21 research outputs found

    Efectividad de una intervención de asesoramiento en el plan de nacimiento en mujeres gestantes (APLANT)

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    [spa] ANTECEDENTES. El plan de nacimiento es un documento escrito en el que la mujer gestante expresa a los profesionales de la salud sus preferencias sobre el parto y tiene como objetivo facilitar la toma de decisiones de la mujer embarazada. El asesoramiento de las matronas a las mujeres durante el desarrollo de este es fundamental. Se desconoce el grado de la actividad educativa sobre el plan de nacimiento que reciben las mujeres por parte de las matronas, la entrega del plan de nacimiento que realizan las mujeres en el hospital y si un asesoramiento basado en la toma de decisiones compartida (TDC) del plan de nacimiento es efectivo. OBJETIVOS. Determinar la prevalencia de la actividad educativa sobre el plan de nacimiento que realizan las matronas, en el control prenatal de las mujeres e identificar la prevalencia de la entrega del plan de nacimiento que realizan las mujeres en el hospital y sus factores relacionados. Evaluar la efectividad de una actividad de asesoramiento, basado en la TDC, en la entrega del plan de nacimiento, información suficiente recibida, la satisfacción con la experiencia del parto y las preferencias sobre el parto y recién nacido. METODOLOGÍA. Se diseñaron dos estudios multicéntricos observacionales descriptivos de asociación cruzada en 5 unidades de Atención a la Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (ASSIR) y un ensayo clínico multicéntrico por clústeres y paralelo en 4 ASSIR del Institut de Català de la Salut (ICS) de Cataluña durante los años 2016 al 2019. En el ensayo clínico, 247 las mujeres del grupo experimental (GE) recibieron por parte de las matronas un asesoramiento del plan de nacimiento basado en la toma de decisiones compartida junto con un díptico con las recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia sobre el parto y recién nacido. Las 214 mujeres del grupo control (GC) recibieron el asesoramiento habitual de las matronas. La satisfacción con la experiencia del parto fue evaluada con la Escala Mackey de Satisfacción (MCSRS). El análisis de los datos se realizó con el programa SPSS 24.0 y se consideró para todas las variables un valor de p<0,05 como estadísticamente significativo, se determinó la razón de probabilidades y los intervalos de confianza IC 95%. RESULTADOS. La prevalencia de la actividad educativa que realizan las matronas a las mujeres gestantes durante el control prenatal fue del 86,9% (2.551 historias clínicas) y la media de las semanas de gestación en la que se realizó fue de 24,7 (DE=11,2; IC95% 24,3 a 25,2). Tener un menor número de partos (aOR=0,90; IC 95%: 0,81 a 0,98; p=0,021) y realizar el control prenatal en un centro determinado (aOR: 3,75; IC 95% 2,50 a 5,65; p<0,001) se relacionó con recibir la actividad educativa. En cambio, presentar un nivel de riesgo obstétrico “muy alto” se relacionó con no recibirla (aOR=0,57; IC 95%:0,38 a 0,86; p=0,007). De las 422 mujeres que rellenaron el plan de nacimiento el 51,2% (216) lo entregaron en el hospital y el motivo principal de no entrega fue porque las matronas no lo solicitaron 61,2% (126). Las mujeres que entregaron el plan de nacimiento utilizaron en mayor porcentaje métodos de alivio no farmacológicos 50,5% respecto al 38,8% que no lo entregaron; p=0,012 e iniciaron la lactancia materna en sala de partos en mayor porcentaje 82,4% respecto al 73,3%; p=0,024. En el ensayo clínico 416 mujeres parieron en el hospital de referencia, 223 (GE) y 193 (GC). La entrega del plan de nacimiento en el hospital fue inferior en el GE (57,8%) respecto al 75,1% del (GC); p<0,001 y pertenecer al GE se relacionó con una mayor probabilidad de no entregarlo (aOR=0,45; IC 95%: 0,29 a 0,70); p<0,001. La valoración de haber recibido información suficiente fue similar en los dos grupos: 95,1% (GE) y 94,8% (GC). La satisfacción con la experiencia con el parto se evaluó en 285 mujeres, 156 (GE) y 129 (GC) siendo la puntuación media de 150,2 en el (GE) y 153,5 en el (GC); p=0,224. En total 415 mujeres cumplimentaron los dos planes de nacimiento (pre y post intervención) y el porcentaje de cambios de las preferencias fue superior en el GE del 22,1% respecto al 14,6% del GC; p<0,001. CONCLUSIONES. Más de tres cuartas partes de las mujeres recibieron la actividad educativa sobre el plan de nacimiento y los factores relacionados para recibirla fueron tener un menor número de partos y recibir el control prenatal en un centro determinado, en cambio tener un riesgo obstétrico “muy alto” se relacionó con no recibir dicha actividad. La mitad de las mujeres entregaron el plan de nacimiento en el hospital y el principal motivo de no entregarlo fue porque las matronas no lo solicitaron. Las mujeres que entregaron el plan de nacimiento utilizaron con más frecuencia los métodos no farmacológicos para el alivio del dolor e iniciaron la lactancia materna en sala de partos. La intervención de asesoramiento basado en la toma de decisiones compartida no mejoró la entrega del plan de nacimiento en el hospital en contraste, sí fue efectiva en el cambio de las preferencias. Casi todas las mujeres recibieron información suficiente y la satisfacción con la experiencia del parto fue muy elevada en ambos grupos.