49 research outputs found

    The Impact of Socio-Demographic and Religious Factors upon Sexual Behavior among Ugandan University Students

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    INTRODUCTION: More knowledge is needed about structural factors in society that affect risky sexual behaviors. Educational institutions such as universities provide an opportune arena for interventions among young people. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sociodemographic and religious factors and their impact on sexual behavior among university students in Uganda. METHODS: In 2005, 980 university students (response rate 80%) were assessed by a self-administered questionnaire. Validated instruments were used to assess socio-demographic and religious factors and sexual behavior. Logistic regression analyses were applied. RESULTS: Our findings indicated that 37% of the male and 49% of the female students had not previously had sex. Of those with sexual experience, 46% of the males and 23% of the females had had three or more sexual partners, and 32% of the males and 38% of the females did not consistently use condoms. For those who rated religion as less important in their family, the probability of early sexual activity and having had a high number of lifetime partners increased by a statistically significant amount (OR = 1.7; 95% CI: 1.2-2.4 and OR = 1.6; 95% CI: 1.1-2.3, respectively). However, the role of religion seemed to have no impact on condom use. Being of Protestant faith interacted with gender: among those who had debuted sexually, Protestant female students were more likely to have had three or more lifetime partners; the opposite was true for Protestant male students. CONCLUSION: Religion emerged as an important determinant of sexual behavior among Ugandan university students. Our findings correlate with the increasing number of conservative religious injunctions against premarital sex directed at young people in many countries with a high burden. of HIV/AIDS. Such influence of religion must be taken into account in order to gain a deeper understanding of the forces that shape sexual behavior in Uganda

    The impact of vector migration on the effectiveness of strategies to control gambiense human African trypanosomiasis

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    BACKGROUND: Several modeling studies have been undertaken to assess the feasibility of the WHO goal of eliminating gambiense human African trypanosomiasis (g-HAT) by 2030. However, these studies have generally overlooked the effect of vector migration on disease transmission and control. Here, we evaluated the impact of vector migration on the feasibility of interrupting transmission in different g-HAT foci. METHODS: We developed a g-HAT transmission model of a single tsetse population cluster that accounts for migration of tsetse fly into this population. We used a model calibration approach to constrain g-HAT incidence to ranges expected for high, moderate and low transmission settings, respectively. We used the model to evaluate the effectiveness of current intervention measures, including medical intervention through enhanced screening and treatment, and vector control, for interrupting g-HAT transmission in disease foci under each transmission setting. RESULTS: We showed that, in low transmission settings, under enhanced medical intervention alone, at least 70% treatment coverage is needed to interrupt g-HAT transmission within 10 years. In moderate transmission settings, a combination of medical intervention and a vector control measure with a daily tsetse mortality greater than 0.03 is required to achieve interruption of disease transmission within 10 years. In high transmission settings, interruption of disease transmission within 10 years requires a combination of at least 70% medical intervention coverage and at least 0.05 tsetse daily mortality rate from vector control. However, the probability of achieving elimination in high transmission settings decreases with an increased tsetse migration rate. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the WHO 2030 goal of G-HAT elimination is, at least in theory, achievable. But the presence of tsetse migration may reduce the probability of interrupting g-HAT transmission in moderate and high transmission foci. Therefore, optimal vector control programs should incorporate monitoring and controlling of vector density in buffer areas around foci of g-HAT control efforts

    Erratum to: Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5).

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13601-016-0116-9.]

    Erratum to: Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5).

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13601-016-0116-9.]

