12 research outputs found


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    The researchers examined 56 children aged between 3 and 12 years old, suffering from acute tonsillitis caused by group A β-hemolytic streptococcus. After the antibacterial therapy of 10 days long all the children were divided into 2 groups. The first group comprised 30 children, who received the medication of the bacterial lysate (imudon, solvay pharma, Germany). The length of the medication intake was 14 days. The children of the second group (26 children) underwent one-time injection of bycillin. The research findings showed that application of the bacterial lysate drastically increased the efficiency of therapy and improved the contents of pharynx microflora within the decubation of acute tonsillitis caused by group a hemolytic streptococcus.Key words: acute tonsillitis, group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, treatment


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    The researchers examined 56 children aged between 3 and 12 years old, suffering from acute tonsillitis caused by group A β-hemolytic streptococcus. After the antibacterial therapy of 10 days long all the children were divided into 2 groups. The first group comprised 30 children, who received the medication of the bacterial lysate (imudon, solvay pharma, Germany). The length of the medication intake was 14 days. The children of the second group (26 children) underwent one-time injection of bycillin. The research findings showed that application of the bacterial lysate drastically increased the efficiency of therapy and improved the contents of pharynx microflora within the decubation of acute tonsillitis caused by group a hemolytic streptococcus.Key words: acute tonsillitis, group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, treatment


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    Neonatal sepsis remains one of the leading reasons of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The identification of neonates at the risk group of early onset sepsis must be based on a constellation of maternal risk factors, data of clinical observation and laboratory investigation. The optimal treatment of infants with sepsis or suspected sepsis is application of broad spectrum antimicrobial agents.Неонатальный сепсис остается ведущей причиной заболеваемости и смертности новорожденных. Идентификация новорожденных группы риска по развитию раннего неонатального сепсиса должна основываться на совокупности материнских факторов риска, данных клинического осмотра и лабораторных исследований. Оптимальным лечением новорожденным с сепсисом или подозрением на него является применение антибиотиков широкого спектра действия.Неонатальний сепсис залишається провідною причиною захворюваності та смертності новонароджених. Ідентифікація новонароджених групи ризику з розвитку раннього неонатального сепсису має ґрунтуватися на сукупності материнських факторів ризику, даних клінічного огляду та лабораторних обстежень. Оптимальним лікуванням новонародженим з сепсисом чи підозрою на нього є застосування антибіотиків широкого спектру дії

    New Academic Culture: Digital Ethics in Virtual Communication

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    The relevance of this research is due to the significance of the problems of compliance with ethical standards in general and the obvious need to establish common rules of communication in the virtual environment, which became the main platform for academic communication during the pandemic. It is obvious that cultural traditions often lag far behind the changes that are taking place in the field of online communication. Among modern youth, there are differences in the perception of the culture of behavior in the real vs. virtual world. The aim of this research was to analyze the content of the new concept of ‘digital ethics’ and to study the ideas of value and moral guidelines in virtual communication among students of higher education institutions. The work was based on a socio-cultural methodological approach. The main method used was an online questionnaire created in Google Forms. The respondents were students of two Russian universities. The survey was conducted in January–February 2021 on a voluntary and anonymous basis. The results of the study demonstrated an increasing interest in the problems of compliance with moral and ethical standards in digital communication. The level of digital ethics was rated as average by the respondents. Among the main factors identified that influence the ethics of a particular person’s behavior were the family, social circle, and level of education. The main recommendation for reducing violations of ethical norms in digital communication was the need for early education of children based on cultural traditions and moral foundations, while legislative initiatives of a prohibitive nature (for example, fines) did not receive adequate support from respondents. This paper provides reference points both for further in-depth research on digital ethics issues and for making concrete decisions in the academic environment. Keywords: digital ethics, virtual communication, culture of behavior, digital environmen

    Isotopic-geochemical peculiarities of distribution of gas hydrocarbons in the Bazhenov formation section (South part of the Western Siberia)

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    In this work we describe the distribution of stable carbon isotopes in hydrocarbon gases from four wells located in the southern and central parts of the Western Siberia. The main goal was to understand the influence of the lithological composition and geological settings on isotopic composition of gases and their formation. Two genetically different groups of hydrocarbon gases were identified based on the author’s research, as well as analysis of archival and literature materials on the isotope composition of hydrocarbons. We estimated the close relationship between the main factors of the migration, degree of metamorphism of organic matter and the isotope composition of hydrocarbon gases produced by the Bazhenov formation


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    The researchers examined 56 children aged between 3 and 12 years old, suffering from acute tonsillitis caused by group A β-hemolytic streptococcus. After the antibacterial therapy of 10 days long all the children were divided into 2 groups. The first group comprised 30 children, who received the medication of the bacterial lysate (imudon, solvay pharma, Germany). The length of the medication intake was 14 days. The children of the second group (26 children) underwent one-time injection of bycillin. The research findings showed that application of the bacterial lysate drastically increased the efficiency of therapy and improved the contents of pharynx microflora within the decubation of acute tonsillitis caused by group a hemolytic streptococcus.Key words: acute tonsillitis, group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, treatment.Под наблюдением находилось 56 детей в возрасте от 3 до 12 лет с острым тонзиллитом, вызванным β-гемолитическим стрептококком группы А (БГСА). После курса антибактериальной терапии продолжительностью 10 дней все дети были разделены на 2 группы. Первую группу составили 30 детей, которым был назначен препарат из группы бактериальных лизатов (Имудон, Солвей Фарма, Франция). Продолжительность приёма препарата – 20 дней. Детям второй группы (26 человек) проведено однократное введение бициллина. Результаты наблюдения показали, что применение бактериального лизата существенно повышает эффективность терапии и улучшает состав микрофлоры зёва в периоде реконвалесценции острого тонзиллита, вызванного БГСА. Ключевые слова: острый тонзиллит, β-гемолитический стрептококк группы А, лечение.(Педиатрическая фармакология. – 2006;3(6):62-64