228 research outputs found

    Mundial de Qatar 2022, corrupción en la FIFA

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    Qatar será la sede de la próxima Copa del Mundo de Fútbol en 2022. Este país y este evento se van a convertir en el torneo más pequeño de la historia en albergar un Mundial. Esta decisión de la FIFA ha estado rodeada desde un principio de cohechos y de corrupción. El presente trabajo trata de exponer cómo el país qatarí, gracias a utilizar el deporte como política exterior, ha legitimado su posicionamiento internacional antes no tan claro, participando de lleno en el gran negocio moderno mundial que es el fútbol. Además, este trabajo de periodismo deportivo y de investigación pretende dar a conocer y desvelar los nombres de los personajes implicados en la trama conocida como el ‘Qatargate’

    Un jurista en el nacimiento de la ciencia política moderna: los estudios de las organizaciones de partido de Moisei Ostrogorski

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    [ES]El trabajo de Moisei Ostrogorski sobre las organizaciones de partido en Estados Unidos e Inglaterra (1903) fue considerado por la ciencia política de la segunda mitad del siglo XX como fundacional de la disciplina. En este artículo se discute el carácter genealógico de esta lectura, exponiendo que Ostrogorski era, también, un jurista. Su biografía, su investigación sobre los derechos de las mujeres e, incluso, su trabajo más propiamente politológico sobre los partidos, nos muestran este carácter de Ostrogorski como jurista. Además, las lecturas de su obra por parte de los juristas franceses de su tiempo expresan los problemas de proyectar sobre el pasado las divisiones disciplinares del presente

    Full 3D-OSEM reconstruction with compressed response of the system

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    Proceeding of: Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2004 IEEE, Rome ,16-22 Oct. 2004Small animal PET scanners require high spatial resolution (< 1 mm) and good sensitivity. To obtain high resolution images, iterative reconstruction methods, like OSEM, applied to image reconstruction in three-dimensional (3D) positron emission tomography (PET), have superior performance over analytical reconstruction algorithms like FBP. However, the high computational cost of iterative methods remains a serious drawback to their development and clinical routine use. The increase in performance of current computers should make iterative image reconstruction fast enough to attain clinical viability. However, dealing with the large number of probability coefficients for the response of the system in high-resolution PET scanners becomes a difficult task that prevents the algorithms from reaching peak performance. Taking into account all possible axial, in-plane and other symmetries, we have reduced the storage needs what allows us to store the whole response of the system in dynamic memory of ordinary industry standard computers, so that the reconstruction algorithm can achieve near peak performance

    Corrección de atenuación de imágenes PET usando datos de TAC en el escáner para animales pequeños Argus PET/CT

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    Actas de: XXVIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2010). Madrid, 24-26 de noviembre de 2010.Existen diversos efectos físicos que degradan la calidad de la imagen PET, como por ejemplo la atenuación que sufren los fotones al atravesar el cuerpo en estudio. Este efecto reduce el número de fotones detectados, pero puede corregirse si se dispone de información anatómica del objeto. En este trabajo se describe la corrección de atenuación basada en una imagen TAC para el escáner de animales pequeños Argus PET/CT con imágenes PET reconstruidas con el algoritmo iterativo 3DOSEM.Este trabajo ha sido financiado en parte por el MEC (FPA2007-62216), la UCM (Grupos UCM, 910059), el CPAN (Consolider-Ingenio 2010, CSPD-2007-00042), la red RECAVA-RETIC el proyecto ARTEMIS (S2009/DPI-1802, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional), el proyecto ENTEPRASE (PSE-300000-2009-5, MICINN. España), por los proyectos del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, TEC2007-64731, TEC 2008-06715-C02-1, la RETIC-RECAVA del Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, y el proyecto EU FP7 FMT-XCT-201792.Publicad

    Frequency selective signal extrapolation for compensation of missing data in sinograms

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    Proceeding of: 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS '08), Dresden, Germany, 19-25 Oct. 2008We present a method to compensate for missing projection data in positron emission tomography (PET), which may result from gaps between adjacent detectors or from malfunctioning detectors. To prevent artifacts in the reconstruction when using Fourier rebinning (FORE) or analytical reconstruction algorithms, filling the data gaps is required. This new approach for sinogram data interpolation prior to reconstruction is based on a simple iterative freq uency selective signal extrapolation method initially proposed and successfully applied for error concealment in image and video communication. In this work the method has been improved taking advantage of well known restrictions in the allowed region of frequencies of the sinograms. We compare quantitatively the results of this technique with previously proposed gap filling procedures in both the sinograms and in their reconstructed images. The proposed technique outperforms those methods without requiring too much computational time.This work was supported in part by the MEC (FPA2007-07393), CDTEAM (CENIT-Ingenio 2010) Ministerio de Industria, Spain, CPAN (Consolider-Ingenio 2010) CSPD-2007-00042 projects, and the RECAVA-RETIC network. Vicente acknowledges support from a CSIC-JAE predoctoral fellowship