    Mutations du gene de la filamine et syndromes malformatifs

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    Filamin is a cytoskeletal protein that occurs in the control of cytoskeleton structure and activity, the modulation of cell shape and migration as well as in the maintaining of cell shape. Mutations in the genes FLNA and FLNB provoke diverse malformative diseases in human. Mutations in the gene FLNA cause four X-Linked affections (oto-palato-digital syndrome type 1 and 2, Frontometaphyseal dysplasia and Melnick Needles syndrome) and mutations in the gene FLNB cause four dominant or recessive autosomalinherited skeletal affections (spondylocarpotarsal syndrome, Larsen syndrome and atelosteogenesis I and III). The real mechanism of those disorders is badly known. However, it is showed that the absence or thedeficit in filamin, or the loss of filamin function is at the origin of those malformative anomalies. The search for filamins gene mutations is so a very important diagnosis test for congenital malformations La filamine est une protĂ©ine cytosquelettique qui intervient dans le contrĂŽle de la structure et de l’activitĂ© du cytosquelette, la modulation de la structure et de la migration cellulaire, ainsi que dans le maintien de la forme cellulaire. Trois types de filamine (A, B et C) sont connus, codĂ©s respectivement par les gĂšnes FLNA, FLNB et FLNC. Des mutations des gĂšnes FLNA et FLNB provoquent des maladiesmalformatives diverses chez l’homme. Les mutations dans le gĂšne FLNA entraĂźnent quatre affections toutes liĂ©es Ă  l’X( le syndrome otopalatodigital de type 1 et 2, la dysplasie frontomĂ©taphysaire et lesyndrome de Melnick Needles) et les mutations dans le gĂšne FLNB entrainent quatre affections squelettiques Ă  transmission autosomique dominante ou recessive (le synspondylisme congĂ©nital, lesyndrome de Larsen et l’atĂ©lostĂ©ogenĂšse de type I et III). Le mĂ©canisme exact de ces affections est mal connu. Toutefois, il est dĂ©montrĂ© que l’absence ou le dĂ©ficit en filamine, ou la perte de fonction de la filamine est Ă  l’origine de ces anomalies malformatives. La recherche de mutations dans le gĂšne de la filamine est donc un examen qui vient complĂ©ter le bilan diagnostique Ă  rĂ©aliser en matiĂšre demalformation congĂ©nitale

    Comparison of the performances and validation of three methods for Yersinia spp. detection from animals stools samples in Abidjan: a non-endemic and a tropical area

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    Objective: Animals are the main reservoir for human enteropathogenics Yersinia. The aim of this survey was to compare the performances through three methods for detection of Yersinia enterocolitica 2/O: 9 and 1A/O: 14 bioserotypes in animals faecal samples contaminated in an artificial way and to validate the most efficient on animals samples from a tropical area.Methods and results: The compared methods were the direct plating of samples on selective agar CIN, (M1) the cold enrichment at +4°C) in PBS (Phosphate-buffered saline), (M2) and the prior-enrichment at 25°C in a BCC broth containing 2.5 mg / l of novobiocin followed by an enrichment modified PBS supplemented with 1% mannitol, 0.15% of bile salts, 0.5% of soy peptone (M3). These methods respectively had a sensitivity of 0.66, 0.73 and 0.88 on the non-pathogenic strain 1A/O: 14 and 0.54, 0.59 and 0.78 on the pathogenic strain 2/O: 9. The negative predictive value was 0.39, 0.45 and 0.65 respectively. The limit of detection of the two enrichment methods was 102 CFU ml-1 versus 103 CFU ml-1 for the direct plating. When detection rates of these methods were compared, it was observed that a significant difference on the one hand between the direct plating and the PBS modified and on the other hand between the enrichment in the cold weather and the PBS modified. No significant difference has been observed between the direct plating and the cold enrichment in Phosphate-buffered saline. It has been observed that no method encouraged significantly the detection of one of the two reference strains.The validation of the enrichment methods out of 496 samples showed that only the method of M3 enrichment permitted isolation of two strains of Yersinia intermedia, biotype 4, serotype 7,8-8-8,19 in piglets’ faeces.Conclusion: It appears from this study that the prior-enrichment at 25 ° C in a Brain Heart Infusion broth containing 2.5 mg / l novobiocin followed by a modified PBS (Phosphate-buffered saline) enrichment are appropriate methods for monitoring the epidemiology of enteropathogenics Yersinia in the animal faecal samples.Key words: Yersinia enterocolitica, Livestock animals, faecal samples, Methods of detection, sensitivity, limit of detectio

    Profil biologique des anemies chez l’enfant en pratique courante hospitaliere au Chu-Tokoin de Lome : A propos de 208 cas.

