507 research outputs found

    ラドヤード・キプリングとハーバート・スペンサーが ジャック・ロンドンに与えた影響についての再考察 「ジャック・ロンドン,デビュー物語」再考

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    本稿は, 2014年3月に発表した拙論「ジャック・ロンドン,デビュー物語」で論じたラドヤード・キプリングとハーバート・スペンサーがジャック・ロンドンに与えた影響について再考察した研究報告である。拙論ではキプリングとスペンサーの影響について論じる際に, ロンドンの短篇小説研究書であるジェームズ・I・マクリントックの『白い論理』を参照したが, 2014年11月に出版されたジェイ・ウィリアムズの『航行する作家』を読んだのち, キプリングとスペンサーの影響について修正すべき点が見つかった。キプリングの影響については, キプリングの散文を読む前にすでにロンドンは短篇を書くテクニックを身につけていたということ,ロンドンがキプリングから影響を受けたのはキプリングの詩であったということである。スペンサーの影響については, ロンドンが1900年に書いたエッセイ「文学的進化の現象」の文体や文学についての進化論的発想はスペンサーの『文体の哲学』から得た可能性は少ないということである。The aim of this paper is to reconsider the influence of Rudyard Kipling and Herbert Spencer on Jack London as discussedin my paper, "Jack London\u27s Debut as a Short Story Writer" published in March, 2014. The discussion on this issue was based onWhite Logic, a study of London\u27s short stories by James I. McClintock. However, Author Under Sail by Jay Williams, published inNovember 2014, illuminates McClintock\u27s misunderstandings of Kipling and Spencer\u27s influence with respect to London\u27s short storywriting techniques and his conceptions of literary evolution. Williams suggests that London had already developed his techniques ofwriting short stories before he read Kipling\u27s stories, that Kipling\u27s poetry, not prose, influenced London\u27s writing, and that Londondidn\u27t get from Spencer\u27s Philosophy of Style his own ideas of style and literary evolution developed in his essay, "Phenomena ofLiterary Evolution.

    Pathological replication in cells lacking RecG DNA translocase

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    Little is known about what happens when forks meet to complete DNA replication in any organism. In this study we present data suggesting that the collision of replication forks is a potential threat to genomic stability. We demonstrate that Escherichia coli cells lacking RecG helicase suffer major defects in chromosome replication following UV irradiation, and that this is associated with high levels of DNA synthesis initiated independently of the initiator protein DnaA. This UV-induced stable DNA replication is dependent on PriA helicase and continues long after UV-induced lesions have been excised. We suggest UV irradiation triggers the assembly of new replication forks, leading to multiple fork collisions outside the terminus area. Such collisions may generate branched DNAs that serve to establish further new forks, resulting in uncontrolled DNA amplification. We propose that RecG reduces the likelihood of this pathological cascade being set in motion by reducing initiation of replication at D- and R-loops, and other structures generated as a result of fork collisions. Our results shed light on why replication initiation in bacteria is limited to a single origin and why termination is carefully orchestrated to a single event within a restricted area each cell cycle

    Quantitative genomic analysis of RecA protein binding during DNA double-strand break repair reveals RecBCD action in vivo

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    International audienceUnderstanding molecular mechanisms in the context of living cells requires the development of new methods of in vivo biochemical analysis to complement established in vitro biochemistry. A critically important molecular mechanism is genetic recombination, required for the beneficial reassortment of genetic information and for DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR). Central to recom-bination is the RecA (Rad51) protein that assembles into a spiral filament on DNA and mediates genetic exchange. Here we have developed a method that combines chromatin immunoprecipita-tion with next-generation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) and mathematical modeling to quantify RecA protein binding during the active repair of a single DSB in the chromosome of Escherichia coli. We have used quantitative genomic analysis to infer the key in vivo molecular parameters governing RecA loading by the helicase/ nuclease RecBCD at recombination hot-spots, known as Chi. Our genomic analysis has also revealed that DSBR at the lacZ locus causes a second RecBCD-mediated DSBR event to occur in the terminus region of the chromosome, over 1 Mb away. homologous recombination | mechanistic modelling | DNA repair | RecA

    Replication fork collisions cause pathological chromosomal amplification in cells lacking RecG DNA translocase

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    Duplication and transmission of chromosomes require precise control of chromosome replication and segregation. Here we present evidence that RecG is a major factor influencing these processes in bacteria. We show that the extensive DnaA-independent stable DNA replication observed without RecG can lead to replication of any area of the chromosome. This replication is further elevated following irradiation with UV light and appears to be perpetuated by secondary events that continue long after the elimination of UV lesions. The resulting pathological cascade is associated with an increased number of replication forks traversing the chromosome, sometimes with extensive regional amplification of the chromosome, and with the accumulation of highly branched DNA intermediates containing few Holliday junctions. We propose that the cascade is triggered by replication fork collisions that generate 3′ single-strand DNA flaps, providing sites for PriA to initiate re-replication of the DNA and thus to generate linear duplexes that provoke recombination, allowing priming of even further replication. Our results shed light on why termination of replication in bacteria is normally limited to a single encounter of two forks and carefully orchestrated within a restricted area, and explain how a system of multiple forks and random termination can operate in eukaryotes

    RecBCD coordinates repair of two ends at a DNA double-strand break, preventing aberrant chromosome amplification

