98 research outputs found

    Ikonos satellite imagery for ndvi related assessment applied to land clearance studies

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    High-resolution satellite imagery permits verification of land clearance violations across borders due to unstable regimes or socio-economic upheaval. Without access to such areas to validate allegations remote sensing tools and techniques use are very important. Imagery-based assessment can quantify radiometrically calibrated normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and temporal changes evaluating displacement in the 2005 Porta Farm Zimbabwe clearances. Future near-real time space-based monitoring would benefit human rights observers and networks

    Aerosol Optical Retrieval and Surface Reflectance from Airborne Remote Sensing Data over Land

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    Quantitative analysis of atmospheric optical properties and surface reflectance can be performed by applying radiative transfer theory in the Atmosphere-Earth coupled system, for the atmospheric correction of hyperspectral remote sensing data. This paper describes a new physically-based algorithm to retrieve the aerosol optical thickness at 550nm (τ550) and the surface reflectance (ρ) from airborne acquired data in the atmospheric window of the Visible and Near-Infrared (VNIR) range. The algorithm is realized in two modules. Module A retrieves τ550 with a minimization algorithm, then Module B retrieves the surface reflectance ρ for each pixel of the image. The method was tested on five remote sensing images acquired by an airborne sensor under different geometric conditions to evaluate the reliability of the method. The results, τ550 and ρ, retrieved from each image were validated with field data contemporaneously acquired by a sun-sky radiometer and a spectroradiometer, respectively. Good correlation index, r, and low root mean square deviations, RMSD, were obtained for the τ550 retrieved by Module A (r2 = 0.75, RMSD = 0.08) and the ρ retrieved by Module B (r2 ≤ 0.9, RMSD ≤ 0.003). Overall, the results are encouraging, indicating that the method is reliable for optical atmospheric studies and the atmospheric correction of airborne hyperspectral images. The method does not require additional at-ground measurements about at-ground reflectance of the reference pixel and aerosol optical thickness

    Impact of the spatial resolution of satellite remote sensing sensors in the quantification of total suspended sediment concentration: A case study in turbid waters of Northern Western Australia

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    The impact of anthropogenic activities on coastal waters is a cause of concern because such activities add to the total suspended sediment (TSS) budget of the coastal waters, which have negative impacts on the coastal ecosystem. Satellite remote sensing provides a powerful tool in monitoring TSS concentration at high spatiotemporal resolution, but coastal managers should be mindful that the satellite-derived TSS concentrations are dependent on the satellite sensor's radiometric properties, atmospheric correction approaches, the spatial resolution and the limitations of specific TSS algorithms. In this study, we investigated the impact of different spatial resolutions of satellite sensor on the quantification of TSS concentration in coastal waters of northern Western Australia. We quantified the TSS product derived from MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-Aqua, Landsat-8 Operational Land Image (OLI), and WorldView-2 (WV2) at native spatial resolutions of 250 m, 30 m and 2 m respectively and coarser spatial resolution (resampled up to 5 km) to quantify the impact of spatial resolution on the derived TSS product in different turbidity conditions. The results from the study show that in the waters of high turbidity and high spatial variability, the high spatial resolution WV2 sensor reported TSS concentration as high as 160 mg L-1 while the low spatial resolution MODIS-Aqua reported a maximum TSS concentration of 23.6 mg L-1. Degrading the spatial resolution of each satellite sensor for highly spatially variable turbid waters led to variability in the TSS concentrations of 114.46%, 304.68% and 38.2% for WV2, Landsat-8 OLI and MODIS-Aqua respectively. The implications of this work are particularly relevant in the situation of compliance monitoring where operations may be required to restrict TSS concentrations to a pre-defined limit

    Measurement of fine-spatial-resolution 3D vegetation structure with airborne waveform lidar: Calibration and validation with voxelised terrestrial lidar