    Nonlinear effect of pile-up in the quantification of a small animal PET scanner

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    Proceeding of: 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS '08), Dresden, Germany, 19-25 Oct. 2008Accurate and reliable quantitative analysis of PET images are necessary for pre-clinical studies. To derive quantitative information from PET images, determination of the calibration curve, that is, the relationship between the pixel values in the reconstructed image and radiotracer concentrations is required. In a typical PET acquisition, several effects, such as random counts and pile-up contributions make this relationship nonlinear. We find that for PET detectors based upon relatively large PMTs like the Hamamatsu H8500, pile up may become the dominant nonlinear effect, with random contributions playing a minor role. We confirm this by means of detailed simulations of small and large cylinders in the rPET small animal scanner as well as with real acquisitions. The simulations allow us to study the impact of pile-up as a source of nonlinearity in the calibration curve of this commercially available small animal PET scanner. We compare the results obtained from images for both real and simulated data. The results show that for the activities considered in this study the quantitative results can be affected by pile-up by more than 20%. We find that pile-up, which shifts counts to the center of the FOV and attenuation, which removes activity from the center of the FOV, may cancel each other for moderate activity values. This would cause quantification errors if attenuation corrections were attempted for acquisitions without pile-up corrections. The pile-up correction software improves the linearity of the calibration curve, extending the range of activity values for which a linear calibration curve can be reliably applied.This work was supported in part by the MEC (FPA2007-07393), CDTEAM (CENIT-Ingenio 2010) Ministerio de Industria, Spain, CPAN (Consolider-Ingenio 2010) CSPD-2007-00042 projects, and the RECAVA-RETIC network. E. Vicente acknowledges support from a CSIC-JAE predoctoral fellowship

    Socios. Cortometraje de ficción

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    Treball Final de Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual. Codi: CA0932. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016Socios es un cortometraje de ficción, escrito y dirigido por los alumnos de 4º de Comunicación Audiovisual de la Universitat Jaume I, como Trabajo de Final de Grado. Lo que empezó siendo un trabajo académico al uso, ha acabado siendo un experimento de colaboración, y realización de un producto audiovisual que pretende dotar de mayor visibilidad a un colectivo excluido socialmente: las personas sin techo. Es interesante observar cómo pueden llegar a confluir dos mundos socialmente separados. El colectivo de personas sin techo no suele ser fruto de interés de jóvenes creadores, por lo que este queda relegado del mundo de la creación y el arte más actual. Nosotros decidimos elegir al colectivo como eje central de la trama de la película. Para ello fue fundamental poder colaborar con los protagonistas reales del colectivo representado. El resultado obtenido, fruto de la unión de la creación académica y universitaria junto con las propias personas sin techo, y las organizaciones que trabajan en éste ámbito, genera un producto sencillo, que esconde una profunda reflexión sobre cuestiones como la puesta en escena, el grado de veracidad de la representación e interpretación.Socios is a short fiction, written and directed by the 4th course students of Media Studies of The James First University. It has been made as Final Degree Project. What started off as an academy work, it has ended up as collaboration experiment. The development of an audio-visual product, which tries to give more visibility to socially excluded collective: homeless people. It is interesting to observe how positive can be the confluence between two socially separated worlds. The homeless people collective do not usually have a lot of interest for young creators, so this is secluded from the creation and art world. We decided to choose the collective as the central plot theme. It was essential to collaborate with the real protagonist of the homeless people collective. The union of the academy creation, with the homeless people, and the organizations that work in this context, has given as a result a simply product; which attends a deep reflection about some questions such as the staging, the veracity of representation and interpretation

    Synthesis of pillared clays from metallic salts as pigments for thermosolar absorptive coatings

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    [EN] A general procedure for developing stable solar absorptive coatings at both high temperature and a high solar radiation concentration is presented. In order to generally improve thermal efficiency, a coating with high solar absorptance is applied all over the surface of receiver tubes that is subjected to extreme working conditions. Consequently, a durable coating with high absorptivity for sunlight is needed. An alternative paint formulation research and development line to Pyromark-2500, the paint currently used in many commercial solar thermal power plants (CSP) is proposed. Pigment synthesis is developed by intercalating metallic salts into laminar or tubular clay structures. Metallic pxides, which provide paint with its color properties, are obtained by a calcination process. Addition of silane or surfactants during the pigment synthesis is also optimized. Once dried and ground to a precise size, pigments are mixed with a commercial binder and applied to a metallic substrate to study their properties. Thermal stability to high temperature is studied with different tests. The results showed that laminar structure was preferred to intercalate larger amounts of metallic salt into the clay structure, and no significant differences were found when using silane or surfactant modifiers. Although the highest absorptivity value was 85% after 24 h at 600 degrees C, samples presented very good adherence to the metallic substrate. Addition of a small quantity of commercial black pigment to the paint composition could improve the absorptivity and maintain the excellent adhesion shown. Furthermore, montmorillonite clay, modified with a surfactant before adding metallic salt, and without silane, resulted in a black pigment in a powder form. This pillared clay could be used in future paint formulations. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The research that has led to these results was funded by Abengoa Solar New Technologies S.A. by a private contract with the Colour and Vision Group of the University of Alicante.Micó Vicent, B.; López-Herraiz, M.; Bello, A.; Martínez, N.; Martinez-Verdu, FM. (2017). Synthesis of pillared clays from metallic salts as pigments for thermosolar absorptive coatings. Solar Energy. 155:314-322. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2017.06.034S31432215

