124 research outputs found

    Composition of bioactive secondary metabolites and mutagenicity of Sambucus nigra L. Fruit at different stages of ripeness

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    The relationship between the content of bioactive compounds and mutagenic activity of elderberry fruit at different stages of ripeness was investigated. Significant differences in the antioxidant profiles (TLC, HPLC with post-column derivatization) and antioxidant activity (ABTS, DPPH, and FC tests) were observed for studied elderberry extracts. The more ripen the fruit at the time of harvest were, the higher the content of anthocyanins (increase from 0 to 7.8 mg g−1d.w.) and antioxidant activity of the extracts (about 5-fold increase) were. Cyanogenic glycosides were not detected at any stage of ripeness. Accordingly, Ames MPF test (Xenometrix) did not reveal any mutagenicity. Our study suggests that instability of cyanogenic glycosides ensures safety of food/pharmaceutical products based on even not fully ripen elderberry fruit

    Effects of Post-Harvest Elicitor Treatments with Ultrasound, UV- and Photosynthetic Active Radiation on Polyphenols, Glucosinolates and Antioxidant Activity in a Waste Fraction of White Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)

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    Biosynthesis of phytochemicals in leaves of Brassica can be initiated by abiotic factors. The aim of the study was to investigate elicitor treatments to add value to waste of cabbage. A leaf waste fraction from industrial trimming of head cabbage was exposed to UV radiation (250–400 nm, 59 and 99 kJ∙m−2, respectively), photosynthetic active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm, 497 kJ∙m−2), and ultrasound in water bath (35 kHz, at 15, 30 and 61 kJ∙l−1 water), in order to improve nutraceutical concentration. UV was more effective than PAR to increase the level of flavonols (2 to 3-fold higher) and hydroxycinnamate monosaccharides (1 to 10-fold higher). PAR was three times as effective as UV to increase anthocyanins. Interaction of PAR + UV increased antioxidant activity (30%), the content of five phenolics (1.4 to 10-fold higher), and hydroxycinnamic monosaccharides (compared with PAR or UV alone). Indoles were reduced (40–52%) by UV, but the other glucosinolates (GLS) were unaffected. Ultrasound did not influence any parameters. The results are important for white cabbage by-products by demonstrating that UV + PAR can be successfully used as an effectual tool to increase important phenolics and antioxidant activity of waste fraction leaves without an adverse effect on the main GLS.publishedVersio

    Interactions between bioactive components determine antioxidant, cytotoxic and nutrigenomic activity of cocoa powder extract

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    Numerous studies have shown, rather disappointingly, that isolated bioactive phytochemicals are not as biologically effective as natural plant products. Such a discrepancy may be explained by the concept of food synergy, which was verified in this research for cocoa extract versus its major components with regard to cancer chemoprevention. The evaluation embraced the relationship between redox properties evaluated in cell-free systems with the aid of free radicals scavenging method and differential pulse voltammetry, and redox associated anticarcinogenic activities (cellular antioxidant activity, cytotoxicity, nutrigenomic activity) in human colon adenocarcinoma cell line exposed to either cocoa powder extract or artificial mixtures of cocoa bioactives at matching concentrations. In contrast to expectations, our results showed that the stepwise enrichment with antioxidants caused no gradual increase in the antioxidant activity of the model mixtures; also, these model mixtures did not reach the reducing potential of cocoa in the cell-free systems or cellular model employed. Further, the biological activities examined in colon adenocarcinoma cells did not alter in a stepwise manner that could reflect the gradual changes in composition of bioactive ingredients. In conclusion, the experiments presented here showed that the growing complexity of a mixture of phytochemicals seems to create a new redox bioactive substance rather than enrich the mixture with new activities, characteristic of the compound added. It follows that no simple, predictable relationship can be expected between the chemopreventive potential and the composition of real food items containing a complicated set of non-toxic redox active ingredients. Our observations suggest that the interactions between different bioactive compounds and food matrix components are cooperating factors determining the final bioactivity of foods

    Combinations of cocoa antioxidants: what they tell us about the chemopreventive relevance of interactions between food components?

