29 research outputs found


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    This paper explores the demand-side perspective on tourism destination phenomenon and investigates whether more comprehensive measure for its evaluation could be applied to the destination brand. Unlike many previous studies dealing mostly with a tourism destination image concept, the approach employed in this paper proposes a more comprehensive measure of destination image and includes the dimensions of tourism destination awareness, quality, and loyalty. The theoretically proposed model was empirically verified for two competitive European tourism destinations (Slovenia and Austria) from the perspective of two culturally heterogeneous tourist markets (Germans and Croatians). The results imply that the traditionally investigated image concept represents the most important dimension in a destinationā€™s evaluation. However, for a more comprehensive evaluation the dimensions of tourism destination awareness, quality and loyalty should be added. Drawing on the results, the paper also offers some implications for tourism organizations in developing and implementing destination marketing strategies in foreign marketsOvaj članak istražuje fenomen turističkih destinacija s persepktive potražnje i proučava da li bi iscrpniji postupci ocjenjivanja mogli biti primijenjeni na robnu marku destinacije. U usporedbi s prijaÅ”njim studijama, koje su se uglavnom bavile konceptom imidža turističke destinacije, u ovom su članku postupci ocjenjivanja imidža destinacije iscrpniji i uključuju dimenziju svjesnoti, kvaliteta i odanosti turističkoj destinaciji. Teoretski predložen model empirički je provjeren na dvjema konkurentnim Europskim turističkim destinacijama (Sloveniji i Austriji) s perspektive dviju kulturno heterogenih turističkih tržiÅ”ta (njemačko i hrvatsko). Rezultati su pokazali da tradicionalno istraživanje koncepta imidža predstavlja najvažniju dimenziju pri ocjeni destinacije. Ipak, za Å”to iscrpniju ocjenu ne smijemo zaboraviti na svjesnost, kvalitet i odanost turističkoj destinaciji. Naslanjajući se na rezultate, članak nudi nekoliko implikacija turističkim organizacijama glede razvoja i primjene tržiÅ”nih strategija turističke destinacije na stranim tržistim


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    This paper explores the demand-side perspective on tourism destination phenomenon and investigates whether more comprehensive measure for its evaluation could be applied to the destination brand. Unlike many previous studies dealing mostly with a tourism destination image concept, the approach employed in this paper proposes a more comprehensive measure of destination image and includes the dimensions of tourism destination awareness, quality, and loyalty. The theoretically proposed model was empirically verified for two competitive European tourism destinations (Slovenia and Austria) from the perspective of two culturally heterogeneous tourist markets (Germans and Croatians). The results imply that the traditionally investigated image concept represents the most important dimension in a destinationā€™s evaluation. However, for a more comprehensive evaluation the dimensions of tourism destination awareness, quality and loyalty should be added. Drawing on the results, the paper also offers some implications for tourism organizations in developing and implementing destination marketing strategies in foreign marketsOvaj članak istražuje fenomen turističkih destinacija s persepktive potražnje i proučava da li bi iscrpniji postupci ocjenjivanja mogli biti primijenjeni na robnu marku destinacije. U usporedbi s prijaÅ”njim studijama, koje su se uglavnom bavile konceptom imidža turističke destinacije, u ovom su članku postupci ocjenjivanja imidža destinacije iscrpniji i uključuju dimenziju svjesnoti, kvaliteta i odanosti turističkoj destinaciji. Teoretski predložen model empirički je provjeren na dvjema konkurentnim Europskim turističkim destinacijama (Sloveniji i Austriji) s perspektive dviju kulturno heterogenih turističkih tržiÅ”ta (njemačko i hrvatsko). Rezultati su pokazali da tradicionalno istraživanje koncepta imidža predstavlja najvažniju dimenziju pri ocjeni destinacije. Ipak, za Å”to iscrpniju ocjenu ne smijemo zaboraviti na svjesnost, kvalitet i odanost turističkoj destinaciji. Naslanjajući se na rezultate, članak nudi nekoliko implikacija turističkim organizacijama glede razvoja i primjene tržiÅ”nih strategija turističke destinacije na stranim tržistim


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    The paper presents the theoretical background to internationalization strategies for the case of the hotel industry. However, although the hotel industryā€™s internationalization has already been analyzed, the paper presents a rare example of its application to small and medium-sized hotel firms. In order to reveal the distinctive internationalization development strategies of SMEs we propose a framework for analyzing and understanding the four main internationalization dimensions: operation, market, product, and time. The characteristics of the proposed dimensions were analyzed by examining four Slovenian small and medium-sized hotel firms. Our findings imply that internationalization is a necessary step for small and medium-sized hotel firms, but each hotel company should find the proper combination of all four dimensions that matches the resources available to it

