29 research outputs found

    Metabolism, productive performance of bright breeds of lacquer for feeding in the diet of aquaculture supplements

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    The paper examines the search and development of effective ways to reduce the proportion of grain in feed due to non-grain raw materials and partial or complete replacement of such high-value ingredients as animal proteins, fats, phosphatides, macro-and micronutrients and vitamin-mineral premixes through the use of natural resources of the local raw material base. The main nutrients contained in the protein-mineral supplement of the Dniester River indicate its unique, natural multicomponent composition, so it can be widely used, in particular, as a source of protein, amino acids, vitamins, macro-and micronutrients and possibly others. biologically active substances not yet identified by us. It was found that the brightness of the experimental groups in terms of live weight slightly exceeded the animals of the control group. Bright experimental groups made slightly better use of feed nutrients. Feed costs per 1 kg of live weight gain, they were 6.5-8.4% lower. When feeding the bright research groups aquaculture of the Dniester River, there is a tendency to increase the strength of their wool. The inclusion of aquaculture additives in the feed helped to increase the concentration in the blood of bright experimental groups of hemoglobin by 0.13-0.38 g (P> 0.05) compared with the control, which indicates an increased level of redox processes in the body. Moreover, the highest content of hemoglobin (12.01 vs. 11.63 g%) was observed in the blood of bright IV experimental group, in the diet of which was compound feed with the inclusion of 15 wt.% Additive. However, the difference in this indicator between the animals of the IV experimental and I (control) groups (0.38 g%) is statically unlikely (P> 0.05)

    Adaptive changes in the ornithine cycle and amino acid synthesis in sheep liver with different meat productivity

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    The aim of the research was to study the ornithine cycle as the process of fixing ammonia and the formation of urea in the body of highly productive animals. In our experiments, we used a protein-deficient diet and urea as a nitrogen substitute for nitrogen-containing materials in the diet to reveal the mechanism of action of urea on animals, in particular on the biochemical processes of the ornithine cycle. There are some differences between Bukovinian sheep of the Askanian meat-wool breed and outbreds in terms of the ability to build muscle tissue. Our study reveals that the slaughter yield and the average daily gain consumption of Bukovinian-type meat of the Askanian meat-wool breed were higher in summer and in autumn, compare with purebred sheep. Sheep of the Bukovynian type of Askanian meat-wool breed have the intensity of enzymatic formation of urea in liver homogenates that is much higher in all experiments than in outbred sheep. A sharp drop in the activity of all stages of urea formation and glutamic acid synthesis in liver homogenates and significantly weakened urea formation was found in all experiments of the fourth series in comparison with the experiments in the third series. Increased muscle growth, high nitrogen deposition, and a much lower percentage of urinary excretion of ammonia and urea nitrogen, as well as higher activity of enzymes of the ornithine cycle and glutamic acid synthesis in the Bukovinian sheep type of Askanian meat-wool breed compared to outbreeds allow concluding that ammonia and urea in highly productive animals act less as finishing products of nitrogen metabolism than in low-productive animals

    Перетравністьпоживнихречовин за використання різних селеновмісних добавок в раціоні бичків