[eng] BACKGROUND. The birth plan is a written document in which the pregnant woman expresses her preferences about childbirth to health professionals and it has as objective to facilitate the decision-making of the pregnant woman. The advice of midwives to pregnant women during the development of this birth plan is essential. It is unknown the degree of educational activity that women receive from midwives about the birth plan, the presentation of the birth plans those women carried out to the hospital, and whether counselling based on shared decision making of the birth plan is effective. OBJECTIVES. To determine the prevalence of educational activity on the birth plan carried out by midwives, in the women prenatal control and to identify the prevalence of the presentation of the birth plan carried out by women in the hospital and its related factors. To evaluate the effectiveness of a counselling activity based on the shared decision making with the presentation of the birth plan to the hospital, sufficient information received, the satisfaction with the childbirth experience and preferences about childbirth and the newborn. METHODOLOGY. Two observational descriptive cross-association multicenter studies were designed in 5 Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Services (ASSIR) units and a multicenter clinical trial by clusters and parallel in 4 ASSIR of the Catalan Health Institute (Institut Català de la Salut) of Catalonia during the years 2016 to 2019. In the clinical trial, 247 women in the experimental group (EG) received counselling from their midwives about the birth plan based on the shared decision making together with a leaflet with the evidence-based recommendations on childbirth and the newborn. The 214 women in the control group (CG) received the usual counselling from midwives. Satisfaction with the birth experience was assessed with the Mackey Childbirth Satisfaction Rating Scale (MCSRS). Data analysis was performed with the SPSS 24.0 program and a value of p<0.05 was considered statistically significant for all the variables. The odds ratio and the 95% confidence intervals (CI) were determined. RESULTS. The prevalence of the educational activity carried out by midwives to pregnant women during prenatal care was 86.9% (2,551 medical records) and the mean number of weeks of gestation in which it was carried out was 24.7 (SD= 11.2, 95% CI: 24.3 to 25.2). Having a lower number of births (aOR=0.90; 95% CI: 0.81 to 0.98; p=0.021) and performing prenatal care in a given center (aOR: 3.75%; 95 CI % 2.50 to 5.65; p<0.001) was related to receiving the educational activity. In contrast, presenting a "very high" level of obstetric risk was related to not receiving the educational activity (aOR=0.57: 95% CI: 0.38 to 0.86; p=0.007). Of the 422 women who filled out the birth plan, 51.2% (216) presented it to the hospital and the main reason for non-presentation was because the health professionals did not request it 61.2% (126). The women who presented the birth plan used a higher percentage of non-pharmacological pain relief methods 50.5% compared to 38.8% who did not present it; p=0.012 and started breastfeeding in the delivery room in a higher percentage 82.4% compared to 73.3%; p=0.024. In the clinical trial, 416 women gave birth in the reference hospital, 223 (EG) and 193 (CG). The presentation of the birth plan to the hospital was lower in the EG (57.8%) compared to 75.1% (CG); p<0.001 and belonging to the EG was related to a greater probability of not delivering it (aOR=0.45; 95% CI: 0.29 to 0.70); p<0.001. The assessment of having received sufficient information was 95.1% (EG) compared to 94,8% (CG) and similar in both groups. The satisfaction with the experience of childbirth was evaluated in 285 women, 156 (EG) and 129 (CG), with a mean of 150.2 in (EG) and 153.5 in (CG), p=0.224. A total of 415 women completed two birth plans (pre- post intervention) and the percentage of changes in preferences was higher in the EG (22.1%) compared to 14.6% in the CG; p<0.001. CONCLUSIONS. More than three quarters of the women received the birth plan education activity, and the related factors were having fewer births and receiving prenatal care at a particular center, while having a "very high" obstetric risk was related to not receiving the activity. Half of the women presented the birth plan to the hospital and the main reason for non- delivering it, was because the midwife did not request it. Women who presented the birth plan used non-pharmacological pain relief methods more frequently and started breastfeeding in the delivery room. The counseling intervention based on shared decision making did not improve presentation the birth plan to the hospital, in contrast was effective in the change of the preferences. Almost all women received sufficient information and satisfaction with the birth experience was very high in both groups

