35 research outputs found

    Contrasting accessions of tropical forage Urochloa: Pioneering tool for the prediction of carbon-soil sequestration

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    Soil carbon deposition through biomass production as well as plant-soil interface exchange in tropical forage systems may represent huge contribution to ameliorate the increase of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere and thus the climate change. Cattle farming in the tropics is predominantly dependent on pastures with tropical forages. Different accessions of tropical forages, such as Urochloa humidicola and its hybrids, display a variety of rooting strategies, root biomass production and suberin deposition, which is hypothesised to contribute to soil carbon deposition. Root morphological traits, such as secondary metabolite deposition in hypodermis and/or endodermis, may represent a versatile phenotyping tool to assess soil-carbon sequestration capacity of tropical forages. We used Urochloa humidicola, accession nr. 679, and U. humidicola hybrid Bh08 – nr. 1149 to assess root morphology. Root cross sections made from defined relative length revealed less secondary metabolite deposition in hypodermal layers and epidermis, which is coherent with decreased rooting depth, frequent branching, less soil compaction resistance, and thus may coincide with less soil-carbon deposition in 1149 hybrid compared to 679. Further, 1149 roots displayed lower parenchyma cell files number, lower main root thickness, poor aerenchyma development, increased lateral root thickness relative to the main root thickness when compared to 679. In conclusion, we have found two contrasting root morphology phenotypes that perform different rooting strategies. These contrasting genotypes are currently planted under field conditions in Colombia to test their impact upon soil carbon sequestration. Further, an extensive phenotyping will be performed with other numerous accessions, first from hydroponics and later on from natural soil conditions

    Heat-Shock Protein 90 Promotes Nuclear Transport of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Capsid Protein by Interacting with Acetylated Tubulin

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    Although it is known that inhibitors of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) can inhibit herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection, the role of Hsp90 in HSV-1 entry and the antiviral mechanisms of Hsp90 inhibitors remain unclear. In this study, we found that Hsp90 inhibitors have potent antiviral activity against standard or drug-resistant HSV-1 strains and viral gene and protein synthesis are inhibited in an early phase. More detailed studies demonstrated that Hsp90 is upregulated by virus entry and it interacts with virus. Hsp90 knockdown by siRNA or treatment with Hsp90 inhibitors significantly inhibited the nuclear transport of viral capsid protein (ICP5) at the early stage of HSV-1 infection. In contrast, overexpression of Hsp90 restored the nuclear transport that was prevented by the Hsp90 inhibitors, suggesting that Hsp90 is required for nuclear transport of viral capsid protein. Furthermore, HSV-1 infection enhanced acetylation of α-tubulin and Hsp90 interacted with the acetylated α-tubulin, which is suppressed by Hsp90 inhibition. These results demonstrate that Hsp90, by interacting with acetylated α-tubulin, plays a crucial role in viral capsid protein nuclear transport and may provide novel insight into the role of Hsp90 in HSV-1 infection and offer a promising strategy to overcome drug-resistance

    An issue of a transfer from side business to core business at an individual entrepreneur

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    The diploma thesis deals with an issue of a transfer from side business to core business at an individual entrepreneur. The aim of the thesis is to characterise a businessman´s duties that have to be fulfilled in case the person ceased to meet the conditions for side business performance. The theoretical part deals with a classification of a natural person methodology as well as evidential and tax duties of an individual entrepreneur. The practical part of the thesis deals with duties of a real natural person that left employment at the turn of the year and that became a person-entrepreneur in core business from the viewpoint of social security.Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou přechodu z vedlejší činnosti na hlavní u individuálního podnikatele. Cílem práce je charakterizovat povinnosti podnikatele, kterým musí dostát, pokud přestane splňovat podmínky pro výkon vedlejší činnosti. Teoretická část se zabývá vymezením metodiky fyzických osob a také evidenčními a daňovými povinnostmi individuálního podnikatele. Praktická část práce se věnuje povinnostem skutečně existující fyzické osoby, která na přelomu roku opustila zaměstnanecký poměr a z níž se stala z pohledu sociálního zabezpečení osoba podnikající na základě hlavní činnosti

