epidemiologic subtyping of clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates

    Experimental and simulated study of 3D-printed couplings’ suitability for industrial application

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    This paper explores the possibility of applying reverse engineering to flexible coupling spare parts through additive manufacturing. Although couplings’ simplicity makes them go unnoticed, they connect elements that transmit power between two shafts, thus being an essential component for most of the machinery currently used in the industry. In this study, flexible couplings with different infill density (60% and 80%) were 3D printed by the fused filament fabrication technique. The original and the additive manufactured couplings were modelled to compare their compressive response and energy-absorbing characteristics, and experimental tests were performed to validate finite element analysis. To derive an optimal material distribution within coupling structure, a generative design approach was conducted through nTopology software. With this novel simulation-driven design, it is possible to reduce the weight of the redesigned part up to 15.8% by defining the wall thickness of the internal structure based on the results of finite element simulation, while maintaining its functionality. Moreover, an economic-environmental study was carried out. Results ensure that the 3D printed prototypes are suitable for replacing the original one under its current operating conditions. Additionally, the economic study shows that the redesigned couplings allow companies to save more than €2700 per coupling in relation to CO2 emission payments

    Effects of soaking period and gibberellic acid addition on caper seed germination

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    [EN] In order to improve caper seed germination, this two-year study (2005-2006) was designed to determine the effects of seed soaking treatments and soaking times. individually or in combination with the addition of gibberellic acid to the germination substrate. Besides testing the control seeds, 7 soaking periods were assayed. soaking seeds in tap water at room temperature for 24 h, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days. Germination tests were performed in closed Petri dishes in a growth chamber. Germination data were fitted to the logistic function and calculations were made for the maximum germination percentage, the time to reach 50% of final germination and the mean relative cumulative rate. A soaking period of 30 days or longer enhanced seed germination: final germination values ranged from 95 to 99%, reducing the time to reach 50% of final germination and consequently the duration of germination tests. Addition of gibberellic acid to the substrate after soaking improved germination only for control seeds and those soaked for 24 It or 15 days. Seed soaking for 30 or 45 days, followed or not by the addition of a gibberellic acid Solution to the substrate. is an efficient method to enhance caper seed germination.Pascual España, B.; San Bautista Primo, A.; Pascual-Seva, N.; Garcia Molina, R.; López Galarza, SV.; Maroto Borrego, JV. (2009). Effects of soaking period and gibberellic acid addition on caper seed germination. Seed Science and Technology. 37(1):33-41. doi:10.15258/sst.2009.37.1.05S334137

    Uso de las TIC/TAC en el Aula de Lengua y Literatura. Líneas de investigación en LIJ 2.0

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    La red de investigación en docencia universitaria “De las tabletas a los MOOC en la LIJ 2.0 y la didáctica de lengua y literatura” (Modalidad II. Código 2962 http://web.ua.es/es/ice/redes/2014/proyectos-modalidad-ii-2013-2014.html) ha continuado las principales líneas de trabajo desarrolladas por las anteriores redes del área de didáctica de la lengua y la literatura de la Universidad de Alicante (Mula et alii 2011, Llorens et alii 2012, Rovira et alii, 2013 http://web.ua.es/es/ice/redes/proyectos-cursos-anteriores.html). La integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) o las Tecnologías del Aprendizaje y el Conocimiento (TAC) en el aula de lengua y literatura española es una realidad que presenta múltiples formas según el nivel, los equipos y herramientas disponibles o las metodologías utilizadas. Se han planteado dos líneas principales, recogidas en el título de la red: el estudio de las posibilidades didácticas de las tabletas y aplicaciones móviles, coordinado por Pedro Mendiola y la introducción a los MOOC Massive Online Open Course (Cursos Masivos, Abiertos y En línea) dirigida por Arantxa Martín Martín. Además, se han planteado otra serie de actuaciones como el uso del Moodle o la introducción al formato de los Book-tráilers como herramienta de animación lectora para seguir analizando las posibilidades de Internet para la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura

    De las tabletas a los MOOC en la LIJ 2.0 y la didáctica de lengua y literatura

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    Según los Informes Horizon 2013 y 2014 para la educación superior y para la etapa escolar, la programación en la nube, los cursos masivos abiertos en línea y el trabajo con tabletas y aplicaciones móviles serán las tendencias principales de los próximos años en tecnología educativa. Las tabletas y sus aplicaciones han entrado en todos los niveles educativos y ya es habitual verlas en cualquier clase por lo que es imprescindible conocer sus posibilidades para sacarles el máximo rendimiento. Además la Universidad de Alicante se ha convertido en referente en el diseño de MOOC con Unimooc como modelo pionero y XarxaMOOC como buque insignia en el ámbito lingüístico. Desde el área de didáctica de la lengua y la literatura y para reforzar el concepto LIJ 2.0 (lectura y literatura infantil y juvenil en la web social) queremos profundizar en ambos conceptos, presentar una breve panorámica y hacer un resumido estudio de casos para proponer una serie de ejemplos y herramientas que nos sean útiles en el futuro

    Lectura social y LIJ 2.0 en la universidad. Aplicaciones y redes sociales de lectura

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    Dentro del desarrollo de nuevos conceptos pedagógicos como las Tecnologías del Aprendizaje y el Conocimiento (TAC) y el Mobile Learning han aparecido algunos aspectos principales como la Lectura Social y la LIJ 2.0 fundamentales para la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura en entornos digitales. Entre las múltiples posibilidades que nos ofrecen los distintos servicios de redes sociales y microblogging, algunos objetivos para su uso didáctico pueden ser el fomento de la lectura y el desarrollo de la competencia lectoliteraria. Las redes sociales pueden ser un espacio de conversación y lectura donde, con dinámicas adecuadas, se trabaje la comprensión lectora desde muy distintas perspectivas. En el siguiente trabajo se hará una revisión de las distintas herramientas, desde los espacios más generalistas como Facebook o los clubes de lectura a través de servicios como Twitter, hasta llegar a aplicaciones y redes sociales específicas centradas en la literatura, como Aldiko, Wattpad, Ibooks, Anobii, Goodreads o Entrelectores, haciendo una descripción de las distintas posibilidades para la formación del alumnado y la promoción de la lectura

    Chronic disease: a different approach

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Nos hallamos en un contexto social donde los ciudadanos /pacientes cada día tienen un mayor acceso a la información, por ello en nuestro Centro de Atención Primaria nos planteamos implementar el Programa de “Paciente Experto ” que dispone de una metodología ya evaluada y garantiza la eficacia en sus resultados. La Insuficiencia Cardíaca, es un síndrome de alta prevalencia en nuestra población que provoca consecuencias negativas en la calidad de vida de quienes la padecen, por tanto los primeros grupos de formación de “Paciente Experto” han sido con personas que padecen esta enfermedad crónica