164 research outputs found


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    Objetivos: Determinar la asociación entre el nivel de conocimiento y las actitudes sobre la donación y trasplante de órganos y tejidos de los médicos e internos de medicina del Hospital Militar Central – Julio 2016. Métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico, no experimental, transversal. El tamaño de la población fue de 218 participantes entre médicos e internos de medicina del Hospital Militar Central. Se empleó una encuesta validada. Para el análisis estadístico de la relación de variables se utilizó el OR y el Chi-cuadrado. Y el análisis de datos se realizó por medio del programa estadístico SPSS. Resultados: Se encontró que un 57.8% de los encuestados tuvo un nivel de conocimiento alto, mientras un 58.3% tuvo actitudes favorables frente a la donación y trasplante de órganos y tejidos. Asimismo, se halló que la mayoría de los encuestados que tienen entre 41 a 60 años tienen un nivel de conocimiento alto 77.5% y 80% tienen una actitud favorable. De los encuestados, 88.07% son católicos de los cuales 61.5% tienen una actitud favorable, sin embargo, de los que pertenecen a otra religión 65.4% tienen una actitud desfavorable. La mayoría de encuestados fueron médicos con un 57.8% donde 69% tuvo un nivel de conocimiento alto y 68.3% tuvieron una actitud favorable. Conclusión: El tener un alto nivel de conocimiento está relacionado a tener actitudes favorables respecto a la donación y trasplante de órganos y tejido obteniendo un OR de 2,9, con un intervalo de confianza [1,658 -5,072] Existe una asociación estadísticamente significativa. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25176/RFMH.v17.n3.119

    Estudio comparativo de las propiedades fisicoquímicas de miel natural y miel sometida a proceso comercial

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    La miel es un fluido dulce y viscoso producido por las abejas a partir del néctar de las fl ores o de secreciones de partes vivas de plantas o de excreciones de insectos chupadores de plantas. Las abejas lo recogen, transforman y combinan con la enzima invertasa que contiene la saliva de las abejas y lo almacenan en los panales donde madura, su composición depende de dos factores principales; del néctar o néctares, donde va a infl uir la especie o conglomerado de especies de plantas que producen el néctar y de factores externos, como la temperatura, almacenamiento y buenas prácticas de manufactura por parte del apicultor para poder realizar la cosecha. El objetivo del proyecto fue realizar un análisis comparativo de las propiedades fi sicoquímicas en dos tipos de miel, aquella que es tomada del panal de abeja “miel natural”, que no ha sido sometida a tratamiento y la que se encuentra a nivel comercial. La selección de estas mieles respondió al interés de conocer la calidad de las mismas. Para ello se determinó contenido de cenizas, hidroximetilfurfural, °Brix, porcentaje de humedad y grado de acidez. En base a los resultados obtenidos se logro identificar que la miel natural se encuentra dentro de los estándares de la Norma Técnica Colombiana 1273 (NTC, 1273) y la miel comercial, presenta rangos superiores a lo establecido, puesto que los niveles de hidroximetilfurfural (HMF) y acidez, están directamente relacionados con elevadas temperaturas y tiempos de almacenamiento prolongado

    Biopesticide of Neem Obtained by Enzyme-Assisted Extraction: An Alternative to Improve the Pest Control

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    The indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides to control pests and diseases without technical assistance instead of solving the pest problems has caused environmental damage, agriculture productivity, and human health. Pesticides can remain for several years in the soil, being able to contaminate rivers and lagoons, animals of shepherding and foods. Besides, in recent years, pests have shown an alarmingly resistance over several pesticides. This makes necessary the use of other natural sources of pesticides that could be degraded avoiding the resistance problem. One of the main sources analyzed is the neem (Azadirachta indica) due to its complex content of bioactive triterpenoids. However, cellulosic structures of cell wall conditioned the extraction of these components, acting as physical barrier and avoiding its complete extraction. This chapter included a review of the consequences of the use of chemical pesticides to control pests spread in plant and animals and its repercussions on the environment. Moreover, the advantages of the use of food-grade enzyme preparations as an alternative to elaborate an extract of neem without organic solvents are exposed. The results are promissory and could improve the acaricide and repellent effects of the neem extracts over pests, reducing the negative effect caused by chemical pesticides

    Desarrollo de estrategias de comunicación para clínica de urología, ubicada en Guadalajara, Jalisco

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    En el siguiente documento se puede encontrar información referente a antecedentes del proyecto “desarrollo de estrategias de comunicación para clínica de urología, ubicada en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México”. De igual manera, se encuentran los objetivos del trabajo a realizar los cuales incluyen las estrategias y herramientas desarrolladas para generar contenido en relación a la clínica, el diagnóstico de la misma y su competencia. Así mismo, se presentan las estrategias de publicidad y diseño para promoción.ITESO, A.C