    The attitude of children and adolescents from the asylum home to addictive substances. Analyse the occurrence of risk behaviors and risk / protective factors

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    Tato práce se zabývá zjištěním názorů a zkušeností dětí z azylového domu k návykovým látkám a zmapováním výskytu dalších rizikových forem chování. Dalším cílem v této práci bylo prozkoumání a popsání rizikových a protektivních faktorů podílející se na vzniku rizikového chování . Východiskem pro tuto práci je, že mnohé výzkumy upozorňují na výskyt rizikové chovaní mezi dětmi a mladistvými a zároveň na vzrůstající počet dětí s jedním rodičem, kteří často končí v azylových domech. Teoretická část se věnuje popisem užíváním návykových látek a výskytem rizikového chování ve školní populaci, dále vysvětlením pojmů jako je rizikové chování a rizikové a protektivní faktory. Dále jsou jednotlivé kapitoly v teorii věnovány rodině, škole, vrstevníkům, sociálnímu vyloučení a azylovým domům. Praktická část popisuje proces samotného průzkumu. Výzkumný soubor tvořily tři děti ve věku 9 až 11 let v jednom azylovém domě, jedná se tedy o případovou studii. Výzkumný soubor byl vybrán metodou záměrného institucionálního výběru. Ve výzkumu byly použity polostrukturované rozhovory, kde následně došlo k rozboru pomocí kódování, segmentace a kategorizace dat. Došlo k vytvoření osmi kategorií, které vyplynuly z rozhovorů s dětmi: zkušenost dětí s návykovými látky, vztah dětí k rodičům, rodinné prostředí a výchova, společně...This work deals with finding out the opinions and experiences of children from the asylum house to addictive substances and mapping the occurrence of other risky forms of behavior. Another aim of this work was to investigate and describe the risk and protective factors involved in risk behavior. The starting point for this work is that many researches point to the occurrence of risk behaviors among children and adolescents, and to the growing number of single-parent children,often ending in shelters. The theoretical part deals with the description of the use of addictive substances and the occurrence of risk behavior in the school population, as well as explanation of terms such as risk behavior and risk and protective factors. In addition, the individual chapters in the Theory are dedicated to family, school, peers, social exclusion and asylum homes. The practical part describes the process of the survey itself. The research group consisted of three children aged between 9 and 11 in one asylum house, a case study. The research set was chosen by the method of deliberate institutional selection. Half-structured interviews were used in the research, which was subsequently analyzed by encoding, segmentation and categorization of data. There were eight categories that emerged from interviews with...Department of Adictology First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital in PragueKlinika adiktologie 1.LF UK a VFN v PrazeFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Searching for mechanisms and functions of microtubular interactions with other plant cell structures

