63 research outputs found

    Screening indoor air quality evaluation in the Lithuanian theatre, music and cinema museum

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    Air pollution is a risk for human health and for the preservation of materials in particular cultural heritage objects. This paper presents the main results obtained in the project carried out by the Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Cinema Museum (LTMCM) and NILU-Norwegian Institute for Air Research. The main goal of the project was to perform a screening study and characterization of the indoor air pollution in the LTMCM. The results are used to assess the indoor air quality with regard to the preservation of cultural heritage objects therein. Measurement of NO2, organic acids (i.e. acetic and formic acids), photo-oxidant effects of the environment, climate (temperature and relative humidity) and particulate matter deposition were performed in different indoor locations. Low concentration of outdoor generated pollutants such as NO2 was found in storage rooms whereas higher concentrations were determined in the in the exhibition area. The results indicate that the building envelope does not protect effectively against infiltration of outdoor pollutants such as NO2 and particles. Very high concentration of indoor generated pollutants such as acetic acid was found in one storage room with a significant source. First published online: 11 Oct 201

    A LQR-based controller with estimation of road bank for improving vehicle lateral and rollover stability via active suspension

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    In this article, a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) lateral stability and rollover controller has been developed including as the main novelty taking into account the road bank angle and using exclusively active suspension for both lateral stability and rollover control. The main problem regarding the road bank is that it cannot be measured by means of on-board sensors. The solution proposed in this article is performing an estimation of this variable using a Kalman filter. In this way, it is possible to distinguish between the road disturbance component and the vehicle's roll angle. The controller's effectiveness has been tested by means of simulations carried out in TruckSim, using an experimentally-validated vehicle model. Lateral load transfer, roll angle, yaw rate and sideslip angle have been analyzed in order to quantify the improvements achieved on the behavior of the vehicle. For that purpose, these variables have been compared with the results obtained from both a vehicle that uses passive suspension and a vehicle using a fuzzy logic controller.This work might not have been possible without the funds provided by the Spanish Government through the projects TRA2013-48030-C2-1-R and TRA2008-05373/AUT

    Ener3DMap-SolarWeb roofs: A geospatial web-based platform to compute photovoltaic potential

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    [EN] The effective exploitation and management of renewable energies requires knowledge not only of the energy intensity at the exploitation site but also of the influence of the geometry of the site and its surroundings. For this reason, the efficient processing and interpretation of combined geospatial and energy data is a key issue. This paper presents the development of a web-based tool for the automatic computation of photovoltaic potential on rooftops and on parcels without buildings. The tool called Ener3DMap-SolarWeb Roofs is based on Leaflet and supports WMS, GeoJSON, GeoCSV and KML formats, among others. With these data formats, base maps, geometric data from the rooftops automatically computed from LiDAR and imagery data with self-developed processing algorithms, cadastral data and a solar radiation model are integrated in the tool. These different types of data, the high level of automation and the different scales for which energy data is calculated (hourly, monthly and annually) are the main contributions of the presented tool compared to other existing solutions. The capacities of the tool are tested through its application to analyze the solar potential of rooftops with different shapes and for different solar panel configurations. The accuracy of the results is ensured through the integration of a validated methodology for the computation of geometry and a validated solar radiation model, PVGIS

    Los hábitos de sueño como predictores de la salud psicológica en profesionales sanitarios

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    The aim was to study the sleep habits and the psychological health of professionals in the health sector, as well as to analyze the relationships between both variables. The sample consisted of 511 workers from public hospitals in the Community of Madrid. Psychological health was evaluated using the GHQ-28 Questionnaire; and sleep habits with the CHAS Questionnaire. In addition, sociodemographic data were collected, such as age, sex, job position, professional category. The results showed statistically significant differences in somatic symptoms, psychological health and stability in sleep habits. Regression analysis indicated that sleep quality and daytime sleepiness are the variables most related to health dimensions, especially with anxiety/insomnia and somatic symptoms. These results reveal the differences between sleep habits and perceived health in nursing staff and physicians. Finally, the health workers present a higher prevalence of psychological distress, and poor sleep quality and instability in sleep hours. Sleep impairment, somnolence and somatic symptoms are more frequent in nursing staff than in other health professionals.El objetivo de la investigación fue estudiar los hábitos de sueño y la salud psicológica de profesionales del sector sanitario, así como analizar las relaciones entre ambas variables. La muestra contó con 511 trabajadores de hospitales públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid. La salud psicológica fue evaluada con el Cuestionario GHQ-28;  los hábitos de sueño a través del  Cuestionario CHAS, además, se recogieron datos sociodemográficos como edad, sexo, puesto de trabajo, categoría profesional. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en síntomas somáticos, salud psicológica y estabilidad en hábitos de sueño. Los análisis de regresión indicaron que calidad del sueño y somnolencia diurna son las variables más relacionadas con las dimensiones de salud, especialmente con la ansiedad/insomnio y síntomas somáticos. Estos los resultados ponen de manifiesto las diferencias entre hábitos de sueño y salud percibida en personal de enfermería y facultativos. En conclusión, la población sanitaria presenta mayor prevalencia en malestar psicológico, peor calidad de sueño e inestabilidad en las horas de sueño. Deterioro del sueño, somnolencia y  síntomas somáticos son más frecuentes en personal de enfermería que en el resto de profesionales sanitarios

    Spatial inter-comparison of Top-down emission inventories in European urban areas

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    This paper presents an inter-comparison of the main Top-down emission inventories currently used for air quality modelling studies at the European level. The comparison is developed for eleven European cities and compares the distribution of emissions of NOx, SO2, VOC and PPM2.5 from the road transport, residential combustion and industry sectors. The analysis shows that substantial differences in terms of total emissions, sectorial emission shares and spatial distribution exist between the datasets. The possible reasons in terms of downscaling approaches and choice of spatial proxies are analysed and recommendations are provided for each inventory in order to work towards the harmonisation of spatial downscaling and proxy calibration, in particular for policy purposes. The proposed methodology may be useful for the development of consistent and harmonised European-wide inventories with the aim of reducing the uncertainties in air quality modelling activities

    Evolución de un programa de inseminación en la raza Assaf en la provincia de León

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    P. 675-677The Assaf breed has mostly been allocated in Castilla y León, particularly in the province of León. In 1998, a selection and genetic improvement programme was initiated for milk production in 38 flocks. Training of rams for semen collection using an artificial vagina reached a success rate of 74%, and the percentage of valid ejaculates has reached 90%. Fertility results of artificial insemination (lambing rates) have fluctuated between 35% y 40% since the programme was started. We found that fertility drops in ewes older than 4 years, and that it improved about 10% in the breeding season

    Nuevos antiiflamatorios basados en polifenoles del olivo

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    El objeto de la invención se centra en la síntesis por dos rutas alternativas del (3,4-dihidroxifenil)glicol (6), producto natural presente en el olivo, y en la síntesis de (3,4-dihidroxifenil)diacilglicoles (12). Tanto (6) como (12) son útiles como antiinflamatorios no esteroideos. De igual manera, los alcanoatos de hidroxitirosilo y diversos tioderivados del hidroxitirsol poseen propiedades antiinflamatorias. Por último, el acetato de hidroxitirosilo reduce el daño provocado en el colon de ratones en un modelo de colitis aguda inducida por dextrano sulfato sódico (DSS).Españ

    Global hyperactivation of enhancers stabilizes human and mouse naïve pluripotency through inhibition of CDK8/19 Mediator kinases

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    Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) transition between cell states in vitro and reflect developmental changes in the early embryo. PSCs can be stabilized in the naïve state by blocking extracellular differentiation stimuli, particularly FGF-MEK signaling. Here, we report that multiple features of the naïve state in human and mouse PSCs can be recapitulated without affecting FGF-MEK-signaling or global DNA methylation. Mechanistically, chemical inhibition of CDK8 and CDK19 kinases removes their ability to repress the Mediator complex at enhancers. Thus CDK8/19 inhibition increases Mediator-driven recruitment of RNA Pol II to promoters and enhancers. This efficiently stabilizes the naïve transcriptional program and confers resistance to enhancer perturbation by BRD4 inhibition. Moreover, naïve pluripotency during embryonic development coincides with a reduction in CDK8/19. We conclude that global hyperactivation of enhancers drives naïve pluripotency, and this can be achieved in vitro by inhibiting CDK8/19 kinase activity. These principles may apply to other contexts of cellular plasticity