378 research outputs found

    The phenomenon of the Ukrainian Maidan in today's media discourse

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    Social changes in a country generate new realities and new lexemes on their denotation. An innovation is fixed by the language of mass-media first-ever, because journalism, by definition of Ukrainian media scientist Volodymyr Rizun, is a "second hand of history". In the days of swift political changes active lexical composition of language is filled up by neologisms, that quickly become clear both for a native speaker and for world community. Public resonance has been obtained lately by the events in Kyiv`s Independence Square. Therefore, we decided to investigate the features of the phenomenon of Ukrainian Maidan in the columns of Ukrainian newspaper "Day". When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3492

    Forecasting US inflation using machine learning methods

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    The rise of cities: analysis of urbanization in Southeast Asia

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    In the second part of the twentieth century Southeast Asia experienced rapid urbanization with an unequal spatial distribution pattern. At least one city per country grew in terms of population disproportionally compared to other urban areas. Its major cities not only expanded, but also became mega-urban regions: urban areas of consolidated political, economic and social power frequently stronger than the wider administrative regions to which they belong to. This study explores urbanization patterns in Southeast Asia in the 1960s- 1990s and how they were shaped by the factors of economic globalization, in particular foreign direct investments and exports of goods and services. By projecting world-system theory on empirical analysis, the study suggests that urbanization and especially the rise of mega-urban regions in Southeast Asia were facilitated by the incorporation of national economies into the global economic system


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    The article is devoted to the problem of improvement of the foreign language communicative skills of future Masters of Pedagogical Science. Special attention has been given to the issue of gradual introduction into the educational process the practice of teaching undergraduate students some academic disciplines in the English language. The authors share their successful experience of teaching undergraduates of the Physical-Mathematical and the Informational-Technological specialties general-academic disciplines in English. This practice is considered one of the effective ways to increase the students’ foreign language competence. On the example of a general-academic discipline «Methodology and Principles of Scientific Research» the authors prove the urgency and expediency of teaching certain subjects in the foreign languages to the applicants of the Master's Degree in Pedagogical Science. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the importance of such practice and to show that teaching some general subjects in English can become a significant factor of improvement of the students’ foreign competence, which in turn contributes to the integration of the Ukrainian scientific-pedagogical community into the European academic community.

    Образ блазня: динаміка розвитку в творчості О. Копиленка 1920–30-х років (The image of fool: dynamics of the development in Alexander Kopylenko’s novel fiction)

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    У статті проаналізовано художню реалізацію образу блазня у творчості О. Копиленка. На матеріалі романів письменника «Визволення» та «Народжується місто» досліджено особливості функціонування та смислову трансформацію цього образу – від сміховинно-сатиричної традиції до проблематики юродивості та божевілля в літературі 1920–30-х років. Висновок про важливу символічну роль образу блазня в рамках літературного контексту доби надає можливість нового підходу до інтерпретації художніх творів цього періоду, їх ролі в соцреалістичній парадигмі першої половини XX століття. (In the article the literary realization of the image of jester in creative activity of A. Kopylenko is analyzed. Based upon the content of writer’s novels «Liberation» («Vyzvolennya») and «The City is Rising» («Narodjuyetsya misto») the both this image’s features of functioning and transformation of meaning are studied within the frameworks of humor tradition and problematic of god’s fool and madness in the literature of 1920–30th. In A. Kopylenko’s literary activity was observed seman-tic grading and dynamic of the popular at that time artistic image of a jester: revealing and radical trickster Antin changes to passive, inactive holy fool Vahrah. Writer managed by this symbolic episode to show the existential alienation and needlessness motif – Antin and Vahrah were in the position of «black sheep» because their views conflicted with generally accepted postulates of socialism building. Divergence of social development has caused a deep personal crisis, so these characters are endowed by clown features. The character of the earlier novel Antin tries to protest, but Vahrah which is character from the Socialist Realism oriented work differs humility bordering on madness. The conclusion about the significant symbolic sense of the jester’s image in literary context of that time makes possible the new approach in the interpretation of fiction.


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    The paper analyses harmonization conditions of a color solution, obtained as a result of combining colors that create the united coloristic space-color field, able to create the esthetically full-value tonality of an accommodation. There have been elaborated main methods of using coloristics at achieving the ecological space and harmony of a color solution, including artworks.There has been proved a necessity to organize the subject-spatial environment by laws and means of coloristics at realizing ecological problems and esthetically improving the environment of human life activity. It has been noted, that under conditions of sustainable development of the environment, at searching for innovative approaches to methods of ecologization of an interior of different destinations, there is a necessity of special scientific methods, theoretical and practical steps that would be instruments for modern artists and designers.There have been defined a series of unalienable factors of the color environment, connected with each other that can be instruments of ecologization of an accommodation by means of coloristics.There has been offered a series of functional possibilities of artworks, placed in the coloristics of the spatial environment for creating optimally comfort conditions for human being in it. Using the conducted analysis and given examples, realized by the author of the paper, there are presented main methods that can be the same instrument in the work of an artist-designer that allows him/her to solve the problem of improving ecologization of the interior environment with more professionalism, and also the creative task in placing artworks in the coloristic space of an interior

    Human capital functioning in strategic management of the national economy

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    The choice of the research subject is determined by the important and ambiguous role of human that is at the same time an object of getting goods and a factor of providing them in global and national economies. Human with its multilevel needs and priorities is an initial object of national economy efforts. World development tendencies of the new economy need using new development mechanisms of the human capital at decreasing transactional costs. The aim of the article is to analyze functioning components of the human capital in the strategic management of the national economy and to substantiate development instruments of the human capital at developing a management strategy in economy. A methodological base of the research work is fundamental positions of a theory of social economy, human development, economic growth, social-labor relations. The study offers the author definition of the notion “human capital” as an accumulated potential of citizens, expressed in their education, life experience, attitude, skills that may be used for improving current and future economic and social prosperity. A research result is the theoretical substantiation of the development of human capital, considered as a function of the strategic management of human resources, integrated with developing a management strategy of the national economy and each economic unit. Such development provides the growth of a market value of the human capital and results in quantity and quality changes in the activity of organizations. At the same time the increase of transactional costs takes place. The scientific understanding of using diverse instruments of the human capital development as an element of the general management strategy is developed in the research. There is used the three-level development system of the human capital, each level of which is characterized by specific problems and unequal readiness of human capital owners to participate in realization of tasks of an organization and correspondingly needs using different methods and instruments. The further research direction provides ordering and systematization of human capital functions in the management strategy of the national economy for determining human capital development mechanisms

    Роль иностранного языка в подготовке студентов технического университета к инновационной деятельности

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    В статті розглядаються основні завдання нової освіти XXI століття в аспекті завдань Болонського процесу та нової моделі організації процесу навчання в університеті дослідницького типу, аналізується необхідність уточнення цілей навчання іноземних мов. Основна увага приділяється питанню підготовки інноваційно активних фахівців засобами іноземної мови.The article considers the tasks national higher education faces in terms of Bologna process and new model of teaching process at research universities, the main focus being on training specialists ready for innovative activity while teaching them foreign languages.В статье рассматриваются основные задачи, которые стоят перед высшей школой в контексте Болонского процесса и новой модели обучения в университете исследовательского типа. Особое внимание уделяется подготовке студентов к инновационной деятельности при обучении иностранным языкам

    Особливості організації дистанційного навчання в початковій школі в умовах воєнного стану

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    The article is devoted to the study of the features of distance learning in primary school under martial law. Primary school is the basic unit of the educational system, because it is designed to build a foundation for the formation of the student’s personality as a future competitive, highly educated specialist and citizen. In the conditions of quarantine restrictions and martial law on the territory of Ukraine the process of education of younger schoolchildren was influenced by many diverse factors, as a result of which it acquired new conceptual features. An important role began to be played by distance education as an effective alternative to traditional face-to-face education. This led to an increase in the number of scientific studies and practice-oriented explorations in the field of distance and blended learning, in particular in elementary school. In the course of the study, foreign and Ukrainian works were analyzed, in which the issue of the organization of the educational process during martial law was raised, the impact of military operations on various spheres of the personality of a junior high school student was described: mental, cognitive, motivational, physical, etc. The experience of countries that had to face the problems of providing education during wars and armed conflicts is considered. The importance of education for the development and preservation of the mental health of the young generation, as the future working population of the country, is justified, the features of distance learning in the conditions of martial law are distinguished and characterized in the following categories: psychological, adaptive, motivational, logistical, pedagogical, ethical, social economical, health-preserving, safe, communicative. Recommendations for elementary school teachers regarding work with students have been formulated, aimed at mitigating the impact of military realities on the mental and physical condition of studentsСтаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей дистанційного навчання в початковій школі в умовах воєнного стану. Початкова школа є базовою ланкою освітньої системи, адже покликана збудувати фундамент для формування особистості учня, як майбутнього конкурентноспроможного, високоосвіченого фахівця і громадянина. В умовах карантинних обмежень і воєнного стану на території України процес навчання молодших школярів зазнав впливу багатьох різнопланових чинників, внаслідок чого набув нових концептуальних особливостей. Важливу роль стала відігравати дистанційна форма навчання як ефективна альтернатива традиційному очному навчанню. Це зумовило збільшення кількості наукових досліджень і практико-орієнтованих розвідок у сфері дистанційного та змішаного навчання, зокрема і у початковій школі. У ході дослідження було проаналізовано зарубіжні і українські праці, в яких порушується питання організації освітнього процесу під час воєнного стану, описано вплив військових дій на різноманітні сфери особистості молодшого школяра: психічну, когнітивну, мотиваційну, фізичну тощо. Розглянуто досвід країн, які змушені були зіштовхнутися з проблемами надання освіти під час воєн і збройних конфліктів. Обґрунтовано важливість освіти для розвитку і збереження психічного здоров’я молодого покоління, як майбутнього працездатного населення країни, виокремлено і охарактеризовано особливості дистанційного навчання в умовах воєнного стану за такими категоріями: психологічні, адаптаційні, мотиваційні, матеріально-технічні, педагогічні, етичні, соціально-економічні, здоров’язберігаючі, безпекові, комунікативні. Сформулювано рекомендації для вчителів початкових класів стосовно роботи з учнями молодшого шкільного віку, спрямовані на пом’якшення впливу військових реалій на психічний і фізичний стан здобувачів освіт


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    The classification of competences of graduates of secondary and higher technical educational establishments is presented in the work. On the basis of the list of professional and mathematical competences offered by scientists, the professional-oriented mathematical competences of the future specialist, the most important and relevant for the professional activity of future engineers, are allocated. These include: conceptual, operational-algorithmic, applicable, design.The purpose of the article is to describe an experimental verification of the professionally-oriented mathematical competencies formation of future specialists in the electronics and telecommunications industry. The main research methods used by the authors: theoretical methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization of the research results of scientific and methodological literature on selected issues; empirical: observation, experiment, questionnaire, analysis of the obtained test results. During the study of higher mathematics, students are encouraged to take actions that promote the formation of skills that are part of mathematical competences. These actions are also performed by the engineer, he also needs to be able to analyze, synthesize, classify. Therefore, the formation of the above mathematical competences is appropriate and necessary for the professional training of the engineer.