73 research outputs found

    Fluctuation induces evolutionary branching in a modeled microbial ecosystem

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    The impact of environmental fluctuation on species diversity is studied with a model of the evolutionary ecology of microorganisms. We show that environmental fluctuation induces evolutionary branching and assures the consequential coexistence of multiple species. Pairwise invasibility analysis is applied to illustrate the speciation process. We also discuss how fluctuation affects species diversity.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Noise-driven oscillations in microbial population dynamics

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    Microbial populations in the natural environment are likely to experience growth conditions very different from those of a typical laboratory xperiment. In particular, removal rates of biomass and substrate are unlikely to be balanced under realistic environmental conditions. Here, we consider a single population growing on a substrate under conditions where the removal rates of substrate and biomass are not necessarily equal. For a large population, with deterministic growth dynamics, our model predicts that this system can show transient (damped) oscillations. For a small population, demographic noise causes these oscillations to be sustained indefinitely. These oscillations arise when the dynamics of changes in biomass are faster than the dynamics of the substrate, for example, due to a high microbial death rate and/or low substrate flow rates. We show that the same mechanism can produce sustained stochastic oscillations in a two-species, nutrient-cycling microbial ecosystem. Our results suggest that oscillatory population dynamics may be a common feature of small microbial populations in the natural environment, even in the absence of complex interspecies interactions.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Nutrient levels and trade-offs control diversity in a serial dilution ecosystem

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    Microbial communities feature an immense diversity of species and this diversity is linked with outcomes ranging from ecosystem stability to medical prognoses. Yet the mechanisms underlying microbial diversity are under debate. While simple resource-competition models don't allow for coexistence of a large number of species, it was recently shown that metabolic trade-offs can allow unlimited diversity. Does this diversity persist with more realistic, intermittent nutrient supply? Here, we demonstrate theoretically that in serial dilution culture, metabolic trade-offs allow for high diversity. When a small amount of nutrient is supplied to each batch, the serial dilution dynamics mimic a chemostat-like steady state. If more nutrient is supplied, diversity depends on the amount of nutrient supplied due to an "early-bird" effect. The interplay of this effect with different environmental factors and diversity-supporting mechanisms leads to a variety of relationships between nutrient supply and diversity, suggesting that real ecosystems may not obey a universal nutrient-diversity relationship.Comment: Appendix follows main tex

    Studies on Bioflocculant Production by Arthrobacter sp. Raats, a Freshwater Bacteria Isolated from Tyume River, South Africa

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    A bioflocculant-producing bacteria was isolated from Tyume River in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa and identified by 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequence to have 91% similarity to Arthrobacter sp. 5J12A, and the nucleotide sequence was deposited in GenBank as Arthrobacter sp. Raats (accession number HQ875723). The bacteria produced an extracellular bioflocculant when grown aerobically in a production medium containing glucose as sole carbon source and had an initial pH of 7.0. Influences of carbon, nitrogen and metal ions sources, as well as initial pH on flocculating activity were investigated. The bacteria optimally produced the bioflocullant when lactose and urea were used as sole sources of carbon and nitrogen respectively with flocculating activities of 75.4% and 83.4% respectively. Also, the bacteria produced the bioflocculant optimally when initial pH of the medium was 7.0 (flocculating activity 84%), and when Mg2+ was used as cation (flocculating activity 77%). Composition analyses indicated the bioflocculant to be principally a glycoprotein made up of about 56% protein and 25% total carbohydrate

    Production of lipid-based fuels and chemicals from microalgae: An integrated experimental and model-based optimization study

