41 research outputs found

    Analysis of heat and smoke propagation and oscillatory flow through ceiling vents in a large-scale compartment fire

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    One question that often arises is whether a specialized code or a more general code may be equally suitable for fire modeling. This paper investigates the performance and capabilities of a specialized code (FDS) and a general-purpose code (FLUENT) to simulate a fire in the commercial area of an underground intermodal transportation station. In order to facilitate a more precise comparison between the two codes, especially with regard to ventilation issues, the number of factors that may affect the fire evolution is reduced by simplifying the scenario and the fire model. The codes are applied to the same fire scenario using a simplified fire model, which considers a source of mass, heat and species to characterize the fire focus, and whose results are also compared with those obtained using FDS and a combustion model. An oscillating behavior of the fire-induced convective heat and mass fluxes through the natural vents is predicted, whose frequency compares well with experimental results for the ranges of compartment heights and heat release rates considered. The results obtained with the two codes for the smoke and heat propagation patterns and convective fluxes through the forced and natural ventilation systems are discussed and compared to each other. The agreement is very good for the temperature and species concentration distributions and the overall flow pattern, whereas appreciable discrepancies are only found in the oscillatory behavior of the fire-induced convective heat and mass fluxes through the natural vents. The relative performance of the codes in terms of central processing unit (CPU) time consumption is also discussed.This research was funded by Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid, grant number OTRI-FUNED 5510003256. The support of the Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid is gratefully acknowledged

    Evaluation of physichochemical parameters influencing bulking episodes in a municipal wastewater treatment plant

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    A study of physicochemical parameters in a municipal wastewater treatment plant was undertaken to consider the presence of bulking phenomena by means of statistical and logistic regression analyses. There appears to be an important effect on activated sludge settleability that can be related to the temperature of wastewater. Besides, there were significant differences between the percentage of nitrogen removal from the secondary treatment with the season. The SVI increased with conductivity, meanwhile BOD5 removal decreased with this parameter. The development of logistic regression models identified two statistically significant variables that appeared to be important to the contribution of a higher SVI: season and pH

    Commercial gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) from the Mar Menor coastal lagoon as hotspots of microplastic accumulation in the digestive system

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    This paper presents the results on the presence and characterization of microplastics (MP) in the gastrointestinal tract of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.), a species of commercial interest from the Mar Menor coastal lagoon in Southeast Spain. This is the first time that microplastic ingestion is recorded in any species from this semi-enclosed bay. Stomach and intestine from a total of 17 specimens captured by local fishermen were processed, and microplastic particles and fibers found in all of them were displayed. Overall, 40.32% (279/692) of total isolated microparticles proved to be microplastics; i.e., <5 mm, as identified by FTIR spectroscopy. The average value by fish was 20.11 _ 2.94 MP kg1, corresponding to average concentrations of 3912.06 _ 791.24 and 1562.17 _ 402.04 MP by kg stomach and intestine, respectively. Four MP forms were isolated: fiber (71.68%), fragment (21.15%), film (6.81%), and microbead (0.36%), with sizes ranging from 91 _m to 5 mm, an average of 0.83 _ 0.04 mm, and no statistically significant differences between mean sizes in stomach and intestine samples (F-test = 0.004; p = 0.936). Nine polymer types were detected, although most of fibers remained unidentified because of their small size, the presence of polymer additives, or closely adhered pollutants despite the oxidizing digestion carried out to eliminate organic matter. No significant correlation was found between main biological parameters and ingested microplastics, and high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polyethylene polypropylene (PEP), and polyvinyl (PV) were identified as the most abundant polymers. The average microplastic ingestion in this study area was higher than those reported in most studies within the Mediterranean Sea, and closely related to microplastic pollution in the surrounding area, although with a predominance of fiber form mainly due to fishery activities.This work was financed by Project 5345/18IQA (Technical University of Cartagena). Analyses carried out by Sonia Olmos were supported by a grant from Fundación Séneca (20268/FPI/17)

    First evidence of microplastics isolated in European citizens’ lower airway

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    Microplastics (MPs) have been detected in all environmental locations, including the atmosphere. However, few studies have investigated the presence of airborne MPs in the human respiratory system. Our research purpose was to investigate these pollutants in the lower human airways of 44 adult European citizens, using bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) collection as a minimally invasive method, that enables the detection of these pollutants in living patients. We studied the relationship between the patients’ life habits and physiological parameters, based on background information and medical and occupational history, and the concentration of MPs isolated from their respiratory systems. Our results indicate that most MPs were in the form of microfibers (MFs) (97.06%), with an average concentration of 9.18 ± 2.45 items/100 mL BALF, and only 5.88% (0.57 ± 0.27 items/100 mL BALF) were particulate MPs, without a significant relationship with environmental, physiological, or clinical factors. The average size was 1.73 ± 0.15 mm, with the longest dimension (9.96 mm) corresponding to a polyacrylic fiber. Taken together, the results demonstrated the occurrence of MPs in the lower human airway, although more studies are necessary to elucidate the negative effects these pollutants could induce in the human respiratory system and its associated diseases.We wish to express our sincere appreciation to José V. Navarro for safe BALF samples transportation form HGUE to UPCT and back, as well as to the HGUE Pneumology Service, particularly to Sandra Ruiz, Lucía Zamora, Maria José Soler, Asunción Guillén, and Carmen María Vidal for their help in BALF samples collection and investigation support. This work was finacially supported by grant 20268/FPI/17 from Fundación Séneca assigned to Dra. Sonia Olmos, as well as by Project Number 6627/21IQA signed between FISABIO and Technical University of Cartagena, with financial help from Sociedad Valenciana de Neumología

    Azotobacter chroococcum y Azospirillum lipoferum como bioestimulantes en cultivo de Ipomoea batatas Lam.

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    Introducción. La utilización excesiva de fertilizantes nitrogenados en cultivos de batata contribuye con la contaminación de los ecosistemas, para disminuir este efecto y mejorar la productividad del cultivo, la incorporación, de rizobacterias promotoras de crecimiento vegetal (PGPRs, por sus siglas en inglés) en las estrategias de manejo del cultivo, constituyen una herramienta sostenible. Objetivo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue incorporar las cepas bacterianas Azotobacter chroococcum IBCR19 y Azospirillum lipoferum IBSC7 en la fertilización nitrogenada y evaluar su efecto en el rendimiento y composición bromatológica de las raíces tuberosas de batata (Ipomoea batatasLam). Materiales y métodos. El estudio se realizó en el municipio de Corozal (Sucre, Colombia), durante los meses de junio a octubre del 2017. Se utilizó un área experimental de 840 m2, donde se establecieron veinticuatro parcelas con esquejes apicales de la accesión 15020078, distribuidas bajo un diseño completamente aleatorizado con arreglo factorial aumentado (3x2+2). Se evaluó materia seca radicular, rendimiento y composición bromatológica de las raíces de batata.Resultados. El rendimiento fresco y de materia seca radicular presentó diferencias significativas (p≤0,05) entre lostratamientos, en donde la aplicación de A. chroococcum IBCR19 y un 75 % de fertilización nitrogenada alcanzó los mayores valores medios de rendimiento y materia seca radicular 12,18 t.ha-1 y 2,92 t.ha-1, respectivamente. De igualforma, las concentraciones de proteína y extracto etéreo difirieron significativamente (p≤0,05) entre los tratamientosinoculados con relación al testigo absoluto. Conclusión. Con base en los resultados obtenidos se puede inferir que la inoculación con A. chroococcum IBCR19 logró reducir en un 25 % los niveles de fertilización nitrogenada y constituye una cepa promisoria como bioestimulante

    Blood Biomarker Panels for the Early Prediction of Stroke‐Associated Complications

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    Background Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) and respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are potentially life-threatening complications in patients experiencing stroke during hospitalization. We aimed to test whether blood biomarker panels might predict these complications early after admission. Methods and Results Nine hundred thirty-eight patients experiencing ischemic stroke were prospectively recruited in the Stroke-Chip study. Post-stroke complications during hospitalization were retrospectively evaluated. Blood samples were drawn within 6 hours after stroke onset, and 14 biomarkers were analyzed by immunoassays. Biomarker values were normalized using log-transformation and Z score. PanelomiX algorithm was used to select panels with the best accuracy for predicting ADHF and RTI. Logistic regression models were constructed with the clinical variables and the biomarker panels. The additional predictive value of the panels compared with the clinical model alone was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic curves. An internal validation through a 10-fold cross-validation with 3 repeats was performed. ADHF and RTI occurred in 19 (2%) and 86 (9.1%) cases, respectively. Three-biomarker panels were developed as predictors: vascular adhesion protein-1 >5.67, NT-proBNP (N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide) >4.98 and d-dimer >5.38 (sensitivity, 89.5%; specificity, 71.7%) for ADHF; and interleukin-6 >3.97, von Willebrand factor >3.67, and d-dimer >4.58 (sensitivity, 82.6%; specificity, 59.8%) for RTI. Both panels independently predicted stroke complications (panel for ADHF: odds ratio [OR] [95% CI], 10.1 [3-52.2]; panel for RTI: OR, 3.73 [1.95-7.14]) after adjustment by clinical confounders. The addition of the panel to clinical predictors significantly improved areas under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic curves in both cases. Conclusions Blood biomarkers could be useful for the early prediction of ADHF and RTI. Future studies should assess the usefulness of these panels in front of patients experiencing stroke with respiratory symptoms such as dyspnea

    Curso Sistema Político Español (formato power point)

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    Material elaborado en el marco del proyecto de tipo NOU-PID “Docencia adaptada a formato on line de la asignatura Sistema Político Español”, coordinado por el profesor Joaquín Martín Cubas, de las convocatorias del PID Programa de Innovación Docente de la Universitat de València (2020-21) con referencia UV-SFPIE_PID-1353413. El proyecto está enfocado a la elaboración de material y diseño de estrategias para la docencia virtual y la evaluación en línea. Entre sus objetivos se encuentra el diseño de materiales docentes innovadores y entornos de aprendizaje y evaluación en formato on line: audiovisuales, powers, enlaces, prácticas, autoevaluación y foros o webinars.Cada uno de los 22 temas en los que se ha dividido el temario de la asignatura Sistema Político Español se han depositado en abierto en el Repositorio de la Universitat de València en sus tres formatos: Texto, PowerPoint y Grabación audiovisual, siendo sus contenidos responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores firmantes de cada tema. El texto, además del desarrollo del contenido de cada tema, dispone de Bibliografía específica, Enlaces on line de interés, una Sugerencia de Práctica y un Test de autoevaluación con cinco o seis preguntas, cada una de las cuales tiene cuatro respuestas posibles de la cual solo una es correcta.Each of the 22 topics into which the syllabus of the subject Spanish Political System has been divided have been deposited openly in the Repository of the University of València in its three formats: Text, PowerPoint and Audiovisual recording, their contents being the sole responsibility of the signing authors of each topic. The text, in addition to the development of the content of each topic, it has specific Bibliography, on-line links of interest, a Practice Suggestion and a self-evaluation test with five or six questions, each of which has four possible answers from the which only one is correct

    A nationwide monitoring of atmospheric microplastic deposition

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    8 Pág.Plastic production continues to increase every year, yet it is widely acknowledged that a significant portion of this material ends up in ecosystems as microplastics (MPs). Among all the environmental compartments affected by MPs, the atmosphere remains the least well-known. Here, we conducted a one-year simultaneous monitoring of atmospheric MPs deposition in ten urban areas, each with different population sizes, economic activities, and climates. The objective was to assess the role of the atmosphere in the fate of MPs by conducting a nationwide quantification of atmospheric MP deposition. To achieve this, we deployed collectors in ten different urban areas across continental Spain and the Canary Islands. We implemented a systematic sampling methodology with rigorous quality control/quality assurance, along with particle-oriented identification and quantification of anthropogenic particle deposition, which included MPs and industrially processed natural fibres. Among the sampled MPs, polyester fibres were the most abundant, followed by acrylic polymers, polypropylene, and alkyd resins. Their equivalent sizes ranged from 22 μm to 398 μm, with a median value of 71 μm. The particle size distribution of MPs showed fewer large particles than expected from a three-dimensional fractal fragmentation pattern, which was attributed to the higher mobility of small particles, especially fibres. The atmospheric deposition rate of MPs ranged from 5.6 to 78.6 MPs m-2 day-1, with the higher values observed in densely populated areas such as Barcelona and Madrid. Additionally, we detected natural polymers, mostly cellulosic fibres with evidence of industrial processing, with a deposition rate ranging from 6.4 to 58.6 particles m-2 day-1. There was a positive correlation was found between the population of the study area and the median of atmospheric MP deposition, supporting the hypothesis that urban areas act as sources of atmospheric MPs. Our study presents a systematic methodology for monitoring atmospheric MP deposition.The authors acknowledge the support provided by Spanish Network of Plastics in the Environment, EnviroPlaNet (www.enviroplanet.net) and the financial support provided by the Spanish Government, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, grants PID2020-113769RB-C21/C22. The authors would like to thank the Interdepartmental Investigation Research Service of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (SIDI-UAM and Segainvex) for the use of their infrastructures and their technical support. J.G.S. thanks ACIISI for the contract from the Viera y Clavijo program at the University of La Laguna (85 % co-financed by the European Social Fund).Peer reviewe

    PATJ Low Frequency Variants Are Associated with Worse Ischemic Stroke Functional Outcome: A Genome-Wide Meta-Analysis

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    RATIONALE: Ischemic stroke is among the leading causes of adult disability. Part of the variability in functional outcome after stroke has been attributed to genetic factors but no locus has been consistently associated with stroke outcome. OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to identify genetic loci influencing the recovery process using accurate phenotyping to produce the largest GWAS (genome-wide association study) in ischemic stroke recovery to date. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 12-cohort, 2-phase (discovery-replication and joint) meta-analysis of GWAS included anterior-territory and previously independent ischemic stroke cases. Functional outcome was recorded using 3-month modified Rankin Scale. Analyses were adjusted for confounders such as discharge National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. A gene-based burden test was performed. The discovery phase (n=1225) was followed by open (n=2482) and stringent joint-analyses (n=1791). Those cohorts with modified Rankin Scale recorded at time points other than 3-month or incomplete data on previous functional status were excluded in the stringent analyses. Novel variants in PATJ (Pals1-associated tight junction) gene were associated with worse functional outcome at 3-month after stroke. The top variant was rs76221407 (G allele, β=0.40, P=1.70×10-9). CONCLUSIONS: Our results identify a set of common variants in PATJ gene associated with 3-month functional outcome at genome-wide significance level. Future studies should examine the role of PATJ in stroke recovery and consider stringent phenotyping to enrich the information captured to unveil additional stroke outcome loci

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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