31 research outputs found

    In Vivo Human Apolipoprotein E Isoform Fractional Turnover Rates in the CNS

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    Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) is the strongest genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and has been implicated in the risk for other neurological disorders. The three common ApoE isoforms (ApoE2, E3, and E4) each differ by a single amino acid, with ApoE4 increasing and ApoE2 decreasing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Both the isoform and amount of ApoE in the brain modulate AD pathology by altering the extent of amyloid beta (Aβ) peptide deposition. Therefore, quantifying ApoE isoform production and clearance rates may advance our understanding of the role of ApoE in health and disease. To measure the kinetics of ApoE in the central nervous system (CNS), we applied in vivo stable isotope labeling to quantify the fractional turnover rates of ApoE isoforms in 18 cognitively-normal adults and in ApoE3 and ApoE4 targeted-replacement mice. No isoform-specific differences in CNS ApoE3 and ApoE4 turnover rates were observed when measured in human CSF or mouse brain. However, CNS and peripheral ApoE isoform turnover rates differed substantially, which is consistent with previous reports and suggests that the pathways responsible for ApoE metabolism are different in the CNS and the periphery. We also demonstrate a slower turnover rate for CSF ApoE than that for amyloid beta, another molecule critically important in AD pathogenesis

    Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes

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    Climate change and other anthropogenic stressors have led to long-term changes in the thermal structure, including surface temperatures, deepwater temperatures, and vertical thermal gradients, in many lakes around the world. Though many studies highlight warming of surface water temperatures in lakes worldwide, less is known about long-term trends in full vertical thermal structure and deepwater temperatures, which have been changing less consistently in both direction and magnitude. Here, we present a globally-expansive data set of summertime in-situ vertical temperature profiles from 153 lakes, with one time series beginning as early as 1894. We also compiled lake geographic, morphometric, and water quality variables that can influence vertical thermal structure through a variety of potential mechanisms in these lakes. These long-term time series of vertical temperature profiles and corresponding lake characteristics serve as valuable data to help understand changes and drivers of lake thermal structure in a time of rapid global and ecological change

    Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes

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    Measurement(s) : temperature of water, temperature profile Technology Type(s) : digital curation Factor Type(s) : lake location, temporal interval Sample Characteristic - Environment : lake, reservoir Sample Characteristic - Location : global Machine-accessible metadata file describing the reported data: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14619009Climate change and other anthropogenic stressors have led to long-term changes in the thermal structure, including surface temperatures, deepwater temperatures, and vertical thermal gradients, in many lakes around the world. Though many studies highlight warming of surface water temperatures in lakes worldwide, less is known about long-term trends in full vertical thermal structure and deepwater temperatures, which have been changing less consistently in both direction and magnitude. Here, we present a globally-expansive data set of summertime in-situ vertical temperature profiles from 153 lakes, with one time series beginning as early as 1894. We also compiled lake geographic, morphometric, and water quality variables that can influence vertical thermal structure through a variety of potential mechanisms in these lakes. These long-term time series of vertical temperature profiles and corresponding lake characteristics serve as valuable data to help understand changes and drivers of lake thermal structure in a time of rapid global and ecological change

    Comparative Loss-of-Function Screens Reveal ABCE1 as an Essential Cellular Host Factor for Efficient Translation of Paramyxoviridae and Pneumoviridae

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    International audienceParamyxoviruses and pneumoviruses have similar life cycles and share the respiratory tract as a point of entry. In comparative genome-scale siRNA screens with wild-type-derived measles, mumps, and respiratory syncytial viruses in A549 cells, a human lung adenocarcinoma cell line, we identified vesicular transport, RNA processing pathways, and translation as the top pathways required by all three viruses. As the top hit in the translation pathway, ABCE1, a member of the ATP-binding cassette transporters, was chosen for further study. We found that ABCE1 supports replication of all three viruses, confirming its importance for viruses of both families. More detailed characterization revealed that ABCE1 is specifically required for efficient viral but not general cellular protein synthesis, indicating that paramyxoviral and pneumoviral mRNAs exploit specific translation mechanisms. In addition to providing a novel overview of cellular proteins and pathways that impact these important pathogens, this study highlights the role of ABCE1 as a host factor required for efficient paramyxovirus and pneumovirus translation.IMPORTANCE The Paramyxoviridae and Pneumoviridae families include important human and animal pathogens. To identify common host factors, we performed genome-scale siRNA screens with wild-type-derived measles, mumps, and respiratory syncytial viruses in the same cell line. A comparative bioinformatics analysis yielded different members of the coatomer complex I, translation factors ABCE1 and eIF3A, and several RNA binding proteins as cellular proteins with proviral activity for all three viruses. A more detailed characterization of ABCE1 revealed its essential role for viral protein synthesis. Taken together, these data sets provide new insight into the interactions between paramyxoviruses and pneumoviruses and host cell proteins and constitute a starting point for the development of broadly effective antivirals