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    Antioxidant properties of polyphenols are believed to underlie cocoa chemopreventive potential. However, it has been not recognized if these effects are mainly caused by the most abundant components or result from concerted action of major and minor cocoa bioactives as proposed by food synergy concept. This study was aimed at resolving this question. Initially, the cocoa extract composition was determined by HPLC-DAD-MS. Then, bioactivities of cocoa extract and a series of artificial mixtures of cocoa phytochemicals were tested to compare their redox properties in cell-free system and redox-associated biological effects in human colon cancer HT29 cells serving as a model of human alimentary tract. Under cell-free conditions, DPPH test as well as differential pulse voltammetry showed the highest antioxidant activity for cocoa powder extract (CE), but surprisingly, did not reveal any dose-dependent differences between mixtures despite growing concentration and complexity of antioxidants. Basically, to the same conclusion lead determinations of cellular antioxidant activity; CE was the most efficient in cell protection against ROS whereby concentration of catechins in studied solutions had to be above 10 μM to override cellular redox homeostasis. Cell growth inhibition was dose-dependent only for mixtures that consisted of main catechins at narrow range of low concentrations (0.01 – 1 μM C+EC). Neither clear relationship between composition of cocoa phytochemicals and nutrigenomic activity of CE and matching mixtures was spotted. Therefore, our study indicates that the bioactivity of non-toxic complex natural mixtures such as cocoa is strongly affected by interactions between their components, as predicted by food synergy.Nutraceuticals in balancing redox status in ageing and age-related diseases WGs Meeting of the NutRedOx COST Action CA16112 Belgrade, March 2-3, 202

    Growth inhibition of cultured cancer cells by Ribes nigrum leaf extract

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    The present article includes data on the possible selective cytotoxic effect of extract of Ribes nigrum L. growing at high Armenian landscape. For this purpose, different non-cancer (microglial BV-2 wild type (Wt), acyl-CoA oxidase 1 (ACOX1) deficient (Acox1−/−) and cancer (human colon adenocarcinoma HT29 and human breast cancer MCF7) cell lines were applied. R. nigrum leaf ethanol extract showed a growth inhibition effect towards HT29 and MCF7 cells started from 6 h of treatment at the concentration of 0.5 mg/mL DW. The lowest concentration (0.125 mg/mL DW) of the investigated extract expressed cytotoxicity after 72 hours following cancer cell treatment. In contrast to the cancer cells, in the case of the tested non-cancer cells, cytotoxic effect was not observed at the applied concentrations. The extract sub-cytotoxic concentration, in this case, was reported to be the 1 mg/mL DW. Further investigations are needed to confirm the selective cytotoxicity and possible action mechanisms of the leaf extract of R. nigrum

    Understanding the effects of roasting on antioxidant components of coffee brews by coupling on-line ABTS assay to high performance size exclusion chromatography

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    INTRODUCTION: Coffee is a widely consumed beverage containing antioxidant active compounds. During roasting the phytochemical composition of the coffee bean changes dramatically and highly polymeric substances are produced. Besides chlorogenic acids that are already present in green coffee beans, melanoidins show antioxidant capacity as well. OBJECTIVE: To employ post‐column derivatisation by coupling high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) to an antioxidant assay to investigate the effect of roasting on the properties of antioxidant active compounds in coffee brews. METHODOLOGY: We have investigated the antioxidant capacity of Coffea arabica (Arabica) and C. canephora (Robusta) beans that were roasted over the full spectrum of roast conditions (four roasting speeds to three roast degrees) by comparing the results from HPSEC coupled on‐line to the ABTS assay with those from two batch assays, Folin Ciocalteu (FC) and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. RESULTS: The antioxidant capacity showed a general decrease towards slower and darker roasted coffee for all three assays, indicative of heat degradation of active compounds. Hence, low molecular weight (LMW) compounds such as chlorogenic acids (CGAs) decreased progressively already from relatively mild roasting conditions. In contrast, high molecular weight (HMW) compounds (e.g. melanoidins) increased from light to dark roast degrees with lowering magnitude towards slower roasting profiles. CONCLUSION: By coupling HPSEC on‐line to the ABTS assay we were able to separately quantify the contribution of HMW and LMW compounds to the total antioxidant capacity, increasing our understanding of the roast process. © 2016 The Authors. Phytochemical Analysis Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Blanching as a Treatment Process: Effect on Polyphenols and Antioxidant Capacity of Cabbage

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    Cabbage is considered an excellent source ofpolyphenolswith substantial antioxidant properties associated with the alleviation of oxidative stress and the prevention of free-radical mediated diseases. Many cabbage varieties are typically blanched prior to consumption mainly to enhance associated sensory attributes. Conventional hot water (80-100°C) or steam blanching are the most industrially applied methods. Blanching causes adverse losses in the antioxidant capacity of cabbage with over 70% resultingwithin the first few minutes. Blanching time, water to cabbage ratio and cabbage variety are the main determinants of the extent of antioxidant losses. The effect of the blanching temperature is of a lesssignificance particularlywithin 80-100°C. High temperatures and short blanching times would reduce antioxidants degradation in cabbage while also resulting in optimized sensory and quality attributes. The chapter concludesonthe importance of antioxidant considerations when specifyingtime-temperature combinations for cabbage blanching

    The impact of carotid intima - media complex index selection for the investigation of a correlation with chosen cardiovascular risk factors

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    Wstęp Ultrasonograficzna ocena IMT (intima-media thickness) w ścianie tętnicy szyjnej znajduje obecnie powszechne zastosowanie w badaniach klinicznych. Wielokrotnie potwierdzano, że zwiększona grubość kompleksu IMT jest cennym wskaźnikiem wystąpienia powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych. W publikowanych pracach występują jednak różne parametry opisujące IMT i nie ma jednomyślności co do przewagi któregoś z nich. Celem niniejszego badania było wskazanie różnic w zależnościach między różnymi wskaźnikami IMT a wybranymi czynnikami ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego. Materiał i metody Badaniami objęto grupę 90 mężczyzn (wiek 46 &#177; 8 lat, BMI 27,7 &#177; 3,6 kg/m2, ciśnienie tętnicze 129 &#177; 8/81 &#177; 7 mm Hg, ABPM: SBP - 125,9 &#177; 7,9; DBP - 79,7 &#177; 6,3, stężenie cholesterolu całkowitego 237 &#177; 35,7 mg/dl, cholesterolu frakcji HDL 52 &#177; 13, triglicerydów 184 &#177; 99). U każdego pacjenta wykonano badanie echokardiograficzne serca z oceną funkcji skurczowej i rozkurczowej lewej komory. Pomiary IMT w ścianie tętnicy szyjnej wykonano za pomocą specjalistycznego oprogramowania analizującego cyfrowe obrazy ścian tętnic szyjnych. Uwzględniono zarówno średnią, jak i maksymalną IMT, pole powierzchni przekroju IMT (CSA-IMT), jak i wartości względne. Zależności między IMT a wybranymi czynnikami ryzyka sercowo- naczyniowego badano za pomocą analizy regresji wielokrotnej. Wyniki Stwierdzono najwyższe wskaźniki regresji wielokrotnej dla względnej średniej IMT (r = 0,689) i względnego CSA-IMT (r = 0.685). Relatywna średnia IMT była determinowana przez: wiek (p < 0,001), stężenie cholesterolu frakcji HDL (p = 0,02) oraz częstość akcji serca ocenianą w okresie nocy (p = 0,035). Względne CSA-IMT było determinowane przez: wiek (p < 0,001), stężenie cholesterolu frakcji HDL (p = 0,02), częstość akcji serca ocenianą w okresie nocy (p = 0,025), poziom glikemii na czczo (p = 0,021) oraz BMI (p = 0,045). Wnioski Względne CSA-IMT wśród innych parametrów opisujących IMT może być najlepszym wskaźnikiem ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego. Ocena tego parametru może prowadzić do bardziej precyzyjnej oceny całkowitego ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego.Nadciśnienie Tętnicze 2007, tom 11, nr 4, strony 335&#8211;349.Background Carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) is widely used in clinical research. There is strong evidence that increased IMT is a powerful predictor of cardiovascular complications. Varies indices of IMT are used in different studies. So far there is no agreement which marker best reflects cardiovascular risk. Therefore the aim of the study was to establish the association between chosen cardiovascular risk factors and different indices of IMT. Material and methods 90 males (mean age: 46 &#177; 8 yrs, BMI 27.7 &#177; 3.6 kg/m2, office blood pressure 129 &#177; 8/81 &#177; 7 mm Hg, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure: SBP - 125.9 &#177; 7.9; DBP: 79.7 &#177; 6.3, total cholesterol 237 &#177; 35.7 mg/dl, HDL 52 &#177; 13, TG 184 &#177; 99) were studied. Doppler echocardiography with systolic and diastolic function evaluation was performed using ALOKA 5000 machine. CIMT measurement was obtained by analysis of ultrasonographic images with dedicated software. Varies indices of common carotid intima&#8211;media complex including average IMT, maximal IMT, average cross-sectional area of IMT (CSA-IMT), relative average IMT, relativemaximal IMT and relative CSA-IMT were calculated. The relationship between traditional risk factors and indices of IMT was analyzed by means of multiple regression. Results The analysis revealed the highest MR coefficients for relative average IMT (R = 0.689) and relative CSAIMT (R = 0.685). Relative average IMT was significantly determined by age (p < 0.001), HDL-cholesterol level (p = 0.02) and 24-ABPM night heart rate (p = 0.035). Relative CSA-IMT was significantly determined by age (p < 0.001), HDL-cholesterol level (p = 0.02), 24-ABPM night heart rate (p = 0.025), BMI (p = 0.045) and fasting glucose level (p = 0.021). Conclusions Among varies common carotid IM indices relative CSA-IMT may be the best marker of cardiovascular risk. Assessment of this variable may lead to a more precise stratification of the global cardiovascular risk. Arterial Hypertension 2007, vol. 11, no 4, pages 335-349

    The relationship between left ventricular diastolic function and arterial stiffness in normotensive males

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    Wstęp Choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego należą do głównych zagrożeń zdrowia w Polsce. W ostatnich latach duże zainteresowanie badaczy wzbudza rola zmian podatności naczyń i funkcji rozkurczowej w rozwoju chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Celem badania była ocena, czy w grupie osób zdrowych istnieje związek pomiędzy parametrami funkcji rozkurczowej a podatnością naczyń tętniczych. Materiał i metody Badaniami objęto 24 zdrowych mężczyzn w wieku 43 lat (&plusmn; 8) o wskaźniku masy ciała (BMI) 26,9 &plusmn; 4,2 kg/m2, o następujących parametrach ciśnienia tętniczego uzyskanych podczas 24-godzinnego pomiaru metodą Halbera: skurczowe 127 &plusmn; 8 mm Hg, rozkurczowe 80 &plusmn; 5 mm Hg oraz o częstości akcji serca 76 &plusmn; 8 uderzeń na minutę. Sztywność tętnic oceniano na podstawie prędkości propagacji fali tętna (PWV). U każdego mężczyzny wykonano badania echokardiograficzne sonografem ALOKA 5000 wyposażonym w głowicę o częstotliwości 2,5-3,5 MHz ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem parametrów napływu mitralnego opisującego funkcję rozkurczową. Mierzono następujące parametry napływu mitralnego: maksymalną prędkość fali wczesnego napływu - fala E (m/s), maksymalną prędkość napływu przedsionkowego - fala A (m/s), decelerację fali E określającą stopień nachylenia ramienia zstępującego fali E - DecE (cm/s2), czas deceleracji fali E, czyli czas od szczytu fali E do czasu jej zaniku - DT E (ms). Wyniki Stwierdzono, że istnieje istotna korelacja pomiędzy PWV a parametrami funkcji rozkurczowej (PWV vs. E r = -0,531, p = 0,006; PWV vs. E/A r = -0,478, p = 0,016). W analizie związku między PWV a deceleracją fali E stwierdzono r = -0,353, p = 0,083. Nie wykazano także korelacji pomiędzy PWV a frakcją wyrzutową i indeksem masy lewej komory. Wnioski Wykazaną w obecnej pracy zależność pomiędzy funkcją rozkurczową lewej komory a własnościami naczyń można traktować jako wyraz równoległości procesów toczących się w ścianie naczyń oraz mięśniu sercowym. Wzrost sztywności ściany naczynia może być wczesnym wskaźnikiem uszkodzenia funkcji rozkurczowej lewej komory.Background Cardiovascular diseases are the main health problem in Poland. As described in numerous studies diastolic heart failure is common and causes significant alterations in prognosis. The mechanisms that cause abnormalities in diastolic function and arterial stiffness are similar and can both lead to the development of heart failure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between left ventricular diastolic function and arterial stiffness in normotensive males. Material and methods We examined 26 healthy male subjects aged 43 &plusmn; 8 years (BMI 26.9 &plusmn; 4.2 kg/m2, 24h-SBP 127 &plusmn; 8 mm Hg, 24h-DBP 80 &plusmn; 5 mm Hg, 24h-HR 76 &plusmn; 8 bpm). The carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) was used as a measure of arterial stiffness. Doppler echocardiography was performed using ALOKA 5000 machine equipped with 2.5&#8211;3.5 MHz transducer. LV diastolic function was described by the peak of early (E) and late (A) transmitral flow velocity, deceleration time (DT) of E and slope of E peak deceleration (Dec E). Results Significant correlation coefficients were found between PWV and parameters of left ventricular diastolic function (PWV vs. E r = &#8211;0.531, p = 0.006; PWV vs. E/A r = &#8211;0.478, p = 0.016). The analysis of relationship between PWV and DecE revealed r = &#8211;0.353, p = 0.083. We did not observe any significant correlation between PWV and parameters of left ventricular structure (EF %, LVMI /m2), as well. Conclusion Our study revealed significant relationship between arterial stiffness and left ventricular diastolic function in normotensive males. Therefore, increased arterial stiffness may serve as an early evidence of impaired left ventricular diastolic function. This relationship revealed in healthy subjects may indicate that alterations in heart and arterial function may be parallel

    Development of On-Line High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)-Biochemical Detection Methods as Tools in the Identification of Bioactives

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    Biochemical detection (BCD) methods are commonly used to screen plant extracts for specific biological activities in batch assays. Traditionally, bioactives in the most active extracts were identified through time-consuming bio-assay guided fractionation until single active compounds could be isolated. Not only are isolation procedures often tedious, but they could also lead to artifact formation. On-line coupling of BCD assays to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is gaining ground as a high resolution screening technique to overcome problems associated with pre-isolation by measuring the effects of compounds post-column directly after separation. To date, several on-line HPLC-BCD assays, applied to whole plant extracts and mixtures, have been published. In this review the focus will fall on enzyme-based, receptor-based and antioxidant assays