59 research outputs found
Návrh trojkolesovej jednotky pre výrobný promyslel
Príspevok bol riešený v rámci projektu KEGA 019TUKE-4/2022 Príprava
manažérov nových výrobných štruktúr budúcnosti na princípoch „Overall
Equipment Effectiveness“ (OEE) prostredníctvom vzdelávania študentov v
predmete Manažment výroby v študijnom programe Priemyselné inžinierstvo
a VEGA 1/0438/20 Interakcia digitálnych technológií za účelom podpory
softvérovej a hardvérovej komunikácie pokročilej platformy systému výroby.Článok popisuje návrh inteligentnej trojkolesovej jednotky.
Trojkolesová jednotka má mať uplatnenie vo výrobných halách pri
preprave osôb, ako aj pri prevoze materiálov, súčiastok potrebných pre
zabezpečenie výrobných procesov. Jednou z hlavných predností majú
byť menšie rozmery trojkolesovej jednotky a taktiež možnosť pripojenia
prívesného vozíka, z čoho vyplýva potreba dostatočne silného pohonu a
tiež aj robustnejšia konštrukcia. Pohon trojkolesovej jednotky bude
zabezpečovať elektromotor. Ďalšou výhodou má byť aj možnosť
komunikácie so zariadeniami vo výrobnej hale pomocou bezdrôtovej
technológie a požiadavkami zariadení z výroby, ktoré sa budú zobrazovať
pomocou aplikácií na zobrazovacom zariadení (tabletu)
Response of green reflectance continuum removal index to the xanthophyll de-epoxidation cycle in Norway spruce needles
A dedicated field experiment was conducted to investigate the response of a green reflectance continuum removal-based optical index, called area under the curve normalized to maximal band depth between 511nm and 557nm (ANMB511-557), to light-induced transformations in xanthophyll cycle pigments of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst] needles. The performance of ANMB511-557 was compared with the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) computed from the same leaf reflectance measurements. Needles of four crown whorls (fifth, eighth, 10th, and 15th counted from the top) were sampled from a 27-year-old spruce tree throughout a cloudy and a sunny day. Needle optical properties were measured together with the composition of the photosynthetic pigments to investigate their influence on both optical indices. Analyses of pigments showed that the needles of the examined whorls varied significantly in chlorophyll content and also in related pigment characteristics, such as the chlorophyll/carotenoid ratio. The investigation of the ANMB511-557 diurnal behaviour revealed that the index is able to follow the dynamic changes in the xanthophyll cycle independently of the actual content of foliar pigments. Nevertheless, ANMB511-557 lost the ability to predict the xanthophyll cycle behaviour during noon on the sunny day, when the needles were exposed to irradiance exceeding 1000 µmol m-2 s-1. Despite this, ANMB511-557 rendered a better performance for tracking xanthophyll cycle reactions than PRI. Although declining PRI values generally responded to excessive solar irradiance, they were not able to predict the actual de-epoxidation state in the needles examine
Nanostructure and magnetic anomaly of mechanosynthesized CeYO (x ≤ 0.3) solid solutions
Electromagnetic properties of complex oxide solid solutions containing Ce and Y attract increasing interests due to their high application potential. Their properties are known to be dependent on many factors including grain size and crystal defects. Here we focus on unique features of nanocrystalline CeYO (x ≤ 0.3) solid solutions prepared via a mechanosynthesis. Mechanically activated CeO and mechanosynthesized CeYO exhibit room-temperature ferromagnetism. The saturation magnetization reaches maximum for the CeYO solid solution. XPS and Raman spectra show that Ce4+s are partially reduced to Ce, with simultaneous introduction of oxygen vacancies accumulated on surface of the solid solutions. An analysis of the experimental magnetization data and the determination of both the spin state and the concentration of magnetic carriers revealed that a small part of the Ce spins (<1%) is responsible for the magnetic state of the CeYO system. Existence of clusters with a short-range antiferromagnetic order is also suspected
Salinity-driven changes in Salicornia cell wall nano-mechanics and lignin composition
Preprint artykułuWidespread increases in soil salinization significantly reduce agricultural lands. Nevertheless, salt-tolerant
plants, such as Salicornia europaea L., can play a crucial role in the reclamation of these lands. We selected
S. europaea for this study due to its potential to mitigate soil salinization and its numerous applications, such as
intercropping in agriculture, biocompounds production and bioenergy. This work was designed to determine