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    ArticleThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Vegetation structure controls habitat availability, ecosystem services, weather, climate and microclimate, but current landscape scale vegetation maps have lacked details of understorey vegetation and within-canopy structure at resolutions finer than a few tens of metres. In this paper, a novel signal processing method is used to correctly measure 3D voxelised vegetation cover from full-waveform ALS data at 1.5m horizontal and 50 cm vertical resolution, including understorey vegetation and within-canopy structure. A new method for calibrating and validating the instrument specific ALS processing using high resolution TLS data is also presented and used to calibrate and validate the ALS derived data products over a wide range of land cover types within a heterogeneous urban area, including woodland, gardens and streets. This showed the method to accurately retrieve voxelised canopy cover maps with less than 0.4% of voxels containing false negatives, 10% of voxels containing false positives and a canopy cover accuracy within voxels of 24%. The method was applied across 100 km2 and the resulting structure maps were compared to the more widely used discrete return ALS and Gaussian decomposed waveform ALS data products. These products were found to give little information on the within-canopy structure and so are only capable of deriving coarse resolution, plot-scale structure metrics. The detailed 3D canopy maps derived from the new method allow landscape scale ecosystem processes to be examined in more detail than has previously been possible, and the new method reveals details about the canopy understorey, creating opportunities for ecological investigations. The ca ibration method can be applied to any waveform ALS instrument and processing method. All code used in this paper is freely available online through bitbucket (https://bitbucket.org/StevenHancock/voxel lidar)This work was funded under the NERC Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Sustainability (BESS) thematic programme for the Fragments Functions and Flows in Urban Ecosystems project (F3UES; http://bess-urban.group.shef.ac.uk/), grant number NE/J015067/1. The airborne lidar data were acquired by NERC Airborne Research and Survey Facility (ARSF)

    Retrieval of canopy height profiles from lidar measurements over coniferous forests”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, submitted in August 2004

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    Abstract -The current algorithm for retrieval of canopy height profiles (CHPs) from lidar waveforms is based on the simplifying assumptions of insignificance of the effects of multiple scattering and a uniform horizontal distribution of vegetated elements. These assumptions make it hardly applicable in the case of coniferous forests, characterized by a high degree of clumping and significant multiple scattering of radiation in the near-infrared spectrum. In this study, we modify the current algorithm to account for clumping of needles into shoots, multiple scattering of radiation between the needles of a shoot, shoots inclination and multiple scattering of radiation between shoots. The performance of the modified algorithm is evaluated with SLICER waveforms collected over the BOREAS old black spruce site in summer 1994

    Remote sensing of water quality in an Australian tropical freshwater impoundment using matrix inversion and MERIS images

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how semi-analytical inversion techniques developed for the remote sensing of water quality parameters (chlorophyll a, tripton and coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM)) in inland waters could be adapted or improved for application to Australian tropical and sub-tropical water bodies. The Matrix Inversion Method (MIM) with a semi analytic model of the anisotropy of the in-water light field was applied to MERIS images of Burdekin Falls Dam, Australia, a tropical freshwater impoundment. Specific attention was required to improve the atmospheric correction of the MERIS data. The performance of the conventional three band exact solution of the MIM was compared to that of over determined solutions that used constant and differential weighting for each sensor band. The results of the application of the MIM algorithm showed that the best weighting scheme had a mean chlorophyll a retrieval difference of 1.0 μgl-1, the three band direct matrix inversion scheme had a mean difference of 4.2 μgl-1 and the constant weight scheme had a mean difference of 5.5 μgl-1. For tripton, the best performed weighting scheme had a mean difference of 1.2 mgl 1, the three band scheme had a mean difference of 3.4 mgl-1 and the constant weight scheme had a mean difference of 1.8 mgl-1. For the CDOM retrieval, the mean difference was found to be 0.12 m-1 for the best performed weighting scheme, 0.25 m-1 for the three band scheme and 0.52 m-1 for the constant weight scheme. It was found that significant improvements in the accuracy and precision of retrieved water quality parameter values can be obtained by using differentially weighted, over-determined systems of equations, rather than exact solutions. These more reliable estimates of water quality parameters will allow water resource managers to improve their monitoring regimes