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    The results of studies on the productive performance of bulls and digestibility of feed for selenovmisnyh using different additives in their diet. Found that different drugs selenovmistni essentially no effect on feed intake bullocks research groups. Each head control group spent on average for dobu618 g of digestible protein abo100 grams per fodder unit. And 1 and 2 and the experimental group comprised those costs 617 – 619 g per 1 head abotezh100 g of 1 fodder unit. This average daily animal 1 st and 2 research groups prevailed over control respectively 67 grams, or 8.7% (P < 0.05); 82 g, or 10.8% (P < 0.001). It is noted that the increase of selenium in the diet positively affected the digestibility coefficients of nutrients in animal research groups: dry matter intake in the control group peretravlyuvalasya bulls at 67.8%, while the animal 1–2 th research groups 71.3 –72% which is 5.1% more than –6.1; digestibility of crude oil bulls in control 56.2% in research on 9,3–10,2% (P < 0.05) more. At the highest digestibility coefficients of crude oil recorded in bychkiv2 nd experimental group that received a diet supplement selenovmisnu «Devivit». MAR digestibility compared to control animals of the 1st experimental group difference was 5.5; 2nd pilot – 6.5%. In general, better digestibility of nutrients obtained in a group of animals fed a diet drug selenovmisnyy "Devivit."Наведено результати досліджень з вивчення продуктивних показників бичків та перетравності кормів за використання різних селеновмісних добавок у їх раціонах. Встановлено, що різні селеновмістні препарати істотно не вплинули на споживання кормів бичками дослідних груп. На кожну голову контрольної групи було витрачено в середньому за добу618 г перетравного протеїну, або100 г на одну кормову одиницю. А у 1 і 2–й дослідних группах ці витрати складали 617 – 619 г на 1 голову, аботеж100 г на 1 кормову одиницю. При цьому середньодобові прирости тварин 1 і 2–ї дослідних груп переважали над контролем відповідно на 67 г, або 8,7% (Р < 0,05); 82 г, або 10,8% (Р < 0,001). Відмічено, що збільшення вмісту селену в раціоні позитивно вплинуло на коефіцієнти перетравності поживних речовин у тварин дослідних груп:суха речовина раціону у бичків  контрольної групи перетравлювалася на 67,8%, тоді як тварин 1–2–ї  дослідних  груп 71,3 –72 %, що на 5,1 –6.1 %  більше; перетравність сирого жиру у контрольних бичків  56,2%, у дослідних на 9,3–10,2 % (Р < 0,05) більше. Причому найвищі коефіцієнти перетравності сирого жиру відмічені у бичків2–ї дослідної групи, яка  отримувала в раціоні селеновмісну добавку  «Девівіт». Перетравність БЕР порівняно з контролем у тварин 1–ї дослідної групи різниця становила 5,5; 2–ї  дослідної – 6,5%. У цілому кращі результати з перетравності поживних речовин отримані в групі тварин, яким згодовували в раціоні  селеновмісний препарат «Девівіт»

    Organization of a strategic management accounting in an innovative economy

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    An efficient and practical strategic management accounting system to meet the needs of the main information user groups is determined by systematic and comprehensive approach to its organization at a business entity level. The proposed approaches to organization of a strategic management accounting, taking into consideration specifics of organizational and management structures of a business entity, contribute to transition to a whole new level of organization of its activities, determine the most effective form of organization of work of specialists in strategic management accounting. Strategic management accounting as a part of management accounting and analytical system contributes to reducing uncertainty in shaping the economic behavior of business entities and requires reconstruction of the entity's specific presence to achieve the desired results. The complex of organizational and methodological quality assurance of strategic management accounting in accordance with the competences of specialists has been developed, will promote development of intellectual potential and spreading strategic management accounting as a practical activity

    Venous Air Embolism during Surgery, Especially Cesarean Delivery

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    Venous air embolism (VAE) is the entrapment of air or medical gases into the venous system causing symptoms and signs of pulmonary vessel obstruction. The incidence of VAE during cesarean delivery ranges from 10 to 97% depending on surgical position or diagnostic tools, with a potential for life-threatening events. We reviewed extensive literatures regarding VAE in detail and herein described VAE during surgery including cesarean delivery from background and history to treatment and prevention. It is intended that present work will improve the understanding of VAE during surgery


