3,732 research outputs found

    Remote sensing technology applications in forestry and REDD+

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    Advances in close-range and remote sensing technologies drive innovations in forest resource assessments and monitoring at varying scales. Data acquired with airborne and spaceborne platforms provide us with higher spatial resolution, more frequent coverage and increased spectral information. Recent developments in ground-based sensors have advanced three dimensional (3D) measurements, low-cost permanent systems and community-based monitoring of forests. The REDD+ mechanism has moved the remote sensing community in advancing and developing forest geospatial products which can be used by countries for the international reporting and national forest monitoring. However, there still is an urgent need to better understand the options and limitations of remote and close-range sensing techniques in the field of degradation and forest change assessment. This Special Issue contains 12 studies that provided insight into new advances in the field of remote sensing for forest management and REDD+. This includes developments into algorithm development using satellite data; synthetic aperture radar (SAR); airborne and terrestrial LiDAR; as well as forest reference emissions level (FREL) frameworks

    Meteorologia aplicada

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    Contes publicats a De teves a meves (p. 156-157)Mecanoscrit en el mateix full de: Som així i Els bons costum

    El cactus

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    Bella mar, bella gent

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    'L'amor de Joan', de Pere Calders, o l'aprenentatge d'un novel·lista /

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    Jordi Castellanos edita la novel·la breu 'L'amor de Joan', de Pere Calders. Es tracta d'un text d'aprenentatge que Calders va escriure als 18 o 19 anys. Castellanos assenyala l'interès del text en relació a la producció posterior de l'escriptor (especialment en allò que fa referència al punt de vista) i comenta alguns aspectes tècnics del mecanoscrit original

    La Cara i la creu

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    Text publicat a Fumar o no fumar (p. 25-28

    Taula rodona

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    Obra de teatre inacabad

    Dotze contes portàtils

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    El Miracle de les valls

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    Sobre el principat d'Andorr