    Statistical reconstruction methods in PET: resolution limit, noise, edge artifacts and considerations for the design of better scanners

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    Proceeding of: 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, Puerto Rico, 23-29 Oct. 2005Small animal positron emission tomography (PET) scanners are being increasingly used as a basic measurement tool in modern biomedical research. The new designs and technologies of these scanners and the modern reconstruction methods have allowed to reach high spatial resolution and sensitivity. Despite their successes, some important issues remain to be addressed in high resolution PET imaging. First, iterative reconstruction methods like maximum likelihood-expectation maximization (MLEM) are known to recover resolution, but also to create noisy images and edge artifacts if some kind of regularization is not imposed. Second, the limit of resolution achievable by iterative methods on high resolution scanners is not quantitatively understood. Third, the use of regularization methods like Sieves or maximum a posteriori (MAP) requires them determination of the optimal values of several adjustable parameter that may be object-dependent. In this work we review these problems in high resolution PET and establish that the origin of them is more related with the physical effects involved in the emission and detection of the radiation during the acquisition than with the kind of iterative reconstruction method chosen. These physical effects (positron range, non-collinearity, scatter inside the object and inside the detector materials) cause that the tube of response (TOR) that connects the voxels with a line of response (LOR) is rather thick. This implies that the higher frequencies of the patient organ structures are not recorded by the scanner and therefore cannot be recovered during the reconstruction. As iterations grow, MLEM algorithms try to recover higher frequencies in the image. Once that a certain critic frequency is reached, this only maximizes high frequency noise. Using frequency response analyses techniques, we determine the maximum achievable resolution, before edge artifacts spoil the quality of the image, for a particular scanner as a function of the thickness of the TOR, and independently of the reconstruction method employed. With the same techniques, we can deduce well defined stopping criteria for reconstructions methods. Also, criteria for the highest number of subsets which should be used and how the design of the scanners can be optimized when statistical reconstruction methods are employed, is established.This work was supported in part by the UCM, Fundación para la investigación biomédica del Hospital Gregorio Marañon”, support from MEC project (BFM2003 04147 C02 01)

    La coevaluación como estrategia para mejorar la dinámica del trabajo en grupo: una experiencia en Ciencias del Deporte

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    The aim of this study was to analyze if the perceptions of students before and after carrying out the work, that is, their perception of different aspects of the functioning of the group, the working skills acquired as well as those they think that need to be improved, varied depending on whether the contribution of the different members of the group was being co-evaluated or not. 144 students of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences participated in this study. In order to analyze the students' perception of group work the adapted questionnaire by Bourne et al. (2001) was used. Results showed that groups which implemented co-evaluation assessed more negatively the experience in general than those which did not. However, co-evaluation groups perceived their competence to work as a team had improved to a greater extent than the groups without co-evaluation, evaluating more positively both the performance and the result of work and increasing their knowledge of the other team members. Using a co-evaluation system seems to generate both a better assessment of the running of the team and the result of its work.El objetivo del estudio fue analizar si la percepción del trabajo grupal se modificaba en función de la introducción o no de la coevaluación. Participaron 144 alumnos de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Para analizar la percepción de los alumnos del trabajo cooperativo se utilizó el cuestionario adaptado por Bourne et al. (2001). Los resultados mostraron que los grupos en los se introdujo la coevaluación valoraron de forma más negativa la experiencia (menos agradable, inspiradora, positiva y creativa) que los grupos en los que no se introdujo la coevaluación. Sin embargo, los grupos con coevaluación percibieron que su competencia para trabajar en equipo había mejorado en mayor medida que los grupos sin coevaluación, valorando de forma más positiva tanto el funcionamiento como el resultado del trabajo e incrementaron en mayor medida sus conocimientos sobre el resto de los componentes. El uso de un sistema de coevaluación como el propuesto parece generar una mejor valoración tanto del funcionamiento del equipo como del resultado de su trabajo