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    DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair is critical for cell survival. A diverse range of organisms from bacteria to humans rely on homologous recombination for accurate DSB repair. This requires both coordinate action of the two ends of a DSB and stringent control of the resultant DNA replication to prevent unwarranted DNA amplification and aneuploidy. In Escherichia coli, RecBCD enzyme is responsible for the initial steps of homologous recombination. Previous work has revealed recD mutants to be nuclease defective but recombination proficient. Despite this proficiency, we show here that a recD null mutant is defective for the repair of a two-ended DSB and that this defect is associated with unregulated chromosome amplification and defective chromosome segregation. Our results demonstrate that RecBCD plays an important role in avoiding this amplification by coordinating the two recombining ends in a manner that prevents divergent replication forks progressing away from the DSB site

    RecG interacts directly with SSB: implications for stalled replication fork regression

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    RecG and RuvAB are proposed to act at stalled DNA replication forks to facilitate replication restart. To define the roles of these proteins in fork regression, we used a combination of assays to determine whether RecG, RuvAB or both are capable of acting at a stalled fork. The results show that RecG binds to the C-terminus of single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) forming a stoichiometric complex of 2 RecG monomers per SSB tetramer. This binding occurs in solution and to SSB protein bound to single stranded DNA (ssDNA). The result of this binding is stabilization of the interaction of RecG with ssDNA. In contrast, RuvAB does not bind to SSB. Side-by-side analysis of the catalytic efficiency of the ATPase activity of each enzyme revealed that (−)scDNA and ssDNA are potent stimulators of the ATPase activity of RecG but not for RuvAB, whereas relaxed circular DNA is a poor cofactor for RecG but an excellent one for RuvAB. Collectively, these data suggest that the timing of repair protein access to the DNA at stalled forks is determined by the nature of the DNA available at the fork. We propose that RecG acts first, with RuvAB acting either after RecG or in a separate pathway following protein-independent fork regression

    Replication Fork Reactivation in a dnaC2 Mutant at Non-Permissive Temperature in Escherichia coli

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    Replicative helicases unwind double-stranded DNA in front of the polymerase and ensure the processivity of DNA synthesis. In Escherichia coli, the helicase loader DnaC as well as factors involved in the formation of the open complex during the initiation of replication and primosomal proteins during the reactivation of arrested replication forks are required to recruit and deposit the replicative helicase onto single-stranded DNA prior to the formation of the replisome. dnaC2 is a thermosensitive allele of the gene specifying the helicase loader; at non-permissive temperature replication cannot initiate, but most ongoing rounds of replication continues through to completion (18% of dnaC2 cells fail to complete replication at non-permissive temperature). An assumption, which may be drawn from this observation, is that only a few replication forks are arrested under normal growth conditions. This assumption, however, is at odds with the severe and deleterious phenotypes associated with a null mutant of priA, the gene encoding a helicase implicated in the reactivation of arrested replication forks. We developed an assay that involves an abrupt inactivation of rounds of synchronized replication in a large population of cells, in order to evaluate the ability of dnaC2 cells to reactivate arrested replication forks at non-permissive temperature. We compared the rate at which arrested replication forks accumulated in dnaC2 priA+ and dnaC2 priA2 cells and observed that this rate was lower in dnaC2 priA+ cells. We conclude that while replication cannot initiate in a dnaC2 mutant at non-permissive temperature, a class of arrested replication forks (PriA-dependent and DnaC-independent) are reactivated within these cells

    The involvement of replication in single stranded oligonucleotide-mediated gene repair

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    Targeted gene repair mediated by single-stranded oligonucleotides (SSOs) has great potential for use in functional genomic studies and gene therapy. Genetic changes have been created using this approach in a number of prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems, including mouse embryonic stem cells. However, the underlying mechanisms remain to be fully established. In one of the current models, the ‘annealing-integration’ model, the SSO anneals to its target locus at the replication fork, serving as a primer for subsequent DNA synthesis mediated by the host replication machinery. Using a λ-Red recombination-based system in the bacterium Escherichia coli, we systematically examined several fundamental premises that form the mechanistic basis of this model. Our results provide direct evidence strongly suggesting that SSO-mediated gene repair is mechanistically linked to the process of DNA replication, and most likely involves a replication intermediate. These findings will help guide future experiments involving SSO-mediated gene repair in mammalian and prokaryotic cells, and suggest several mechanisms by which the efficiencies may be reliably and substantially increased

    Cleavage of a model DNA replication fork by a Type I restriction endonuclease

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    Cleavage of a DNA replication fork leads to fork restoration by recombination repair. In prokaryote cells carrying restriction–modification systems, fork passage reduces genome methylation by the modification enzyme and exposes the chromosome to attack by the restriction enzyme. Various observations have suggested a relationship between the fork and Type I restriction enzymes, which cleave DNA at a distance from a recognition sequence. Here, we demonstrate that a Type I restriction enzyme preparation cleaves a model replication fork at its branch. The enzyme probably tracks along the DNA from an unmethylated recognition site on the daughter DNA and cuts the fork upon encountering the branch point. Our finding suggests that these restriction–modification systems contribute to genome maintenance through cell death and indicates that DNA replication fork cleavage represents a critical point in genome maintenance to choose between the restoration pathway and the destruction pathway