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    The anaemia constitutes one of the symptoms the most frequently observed in paediatric haematological emergency. They pose generally an etiologic diagnosis problem in the developing countries. Our workstudied the principal factors able to influence the anaemia in those countries’ children, and proposed a new diagnostic approach of the anaemia in children.Material and methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study, conducted in the haematology laboratory and the paediatric unit at the Tokoin Teaching Hospital, included 276 patients from March 7thto August 30th, 2004. Blood cell counts were realized with an automaton type SYSMEX-Kx-21, and the blood smear by theMAY GROUNWALD GIEMSA stain technique helped to study the morphology of the red blood cells and the leukocytes as well as the differential leukocyte count and the platelet count. Data collected wereclinical, biological and epidemiological; and Epi-Info software permitted the statistical analysis.Results: During the study period, 208 complete blood counts on 276 revealed anaemia with a prevalence of 75.4 %. From an epidemiological standpoint, their were more males than females with a sex ratioequal to 1.08.The average age of the patients was 4.6 years and the less five years old were the most suffering from anaemia (67..3 %). Those children the most suffering from anaemia belonged to poorpurchasing power families. From a clinical standpoint, 53.8% of the anaemic children had infectious condition. From the biological point of view, five types of anaemia were recorded and most of them were microcytary (87.5 %). Discreet anaemia were predominant (64.4 %) and the average rate of haemoglobin was 8.57g/dl. Several red blood cell morphologic anomalies were observed.Conclusion: At the close of this study we propose apart from the classic complete blood count to realize systematically a blood smear and search the red blood cell anomalies so that a sure etiologic diagnosis can be got so for a best management of anaemia in child. Les anĂ©mies constituent l’un des symptĂŽmes les plus frĂ©quemment rencontrĂ©s en urgence hĂ©matologique pĂ©diatrique. Elles posent gĂ©nĂ©ralement un problĂšme de diagnostic Ă©tiologique dans les pays endĂ©veloppement. Notre travail a Ă©tudiĂ© les principaux facteurs pouvant influencer l’anĂ©mie de l’enfant dans lesdits pays, et a proposĂ© une nouvelle approche diagnostique des anĂ©mies de l’enfant.MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : Il s’est agit d’une Ă©tude descriptive, transversale portant sur 276 patients, du 07 mars au 30 aoĂ»t 2004 soit une pĂ©riode de 6 mois au laboratoire d’hĂ©matologie et au service de pĂ©diatrie du CHU Tokoin de LomĂ©. Les hĂ©mogrammes ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’automate SYSMEX-Kx-21, et le frottis sanguins par latechnique de coloration au MAY GRÜNWALD GIEMSA a permis d’étudier la morphologie des hĂ©maties, des leucocytes, et la formule leucocytaire et des plaquettes. Les donnĂ©es recueillies Ă©taientcliniques, biologiques, et Ă©pidĂ©miologiques. L’étude statistique a Ă©tĂ© faite Ă  l’aide du logiciel Epi- Info.RĂ©sultats : Durant la pĂ©riode de l’étude, sur les 276 hĂ©mogrammes, 208 rĂ©vĂ©laient une anĂ©mie soit une prĂ©valence de 75,4%. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus Ă©taient : au plan Ă©pidĂ©miologique, il existait une lĂ©gĂšreprĂ©dominance masculine avec un sex-ratio de 1,08 ; l’ñge moyen des patients Ă©tait de 4,6 ans, les enfants ĂągĂ©s de 0 Ă  5 ans Ă©taient plus touchĂ©s par l’anĂ©mie (67,3%). Les enfants des familles de classe socioĂ©conomiques faibles Ă©taient les plus atteints. Au plan clinique, 53,8% des enfants anĂ©miques avaient un Ă©tat infectieux. Au plan biologique, 5 types d’anĂ©mies ont Ă©tĂ© rencontrĂ©es la plupart Ă©tait microcytaire (87,5%). Il a Ă©tĂ© notĂ© une prĂ©dominance des anĂ©mies discrĂštes (64,4%) avec un taux moyen d’hĂ©moglobine de 8,57 g /dl. Plusieurs anomalies morphologiques Ă©rythrocytaires ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es.Conclusion : Au terme de ce travail, nous proposons qu’en dehors de la numĂ©ration formule sanguine classique, qu’un frottis sanguin soit systĂ©matiquement rĂ©alisĂ© pour la recherche des anomaliesĂ©rythrocytaires afin d’aboutir Ă  un diagnostic Ă©tiologique sĂ»r pour une meilleure prise en charge desanĂ©mies de l’enfant

