825 research outputs found

    Tendencias actuales sobre estrategias para la inclusión educativa de alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA)

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    The main objective of this work is to identify studies related to the educational inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Childhood and Primary Education, paying special attention to the publications generated in the last decade (2010 - 2020). To do this, a systematic review was carried out in the Web Of Science (WoS) database, with the following descriptors: "autism, inclusion and education". A total of 309 references were obtained, of which only 24 fit the selection criteria. The results obtained are structured around the following five categories: Analysis of interventions with students with ASD; Good practices aimed at teachers with students with ASD; Curricular adaptation processes of students with ASD; Analysis of the training needs of professorship; Generic processes of educational inclusion. Most of the investigations conclude that it is important to work based on the interests of the students and verify the lack of teacher training in terms of inclusive practices and knowledge about ASD.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal, identificar los estudios relacionados con la inclusión educativa del alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo (TEA) en Educación Infantil y Primaria, prestando especial atención a las publicaciones generadas en la década 2010 - 2020. Para ello, se realizó una revisión sistemática en la base de datos Web Of Science (WoS), con los siguientes descriptores: “autismo, inclusión y educación”. Se obtuvieron un total de 309 referencias, de las cuales solamente 24 se adaptan a los criterios de selección. Los resultados obtenidos se estructuran en torno a las siguientes cinco categorías: Análisis de intervenciones con alumnado con TEA; Buenas prácticas dirigidas a docentes con alumnado con TEA; Procesos de adaptación curricular del alumnado con TEA; Análisis de las necesidades formativas del profesorado; Procesos genéricos de inclusión educativa. La mayor parte de las investigaciones concluyen que es importante trabajar a partir de los intereses del alumnado y constatan la falta de formación docente en cuanto a prácticas inclusivas y conocimiento sobre el TEA

    K. El imaginario de Franz Kafka

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    En las artes, la literatura y la arquitectura hay temas que se tratan de forma interdisciplinar por su importancia e impacto en la sociedad y en el pensamiento. El sujeto ha sido su caso de estudio en numerosas ocasiones, debido al interés que brinda un estudio sobre el inconsciente del individuo, un estudio, en definitiva, sobre uno mismo. La exploración de Franz Kafka sobre el sujeto se ve reflejada no solo en su lenguaje literario, sino también en su lenguaje arquitectónico. Todo recurso utilizado en sus obras trabaja en perfecta armonía para crear un imaginario narrativo y espacial que acerca al lector a una comprensión de lo que para el escritor eran la naturaleza y las tribulaciones del sujeto. Para entender el origen teórico del imaginario de Franz Kafka se analizan los conceptos filosóficos en las obras de Arthur Schopenhauer y Friedrich Nietzsche, dos filósofos que indagan en la implicaciones existenciales, estéticas y morales del sujeto. Siendo una influencia para el escritor, sirven como punto de partida para muchos de los temas en sus obras, especialmente en El proceso y El castillo, donde se exponen temas como el poder institucional o judicial o el tormento que sufre el individuo, los cuales quedan plasmados en la arquitectura que les acompaña. Este trabajo, entonces, es una exploración de las temáticas y arquitecturas en la obra del proceso y el castillo, hecha a través de la filosofía expuesta por Arthur Schopenhauer y Friedrich Nietzsche.In the arts, literature and architecture there are topics that are dealt with in an interdisciplinary way due to their importance and impact on society and thought. The subconscious has been their case study on numerous occasions, due to the interest offered by a study on the unconscious of the individual, a study, in short, on oneself. Franz Kafka’s exploration of the subject is reflected not only in his literary language, but also in his architectural language. Every resource used in his works works in perfect harmony to create a narrative and spatial imagery that brings the reader closer to an understanding of what the nature and tribulations of the subject were for the writer. In order to understand the theoretical origin of Franz Kafka’s imaginary, the philosophical concepts in the works of Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche, two philosophers who investigate the existential, aesthetic and moral implications of the subject, are analyzed. Being an influence for the writer, they serve as a starting point for many of the themes in his works, especially in The Trial and The Castle, where themes such as institutional or judicial power or the torment suffered by the individual are exposed, which remain embodied in the architecture that accompanies them. The following work is an exploration of the themes and architectures in the work of the process and the castle, made through the philosophy expounded by Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche

    Development and validation of the Adolescent Sexting Scale (A-SextS) with a Spanish sample

