5 research outputs found

    Expression atlas of the Deubiquitinating enzymes in the adult mouse retina, their evolutionary diversification and phenotypic roles

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    Ubiquitination is a relevant cell regulatory mechanism to determine protein fate and function. Most data has focused on the role of ubiquitin as a tag molecule to target substrates to proteasome degradation, and on its impact in the control of cell cycle, protein homeostasis and cancer. Only recently, systematic assays have pointed to the relevance of the ubiquitin pathway in the development and differentiation of tissues and organs, and its implication in hereditary diseases. Moreover, although the activity and composition of ubiquitin ligases has been largely addressed, the role of the deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) in specific tissues, such as the retina, remains mainly unknown. In this work, we undertook a systematic analysis of the transcriptional levels of DUB genes in the adult mouse retina by RT-qPCR and analyzed the expression pattern by in situ hybridization and fluorescent immunohistochemistry, thus providing a unique spatial reference map of retinal DUB expression. We also performed a systematic phylogenetic analysis to understand the origin and the presence/absence of DUB genes in the genomes of diverse animal taxa that represent most of the known animal diversity. The expression landscape obtained supports the potential subfunctionalization of paralogs in those families that expanded in vertebrates. Overall, our results constitute a reference framework for further characterization of the DUB roles in the retina and suggest new candidates for inherited retinal disorders

    Aula de prevención y resolución de conflictos

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    Esta publicación es resultado del Proyecto de Innovación Educativa seleccionado por la Dirección General de Recursos Humanos y Calidad Educativa.Contiene material didáctico para trabajar el el aula.Se presentan los resultados de un proyecto de innovación que identifica los problemas de conducta del alumnado de ESO y propone materiales para su prevención, tratamiento y erradicación, tales como absentismo, abandono, acoso, xenofobia y racismo. Los objetivos del trabajo por tanto se centran en la disminución de la situaciones conflictivas, la reducción del absentismo escolar, el trabajo de las deficiencias en ámbitos lingüísticos y científicos y el fomento de las normas de convivencia. Para ello se propone material individualizado y fichas de refuerzo de las principales áreas y materiales específicos dedicados a la prevención de conflictos.Consejería de Educación y Universidades; Avda. La Fama, 15; 30006 Murcia; Teléfono 968 279845; [email protected]; www.educarm.es/publicacionesES

    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain

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