494 research outputs found

    A mini outburst from the nightside of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko observed by the OSIRIS camera on Rosetta

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    Context. On 12 March 2015 the OSIRIS WAC camera onboard the ESA Rosetta spacecraft orbiting comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko observed a small outburst originating from the Imhotep region at the foot of the big lobe of the comet. These measurements are unique since it was the first time that the initial phase of a transient outburst event could be directly observed. Aims. We investigate the evolution of the dust jet in order to derive clues about the outburst source mechanism and the ejected dust particles, in particular the dust mass, dust-to-gas ratio and the particle size distribution. Methods. Analysis of the images and of the observation geometry using comet shape models in combination with gasdynamic modeling of the transient dust jet were the main tools used in this study. Synthetic images were computed for comparison with the observations. Results. Analysis of the geometry revealed that the source region was not illuminated until 1.5 h after the event implying true nightside activity was observed. The outburst lasted for less than one hour and the average dust production rate during the initial four minutes was of the order of 1 kg/s. During this time the outburst dust production rate was approximately constant, no sign for an initial explosion could be detected. For dust grains between 0.01-1 mm a power law size distribution characterized by an index of about 2.6 provides the best fit to the observed radiance profiles. The dust-to-gas ratio of the outburst jet is in the range 0.6-1.8. © 2016 ESO.The support of the national funding agencies of Germany (DLR), France (CNES), Italy (ASI), Spain (MEC), Sweden (SNSB; Grant No. 74/10:2), and the ESA Technical Directorate is gratefully acknowledged. H. Rickman was also supported by Grant No. 2011/01/B/ST9/05442 of the Polish National Science Center.Peer Reviewe

    Solar-insolation-induced changes in the coma morphology of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Optical monitoring with the Nordic Optical Telescope

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    Context. 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/C-G) is a short-period Jupiter family comet with an orbital period of 6.55 years. Being the target comet of ESA’s Rosetta mission, 67P/C-G has become one of the most intensively studied minor bodies of the Solar System. The Rosetta Orbiter and the Philae Lander have brought us unique information about the structure and activity of the comet nucleus, as well as its activity along the orbit, composition of gas, and dust particles emitted into the coma. However, as Rosetta stayed in very close proximity to the cometary nucleus (less than 500 km with a few short excursions reaching up to 1500 km), it could not see the global picture of a coma at the scales reachable by telescopic observations (103 - 105 km). Aims. In this work we aim to connect in-situ observations made by Rosetta with the morphological evolution of the coma structures monitored by the ground-based observations. In particular, we concentrate on causal relationships between the coma morphology and evolution observed with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) in the Canary Islands, and the seasonal changes of the insolation and the activity of the comet observed by the Rosetta instruments. Methods. Comet 67P/C-G was monitored with the NOT in imaging mode in two colors. Imaging optical observations were performed roughly on a weekly basis, which provides good coverage of short- and long-term variability. With the three dimensional modeling of the coma produced by active regions on the Southern Hemisphere, we aim to qualify the observed morphology by connecting it to the activity observed by Rosetta. Results. During our monitoring program, we detected major changes in the coma morphology of comet 67P/C-G. These were longterm and long-lasting changes. They do not represent any sudden outburst or short transient event, but are connected to seasonal changes of the surface insolation and the emergence of new active regions on the irregular shaped comet nucleus. We have also found significant deviations in morphological changes from the prediction models based on previous apparitions of 67P/C-G, like the time delay of the morphology changes and the reduced activity in the Northern Hemisphere. According to our modeling of coma structures and geometry of observations, the changes are clearly connected with the activity in the Southern Hemisphere observed by the Rosetta spacecraft

    Mid-infrared emissivity of partially dehydrated asteroid (162173) Ryugu shows strong signs of aqueous alteration

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    The near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu, the target of Hayabusa2 space mission, was observed via both orbiter and the lander instruments. The infrared radiometer on the MASCOT lander (MARA) is the only instrument providing spectrally resolved mid-infrared (MIR) data, which is crucial for establishing a link between the asteroid material and meteorites found on Earth. Earlier studies revealed that the single boulder investigated by the lander belongs to the most common type found on Ryugu. Here we show the spectral variation of Ryugu’s emissivity using the complete set of in-situ MIR data and compare it to those of various carbonaceous chondritic meteorites, revealing similarities to the most aqueously altered ones, as well as to asteroid (101955) Bennu. The results show that Ryugu experienced strong aqueous alteration prior to any dehydration

    Shape modeling technique KOALA validated by ESA Rosetta at (21) Lutetia

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    We present a comparison of our results from ground-based observations of asteroid (21) Lutetia with imaging data acquired during the flyby of the asteroid by the ESA Rosetta mission. This flyby provided a unique opportunity to evaluate and calibrate our method of determination of size, 3-D shape, and spin of an asteroid from ground-based observations. We present our 3-D shape-modeling technique KOALA which is based on multi-dataset inversion. We compare the results we obtained with KOALA, prior to the flyby, on asteroid (21) Lutetia with the high-spatial resolution images of the asteroid taken with the OSIRIS camera on-board the ESA Rosetta spacecraft, during its encounter with Lutetia. The spin axis determined with KOALA was found to be accurate to within two degrees, while the KOALA diameter determinations were within 2% of the Rosetta-derived values. The 3-D shape of the KOALA model is also confirmed by the spectacular visual agreement between both 3-D shape models (KOALA pre- and OSIRIS post-flyby). We found a typical deviation of only 2 km at local scales between the profiles from KOALA predictions and OSIRIS images, resulting in a volume uncertainty provided by KOALA better than 10%. Radiometric techniques for the interpretation of thermal infrared data also benefit greatly from the KOALA shape model: the absolute size and geometric albedo can be derived with high accuracy, and thermal properties, for example the thermal inertia, can be determined unambiguously. We consider this to be a validation of the KOALA method. Because space exploration will remain limited to only a few objects, KOALA stands as a powerful technique to study a much larger set of small bodies using Earth-based observations.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in P&S

    The InSight HP^3 mole on Mars: Lessons learned from attempts to penetrate to depth in the Martian soil

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    The NASA InSight mission payload includes the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package HP^3 to measure the surface heat flow. The package was designed to use a small penetrator - nicknamed the mole - to implement a string of temperature sensors in the soil to a depth of 5m. The mole itself is equipped with sensors to measure a thermal conductivity as it proceeds to depth. The heat flow would be calculated from the product of the temperature gradient and the thermal conductivity. To avoid the perturbation caused by annual surface temperature variations, the measurements would be taken at a depth between 3 m and 5 m. The mole was designed to penetrate cohesionless soil similar to Quartz sand which was expected to provide a good analogue material for Martian sand. The sand would provide friction to the buried mole hull to balance the remaining recoil of the mole hammer mechanism that drives the mole forward. Unfortunately, the mole did not penetrate more than a mole length of 40 cm. The failure to penetrate deeper was largely due to a few tens of centimeter thick cohesive duricrust that failed to provide the required friction. Although a suppressor mass and spring in the hammer mechanism absorbed much of the recoil, the available mass did not allow a system that would have eliminated the recoil. The mole penetrated to 40 cm depth benefiting from friction provided by springs in the support structure from which it was deployed. It was found in addition that the Martian soil provided unexpected levels of penetration resistance that would have motivated to designing a more powerful mole. It is concluded that more mass would have allowed to design a more robust system with little or no recoil, more energy of the mole hammer mechanism and a more massive support structure.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Adnaves in Space Researc

    Results from a Comparison of Approximate Analytical Solutions with a Detailed Numerical Inversion Analysis to Determine the Thermal Conductivity of the Regolith at the Mars InSight Landing Site Using Data from HP3 Heating Experiments

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    A direct measurement of the regolith thermal conductivity at the Mars InSight landing site (4.50°, 132.62°E) was made by heating experiments using the physical properties package (HP3) of the Mars InSight mission. Temperature and time data from these heating experiments, after removal of background temperature variations, were analyzed using a finite element model for which Monte Carlo simulations were run varying regolith thermal conductivity, density, thermal contact conductance between the probe and the regolith to determine parameter combinations that best fit the heating curve. In terms of simulating details of heating experiment this data reduction and numerical inversion is as complete as possible within the current constraints of the experiment. However, no information was included in the model concerning regolith thermal conductivity variations radial to the probe caused during penetration of the probe

    Lessons We Learned Designing and Building the Chandra Telescope

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    2014 marks the crystal (15th) anniversary of the launch of the Chandra Xray Observatory. This paper offers some of the major lessons learned by some of the key members of the Chandra Telescope team. We offer some of the lessons gleaned from our experiences developing, designing, building and testing the telescope and its subsystems, with 15 years of hindsight. Among the topics to be discussed are the early developmental tests, known as VETAI and VETAII, requirements derivation, the impact of late requirements and reflection on the conservatism in the design process

    The Thermal, Mechanical, Structural, and Dielectric Properties of Cometary Nuclei After Rosetta

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    The physical properties of cometary nuclei observed today relate to their complex history and help to constrain their formation and evolution. In this article, we review some of the main physical properties of cometary nuclei and focus in particular on the thermal, mechanical, structural and dielectric properties, emphasising the progress made during the Rosetta mission. Comets have a low density of 480±220 kgm−3 and a low permittivity of 1.9–2.0, consistent with a high porosity of 70–80%, are weak with a very low global tensile strength −1m−2s−1/2 that allowed them to preserve highly volatiles species (e.g. CO, CO2, CH4, N2) into their interior since their formation. As revealed by 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the above physical properties vary across the nucleus, spatially at its surface but also with depth. The broad picture is that the bulk of the nucleus consists of a weakly bonded, rather homogeneous material that preserved primordial properties under a thin shell of processed material, and possibly covered by a granular material; this cover might in places reach a thickness of several meters. The properties of the top layer (the first meter) are not representative of that of the bulk nucleus. More globally, strong nucleus heterogeneities at a scale of a few meters are ruled out on 67P’s small lobe
