127 research outputs found

    Creatividad organizacional como un factor clave en el proceso de gestión de la innovación para el desarrollo de nuevos productos, sector de estudio las PyMEs

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    Key words: CANIETI, Innovation, New Product Development (NPD), Organizational Creativity, SMEs.Abstract. The purpose of this study is to analyze organizational creativity as a key element in the process of product innovation. Analyzing some manage models for organizationa  creativity presented by various authors who have studied this phenomenon. Also, this element of Organizational Creativity stems from a doctoral study in which this variable is considered as the contribution to a new management model for the innovation process in developing new products for the SME sector. The analysis of results and conclusions are derived from a study of 34 samples to the industry of information technology in Nuevo León,México.Palabras clave. CANIETI, Creatividad Organizacional, Desarrollo de Nuevos Productos (DNP), Innovación, PyMEs.Resumen. El propósito del estudio es analizar a la creatividad organizacional como un elemento clave en el proceso de innovación de producto. Se analizan los modelos existentes para gestionar a la creatividad organizacional, presentando las diferentes propuestas por distintos autores que han estudiado este fenómeno. Así mismo, este elemento de Creatividad Organizacional se deriva de un estudio doctoral en el que esta variable es considerada comoel aporte a un nuevo modelo de gestión para el proceso de innovación en el desarrollo de nuevos productos para el sector de las PyMEs. El análisis de resultados y las conclusiones se presentan a partir de un estudio de 34 muestras a la industria de las tecnologías de la información en Nuevo León, México

    Cementos óseos acrílicos modificados con acetato de vinilo. Caracterización físico química, mecánica y microestructural

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    En este trabajo se reportan los resultados obtenidos en la preparación y caracterización físico química y mecánica de cementos óseos formados por poli(metacrilato de metilo) (PMMA) con 10, 50 y 90 % (p/v) de acetato de vinilo (AcV) y cargados con un 30 % de hidroxiapatita Coralina® HAP – 200. Las muestras se prepararon mezclando manualmente la parte sólida (HAP-200 y PMMA) con la líquida [AcV y metacrilato de metilo (MMA)] y se dejaron a (23 ± 1) °C por espacio de 24 h antes de envasarlas para posteriores ensayos. La resistencia a la compresión se evaluó por quintuplicado en probetas normalizadas. De las formulaciones preparadas, sólo la que contiene un 10 % de AcV mostró una resistencia a la compresión axial superior a la establecida por la norma ISO 5833 para la evaluación de las propiedades mecánicas de cementos óseos acrílicos, lo que la hace la más adecuada desde este punto de vista. Los resultados indican que a medida que aumenta el contenido de AcV en las formulaciones, disminuye la resistencia a la compresión axial y el módulo de elasticidad. Los análisis por Espectroscopia Infrarroja y Resonancia Magnética Nuclear de 13C, permitieron establecer que no existe interacción química de las fases orgánicas con la hidroxiapatita, además, se comprobó preliminarmente, que se forma un copolímero de metacrilato de metilo -co- acetato de vinilo, cuyo uso no ha sido reportado anteriormente en este tipo de cementos. Mediante la inmersión de las muestras en fluido biológico simulado s

    Evolución de los modelos de la gestión de innovación (Evolution of innovation administration models)

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    Abstract. In this study the tools are analyzed to cause that the PyMEs looks for to be more competitive in the market. The different proposals will appear on the Models of the Innovation Process from already existing and they will focus in the variables that conform these models compatible to analyze each one of the proposals made by the different authors and to integrate a new proposal of variables as a hypothesis that integrates a Model that allows the Pymes of Nuevo Leon to be innovating. Resumen. En este estudio se analizan las herramientas para hacer que las PyMEs busquen ser más competitivas en el mercado. Se presentarán las diferentes propuestas sobre los Modelos de Gestión de la Innovación ya existentes y se enfocarán en las variables que conforman estos modelos afín de analizar cada una de las propuestas realizadas por los distintos autores e integrar una nueva propuesta de variables como hipótesis que integre un Modelo que permita a las Pymes de Nuevo León ser innovadoras

    Creatividad organizacional como un factor clave en el proceso de gestión de la innovación para el desarrollo de nuevos productos, sector de estudio las PyMEs (Organizational creativity as a key element in the process of innovation management for new product development, SME sector study)

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    Abstract. The purpose of this study is to analyze organizational creativity as a key element in the process of product innovation. Analyzing some manage models for organizational creativity presented by various authors who have studied this phenomenon. Also, this element of Organizational Creativity stems from a doctoral study in which this variable is considered as the contribution to a new management model for the innovation process in developing new products for the SME sector. The analysis of results and conclusions are derived from a study of 34 samples to the industry of information technology in Nuevo León, México. Resumen. El propósito del estudio es analizar a la creatividad organizacional como un elemento clave en el proceso de innovación de producto. Se analizan los modelos existentes para gestionar a la creatividad organizacional, presentando las diferentes propuestas por distintos autores que han estudiado este fenómeno. Así mismo, este elemento de Creatividad Organizacional se deriva de un estudio doctoral en el que esta variable es considerada como el aporte a un nuevo modelo de gestión para el proceso de innovación en el desarrollo de nuevos productos para el sector de las PyMEs. El análisis de resultados y las conclusiones se presentan a partir de un estudio de 34 muestras a la industria de las tecnologías de la información en Nuevo León, México