    Identifying reliable indicators of fitness in polar bears.

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    Animal structural body size and condition are often measured to evaluate individual health, identify responses to environmental change and food availability, and relate food availability to effects on reproduction and survival. A variety of condition metrics have been developed but relationships between these metrics and vital rates are rarely validated. Identifying an optimal approach to estimate the body condition of polar bears is needed to improve monitoring of their response to decline in sea ice habitat. Therefore, we examined relationships between several commonly used condition indices (CI), body mass, and size with female reproductive success and cub survival among polar bears (Ursus maritimus) measured in two subpopulations over three decades. To improve measurement and application of morphometrics and CIs, we also examined whether CIs are independent of age and structural size-an important assumption for monitoring temporal trends-and factors affecting measurement precision and accuracy. Maternal CIs and mass measured the fall prior to denning were related to cub production. Similarly, maternal CIs, mass, and length were related to the mass of cubs or yearlings that accompanied her. However, maternal body mass, but not CIs, measured in the spring was related to cub production and only maternal mass and length were related to the probability of cub survival. These results suggest that CIs may not be better indicators of fitness than body mass in part because CIs remove variation associated with body size that is important in affecting fitness. Further, CIs exhibited variable relationships with age for growing bears and were lower for longer bears despite body length being related to cub survival and female reproductive success. These results are consistent with findings from other species indicating that body mass is a useful metric to link environmental conditions and population dynamics

    Reply to Kjartansdóttir et al.: Chlorovirus ATCV-1 findings not explained by contamination

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    We agree with Kjartansdóttir et al. (1) that extreme caution must be used when interpreting high-throughput sequencing results in new hosts. The situation demands thorough investigation and validation beyond the identification of a few sequencing reads. However, we believe it is unlikely that random laboratory contamination explains the results reported in Yolken et al. (2) for the following reasons. ... Therefore, the conclusions in our report are based not only on “a few sequence reads” (1), but on confirmatory assays, as well as a highly controlled animal model of oral exposure and subsequent measurement of immune response and behavior. We hope that our work will stimulate further research relating to the possible role of ATCV-1 and other phycodnaviruses in the human virome, and the biological mechanisms of viral interaction with humans and other mammals. These studies would include the measurement of ATCV-1–like sequences at other body sites and the measurement of an immune response to ATCV-1 proteins in humans living in different areas of the world, as well as studies of virus–cell interactions

    Reply to Kjartansdóttir et al.: Chlorovirus ATCV-1 findings not explained by contamination

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    We agree with Kjartansdóttir et al. (1) that extreme caution must be used when interpreting high-throughput sequencing results in new hosts. The situation demands thorough investigation and validation beyond the identification of a few sequencing reads. However, we believe it is unlikely that random laboratory contamination explains the results reported in Yolken et al. (2) for the following reasons. ... Therefore, the conclusions in our report are based not only on “a few sequence reads” (1), but on confirmatory assays, as well as a highly controlled animal model of oral exposure and subsequent measurement of immune response and behavior. We hope that our work will stimulate further research relating to the possible role of ATCV-1 and other phycodnaviruses in the human virome, and the biological mechanisms of viral interaction with humans and other mammals. These studies would include the measurement of ATCV-1–like sequences at other body sites and the measurement of an immune response to ATCV-1 proteins in humans living in different areas of the world, as well as studies of virus–cell interactions

    Reply to Kjartansdóttir et al.: Chlorovirus ATCV-1 findings not explained by contamination