    Identificación del Virus Epstein-Barr por Hibridación in situ en pacientes con Cáncer Gástrico que asisten al Instituto de Cancerología (Incan) de Guatemala

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    El Virus Epstein Barr (EBV) está relacionado como agente oncogénico en el desarrollo del cáncer gástrico, atribuyéndosele el 10 % de los casos de esta neoplasia a nivel mundial. No existen estudios previos que identifiquen la presencia EBV en los pacientes con cáncer gástrico en Guatemala, por lo que en este estudio se evaluó por hibridación in situ la presencia del micro ARN EBER (Epstein Barr-encoded RNAs) de EBV en 71 pacientes con cáncer gástrico que asistieron al Instituto de Cancerología (Incan). Se determinó una prevalencia de 21.1 % (IC 95 % [10.9, 31.3] ) (15 pacientes), mayor que la reportada en otros estudios latinoamericanos. Se determinó asociación significativa entre la expresión del EBER del EBV, y el género masculino OR = 4.9 (IC 95% [1.4, 17.5]) p < .05. Los factores asociados fueron, el padecer diarrea OR 5.7 IC 95 % [1.5, 12.6] p = .008, y la detección del anticuerpos de Helicobacter pylori séricos, OR 7.2 (IC 95 % [1.1, 18.9]) p = .03. Aun cuando la mayoría de los pacientes que expresan el EBER de EBV desarrollaron cáncer gástrico del tipo difuso 66.67 % noexiste asociación significativa p = 0.13 OR = 2.5 (IC 95 % [1.1, 8.2])

    Prevalence, risk factors, and identification of Salmonella spp. in stray dogs of northwest Mexico

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    Salmonellosis has a worldwide relevance in aspects associated with public health, as only in 2009 were reported 93.8 million cases in humans. The objective of the study was to establish the prevalence, risk factors and bacteriological and molecular identification of Salmonella spp in stray dogs in urban, rural and coastal areas of Mexicali, a city in northwest Mexico. From May 2014 to February 2015, 385 dogs were tested. Sampling was performed by rectal swab and conventional bacteriological techniques were applied, for later implementation of the API 20E system and molecular identification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The data were analysed statistically by means of descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression modelling. A prevalence of 6.27% was obtained in the dogs examined, the samples obtained were characterised to subspecies (Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica and Salmonella enterica subspecie arizonae). The geographical region with the highest prevalence in the study was the coast (10%), followed by the rural area (8.57%) and the urban area (5.8%), however, no significant statistical differences were detected. There was significant difference in the prevalence by age of dogs under one year (P<0.05). The identification of Salmonella in dogs from northwest Mexico could correspond to serovars of zoonotic importance indicating a potential risk for the population

    Functional analysis of drug resistance-associated mutations in the Trypanosoma brucei Adenosine Transporter 1 (TbAT1) and the proposal of a structural model for the protein

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    The Trypanosoma brucei aminopurine transporter P2/TbAT1 has long been implicated in the transport of, and resistance to, the diamidine and melaminophenyl arsenical classes of drugs that form the backbone of the pharmacopoeia against African trypanosomiasis. Genetic alterations including deletions and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been observed in numerous strains and clinical isolates. Here, we systematically investigate each reported mutation and assess their effects on transporter function after expression in a tbat1 -/- T. brucei line. Out of a set of six reported SNPs from a reported ‘resistance allele’, none significantly impaired sensitivity to pentamidine, diminazene or melarsoprol, relative to the TbAT1-WT allele, although several combinations, and the deletion of the codon for residue F316, resulted in highly significant impairment. These combinations of SNPs, and ΔF316, also strongly impaired the uptake of [3H]-adenosine and [3H]-diminazene, identical to the tbat1-/- control. The TbAT1 protein model predicted that residues F19, D140 and F316 interact with the substrate of the transporter. Mutation of D140 to alanine resulted in an inactive transporter, whereas the mutation F19A produced a transporter with a slightly increased affinity for [3H]-diminazene, but reduced the uptake rate. The results presented here validate earlier hypotheses of drug binding motifs for TbAT1

    Measuring Spinal Mobility Using an Inertial Measurement Unit System: A Validation Study in Axial Spondyloarthritis

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    Portable inertial measurement units (IMUs) are beginning to be used in human motion analysis. These devices can be useful for the evaluation of spinal mobility in individuals with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). The objectives of this study were to assess (a) concurrent criterion validity in individuals with axSpA by comparing spinal mobility measured by an IMU sensor-based system vs. optical motion capture as the reference standard; (b) discriminant validity comparing mobility with healthy volunteers; (c) construct validity by comparing mobility results with relevant outcome measures. A total of 70 participants with axSpA and 20 healthy controls were included. Individuals with axSpA completed function and activity questionnaires, and their mobility was measured using conventional metrology for axSpA, an optical motion capture system, and an IMU sensor-based system. The UCOASMI, a metrology index based on measures obtained by motion capture, and the IUCOASMI, the same index using IMU measures, were also calculated. Descriptive and inferential analyses were conducted to show the relationships between outcome measures. There was excellent agreement (ICC > 0.90) between both systems and a significant correlation between the IUCOASMI and conventional metrology (r = 0.91), activity (r = 0.40), function (r = 0.62), quality of life (r = 0.55) and structural change (r = 0.76). This study demonstrates the validity of an IMU system to evaluate spinal mobility in axSpA. These systems are more feasible than optical motion capture systems, and they could be useful in clinical practice

    Condiciones laborales de los pacientes con ERCnT que asisten a la Unidad Nacional de Atención al Enfermo renal Crónico (Unaerc)

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    La enfermedad renal crónica de causa no tradicional (ERCnT) es de etiología multifactorial y no se conoce con exactitud el factor que la provoca. Se asocia a factores como trabajo agrícola, estrés térmico, deshidratación y exposición a químicos. Este estudio transversal describe las condiciones laborales de pacientes con ERCnT que asisten a terapia de hemodiálisis en Unaerc (previo al inicio del tratamiento), y los factores que pudieron predisponer la enfermedad. Se utilizó un diseño de muestreo no probabilístico por cuotas, obteniendo una muestra de 107 pacientes sin antecedentes de diabetes mellitus y < 60 años. Los resultados mostraron que el 76.6 % (82/107) fueron de género masculino, el 26.2 % (28/107), diagnosticados entre 31-40 años y el 38.3 % (41/107) provenían del departamento de Guatemala. El 24.3 % (26/107) y el 15.9 % (17/107) se dedicaban a trabajos agrícolas y al comercio, respectivamente. La mayoría (26.9 %; 7/26) de los trabajadores agrícolas se dedicaban al corte de caña de azúcar; el 57.9 % (62/107) trabajaban para una institución, donde solamente un 17.8 % (19/107) tenían contrato escrito. El 43 % (46/107) trabajaban 6 días/semana, el 57.9 % (62/107) realizaban jornadas de > 8 h/día y el 56.1 % (60/107) no tenían horas extras remuneradas. El 68.2 % (73/107) ganaba menos del salario mínimo y el 70.1 % (75/107) no recibía prestaciones laborales. El 36.4 % (39/107) estuvo expuesto a químicos, el 91.5 % (98/107) se exponía 8 h/día al sol. Solamente 83.2 % (89/107) descansaba durante la jornada laboral

    Integrative development of a short screening questionnaire of highly processed food consumption (sQ-HPF)

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    Background: Recent lifestyle changes include increased consumption of highly processed foods (HPF), which has been associated with an increased risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). However, nutritional information relies on the estimation of HPF consumption from food-frequency questionnaires (FFQ) that are not explicitly developed for this purpose. We aimed to develop a short screening questionnaire of HPF consumption (sQ-HPF) that integrates criteria from the existing food classification systems. Methods: Data from 4400 participants (48.1% female and 51.9% male, 64.9 +/- 4.9 years) of the Spanish PREDIMED-Plus (PREvention with MEDiterranean DIet) trial were used for this analysis. Items from the FFQ were classified according to four main food processing-based classification systems (NOVA, IARC, IFIC and UNC). Participants were classified into tertiles of HPF consumption according to each system. Using binomial logistic regression, food groups associated with agreement in the highest tertile for at least two classification systems were chosen as items for the questionnaire. ROC analysis was used to determine cut-off points for the frequency of consumption of each item, from which a score was calculated. Internal consistency of the questionnaire was assessed through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Cronbach's analysis, and agreement with the four classifications was assessed with weighted kappa coefficients. Results: Regression analysis identified 14 food groups (items) associated with high HPF consumption for at least two classification systems. EFA showed that items were representative contributors of a single underlying factor, the HPF dietary pattern (factor loadings around 0.2). We constructed a questionnaire asking about the frequency of consumption of those items. The threshold frequency of consumption was selected using ROC analysis. Comparison of the four classification systems and the sQ-HPF showed a fair to high agreement. Significant changes in lifestyle characteristics were detected across tertiles of the sQ-HPF score. Longitudinal changes in HPF consumption were also detected by the sQ-HPF, concordantly with existing classification systems. Conclusions: We developed a practical tool to measure HPF consumption, the sQ-HPF. This may be a valuable instrument to study its relationship with NCDs