    Intoxications aigues accidentelles chez l’enfant au chu Tokoin de Lome au Togo

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    Rretrospective study about 183 children from 0 to 15 years hospitalized from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2008 at the pediatric ward of CHU Tokoin for accidental acute poisoning. Among 15 247 children hospitalized during the period of the study 183 were the victim of accidental acute poisoning, 1.2% of the hospitalizations. We had notified 53.6% of boys and 46.4% of girls with a sex-ratio of 1.1. Children between 1 and 3 years were more represented (45.9) with significant difference (p = 0.00). The main accused poisons were kerosene (27.3%), medicines (23.5%), food (14.2%), alcohol (10.9%) and caustic (10.9%). Red oil was the principal antidote administrated at home (88%). L’ingestion de produits toxiques fait partie des urgences pĂ©diatriques les plus frĂ©quentes en Afrique : Sa prise en charge reste spĂ©cifique en raison de l’ñge et du plateau technique mĂ©dical limitĂ©. Notre Ă©tude viseĂ  amĂ©liorer la prise en charge de cette affection Notre Ă©tude Ă©tait rĂ©trospective. Elle a portĂ© sur des enfants ĂągĂ©s de 0 Ă  15 ans hospitalisĂ©s du 1er janvier 2004 au 31 dĂ©cembre 2008, dans le service de PĂ©diatrie du CHU Tokoin pour intoxication aigueaccidentelle. Au cours de la pĂ©riode d’étude 183 enfants ont Ă©tĂ© victimes d’une intoxication aigue accidentelle, soit 1,2% des hospitalisations. Les principaux toxiques Ă©taient le pĂ©trole (27,3%), les mĂ©dicaments (23,5%), les aliments (14,2%), l’alcool (10,9%) et les caustiques (10,9%) L’huile rouge a Ă©tĂ© le principal antidoteconsommĂ© Ă  domicile (88%). La prĂ©vention de ce problĂšme de santĂ© publique pour ĂȘtre efficace doit passer par une sensibilisation de lapopulation sur la manipulation de ces produits toxiques

    Soins traditionnels donnes aux nouveau-nés et nourrissons dans le district sanitaire de Kloto (Togo) : risques et avantages

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    Purpose: Evaluate the traditional practices of management of neonates and infants, to identify practices to encourage and practices to discourage in the promotion of child health in the health district of Kloto.Population and methods: it was a quantitative and qualitative cross-sectional investigation, conducted from May 28 to June 14, 2008 in the health district of Kloto, and which involved 21 traditional birth attendants, 21 tradipractitioners, 70 pregnant women, 70 lactating women and 70 neonates and infants 0-6 months.Results: more than nine out of ten tradipractitioners received consultation of newborns and infants. They administered care as oral decoction (4.8%), body massage (33.3%) and bath (57.1%). Thirty percent of the neonates had received their first bath since the birth and seventy percent within the first 24 hours of life. They had already received an indefinite nature ophthalmic ointment in 50% of cases. Neonates whose umbilical cord had been treated with ash or Shea butter were in 100% of cases in rural areas. More than eight traditional birth attendants on 10 (83.3%) knew that infants must take the first feeding as soon as its first hour of life. Two-thirds (66.7%) of traditional birth attendants in urban areas and the third party (33.3%) in rural areas felt that the first administration of water and complementary foods to infants should be before 6 months of age. According to 81.7% to 90% of pregnant women the customary time for initiation of infants at the first feeding is the hour after birth. They threw the colostrum in 20% or more of cases. According to 9 out of ten pregnant women first administration of water to the infant was traditionally after 6 months of age of the infant. The traditional time of the introduction of the first baby food is the period of 2 to 6 months of age of the infant, declared by over three quarters of pregnant women. These pregnant women actually introduced the first food to their babies before there one month of age in 100% of cases in urban areas and 75% of cases in rural areas. Introduced food type was porridge or other liquids in almost 100% of cases. According to the majority of lactating women, the customary time for initiation of infants at the first feeding is the hour after his birth. They directly used colostrum in 97.1% of cases. The traditional time of the first administration of water to the baby is before 6 months of age of the infant according to 9 out of 10 mothers. And according to 78.6% of these mothers, the introduction of the first baby food is traditionally from the sixth month of age of the infant. Introduced food type was porridge or other liquids in more than 90% of cases, the pulp or other foods in 1.6%.Conclusion: This study to measure the degree of involvement of the practitioners in the health of children, and we reflect the reality of beneficial or harmful traditional practices.Keywords: Traditional care, newborn and infant, risks and advantages, TogoJ. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo), 2012, Série D, 14(2) : 27-3