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    Between December and September 2018 123 patients with head and neck tumors underwent ultrasound examination. The median age of the patients was 57 years (range 19–76 years). Metastatic lymph nodes were suspected in all patients. A fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed prior to treatment. Aplio 500 (Тoshiba, Japan) ultrasound device was used. According to findings of cytological examination, all patients were divided into 2 groups. Group I consisted of 58 patients with cytologically confirmed metastatic lymph nodes. Group II comprised 65 patients with lymphoid reticular hyperplasia. The values of Young’s modulus for metastatic lymph nodes were: median – 134.2 kPa, 2.5–97.5 percentiles – 7.3–181.7 kPa. The corresponding values for hyperplastic lymph nodes were: 20.1 kPa, 6.9–138.3 kPa. Thus, significant differences in the values of Young’s modulus between metastatic and hyperplastic lymph nodes were detected in patients with head and neck cancer (p<0.001). The best diagnostic values for detecting metastatic lymph nodes in patients with head and neck cancer were achieved with a threshold value of the Young’s modulus of 33.2 kPa (sensitivity – 89.7 %, specificity – 84.6 %), AU C – 0.899. The values of the Young’s modulus in the metastatic lymph nodes did not depend on the primary tumor and on the localization of the lymph nodes studied (submandibular, paratracheal, cervical, supraclavicular groups).С декабря по сентябрь 2018 г. проведены ультразвуковые исследования 123 пациентам с опухолями головы и шеи в возрасте 19–76 лет (медиана – 57 лет). У всех пациентов заподозрены метастатические изменения в лимфоузлах различной локализации. В каждом случае была выполнена тонкоигольная аспирационная биопсия до начала лечения. Исследования проводились на аппарате Aplio 500 (Тoshiba, Япония) линейным датчиком 7–18 МГц. По данным цитологического исследования пункционного материала пациенты были разделены на две группы. Первую группу составили 58 человек с цитологически подтвержденным метастатическим поражением лимфатических узлов. Во вторую группу вошли 65 пациентов, у которых выявлена гиперплазия лимфоидно-ретикулярной ткани. Значения модуля Юнга для метастатически измененных лимфоузлов составили: медиана – 134,2 кПа, 2,5–97,5 процентили – 7,3–181,7 кПа, для гиперплазированных лимфатических узлов: 20,1 кПа, 6,9–138,3 кПа соответственно. Таким образом, выявлены значимые различия в значениях модуля Юнга между метастатически измененными и гиперплазированными лимфатическими узлами у пациентов со злокачественными опухолями органов головы и шеи (р<0,001). Наилучшие показатели диагностической информативности для выявления метастатического поражения исследуемых лимфоузлов при опухолях органов головы и шеи достигнуты при пороговом значении модуля Юнга 33,2 кПа (чувствительность – 89,7 %, специфичность – 84,6 %), AU C – 0,899. При этом показатели значений модуля Юнга в метастатических узлах не зависели от первичной опухоли и от локализации лимфатических узлов (подчелюстные, паратрахеальные, шейные, надключичные группы).

    Modeling of Microbiological and Biochemical Processes under the Conditions of Steam Contact Sterilization in Containers of Turkey Meat Pate

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    The article proposes modes of sterilization of meat pate from turkey meat, which was determined by the method in which the actual lethality Ff relative to the microflora should be equal to or exceed the required lethality of the sterilization process Fn (Ff ≥ Fn) canned turkey pate. The results of the study of the dependence of the kinetics of biochemical reactions on the thermal, chemical and mechanical sensitivity of the processed product, on pressure, temperature  and chemical potential are presented. One of the effective ways to intensify the heat transfer process is the contact heating of the product by means of steam supply, which has a technological effect on the processed products. When comparing the results of the simulated results with experimental data, it is established that the solution of the problem of calculating the temperature field of the product on a computer gives quite satisfactory results between the calculated and experimental data. It is established that as a modification for the processed products it is necessary to solve thermohydromechanical equations with the corresponding initial and boundary conditions in addition to the transfer equation for each scalar quantity

    Arousing Sensation : A Case Study of Controversy Surrounding Art and the Erotic

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    This book provides a case study of the controversies surrounding Much Sense: Erotics and Life (1992-93) – an exhibition of works by 18 artists, curated by Gilbert for the Walter Phillips Gallery. It contains essays by four authors who address a wide range of subjects in relation to themes of sexuality and eroticism. Gilbert’s first text offers a descriptive analysis of works by M. Connor, R. Flack and Kiss & Tell. Emphasis is placed on issues of the body, pleasure, desire, and the representation of lesbian sexuality/identity. Gilbert also outlines her curatorial intent: to show work that questions the representation of sex from diverse mediums (photography, performance, video) and different sexual orientations. Issues of pornography and censorship are considered in relation to how people responded to the exhibition. Waugh’s analysis of the 13 films and videotapes presented in the exhibition, foregrounds notions of gender, the body, gay and lesbian sexual identity, AIDS and documentary. Ditta addresses the issue of censorship in the visual arts by discussing the difficulties experienced by four Canadian public galleries/museums that exhibited artworks containing sexually explicit material. M. Kotash’s text on heterosexual and gay/lesbian erotica calls attention to feminist and artistic responses to issues of censorship and pornography. T. A. Harris presents a brief poetic text on themes of life, death and pain. Includes 18 transcribed newspaper articles written in response to the exhibition. List of works. Index. Brief biographical notes. Circa 160 bibl. ref

    Why are you telling me this? : Eleven Acts of Intimate Journalism

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    This thought-provoking anthology contains eleven passionate memoirs by Canadian journalists who participated in the Arts Journalism Program at the Banff Centre. Alberto Manguel's introduction focuses on the differences between writing in the first person and third person. The essays approach the subjects of fear, racism, love, eroticism, listening to music, Native issues, affirmative action and death. Biographical notes. 23 bibl. ref