    Internacionalizacija malih in srednjih podjetij: integrativni konceptualni model

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    Internationalization of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is becoming a very important research area, because of their crucial role in developing economic growth. Globalization of the economic environment is challenging the current economic theories underpinning the SMEs research. The study seeks to integrate new phenomenon of international new venture with widely accepted theories of SMEs internationalization into a new redefined integrative conceptual model of SMEs internationalization. The new model is built around key internationalization dimensions, internationalization antecedents and consequences. A set of propositions about relationships in the conceptual model is developed and implications are proposed.Internacionalizacija malih in srednjih podjetij (MSP) postaja zaradi njihovega ključnega pomena pri zagotavljanju gospodarske rasti vse pomembnejŔe področje raziskovanja. Globalizacija gospodarskega okolja ponuja izzive sedanjim teoretičnim podlagam preučevanja internacionalizacije MSP. V prispevku zato integriramo nove pojave kot so mednarodna podjetja ob ustanovitvi s prevladujočimi teorijami internacionalizacije MSP v nov integrativni konceptualni model internacionalizacije MSP. Slednji vsebuje ključne dimenzije internacionalizacije ter vključuje njene določljivke in posledice. V model uvajamo vrsto razvitih hipotez in relacij, podajamo pa tudi njegove implikacije in možnosti uporabe

    Notranji pogled na razvoj znamke I feel Slovenia: soustvarjanje njene identitete s pomočjo mnenj strokovnjakov

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    The paper analyses the internal perspective on developing a new brand for Slovenia, I feel Slovenia. The results of creating the identity of Slovenia from the viewpoint of 30 Slovenian experts are presented. Their opinions were collected as the first step of the whole process in building an identity of Slovenia, conducted in year 2007. We invited experts to express their opinion through Delphi method, which was repeated in two iterations. Results of both iterations are presented in the paper. Experts' opinion from key area presented initial, but extremely important basis in developing identity elements of Slovenian brand. According to their opinion the key idea of brand identity should be related to Slovenian nature, which should be reasonable incorporated also in other brand identity elements.Pričujoči prispevek osvetljuje notranji pogled na razvoj nove znamke Slovenije oz. znamke I feel Slovenia. V danem pogledu predstavljamo rezultate začetnega oblikovanja njene identitete, ki je bila osnovana na podlagi mnenj 30 strokovnjakov, ki smo jih povabili k sodelovanju v okviru izvedene delfi metode. Delfi metoda je bila izvedena v dveh krogih, katerih rezultati so podrobneje predstavljeni v prispevku. Mnenja strokovnjakov s ključnih področij predstavljajo začetno, vendar pomembno osnovo pri postavitvi in oblikovanju identitetnih elementov znamke Slovenije. V kolikor povzamemo le ključno razmiŔljanje strokovnjakov, lahko rečemo, da mnenje strokovnjakov jasno nakazuje, da je potrebno v izhodiŔče identitete Slovenije vključiti naravo, nanjo pa navezati tudi ostale pomembne elemente njene identitete

    Uresničevanje notranjega brandinga: razvoj konceptualnega modela

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    Notranji branding je proces, ki omogoča uravnotežen pogled na blagovno znamko na ravni celotnega podjetja. Zanj je značilno usklajevanje vrednot in vedenj zaposlenih z vrednotami in obljubami blagovne znamke. V prispevku se osredotočimo predvsem na njegovo uresničevanje, ki zahteva povezanost različnih funkcij v podjetju, kot sta notranje trženje in ravnanje z ljudmi pri delu. Na podlagi ugotovitev kvalitativne raziskave predstavimo konceptualni model uresničevanja notranjega brandinga. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da notranji branding poveča znanje zaposlenih o blagovni znamki, kar spodbudi njihovo motiviranost za Ŕirjenje podobe blagovne znamke med porabniki. Hkrati ugotavljamo, da uresničevanje notranjega brandinga zahteva usklajeno delovanje notranjega trženja in ravnanja z ljudmi pri delu. Pomen notranjega brandinga naraŔča, saj je proces usmerjen v razvoj virov, ki podjetju prinaŔajo konkurenčne prednosti in večjo uspeŔnost

    CORRIGENDUM TO: ā€œCONSUMER-BASED BRAND EQUITY: DO BRAND RELATIONSHIPS MATTER?ā€ [Management 27(1) 191ā€“212] (https://doi.org/10.30924/mjcmi.27.1.11)

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    We regret that the Table 1 (pp 194-195), published in ā€œCONSUMER-BASED BRAND EQUITY: DO BRAND RELATIONSHIPS MATTER?ā€, is incomplete. The corrected Table 1 is included into this corrigendum

    Consumer-based brand equity: Do brand relationships matter?

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    This paper explores the concept of consumer based brand equity and its relevance in todayā€™s environment. In doing so, we extend the previously used dimensions of brand awareness, image, perceived quality, and loyalty to include the dimension of brand relationship. By conducting an empirical study with brand users in Slovenia, we confirm that brand relationships play a role in brand equity studies and should be considered in further research. Consequently, we argue that brand equity should be theoretically treated as a dynamic concept, where the static evaluation of the consumerā€™s role is extended to include dynamic co-creation. A practical implication of our findings is that brand managers need to take a more proactive role in forming brand equity and its evaluation

    Brand I feel Slovenia: inclusion of the key areas\u27 representatives in the branding process

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