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    'Sexting' is generally defined as the exchange of sexual media content via the internet. However, research on this topic has underscored the need to seek greater consensus when considering different conceptual elements that make up this definition. The aim of this study was to develop and validate an instrument for measuring sexting among adolescents, in order to cover a gap identified in the previous literature. The Adolescent Sexting Scale (A-SextS for short) was developed for validation on a sample of 579 Spanish secondary school pupils between the ages of 11 and 18. Evidence for face, content, concurrent, and criterion validity were assessed. A comprehensive set of 64 items, covering six defining characteristics of sexting (e.g., actions, recipient, media format, degree of sexual explicitness), was constructed after conducting an extensive literature review, two discussion groups, and a pilot study. Sexting prevalence rates measured by A-SextS were mostly concurrent with those found in previous studies. A-SextS subscales produced statistically significant positive associations with pornography consumption and physical sexual intercourse. The study shows that A-SextS can be an integrating instrument that facilitates a rigorous and comprehensive assessment of adolescent sexting experiences, as well as the formulation of an operationalized definition of the practice of sextin


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    La Educación Ambiental debe de ser enseñada a las primeras generaciones por la importancia del cuidado, respeto y conservación de la naturaleza y poder realizar un Turismo Sostenible. Para ello, se crean dos proyectos en Maluenda, unidos entre sí. Una ruta para la Educación Ambiental con niños, donde realizar diferentes actividades relacionadas con la Educación Ambiental. Y un folleto para conocer la zona, las principales especies que existen, conocimientos de la ruta y recomendaciones y prohibiciones del lugar.<br /

    (Un)Broken: Lateral violence among hospital nurses, user violence, burnout, and general health: A structural equation modeling analysis

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    Introduction Workplace violence is a social problem yet to be solved. Although it is present in virtually all work environments, its prevalence in healthcare settings stands out, being perceived as something inherent to the job. Most studies in this context have focused on user violence against professionals. However, it has been observed that violence among colleagues in these types of jobs is a risk factor for the health of workers and has rarely been studied as a whole. Among the main consequences of exposure to violence reported in the literature, burnout syndrome, depression, anxiety, or somatic problems have been among the most studied. On the one hand, some authors claim that being exposed to workplace violence can increase the associated physical and psychological pathology and lead to a picture congruent with burnout. On the other hand, it has been hypothesized that violence is associated with burnout, which can trigger physical and psychological symptoms. Taking into account this background, the aim of this study is to explore workplace violence in health personnel, symptomatology, and burnout syndrome through mediation models that allow us to know the interrelationships between the variables.MethodsA cross-sectional design with a double descriptive-associative strategy was used. The sample was composed of 950 nursing professionals from public hospitals. The scales of physical and non-physical violence from users to professionals HABS-U, personal, social, and occupational violence among co-workers using the Health Aggressive Behavior Scale – Co-workers and Superiors (HABS-CS) scale, the burnout scale Maslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey (MBI-GS) which evaluates professional exhaustion, efficacy and cynicism, and the factors referring to depression, anxiety, somatization, and dysfunction of the GHQ-28 scale were applied. In order to calculate the models, workplace violence was used as a predictor of symptomatology, using the burnout variables as mediators. Regression coefficients with and without mediation model, direct and standardized estimates were obtained. For statistical power, Bootstrap analysis was used to calculate direct mediation effects.ResultsAfter controlling the mediation effects of burnout and cynicism, physical and non-physical user violence toward healthcare personnel were significant predictors of the GHQ-28 scores. These same results were obtained when assessing the relationship between social, occupational, and personal violence among co-workers and GHQ-28 scores.ConclusionOur results contribute to increase the evidence about the effects of violence on the health of professionals and to advance in the characterization of the possible consequent psychological damage. Regardless of the type of violence experienced, exposure to violence can lead to anxious, depressive or somatization symptoms, among others. Violence is also a predictor of burnout syndrome, which in turn accentuates the rest of the consequences studied. Despite the limitations of the proposed model, these results serve to highlight the complexity of the situation experienced by healthcare professionals. Moreover, it serves as a basis for proposing intervention/prevention programs to raise awareness and protect professionals from these risks. To this end, self-care tools should be proposed with which professionals take care of their own health through the management of violent situations and/or the improvement of occupational health

    Comparison of the clinical effects of white brand toothbrushes versus Vitis Suave®

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    Background: There has been an increase in the use of white label manual toothbrushes and a greater increase in inquiries for discomfort of the gingiva and mucosa. Material and Methods: A randomized, double-blind, cross-over clinical trial was made of four white brand toothbrushes versus a control brush (Vitis Suave®), with the recording of plaque index, bleeding upon probing, and gingival abrasions following utilization of the different brushes. Results: All the brushes except Deliplus® were equally effective in terms of plaque removal ( p <0.05). Vitis Suave® and Veckia® were the brushes associated to the greatest increase in minor abrasions ( p <0.01), while Veckia®, Carrefour® and Deluxe® significantly increased the number of medium intensity abrasions ( p <0.05). These brushes also increased the number of large abrasions, though statistical significance was not reached in this case. Conclusions: The white brand brushes proved effective in controlling bacterial plaque, but were associated to more intense soft tissue abrasio