    Gb3/cd77 Is a Predictive Marker and Promising Therapeutic Target for Head and Neck Cancer

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    Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is the sixth leading cancer in the world. This cancer is difficult to treat and is characterized by recurrences that are often fatal. This cancer is generally removed surgically, but it often regrows from the edges of the lesion from where most recurrences reappear. In this study, we have investigated if the expression of GB3 in human cell lines, tissues from patient biopsies, and a murine animal model could be used as an early and determinant marker of HNC. We found that in all the investigated systems, this marker appears in neoplastic cells from the very early stages of their malignant transformation. Our conclusions support the hypothesis that GB3 is a reliable and independent target for HNC identification and selective delivery of treatments. Furthermore, we show that the level of expression of this marker correlates with the degree of malignancy of the tumor. These studies suggest that GB3 may provide the basis for the early identification and new targeted therapies for head and neck cancer.Funding: This research was funded by ISCIII Projects ref. PI19/00349, DTS19/00033, co-funded by ERDF/ESF, “Investing in your future”; NanoBioApp Research Network (MINECO-17-MAT2016-81955-REDT), COST action Nano2Clinic CA17140, and IDIVAL for the INNVAL 19/12 and INNVAL20/13 projects

    La atención a la diversidad de los menores en conflicto con la ley Penal desde una visión integradora

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    Responder a las necesidades del mejoramiento profesional y humano atendiendo a la diversidad, es una de las exigencias de los sistemas educativos. Estudios internacionales realizados por diversos autores han demostrado preocupaciones por la atención a los menores que se encuentran en conflicto con la Ley. El objetivo de este trabajo se refiere a un estudio de revisión por diferentes profesionales del orbe, acerca de la atención que reciben los menores que se encuentran en conflicto con la ley penal, así como las causas que lo originan, líneas de trabajo y estrategias a desarrollar para su prevención y atención en todos los niveles desde la intersectorialidad

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia. Municipio de Valledupar y Corregimientos de Guaymaral y Media Luna.

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    Después de la revisión y el análisis de los contenidos propuestos, se realiza este trabajo con el fin de conocer y entender cada una de las historias y relatos de vida acaecidos por el conflicto armado en Colombia. De la misma manera se pretende dar a conocer el enfoque narrativo como una estrategia psicosocial de transformación, esta es una herramienta clave y muy valiosa en el trabajo de atención a víctimas del conflicto armado, evidenciando su utilidad a la hora de expresar sus historias, dificultades y experiencias vividas, a su vez se ven privilegiados la subjetividad y la intersubjetividad reflejadas en cada uno de estos relatos. Como eje de análisis se escogió el relato N°2 Camilo, en el cual se narran una serie de hechos violentos, donde se ve evidenciada la desigualdad y la injusticia como denominador de una serie de circunstancias vividas por el protagonista de la historia, en este relato se pueden resaltar varios sucesos, así como: la discriminación racial y su condición de desplazado, desarraigo de identidad, el miedo a ser reclutado forzosamente por grupos armados al margen de la ley, constantes amenazas hechas por estos grupos, el cual llevaron al protagonista de esta historia a desalojar sus tierras dejando atrás su familia y su vida. Después de lo expresado anteriormente se hace necesario indagar los factores psicosociales a intervenir teniendo en cuenta que la víctima se reconoce como un ser resiliente, capaz de superar y de enfrentar las dificultades mediante un proyecto de vida renovado. Por otra parte, se analiza la situación vivida en el caso Peñas Coloradas, en este se pretende identificar los impactos, las emociones surgidas frente a los hechos violentos y los emergentes psicosociales a partir de la irrupción a causa de grupos armados al margen de la ley, las estrategias a abordar frente a esta problemática permiten observar los eventos traumáticos desde una perspectiva psicológica, a partir de la técnica del análisis del relato, generando así una serie de reflexiones de acuerdo a su abordaje y a la vez proponer algunas estrategias de acompañamiento psicosocial.After review and analysis of the proposed contents, this work is carried with the final purpose to make known and understood each of the stories and life stories that happened for the armed conflict in Colombia. In the same way, the intention is given to know the narrative approach as a psychosocial strategy of transformation; this is a key and very valuable tool in the work of attention for the victims of the armed conflict, evidencing its usefulness when expressing their stories, difficulties and lived experiences at the same time, it they look privileged the subjectivity and intersubjectivity reflected in each of these stories. As axis of analysis the story was chosen N°2 Camilo, in which a series of violent acts are narrated, as the denominator of a series of circumstances experienced by the protagonist of the story, in this report several events can be highlighted, as well as: the racial discrimination and their status of displaced, identity disrooting, the fear of being forcibly recruited by armed groups outside the law, constants threats made by these groups which led the protagonist of this story to evict his land leaving behind his family and his life. After what was expressed, it is necessary to inquire the psychosocial factors to intervene taking too into account that the victim is recognized like a resilient being, capable of overcoming and dealing with difficulties through a renewed life project. On the other hand, It's analyzed the lived situation in the case Peñas Coloradas, in this it is intended to identify the impacts, the arise emotions in front to of violent acts and the emerging psychosocial events starting from the eruption because of armed groups outside the law, the strategies to be approach in front this troublesome it allow observing the traumatic events from a psychological perspective from the technique of the analysis of the story generating a series of reflections according to its approach and at the same time proposing some strategies for psychosocial accompaniment

    Dual PI3K/mTOR inhibition is required to effectively impair microenvironment survival signals in mantle cell lymphoma

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    Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway activation contributes to mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) pathogenesis and drug resistance. Antitumor activity has been observed with mTOR inhibitors. However, they have shown limited clinical efficacy in relation to drug activation of feedback loops. Selective PI3K inhibition or dual PI3K/mTOR catalytic inhibition are different therapeutic approaches developed to achieve effective pathway blockage. Here, we have performed a comparative analysis of the mTOR inhibitor everolimus, the pan-PI3K inhibitor NVP-BKM120 and the dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 in primary MCL cells. We found NVP-BEZ235 to be more powerful than everolimus or NVP-BKM120 in PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling inhibition, indicating that targeting the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway at multiple levels is likely to be a more effective strategy for the treatment of MCL than single inhibition of these kinases. Among the three drugs, NVP-BEZ235 induced the highest change in gene expression profile. Functional validation demonstrated that NVP-BEZ235 inhibited angiogenesis, migration and tumor invasiveness in MCL cells. NVP-BEZ235 was the only drug able to block IL4 and IL6/STAT3 signaling which compromise the therapeutic effect of chemotherapy in MCL. Our findings support the use of the dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor NVP-BEZ235 as a promising approach to interfere with the microenvironment-related processes in MCL

    Mortality Attributable to Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure in Spain in 2020

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    Introduction and objectives: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. The objective of this study was to estimate the impact of ETS exposure in Spain on mortality in 2020 in the population aged 35 years and over. Methods: A method of estimating attributable mortality (AM) based on the prevalence of ETS exposure was applied. Prevalence data were obtained from a representative study conducted in Spain and the relative risks were derived from a meta-analysis. AM point estimates are presented along with 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), calculated using a bootstrap naive procedure. AM, both overall and by smoking habit, was estimated for each combination of sex, age group, and cause of death (lung cancer and ischemic heart disease). A sensitivity analysis was performed. Results: A total of 747 (95% CI 676–825) deaths were attributable to ETS exposure, of which 279 (95% CI 256–306) were caused by lung cancer, and 468 (95% CI 417–523) by ischemic heart disease. Three quarters (75.1%) of AM occurred in men and 60.9% in non-smokers. When chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cerebrovascular disease are included, the burden of AM is estimated at 2242 deaths. Conclusions: ETS exposure is associated with 1.5% of all deaths from lung cancer and ischemic heart disease in the population aged 35 and over. These data underline the need for health authorities to focus on reducing exposure to ETS in all settings and environmentsInstituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), reference: PI22/00727, co-funded by the European UnionS

    Small-area models to assess the geographical distribution of tobacco consumption by sex and age in Spain

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    Introduction: Complete and accurate data on smoking prevalence at a local level would enable health authorities to plan context-dependent smoking interventions. However, national health surveys do not generally provide direct estimates of smoking prevalence by sex and age groups at the subnational level. This study uses a small-area model-based methodology to obtain precise estimations of smoking prevalence by sex, age group and region, from a population-based survey. Methods: The areas targeted for analysis consisted of 180 groups based on a combination of sex, age group (15-34, 35-54, 55-64, 65-74, and ≥75 years), and Autonomous Region. Data on tobacco use came from the 2017 Spanish National Health Survey (2017 SNHS). In each of the 180 groups, we estimated the prevalence of smokers (S), ex-smokers (ExS) and never smokers (NS), as well as their coefficients of variation (CV), using a weighted ratio estimator (direct estimator) and a multinomial logistic model with random area effects. Results: When smoking prevalence was estimated using the small-area model, the precision of direct estimates improved; the CV of S and ExS decreased on average by 26%, and those of NS by 25%. The range of S prevalence was 11-46% in men and 4-37% in women, excluding the group aged ≥75 years. Conclusions: This study proposes a methodology for obtaining reliable estimates of smoking prevalence in groups or areas not covered in the survey design. The model applied is a good alternative for enhancing the precision of estimates at a detailed level, at a much lower cost than that involved in conducting large-scale surveys. This method could be easily integrated into routine data processing of population health surveys. Having such estimates directly after completing a health survey would help characterize the tobacco epidemic and/or any other risk factor more precisely.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), reference: PI19/00288, co-funded by the European Union. The sponsors did not participate in the study in any way.S