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    Temas tratados: - Elevación de informe técnico sobre radiaciones no ionizantes emitidas por antena de telefonía celular. Asuntos Académicos - Elevación del Calendario Académico 2015. - Apertura de las inscripciones a la Carrera de Microbiología Clínica e Industrial para 2015. - Solicitud de que las mesas de evaluación final integradora (EFI) sean regularizadoras para Tercero, Cuarto y Quinto Año de todos los Planes de Estudio vigentes. - Solicitud de readmisión a la Carrera de Ciencias Veterinarias - Solicitud de pase de la Carrera de Microbiología a la Carrera de Veterinaria. - Solicitud de acreditación de Cursos de otras Facultades como Cursos Optativos - Elevación de una solicitud de realización de Pasantía. - Elevación del informe final de una Pasantía realizada. - Solicitud de baja de una inscripción a la carrera de Medicina Veterinaria. - Solicitud de prórroga en el plazo para la presentación de título análitico del nivel secundario de una ingresante 2014. - Aceptación de una presentación fuera de término del certificado analítico del nivel secundario para una estudiante del Primer Año. - Solicitud de reconocimiento excepcional de una promoción en el curso de Economía Agraria. - Solicitud de realización de prácticas pre-profesionales durante el receso de verano 2015. Asuntos Estudiantiles Ciencia y Técnica - Elevación del Acta Acuerdo de Colaboración Recíproca Científica y Tecnológica entre el Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias (LAINPA) y el Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores (CEPAVE - CONICET). - Solicitudes de incorporaciones de integrantes a distintos Proyectos de Investigación sobre Educación en las Ciencias Veterinarias. - Elevación de una Guía para autores. Revista Analecta Veterinaria. - Elevación de la propuesta de integración del Grupo Editorial de la Revista Analecta Veterinaria. - Propuesta de modificación al Programa de Becas de Investigación para Estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Posgrado - Elevación de tres Planes de Tesis de la Carrera de Doctorado en Ciencias Veterinarias. - Elevación de siete Planes de Tesis con propuesta de Jurados evaluadores de la Carrera de Doctorado en Ciencias Veterinarias. - Elevación de la solicitud de una incorporación de codirector de Tesis en la Carrera de Doctorado en Ciencias Veterinarias. - Solicitudes de quince inscripciones a la Carrera de Especialización en Diagnóstico Veterinario de Laboratorio. - Elevación de tres propuestas de Jurado Evaluador en la Carrera de Especialización en Diagnóstico Veterinario de Laboratorio - Elevación de tres Planes de Trabajo Final y solicitudes de Jurado Evaluador en la Carrera de Especialización en Seguridad Alimentaria - Elevación de cuatro propuestas para la realización de Actividades Educativas de Posgrado (AEPG). - Elevación de los informes finales correspondientes a cuatro AEPG. Extensión - Solicitud de becas vinculadas al proyecto “Educación en las Enfermedades Infecciosas Emergentes y Reemergentes” - Elevación de trece propuestas para la realización de Actividades Formales de Extensión (AFE). Expedición de títulos - Autorización para expedir títulos de cuatro Médicos Veterinarios, cuatro Médicas Veterinarias y un Microbiólogo Clínico e Industrial. Administrativas - Rectificación de fecha en una Resolución. - Solicitudes docentes de licencia con goce de sueldo. - Solicitudes de designación en cargos docentes. - Solicitudes de limitación en funciones docentes. - Solicitudes de renuncia condicionada para acogerse a los beneficios jubilatorios en cargos docentes. - Renuncia a cargos docentes. - Solicitud de poner el nombre de la Doctora Cecilia Castellano en alguna de las salas ligadas a la docencia del actual Hospital de Pequeños Animales. - Creación de la Comisión de Extensión permanente del Consejo Directivo. - Recurso de apelación a actos administrativos. - Informe nº 01/14 NP de la Unidad de Auditoría Interna, correspondiente a informes no programados, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. - Memoria 2013 del Instituto de Genética Veterinaria (IGEVET) en atención al Convenio Marco firmado por esta Universidad con el CONICET. - Solicitud de Auspicio Institucional al Primer Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Reproducción Animal (marzo de 2015). - Solicitud de designación del Doctor Eduardo Cueto Rúa como Profesor Visitante “ad-honorem” en la Cátedra de Tecnología y Sanidad de los Alimentos, durante el período comprendido entre el 03 de febrero y el 31 de diciembre de 2014.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria