86 research outputs found

    Erivajadustega inimeste lĂ€hivĂ”rgustiku rahulolu MTÜ RandvereTööÔppekeskuse nĂ€itel

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    Final arrangements following death: Maori indigenous decision making and tangi

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    Death is a universal event. It will happen to all of us, yet how we respond to death is particular and influenced by our cultural worlds. This study offers an investigation of the idiographic, of how one woman responded to, and made arrangements to, mourn and bury her mother. Specifically, we explore how she and her whanau (family) under pressure of time and grief and in the absence of clear final wishes, met to consider issues and make decisions about the situation they were confronted with. This case forms part of a much larger programme of research into Maori death rituals, change and adaption. Informing a scholarly audience unfamiliar with the Maori world requires a significant amount of contextual information. The case study is a powerful strategy to achieve this and one that draws readers into deep understanding (Willig, 2008). This case provides insight into the struggles of an indigenous fourth-world people living within the heterogeneity of Aotearoa/New Zealand society; it demonstrates how values change across generations as people live their lives increasingly away from their ancestral homelands; and how traditionally defined roles and responsibilities within the whanau (family) are challenged by members living away from each other

    Molecular Genetics of T Cell Development

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    T cell development is guided by a complex set of transcription factors that act recursively, in different combinations, at each of the developmental choice points from T-lineage specification to peripheral T cell specialization. This review describes the modes of action of the major T-lineage-defining transcription factors and the signal pathways that activate them during intrathymic differentiation from pluripotent precursors. Roles of Notch and its effector RBPSuh (CSL), GATA-3, E2A/HEB and Id proteins, c-Myb, TCF-1, and members of the Runx, Ets, and Ikaros families are critical. Less known transcription factors that are newly recognized as being required for T cell development at particular checkpoints are also described. The transcriptional regulation of T cell development is contrasted with that of B cell development, in terms of their different degrees of overlap with the stem-cell program and the different roles of key transcription factors in gene regulatory networks leading to lineage commitment

    Investigating Māori approaches to trauma informed care

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    This article gives an overview of a three-year Health Research Council funded research project “He Oranga Ngākau: Māori approaches to trauma-informed care”. The study is informed by Kaupapa Māori which provides both the theoretical and methodological foundation for understanding the world, exploring and conceptualising issues. The need for contextualised and culturally safe health and social services is well recognised within Aotearoa and particularly within Mental Health and Addiction Services. While trauma is an experience that can impact on all people, Māori experience trauma in distinct ways that are linked to the experience of colonisation, racism and discrimination, negative stereotyping and subsequent unequal rates of violence, poverty and ill health. Given that Māori are impacted by trauma in specific ways, it is important to explore and identify practice principles that contribute to the development of a framework that supports Māori Providers, counsellors, clinicians and healers in working with Māori. (Authors' abstract)

    Developmental and Molecular Characterization of Emerging ÎČ- and γΎ-Selected Pre-T Cells in the Adult Mouse Thymus

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    The first checkpoint in T cell development, ÎČ selection, has remained incompletely characterized for lack of specific surface markers. We show that CD27 is upregulated in DN3 thymocytes initiating ÎČ selection, concomitant with intracellular TCR-ÎČ expression. Clonal analysis determined that CD27^(high) DN3 cells generate CD4^+CD8^+ progeny with more than 90% efficiency, faster and more efficiently than the CD27^(low) majority. CD27 upregulation also occurs in γΎ-selected DN3 thymocytes in TCR-ÎČ−/− mice and in IL2-GFP transgenic reporter mice where GFP marks the earliest emerging TCR-γΎ cells from DN3 thymocytes. With CD27 to distinguish pre- and postselection DN3 cells, a detailed gene expression analysis defined regulatory changes associated with checkpoint arrest, with ÎČ selection, and with γΎ selection. γΎ selection induces higher CD5, Egr, and Runx3 expression as compared to ÎČ selection, but it triggers less proliferation. Our results also reveal differences in Notch/Delta dependence at the earliest stages of divergence between developing αÎČ and γΎ T-lineage cells

    The transcription factor Ets1 is important for CD4 repression and Runx3 up-regulation during CD8 T cell differentiation in the thymus

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    The transcription factor Ets1 contributes to the differentiation of CD8 lineage cells in the thymus, but how it does so is not understood. In this study, we demonstrate that Ets1 is required for the proper termination of CD4 expression during the differentiation of major histocompatability class 1 (MHC I)–restricted thymocytes, but not for other events associated with their positive selection, including the initiation of cytotoxic gene expression, corticomedullary migration, or thymus exit. We further show that Ets1 promotes expression of Runx3, a transcription factor important for CD8 T cell differentiation and the cessation of Cd4 gene expression. Enforced Runx3 expression in Ets1-deficient MHC I–restricted thymocytes largely rescued their impaired Cd4 silencing, indicating that Ets1 is not required for Runx3 function. Finally, we document that Ets1 binds at least two evolutionarily conserved regions within the Runx3 gene in vivo, supporting the possibility that Ets1 directly contributes to Runx3 transcription. These findings identify Ets1 as a key player during CD8 lineage differentiation and indicate that it acts, at least in part, by promoting Runx3 expression

    Mikrokliima kasutamine avaliku ruumi disainis: MĂŒnchen linna nĂ€itel

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    Urban climate describes one of nowadays crucial environmental problems. Aspects like the Urban heat island and urban wind field display central issues, cities have to face increasingly. The ongoing development of urban environments, will soon require adequate strategies to handle these problems. Next to the overall city climate discussion, also the urban microclimate respective citizen's thermal comfort in urban outdoor surroundings will turn out as essential tasks with regards to future city planning. Although there is a limitless amount of potential theoretical solutions to modify local microclimate, the practical investigation and implementation of how to use respective climate phenomena in design is still in its infancy. The following work therefore comprises a methodology concept in terms of practically designing an urban space on a climatic approach. In order to “apply” this methodology, the practical part of this Master Thesis comprises a climate design of an urban area in Munich's western city district Aubing. In the course of creating a so called “climate park”, the selected area was explicit analyzed by its specific characteristics including current local climate conditions, general structure and context as well as materiality. The subsequent examination of differentand unique climate zones then creates the basis for an overall climatic concept. work is thereby considered as important contribution to the practical realization of theoretical developed climate modification solutions.Kliima linnakeskkonnas kirjeldab ĂŒht kriitilist keskkonna probleemi tĂ€napĂ€eval. Soojussaare effekt linna tuuleala on tĂ”usvad probleemid linnakeskskonnas, millega tuleb tegeleda tĂ”usvas joones. Linnakeskkonna arengud vajavad varsti adekvaatseid strateegiaid et nendega tegutseda. Kliima probleemide kĂ”rval on oluliseks muutunud inimeste soojusmugavus linna vĂ€liskeskkonnas ja kuidas seda kasutada linnakeskkonna planeerimise. Olgugi, et on olemas lĂ”pmatu hulk potensiaalseid teoreetilisi lahendusi mikrokliima modifitseerimiseks, kuid praktikas on see ikka veel lapsekingades. SeetĂ”ttu leiab jĂ€rgnev töö kompromissi metoodika ja selle kasutamise vahel klimaatilise disaini praktikas. Et rakendada metoodikat on praktilise osa aluseks vĂ”etud MĂŒncheni lÀÀnepoolseim linnaosa. Niinimetatud “kliimapargi” loomise protsessi juures oli vĂ€ga ĂŒksikaasjalikult analĂŒĂŒsitud spetsiaalseid karakteristikaid nagu nĂ€iteks ilmastikku, struktuuri ja materiale. LĂ€bi erinevate ilma nĂ€itajate ja tsoonide analĂŒĂŒsimisel koostati kliima konseptisoon. Magistritöö on arvestatav panus, et kasutada teoreetilisi kliima modifitseerimise vĂ”imalusi praktikas