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    Abstract Cultivation of microalgae is a promising long-term, sustainable candidate for biomass and oil for the production of fuel, food, nutraceuticals and other added-value products. Attention has been drawn to the use of computational and experimental validation studies aiming at the optimisation and the control of microalgal oil productivity either through the improvement of the growth mechanism or through the application of metabolic engineering methods to microalgae. Optimisation of such a system can be achieved through the evaluation of organic carbon sources, nutrients and water supply, leading to high oil yield. The main objective of this work is to develop a novel integrated experimental and computational approach, utilising a microalgal strain grown at bench-scale, with the aim to systematically identify the conditions that optimise growth and lipid production, in order to ultimately develop a cost-effective process to improve the system economic viability and overall sustainability. To achieve this, a detailed model has been constructed through a multi-parameter quantification methodology taking into account photo-heterotrophic biomass growth. The corresponding growth rate is based on carbon substrate concentration, nitrogen and light availability. The developed model also considers the pH of the medium. Parameter estimation was undertaken using the proposed model in conjunction with an extensive number of experimental data taken at a range of operating conditions. The model was validated and utilised to determine the optimal operating conditions for bench-scale batch lipid oil production

    Mobile compensatory mutations promote plasmid survival

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    The global dissemination of plasmids encoding antibiotic resistance represents an urgent issue for human health and society. While the fitness costs for host cells associated with plasmid acquisition are expected to limit plasmid dissemination in the absence of positive selection of plasmid traits, compensatory evolution can reduce this burden. Experimental data suggest that compensatory mutations can be located on either the chromosome or the plasmid, and these are likely to have contrasting effects on plasmid dynamics. Whereas chromosomal mutations are inherited vertically through bacterial fission, plasmid mutations can be inherited both vertically and horizontally and potentially reduce the initial cost of the plasmid in new host cells. Here we show using mathematical models and simulations that the dynamics of plasmids depends critically on the genomic location of the compensatory mutation. We demonstrate that plasmid-located compensatory evolution is better at enhancing plasmid persistence, even when its effects are smaller than those provided by chromosomal compensation. Moreover, either type of compensatory evolution facilitates the survival of resistance plasmids at low drug concentrations. These insights contribute to an improved understanding of the conditions and mechanisms driving the spread and the evolution of antibiotic resistance plasmids. IMPORTANCE Understanding the evolutionary forces that maintain antibiotic resistance genes in a population, especially when antibiotics are not used, is an important problem for human health and society. The most common platform for the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes is conjugative plasmids. Experimental studies showed that mutations located on the plasmid or the bacterial chromosome can reduce the costs plasmids impose on their hosts, resulting in antibiotic resistance plasmids being maintained even in the absence of antibiotics. While chromosomal mutations are only vertically inherited by the daughter cells, plasmid mutations are also provided to bacteria that acquire the plasmid through conjugation. Here we demonstrate how the mode of inheritance of a compensatory mutation crucially influences the ability of plasmids to spread and persist in a bacterial population

    Integrating Flux Balance Analysis into Kinetic Models to Decipher the Dynamic Metabolism of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1

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    Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 sequentially utilizes lactate and its waste products (pyruvate and acetate) during batch culture. To decipher MR-1 metabolism, we integrated genome-scale flux balance analysis (FBA) into a multiple-substrate Monod model to perform the dynamic flux balance analysis (dFBA). The dFBA employed a static optimization approach (SOA) by dividing the batch time into small intervals (i.e., ∼400 mini-FBAs), then the Monod model provided time-dependent inflow/outflow fluxes to constrain the mini-FBAs to profile the pseudo-steady-state fluxes in each time interval. The mini-FBAs used a dual-objective function (a weighted combination of “maximizing growth rate” and “minimizing overall flux”) to capture trade-offs between optimal growth and minimal enzyme usage. By fitting the experimental data, a bi-level optimization of dFBA revealed that the optimal weight in the dual-objective function was time-dependent: the objective function was constant in the early growth stage, while the functional weight of minimal enzyme usage increased significantly when lactate became scarce. The dFBA profiled biologically meaningful dynamic MR-1 metabolisms: 1. the oxidative TCA cycle fluxes increased initially and then decreased in the late growth stage; 2. fluxes in the pentose phosphate pathway and gluconeogenesis were stable in the exponential growth period; and 3. the glyoxylate shunt was up-regulated when acetate became the main carbon source for MR-1 growth