108 research outputs found

    Gender-specific selection on codon usage in plant genomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Currently, there is little data available regarding the role of gender-specific gene expression on synonymous codon usage (translational selection) in most organisms, and particularly plants. Using gender-specific EST libraries (with > 4000 ESTs) from <it>Zea mays </it>and <it>Triticum aestivum</it>, we assessed whether gender-specific gene expression <it>per se </it>and gender-specific gene expression level are associated with selection on codon usage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found clear evidence of a greater bias in codon usage for genes expressed in female than in male organs and gametes, based on the variation in GC content at third codon positions and the frequency of species-preferred codons. This finding holds true for both highly and for lowly expressed genes. In addition, we found that highly expressed genes have greater codon bias than lowly expressed genes for both female- and male-specific genes. Moreover, in both species, genes with female-specific expression show a greater usage of species-specific preferred codons for each of the 18 amino acids having synonymous codons. A supplemental analysis of <it>Brassica napus </it>suggests that bias in codon usage could also be higher in genes expressed in male gametophytic tissues than in heterogeneous (flower) tissues.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study reports gender-specific bias in codon usage in plants. The findings reported here, based on the analysis of 1 497 876 codons, are not caused either by differences in the biological functions of the genes or by differences in protein lengths, nor are they likely attributable to mutational bias. The data are best explained by gender-specific translational selection. Plausible explanations for these findings and the relevance to these and other organisms are discussed.</p

    Short Day Transcriptomic Programming During Induction of Dormancy in Grapevine

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    Bud dormancy in grapevine is an adaptive strategy for the survival of drought, high and low temperatures and freeze dehydration stress that limit the range of cultivar adaptation. Therefore, development of a comprehensive understanding of the biological mechanisms involved in bud dormancy is needed to promote advances in selection and breeding, and to develop improved cultural practices for existing grape cultivars. The seasonally indeterminate grapevine, which continuously develops compound axillary buds during the growing season, provides an excellent system for dissecting dormancy, because the grapevine does not transition through terminal bud development prior to dormancy. This study used gene expression patterns and targeted metabolite analysis of two grapevine genotypes that are short photoperiod responsive (Vitis riparia) and non-responsive (V. hybrid, Seyval) for dormancy development to determine differences between bud maturation and dormancy commitment. Grapevine gene expression and metabolites were monitored at seven time points under long (LD, 15 h) and short (SD, 13 h) day treatments. The use of age-matched buds and a small (2 h) photoperiod difference minimized developmental differences and allowed us to separate general photoperiod from dormancy specific gene responses. Gene expression profiles indicated three distinct phases (perception, induction and dormancy) in SD-induced dormancy development in V. riparia. Different genes from the NAC DOMAIN CONTAINING PROTEIN 19 and WRKY families of transcription factors were differentially expressed in each phase of dormancy. Metabolite and transcriptome analyses indicated ABA, trehalose, raffinose and resveratrol compounds have a potential role in dormancy commitment. Finally, a comparison between V. riparia compound axillary bud dormancy and dormancy responses in other species emphasized the relationship between dormancy and the expression of RESVERATROL SYNTHASE and genes associated with C3HC4-TYPE RING FINGER and NAC DOMAIN CONTAINING PROTEIN 19 transcription factors

    Depletion of abscisic acid levels in roots of flooded Carrizo citrange (Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf. x Citrus sinensis L. Osb.) plants is a stress-specific response associated to the differential expression of PYR/PYL/RCAR receptors

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    [EN] Soil flooding reduces root abscisic acid (ABA) levels in citrus, conversely to what happens under drought. Despite this reduction, microarray analyses suggested the existence of a residual ABA signaling in roots of flooded Carrizo citrange seedlings. The comparison of ABA metabolism and signaling in roots of flooded and water stressed plants of Carrizo citrange revealed that the hormone depletion was linked to the upregulation of CsAOG, involved in ABA glycosyl ester (ABAGE) synthesis, and to a moderate induction of catabolism (CsCYP707A, an ABA 8'-hydroxylase) and buildup of dehydrophaseic acid (DPA). Drought strongly induced both ABA biosynthesis and catabolism (CsNCED1, 9-cis-neoxanthin epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase 1, and CsCYP707A) rendering a significant hormone accumulation. In roots of flooded plants, restoration of control ABA levels after stress release was associated to the upregulation of CsBGLU18 (an ABA beta-glycosidase) that cleaves ABAGE. Transcriptional profile of ABA receptor genes revealed a different induction in response to soil flooding (CsPYL5) or drought (CsPYL8). These two receptor genes along with CsPYL1 were cloned and expressed in a heterologous system. Recombinant CsPYL5 inhibited Delta NHAB1 activity in vitro at lower ABA concentrations than CsPYL8 or CsPYL1, suggesting its better performance under soil flooding conditions. Both stress conditions induced ABA-responsive genes CsABI5 and CsDREB2A similarly, suggesting the occurrence of ABA signaling in roots of flooded citrus seedlings. The impact of reduced ABA levels in flooded roots on CsPYL5 expression along with its higher hormone affinity reinforce the role of this ABA receptor under soil-flooding conditions and explain the expression of certain ABA-responsive genes.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO), Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) and Universitat Jaume I through grants No. AGL201676574-R, UJI-B2016-23/UJI-B2016-24 to A.G-C. and V.A. and MINECO, FEDER and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) through grant BIO2014-52537-R to P.L.R. S.I.Z. and M.M. were supported by predoctoral grants from Universitat Jaume I and Generalitat Valenciana, respectively. M.G.G. was recipient of a "JAE-DOC" contract from the CSIC. Mass spectrometry analyses were performed at the central facilities (Servei Central d'Instrumentacio Cientifica, SCIC) of Universitat Jaume I.Arbona, V.; Zandalinas, SI.; Manzi, M.; González Guzmán, M.; Rodríguez Egea, PL.; Gómez-Cadenas, A. (2017). Depletion of abscisic acid levels in roots of flooded Carrizo citrange (Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf. x Citrus sinensis L. Osb.) plants is a stress-specific response associated to the differential expression of PYR/PYL/RCAR receptors. Plant Molecular Biology. 93(6):623-640. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-017-0587-7S623640936Agarwal PK, Jha B (2010) Transcription factors in plants and ABA dependent and independent abiotic stress signalling. Biol Plant 54:201–212Agustí J, Merelo P, Cercós M, Tadeo FR, Talón M (2008) Ethylene-induced differential gene expression during abscission of citrus leaves. J Exp Bot 59:2717–2733. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ern138Antoni R, Gonzalez-Guzman M, Rodriguez L, Rodrigues A, Pizzio G, Rodriguez PL (2012) Selective inhibition of clade a phosphatases type 2 C by PYR/PYL/RCAR abscisic acid receptors. Plant Physiol 158:970–980. doi: 10.1104/pp.111.188623Antoni R, Gonzalez-Guzman M, Rodriguez L, Peirats-Llobet M, Pizzio G, Fernandez M, De Winne N, De Jaeger G, Dietrich D, Bennett MJ, Rodriguez PL (2013) PYRABACTIN RESISTANCE1-LIKE8 plays an important role for the regulation of abscisic acid signaling in root. Plant Physiol 161:491–931. doi: 10.1104/pp.112.208678Arbona V, Gómez-Cadenas A (2008) Hormonal modulation of citrus responses to flooding. J Plant Growth Regul 27:241–250. doi: 10.1007/s00344-008-9051-xArbona V, López-climent MF, Pérez-Clemente RM, Gómez-cadenas A (2009) Maintenance of a high photosynthetic performance is linked to flooding tolerance in citrus. Environ Exp Bot 66:135–142. doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2008.12.011Argamasilla R, Gómez-Cadenas A, Arbona V (2013) Metabolic and regulatory responses in citrus rootstocks in response to adverse environmental conditions. J Plant Growth Regul 33:169–180. doi: 10.1007/s00344-013-9359-zBaron KN, Schroeder DF, Stasolla C (2012) Transcriptional response of abscisic acid (ABA) metabolism and transport to cold and heat stress applied at the reproductive stage of development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Sci 188–189:48–59. doi: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2012.03.001Benschop JJ, Millenaar FF, Smeets ME, Van Zanten M, Voesenek LACJ, Peeters AJM (2007) Abscisic acid antagonizes ethylene-induced hyponastic growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 143:1013–1023Chen R, Jiang H, Li L, Zhai Q, Qi L, Zhou W, Liu X, Li H, Zheng W, Sun J, Li C (2012) The Arabidopsis mediator subunit MED25 differentially regulates jasmonate and abscisic acid signaling through interacting with the MYC2 and ABI5 transcription factors. Plant Cell 24:2898–2916. doi: 10.1105/tpc.112.098277De Ollas C, Hernando B, Arbona V, Gómez-Cadenas A (2013) Jasmonic acid transient accumulation is needed for abscisic acid increase in citrus roots under drought stress conditions. Physiol Plant 147:296–306. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2012.01659.xDupeux F, Santiago J, Betz K, Twycross J, Park S-Y, Rodriguez L, Gonzalez-Guzman M, Jensen MR, Krasnogor N, Blackledge M, Holdsworth M, Cutler SR, Rodriguez PL, Márquez JA (2011) A thermodynamic switch modulates abscisic acid receptor sensitivity. EMBO J 30:4171–4184. doi: 10.1038/emboj.2011.294Finkelstein RR, Rock CD (2002) Abscisic Acid biosynthesis and response. Arabidopsis Book 1:e0058. doi: 10.1199/tab.0058Fuchs S, Tischer SV, Wunschel C, Christmann A, Grill E (2014) Abscisic acid sensor RCAR7/PYL13, specific regulator of protein phosphatase coreceptors. 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    Isolation of an embryogenic line from non-embryogenic Brassica napus cv. Westar through microspore embryogenesis