whether different salinities induce significant biophysical, anatomical, lignin and gene transcript changes in
S. europaea. Through atomic force microscopy (AFM), we revealed that salinity stimulated an increase in cell wall
elasticity (CWE) as an important physiological mechanism of adaptation known as cell’s turgor conservation
effect. Direct values of the cell wall stiffness subjected to salinity were obtained, with Young’s modulus (E)
ranging from low and high salinity 0.52 to 0.03 MPa. The softening of the cell wall properly correlated with an
increase in cell size, plant cells under strong salinity 1000 mM NaCl, swelled 5.4 times. The best salinity range
found for its optimum growth was 200–400 mM NaCl. At higher salinities, we identified increases in the lignified
xylem, large calcium oxalate crystals, and in transcript amounts of SeSOS1 and SeNHX1, which has a significant
negative correlation with cell wall stiffness ( 0.57 and 0.95, respectively). The high syringyl and guaiacyl ratio
(S/G) in lignin for 0–400 mM NaCl may have influenced the rigidity and hydrophobicity of the cell walls. A
positive S/G ratio and sugar yields are associated with higher bioethanol production, these values may also be
useful for agriculture, biorefinery, biocompounds and plant-breeding applications. We conclude that salinity
indeed influenced the cell wall traits of S. europaea. This halophyte is capable of markedly softening its cell wall
as a way of adapting to the high level of salinity. Our presented insights and correlations not only provide a better
understanding of cell wall remodelling but are also considered vital traits of adaptation strategies that this
halophyte holds under salinity environment. These inputs can also be applied in future research aiming to
produce biomass and biofuel or to improve the salinity tolerance during the cultivation of non-tolerant plants,
crops and glycophytes, which is a significant challenge in agriculture, particularly in arid and coastal regions.
The unique properties of the S. europaea cell walls could also inspire the development of materials with enhanced
nanomechanical elasticity for resistance to osmotic stress
Má Ch. Jones pravdu? Existuje nesoulad mezi vývojem investicí a tempem technologického pokroku?
Podľa AK a R&D modelov by malo mať permanentné zvýšenie miery investícií a počtu výskumníkov permanentné vplyvy na rast. Charles Jones (1995a) využil absenciu dlhodobých pohybov v mierach rastu HDP a produktivity na ich empirické spochybnenie. Cieľom tejto práce je empirické otestovanie AK a R&D modelov endogénneho rastu. Autor využíva metódu navrhnutú Ch. Jonesom (1995a) a rozširuje analýzu o premenné, ktoré by mohli mať kompenzačné vplyvy na rast. Výsledky testované modely nepotvrdzujú.Podle AK a R&D modelů by mělo permanentní zvýšení míry investicí a počtu výskumníků mít permanentní vlivy na růst. Charles Jones (1995a) využil absenci dlouhodobých pohybů v mírach růstu HDP a produktivity na jejich empirické spochybnění. Cílem této práce je empirické otestování AK a R&D modelů endogenního růstu. Autor využívá metodu navrženou Ch. Jonesom (1995a) a rozšiřuje analýzu o proměnné, které by mohli do modelu vnést kompenzační vplyvy. Výsledky testované modely nepotvrzují.According to AK and R&D models, permanent rise in investment rates and the growing number or researchers should have permanent effects on growth rate. Charles Jones (1995a) used the lack of long-term movements in GDP and productivity growth to challenge the validity of these models. The aim of this paper is to empirically re-test these models of endogenous growth. The author follows the methods proposed by Ch. Jones (1995a) and extends the analysis for variables that could offset the movements in growth rates. The results show no support for the tested models
Is Ch. Jones right? Can we observe discrepancy among investment rates and technological progress?
According to AK and R&D models, permanent rise in investment rates and the growing number or researchers should have permanent effects on growth rate. Charles Jones (1995a) used the lack of long-term movements in GDP and productivity growth to challenge the validity of these models. The aim of this paper is to empirically re-test these models of endogenous growth. The author follows the methods proposed by Ch. Jones (1995a) and extends the analysis for variables that could offset the movements in growth rates. The results show no support for the tested models
Rationalization of the machining process on CNC turning automatic machines
Import 26/07/2007Prezenční346 - Katedra obrábění a montáž
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