    Ka-band diplexer design based on half-mode groove gap waveguide

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    This paper shows the practical design of a Ka-band tuning-less diplexer in half-mode groove gap waveguide (HM-GGW) technology for multi-beam satellite applications. This new technology can be easily manufactured, since it lets the design of two separate metallic pieces: one for the cover with periodic pins, and another one for the half-groove gap waveguide structure. The proposed diplexer is composed of two bandpass HM-GGW filters, an H-plane T-junction and the corresponding transitions to the input/output WR28 rectangular ports. To illustrate how this technology can be applied, a prototype has been successfully fabricated, showing in-band measured return and insertion losses of 21 dB and 0.87 dB in the lower band, 16 dB and 0.86 dB in the upper band, and a good isolation level (better than 32.5 dB) in the whole operational frequency range.This work was supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, through the Sub-Projects C43 and C41 of the Coordinated Projects PID2022-136590OB, and by theUniversity of Alicante under the project GRE20–06 A

    Birth plan presentation to hospitals and its relation to obstetric outcomes and selected pain relief methods during childbirth

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    Background: The information on birth plan (BP) usage in Spanish hospitals is scant. Aim: To identify the percentage of pregnant women presenting a BP at five hospitals in Spain, the reasons why some women failed to do so and how BP presentation relates to obstetric outcomes and selected pain relief methods. Methods: In this descriptive, multi-centre study, data were retrospectively collected. During the postpartum visits at primary healthcare centres in various health districts in Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain), a data collection sheet about obstetric outcomes and analgesia was administered to 432 mothers who had completed a BP during their pregnancies. The main outcome was the rate of BP presentation to the hospital. The sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics and pain relief measures were compared to identify any differences between mothers who presented a BP and those who did not. Results: A total of 422 (99.7%) women were studied; 51.2% of women (95% confidence interval (CI): 46.4-55.9) had presented a BP. The main reason for not presenting a BP was because the hospital midwives did not request them (61.2%). No differences were observed in BP presentation according to age, the country of origin, education, employment or hospital. Mothers who presented a BP were more likely to start breastfeeding in the birthing room (82.4% vs. 73.3%; p = 0.024). Epidural analgesia was the most common method used for pain relief (88.9%), and women who presented a BP attempted to use concomitant non-pharmacological methods more often (50.5% vs. 38.8%; p = 0.012). Conclusion: Almost half of the mothers failed to present a BP, usually because midwives did not request it

    Actividad educativa sobre el plan de nacimiento en el control prenatal: factores relacionados

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    Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de la actividad educativa (AE) sobre el Plan de Nacimiento (PN) que realizan las matronas en el control prenatal de las gestantes y averiguar las semanas de gestación (SG) en que se efectúa, e identificar los factores asociados a la realización de la AE sobre el PN. Material y métodos: Estudio multicéntrico, descriptivo, transversal, de asociación cruzada. La población de estudio estuvo compuesta por 3.749 gestantes atendidas en 5 unidades de Atención a la Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (ASSIR) del Instituto Catalán de la Salud (ICS) entre 2015 y 2016 en Barcelona. Las principales variables fueron la AE sobre el PN, las SG en que se efectúa y si se realiza >24 SG, según el estándar de calidad del ICS. Los datos procedían de la historia clínica informatizada; se volcaron anonimizados en una hoja Excel, se analizaron con el programa SPSS 24.0 y se efectuó un análisis descriptivo e inferencial. Resultados: Se excluyeron 812 (21,7%) gestantes y se evaluaron 2.937 (78,3%). La prevalencia de entrega del PN fue del 86,9% (n= 2.551; intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%: 85,6-88,1). La media de SG fue de 24,7 (IC del 95%: 24,3-25,2) y se realizó AE a partir de las 24 SG en el 64,5% (n= 1.598) de las gestantes. Tener un menor número de partos es un factor independiente para recibir AE sobre el PN (odds ratio [OR]= 0,90); por el contrario, tener un nivel de riesgo obstétrico «muy alto» es un factor independiente para no recibirla (OR= 0,57). Las ASSIR con mayor prevalencia de AE sobre el PN tienen menor cumplimiento del estándar de calidad del ICS. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de realización de la AE sobre el PN es elevada. Cerca de dos tercios de las gestantes reciben la AE a partir de las 24 SG, pero hay una gran variabilidad según la ASSIR

    Evaluación continua del curso 2º del Grado en Sonido e Imagen en Telecomunicación de la EPS

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    La evaluación en los grados según el EEES se realiza de forma continua en todas las asignaturas del curso. Desde la implantación de los grados, esta evaluación continua ha sido criticada por la carga de trabajo que supone tanto para el estudiante como el profesorado. En este sentido, hace unos años realizamos un proyecto colaborativo para la realización del calendario de evaluación continua por curso académico. Dicho calendario mostraba las evaluaciones y controles que se realizan en las asignaturas de cada curso y cada semestre, sin tener en cuenta las prácticas. Sin embargo, las actividades de evaluación han ido cambiando y en ocasiones no se detallan en la guía docente con el detalle adecuado, lo que no permite disponer de un calendario de evaluación real del curso. Por tanto, el objetivo de este proyecto ha sido coordinar todas las evaluaciones, controles, y actividades obligatorias o voluntarias de evaluación de todas las asignaturas del segundo curso de la titulación

    Effectiveness of Fosfomycin for the Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infections

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    IMPORTANCE The consumption of broad-spectrum drugs has increased as a consequence of the spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Escherichia coli. Finding alternatives for these infections is critical, for which some neglected drugs may be an option. OBJECTIVE To determine whether fosfomycin is noninferior to ceftriaxone or meropenem in the targeted treatment of bacteremic urinary tract infections (bUTIs) due to MDR E coli. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This multicenter, randomized, pragmatic, open clinical trial was conducted at 22 Spanish hospitals from June 2014 to December 2018. Eligible participants were adult patients with bacteremic urinary tract infections due to MDR E coli; 161 of 1578 screened patients were randomized and followed up for 60 days. Data were analyzed in May 2021. INTERVENTIONS Patients were randomized 1 to 1 to receive intravenous fosfomycin disodium at 4 g every 6 hours (70 participants) or a comparator (ceftriaxone or meropenem if resistant; 73 participants) with the option to switch to oral fosfomycin trometamol for the fosfomycin group or an active oral drug or pa renteral ertapenem for the comparator group after 4 days. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was clinical and microbiological cure (CMC) 5 to 7 days after finalization of treatment; a noninferiority margin of 7% was considered. RESULTS Among 143 patients in the modified intention-to-treat population (median [IQR] age, 72 [62-81] years; 73 [51.0%] women), 48 of 70 patients (68.6%) treated with fosfomycin and 57 of 73 patients (78.1%) treated with comparators reached CMC (risk difference, -9.4 percentage points; 1-sided 95% CI, -21.5 to infinity percentage points; P = .10). While clinical or microbiological failure occurred among 10 patients (14.3%) treated with fosfomycin and 14 patients (19.7%) treated with comparators (risk difference, -5.4 percentage points; 1-sided 95% CI. -infinity to 4.9; percentage points; P = .19), an increased rate of adverse event-related discontinuations occurred with fosfomycin vs comparators (6 discontinuations [8.5%] vs 0 discontinuations; P = .006). In an exploratory analysis among a subset of 38 patients who underwent rectal colonization studies, patients treated with fosfomycin acquired a new ceftriaxone-resistant or meropenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria at a decreased rate compared with patients treated with comparators (0 of 21 patients vs 4 of 17 patients [23.5%]; 1-sided P = .01). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This study found that fosfomycin did not demonstrate noninferiority to comparators as targeted treatment of bUTI from MDR E coli; this was due to an increased rate of adverse event-related discontinuations. This finding suggests that fosfomycin may be considered for selected patients with these infections

    Effectiveness of an intervention for improving drug prescription in primary care patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy:Study protocol of a cluster randomized clinical trial (Multi-PAP project)

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias ISCIII (Grant Numbers PI15/00276, PI15/00572, PI15/00996), REDISSEC (Project Numbers RD12/0001/0012, RD16/0001/0005), and the European Regional Development Fund ("A way to build Europe").Background: Multimorbidity is associated with negative effects both on people's health and on healthcare systems. A key problem linked to multimorbidity is polypharmacy, which in turn is associated with increased risk of partly preventable adverse effects, including mortality. The Ariadne principles describe a model of care based on a thorough assessment of diseases, treatments (and potential interactions), clinical status, context and preferences of patients with multimorbidity, with the aim of prioritizing and sharing realistic treatment goals that guide an individualized management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex intervention that implements the Ariadne principles in a population of young-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. The intervention seeks to improve the appropriateness of prescribing in primary care (PC), as measured by the medication appropriateness index (MAI) score at 6 and 12months, as compared with usual care. Methods/Design: Design:pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial. Unit of randomization: family physician (FP). Unit of analysis: patient. Scope: PC health centres in three autonomous communities: Aragon, Madrid, and Andalusia (Spain). Population: patients aged 65-74years with multimorbidity (≥3 chronic diseases) and polypharmacy (≥5 drugs prescribed in ≥3months). Sample size: n=400 (200 per study arm). Intervention: complex intervention based on the implementation of the Ariadne principles with two components: (1) FP training and (2) FP-patient interview. Outcomes: MAI score, health services use, quality of life (Euroqol 5D-5L), pharmacotherapy and adherence to treatment (Morisky-Green, Haynes-Sackett), and clinical and socio-demographic variables. Statistical analysis: primary outcome is the difference in MAI score between T0 and T1 and corresponding 95% confidence interval. Adjustment for confounding factors will be performed by multilevel analysis. All analyses will be carried out in accordance with the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: It is essential to provide evidence concerning interventions on PC patients with polypharmacy and multimorbidity, conducted in the context of routine clinical practice, and involving young-old patients with significant potential for preventing negative health outcomes. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02866799Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    CARB-ES-19 Multicenter Study of Carbapenemase-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli From All Spanish Provinces Reveals Interregional Spread of High-Risk Clones Such as ST307/OXA-48 and ST512/KPC-3