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    Brassica napus cultivar Westar is non-embryogenic under all standard protocols for induction of microspore embryogenesis; however, the rare embryos produced in Westar microspore cultures, induced with added brassinosteroids, were found to develop into heritably stable embryogenic lines after chromosome doubling. One of the Westar-derived doubled haploid (DH) lines, DH-2, produced up to 30% the number of embryos as the highly embryogenic B. napus line, Topas DH4079. Expression analysis of marker genes for embryogenesis in Westar and the derived DH-2 line, using real-time reverse transcription-PCR, revealed that the timely expression of embryogenesis-related genes such as LEAFY COTYLEDON1 (LEC1), LEC2, ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE3, and BABY BOOM1, and an accompanying down-regulation of pollen-related transcripts, were associated with commitment to embryo development in Brassica microspores. Microarray comparisons of 7 d cultures of Westar and Westar DH-2, using a B. napus seed-focused cDNA array (10 642 unigenes), identified highly expressed genes related to protein synthesis, translation, and response to stimulus (Gene Ontology) in the embryogenic DH-2 microspore-derived cell cultures. In contrast, transcripts for pollen-expressed genes were predominant in the recalcitrant Westar microspores. Besides being embryogenic, DH-2 plants showed alterations in morphology and architecture as compared with Westar, for example epinastic leaves, non-abscised petals, pale flower colour, and longer lateral branches. Auxin, cytokinin, and abscisic acid (ABA) profiles in young leaves, mature leaves, and inflorescences of Westar and DH-2 revealed no significant differences that could account for the alterations in embryogenic potential or phenotype. Various mechanisms accounting for the increased capacity for embryogenesis in Westar-derived DH lines are considered

    Factors that Affect the Length of Time Women Engage in Breastfeeding: A Phenomenological Analysis

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    The purpose of this phenomenogic study was to describe the fundamental meanings and essence of the lived experience of women who had to cease their breast feeding efforts sooner than they had wanted. Four women participated in this study. All of the women stopped breast feeding sooner than they had wanted. Data was obtained using face-to-face interviews. Data was analyzed using Colazzi\u27s (1978) method of phenomenology. Four themes were generated from the interviews. Themes include non-support, anger, wanting to be better at it with other children, and support other mothers. Areas for health care intervention and future research is also indicated

    Transcript Profiling Provides Evidence of Functional Divergence and Expression Networks among Ribosomal Protein Gene Paralogs in Brassica napus[W][OA]

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    The plant ribosome is composed of 80 distinct ribosomal (r)-proteins. In Arabidopsis thaliana, each r-protein is encoded by two or more highly similar paralogous genes, although only one copy of each r-protein is incorporated into the ribosome. Brassica napus is especially suited to the comparative study of r-protein gene paralogs due to its documented history of genome duplication as well as the recent availability of large EST data sets. We have identified 996 putative r-protein genes spanning 79 distinct r-proteins in B. napus using EST data from 16 tissue collections. A total of 23,408 tissue-specific r-protein ESTs are associated with this gene set. Comparative analysis of the transcript levels for these unigenes reveals that a large fraction of r-protein genes are differentially expressed and that the number of paralogs expressed for each r-protein varies extensively with tissue type in B. napus. In addition, in many cases the paralogous genes for a specific r-protein are not transcribed in concert and have highly contrasting expression patterns among tissues. Thus, each tissue examined has a novel r-protein transcript population. Furthermore, hierarchical clustering reveals that particular paralogs for nonhomologous r-protein genes cluster together, suggesting that r-protein paralog combinations are associated with specific tissues in B. napus and, thus, may contribute to tissue differentiation and/or specialization. Altogether, the data suggest that duplicated r-protein genes undergo functional divergence into highly specialized paralogs and coexpression networks and that, similar to recent reports for yeast, these are likely actively involved in differentiation, development, and/or tissue-specific processes