1,804 research outputs found

    Possible Sources for Methane and C2-C5 Organics in the Plume of Enceladus

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    In this paper we consider six possible sources of CH4 and other low-mass (C2 - C5) organics in the plume of Enceladus: initial endowments of cometary organics or Titan- like tholin, in situ production by Fisher-Tropsch type reactions, water-rock reactions, or microbiology, and thermogenesis from heavier organics already present. We report on new laboratory results C2 hydrocarbons released on thermogenesis of laboratory tholin and Fisher-Tropsch type synthesis. Tholin heating produced ratios of CH4/C2H4 and CH4/C2H6 of about 2 for temperatures up to 450 C and about 6 for a temperature of 650 C. Low pressure Fisher-Tropsch type experiments produced CH4/C2H4 of approx 1.5, similar to previous results. No C2H2 was produced by either process. Tests of gas production by four strains of methanogens confirmed the absence of any detectable production of non-methane hydrocarbons. Cometary endowment, Fisher-Tropsch type synthesis, and Titan-like tholin incorporation could be primary inputs of organics and subsequent thermal processing of any of these all are possible sources of low mass organics in the plume. Biological production and water-rock reactions are an alternative source of CH4. Neither water-- ]rock reactions or thermal processing of biomass could be a source C2 . C5 organics due to the low interior pressures. The confirmed detection of CO and C2H2 in the plume of Enceladus would provide an important constraint on sources as we have identified no process . other than the initial volatile component of cometary organics which can supply these gases. Precise determination of the relative concentrations of C1 - C5 hydrocarbons may provide additional constraints on sources but a detailed isotopic analysis of C and H in these organics and a search for amino acids constitute the next important steps in resolving the sources of the organics in Enceladus' plume

    Accountancy and academic/professional inter-dependency (or mutual exclusivity?)

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    This paper is a report on an Accounting Education Symposium held during the 2009 Annual Congress of the EAA in Tampere, Finland. This was the fourth occasion on which there has been an Accounting Education Symposium (or similar) within an EAA Annual Congress. Previous events were as follows: 2005 (Gotenburg, Sweden) EAA Accounting Educators\u27 Forum 2006 (Dublin, Ireland) \u27Universities and Professional Bodies: Complementary or Colliding Roles in Educating and Training Future Accounting Practitioners?\u27 (sponsored by the Irish Accountancy Educational Trust) 2008 (Rotterdam, the Netherlands) \u27Accounting Education: The Common Content Project\u27 (sponsored by Royal NIVRA). <br /

    Object preference by walking fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, is mediated by vision and graviperception

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    Walking fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, use visual information to orient towards salient objects in their environment, presumably as a search strategy for finding food, shelter or other resources. Less is known, however, about the role of vision or other sensory modalities such as mechanoreception in the evaluation of objects once they have been reached. To study the role of vision and mechanoreception in exploration behavior, we developed a large arena in which we could track individual fruit flies as they walked through either simple or more topologically complex landscapes. When exploring a simple, flat environment lacking three-dimensional objects, flies used visual cues from the distant background to stabilize their walking trajectories. When exploring an arena containing an array of cones, differing in geometry, flies actively oriented towards, climbed onto, and explored the objects, spending most of their time on the tallest, steepest object. A fly’s behavioral response to the geometry of an object depended upon the intrinsic properties of each object and not a relative assessment to other nearby objects. Furthermore, the preference was not due to a greater attraction towards tall, steep objects, but rather a change in locomotor behavior once a fly reached and explored the surface. Specifically, flies are much more likely to stop walking for long periods when they are perched on tall, steep objects. Both the vision system and the antennal chordotonal organs (Johnston’s organs) provide sufficient information about the geometry of an object to elicit the observed change in locomotor behavior. Only when both these sensory systems were impaired did flies not show the behavioral preference for the tall, steep objects

    Leaf wall area related dose within the framework of the authorisation for plant protection products in grape vine uses

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    Mit Pflanzenschutzmittel zu behandelnde Kulturpflanzen werden im Spritz- oder Sprühverfahren in der Regel durch eine waagerecht oder senkrecht zur Erdoberfläche geführte Einrichtung behandelt, je nachdem ob es sich um eine Flächenkultur – wie z.B. Getreide oder Kartoffel – bzw. um eine Raumkultur – wie z.B. Weinrebe oder Apfel – handelt. Da die Zielfläche bei Raumkulturen in aller Regel nicht wie bei Flächenkulturen identisch mit der Grundfläche ist, soll auch bei der Zulassung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln die Aufwandmenge auf die tatsächlich zu behandelnde Fläche bezogen werden, nämlich auf die Laubwandfläche.Bei der Zulassung von Indikationen in Weinrebe, Kern­obst und hochwachsende Gemüsekulturen soll die Wirksamkeitsbewertung laubwandflächenbasiert erfolgen. Entsprechend wird die Beschreibung der Anwendungen zusätzlich mit der Angabe einer laubwandflächenbasierten Aufwandmenge ergänzt. Die Konsequenzen für die Zulassung und die weinbauliche Praxis werden dargestellt.Plant protection products are usually applied as a spray application with the help of a boom sprayer. Depending on whether it is a field crop – such as cereal or potato – or a high growing crop – such as grapevine or apple – the boom sprayer is horizontally or vertically guided parallel in relation to the target surface.In the case of high growing crops the target area is generally not identical to the ground area as it is the case of field crops. Within the authorisation the dosage of plant protection products in high growing crops should also be related to the real treated area, namely the leaf wall area.The efficacy assessment should be based on the leaf wall area when approving uses of vine grape, pome fruits or high growing vegetable crops. In future the efficacy assess­ment should be based on the leaf wall area when approving vine grape uses. Accordingly, the description of the uses is adapted with an additional information of a leaf wall area based application rate. The consequences for the registration and the viticulture practice are presented

    Resonance Transport and Kinetic Entropy

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    Within the real-time formulation of nonequilibrium field theory, generalized transport equations are derived avoiding the standard quasiparticle approximation. They permit to include unstable particles into the transport scheme. In order to achieve a self-consistent, conserving and thermodynamically consistent description, we generalize the Baym's Φ\Phi-functional method to genuine nonequilibrium processes. The developed transport description naturally includes all those quantum features already inherent in the corresponding equilibrium limit. Memory effects appearing in collision term diagrams of higher order are discussed. The variational properties of Φ\Phi-functional permit to derive a generalized expression for the non-equilibrium kinetic entropy flow, which includes fluctuations and mass width effects. In special cases an HH-theorem is demonstrated implying that the entropy can only increase with time. Memory effects in the kinetic terms provide corrections to the kinetic entropy flow that in equilibrium limit recover the famous bosonic type T3lnTT^3 \ln T correction to the specific heat of Fermi liquids like Helium-3.Comment: 50 pages, submitted to Nucl. Phys.