    Increase in the erosion rate due to the impact of climate change on sea level rise: Victoria Beach, a case study

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    This article provides a general methodology for calculating the retreat of the coastline and the volume of sand necessary to renourish a beach due to sea level rise (SLR) in the medium-long term. An example is presented, Victoria Beach, and a projection is made for the years 2030, 2040, 2050, and 2100. The results obtained take into account global sea level rise (GSLR), which is worldwide, and local sea level rise (LSLR), which considers climate variability and vertical land movements. Regarding GSLR, data were provided by the projections from IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) scenarios and empirical models, such as Rahmstorf and Pfeffer. The LSLR data came from the tide gauge station located in Cadiz. Finally, the results obtained showed that global warming impacts erosive effects and the subsequent volume of sand required to renourish beaches. The total sea level rise (TSLR) projections indicated for Victoria Beach are relatively higher than the GSLR projections. Even in the best IPCC scenario (RCP 2.6), Victoria Beach presents a significant erosion of 52 m, requiring a volume of sand of 1.0 Mm3 to supply renourishmentPostprint (published version

    Graduados y empleo en la Universidad de León

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    p. 88Este resumen recoge una síntesis de las principales conclusiones extraídas del Estudio sobre los Graduados Universitarios Españoles para el caso de la Universidad de León. La finalidad principal del mismo es analizar el empleo y la transición laboral de los titulados de la Universidad de León durante los primeros años después de su graduació

    Rituximab levels are associated with the B cell homeostasis but not with the clinical response in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    To study the levels of rituximab (RTX) and anti-RTX antibodies (ARAs) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) at 30, 90, and 180 days after the first infusion, in relation to clinical and serological parameters and B cell homeostasis. Thirty-four patients with RA who failed to respond to anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy received RTX. At baseline, 4, 12, and 24 weeks after the first infusion of RTX, we performed a clinical assessment and determined the levels of RTX, ARAs, B cells, rheumatoid factors, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, immunoglobulins, and complements. RTX levels varied widely among patients. No ARAs were detected during the follow-up. Patients with lower levels of RTX presented with higher decreases in erythrocyte sedimentation rate, immunoglobulins, and complement 6 months after the first infusion. Patients with higher levels of RTX showed a higher B cell depletion at 90 days but an earlier B cell recovery than those with lower levels of RTX. No differences in clinical response were observed between the two groups at 6 months after starting the treatment. Our findings suggest that RTX levels in the serum of patients with RA are related to B cell homeostasis and the severity of immunological parameters but not to the clinical response at 6 months

    Hepatic Carcinoma—Associated Fibroblasts Promote an Adaptative Response in Colorectal Cancer Cells That Inhibit Proliferation and Apoptosis: Nonresistant Cells Die by Nonapoptotic Cell Death

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    AbstractCarcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are important contributors of microenvironment in determining the tumor’s fate. This study aimed to compare the influence of liver microenvironment and primary tumor microenvironment on the behavior of colorectal carcinoma. Conditioned medium (CM) from normal colonic fibroblasts (NCFs), CAFs from primary tumor (CAF-PT) or liver metastasis (CAF-LM) were obtained. We performed functional assays to test the influence of each CM on colorectal cell lines. Microarray and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) were performed in DLD1 cells cultured in matched CM. In DLD1 cells, CAF-LM CM compared with CAF-PT CM and NCF led to a more aggressive phenotype, induced the features of an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition more efficiently, and stimulated migration and invasion to a greater extent. Sustained stimulation with CAF-LM CM evoked a transient G2/M cell cycle arrest accompanied by a reduction of apoptosis, inhibition of proliferation, and decreased viability of SW1116, SW620, SW480, DLD1, HT-29, and Caco-2 cells and provoked nonapoptotic cell death in those cells carrying KRAS mutations. Cells resistant to CAF-LM CM completely changed their morphology in an extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase-dependent process and depicted an increased stemness capacity alongside the Wnt pathway stimulation. The transcriptomic profile of DLD1 cells treated with CAF-LM CM was associated with Wnt and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways activation in GSEA. Therefore, the liver microenvironment induces more efficiently the aggressiveness of colorectal cancer cells than other matched microenvironments do but secondarily evokes cell death. Resistant cells displayed higher stemness capacity