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    ObjectivesCARB-ES-19 is a comprehensive, multicenter, nationwide study integrating whole-genome sequencing (WGS) in the surveillance of carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae (CP-Kpn) and E. coli (CP-Eco) to determine their incidence, geographical distribution, phylogeny, and resistance mechanisms in Spain.MethodsIn total, 71 hospitals, representing all 50 Spanish provinces, collected the first 10 isolates per hospital (February to May 2019); CPE isolates were first identified according to EUCAST (meropenem MIC &gt; 0.12 mg/L with immunochromatography, colorimetric tests, carbapenem inactivation, or carbapenem hydrolysis with MALDI-TOF). Prevalence and incidence were calculated according to population denominators. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed using the microdilution method (EUCAST). All 403 isolates collected were sequenced for high-resolution single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing, core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST), and resistome analysis.ResultsIn total, 377 (93.5%) CP-Kpn and 26 (6.5%) CP-Eco isolates were collected from 62 (87.3%) hospitals in 46 (92%) provinces. CP-Kpn was more prevalent in the blood (5.8%, 50/853) than in the urine (1.4%, 201/14,464). The cumulative incidence for both CP-Kpn and CP-Eco was 0.05 per 100 admitted patients. The main carbapenemase genes identified in CP-Kpn were blaOXA–48 (263/377), blaKPC–3 (62/377), blaVIM–1 (28/377), and blaNDM–1 (12/377). All isolates were susceptible to at least two antibiotics. Interregional dissemination of eight high-risk CP-Kpn clones was detected, mainly ST307/OXA-48 (16.4%), ST11/OXA-48 (16.4%), and ST512-ST258/KPC (13.8%). ST512/KPC and ST15/OXA-48 were the most frequent bacteremia-causative clones. The average number of acquired resistance genes was higher in CP-Kpn (7.9) than in CP-Eco (5.5).ConclusionThis study serves as a first step toward WGS integration in the surveillance of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in Spain. We detected important epidemiological changes, including increased CP-Kpn and CP-Eco prevalence and incidence compared to previous studies, wide interregional dissemination, and increased dissemination of high-risk clones, such as ST307/OXA-48 and ST512/KPC-3

    Effectiveness of birth plan counselling based on shared decision making: A cluster randomized controlled trial (APLANT)

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    Background: It's unknown if shared decision making (SDM) is effective on birth plan (BP) counselling. We evaluate the effectiveness of a BP counselling intervention based on SDM, in pregnant women, with the presentation of BP to the hospital and the satisfaction with the childbirth experience. To identify if the BP presentation to the hospital was related to obstetric outcomes and satisfaction with the childbirth experience. Methods This was a randomised cluster trial involving 4 Primary Care Units. During pregnancy the women in the intervention group (IG) received BP counselling based on SDM together with a leaflet with evidence-based recommendations. The control group (CG) received standard midwife counselling. Mackey Satisfaction with Childbirth Rating Scale (MSCRS) was used. Findings A total of 461 (95.5%) women received BP counselling (IG n=214 and CG n=247). The results showed women of the IG presented the BP less frequently to the hospital compared to CG (57.8% vs 75.1%; p <0.001), the satisfaction with childbirth experience of the IG was high and similar to the CG (146.3 vs 149.3; p=0.247). Likewise, the IG used less analgesia epidural (84.7% vs 91.7%; p= 0.034), more frequently combined non-pharmacological and pharmacological methods for pain relief (48.8% vs 29.3%; p< 0.001) and began breastfeeding early (83.9% vs 66.3%; p< 0.001). Women who presented BP had a greater probability of spontaneous vaginal birth aOR=2.07 (95% CI: 1.23-3.5) and early skin-to-skin contact aOR=2.29 (95% CI: 1.2- 4.2). Conclusion: This counselling intervention was not effective in increasing presentation of the BP to the hospital and women's satisfaction with childbirth but was related to use a higher combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods for pain relief and initiation of breastfeeding in the delivery room. Presenting the BP to the hospital increases the likelihood of spontaneous vaginal birth and early skin-to-skin contact

    Análisis de la dedicación al TFG/TFM en titulaciones reguladas con atribuciones profesionales de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación

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    Las asignaturas Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) y Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) forman parte, con carácter obligatorio, del plan de estudios de los nuevos títulos en el EEES. En el caso de los títulos regulados por orden ministerial con atribuciones profesionales, el objetivo de estas asignaturas viene dado por Orden Ministerial. En concreto, este proyecto se centra en las titulaciones con atribuciones profesionales de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación y pretende continuar el trabajo realizado en una red anterior [1]. Se pretende recopilar más información sobre el tiempo presencial y no presencial dedicado por los estudiantes a las asignaturas, para diferentes temáticas de TFG/TFM, y del tiempo presencial y no presencial dedicado por los tutores, que permita un análisis útil en relación a la carga en estas asignaturas. Se desarrollarán procedimientos adecuados para recopilar toda información de interés en relación con las asignaturas TFG/TFM, dado que son asignaturas de particular importancia para la Universidad y las empresas, y es uno de los puntos de valoración de los sellos europeos de acreditación de las titulaciones