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    Microtubular cytoskeleton is involved in many processes in plant cells, including cell division, growth and development. Other proteins enable its functions by modulation of its dynamics and organization and by mediation of functional and structural interaction with other cell structures. Identification of the mediating proteins and the functions of these interactions under specific conditions were the main aims of the thesis. Membrane proteins interacting with microtubules were identified using biochemical methods. Surprisingly, the identified proteins co-sedimenting with microtubules were not members of the "classical" microtubule associated proteins (MAPs). There were enzymes, chaperones and plant specific proteins among them. For further studies, the identified microtubule-associated heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90_MT) was chosen. Recombinant Hsp90_MT binds directly to microtubules and tubulin dimers in vitro. The ATP-binding pocket is not responsible for this association. In BY-2, Hsp90_MT co-localizes with phragmoplast and cortical microtubules and is involved in microtubule recovery after their depolymerization during cold treatment. In plants, Hsp90 is involved in cell cycle progression, its inhibition causes cell-cycle arrest in G1 phase. Based on literature search for animal proteins...Mikrotubulární cytoskelet se v rostlinných buňkách účastní mnoha důležitých dějů během dělení, růstu a vývoje. Výkon jeho četných funkcí je však umožněn interagujícími proteiny, které jednak modulují jeho dynamiku a organizaci, jednak umožňují funkční či strukturní propojení s dalšími složkami rostlinné buňky. Identifikace zprostředkovatelů těchto interakcí a jejich fyziologická funkce za specifických podmínek byla hlavní náplní předkládané dizertační práce. Pomocí biochemických metod byly identifikovány membránové proteiny, které zároveň kosedimentují s mikrotubuly. Překvapivě mezi nimi nebyli žádní zástupci klasických konzervovaných proteinů asociovaných s mikrotubuly (MAP), ale jednalo se o enzymy, chaperony a rostlinně specifické proteiny. Pro další studium jeho role související s rostlinnými mikrotubuly byl vybrán identifikovaný heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90_MT). Rekombinantní Hsp90_MT se váže přímo na mikrotubuly a dimery tubulinu in vitro. Za vazbu není zodpovědná jeho ATP-vazebná doména. Hsp90_MT v BY-2 kolokalizuje s mikrotubuly fragmoplastu i s kortikálními mikrotubuly a podílí se na obnově mikrotubulů po jejich depolymeraci způsobené chladem. Dále se Hsp90 účastní postupu buněčného cyklu, jeho inhibice u rostlinných buněk blokuje buněčný cyklus v G1 fázi. Na základě literárního studia...Department of Experimental Plant BiologyKatedra experimentální biologie rostlinFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    The attitude of children and adolescents from the asylum home to addictive substances. Analyse the occurrence of risk behaviors and risk / protective factors

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    This work deals with finding out the opinions and experiences of children from the asylum house to addictive substances and mapping the occurrence of other risky forms of behavior. Another aim of this work was to investigate and describe the risk and protective factors involved in risk behavior. The starting point for this work is that many researches point to the occurrence of risk behaviors among children and adolescents, and to the growing number of single-parent children,often ending in shelters. The theoretical part deals with the description of the use of addictive substances and the occurrence of risk behavior in the school population, as well as explanation of terms such as risk behavior and risk and protective factors. In addition, the individual chapters in the Theory are dedicated to family, school, peers, social exclusion and asylum homes. The practical part describes the process of the survey itself. The research group consisted of three children aged between 9 and 11 in one asylum house, a case study. The research set was chosen by the method of deliberate institutional selection. Half-structured interviews were used in the research, which was subsequently analyzed by encoding, segmentation and categorization of data. There were eight categories that emerged from interviews with..

    Municipalities and Comparison of Cities With Five-Thousand Citizens in Czech republic and Germany

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    Práce odevzdána pouze v elektronické podoběImport 29/09/2010V předložené bakalářské práci je popsáno obecní zřízení v 5 tis. obci Osek a je srovnáváno se stejně velkou družební obcí v SRN Lengelfeldem. V první části je popsán historický vývoj místní správy v Čechách a statistické údaje týkající se obcí. Další kapitoly práce seznamují s typy obcí a orgány obcí, věnují se vzdělávání úředníků, volbám do zastupitelstev obcí a hospodaření obcí. Na závěr je srovnáno obecní zřízení v Čechách a Německu a jsou zde uvedeny předpoklady pro úspěšný rozvoj obce.The presented bachelor's thesis describes municipal structure of the town of Osek (5 thousands inhabitants) and compares it with the town of Lengelfeld of the same size in the Federal Republic of Germany. First part describes historical development of local government and municipal statistical information of the Czech Republic. Next chapters introduce types of municipalities and their authorities, clerk education, local elections and towns' economies. There is comparison of municipal structures in the Czech Republic and the Germany at the conclusion of the thesis with assumptions for successfull town development. Keywords: Municipality, self-governing authority, local authority, mayor, town economy. The presented bachelor's thesis describes municipal structure of the town of Osek (5 thousands inhabitants) and compares it with the town of Lengelfeld of the same size in the Federal Republic of Germany. First part describes historical development of local government and municipal statistical information of the Czech Republic. Next chapters introduce types of municipalities and their authorities, clerk education, local elections and towns' economies. There is comparison of municipal structures in the Czech Republic and the Germany at the conclusion of the thesis with assumptions for successfull town development.545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízenívýborn