23 research outputs found

    Hydrogen line blanketed model stellar atmospheres

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    Hydrogen line blanketed stellar model atmosphere

    The digital archive of the International Halley Watch

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    The International Halley Watch was established to coordinate, collect, archive, and distribute the scientific data from Comet P/Halley that would be obtained from both the ground and space. This paper describes one of the end products of that effort, namely the IHW Digital Archive. The IHW Digital Archive consists of 26 CD-ROM's containing over 32 gigabytes of data from the 9 IHW disciplines as well as data from the 5 spacecraft missions flown to comet P/Haley and P/Giacobini-Zinner. The total archive contains over 50,000 observations by 1,500 observers from at least 40 countries. The first 24 CD's, which are currently available, contain data from the 9 IHW disciplines. The two remaining CD's will have the spacecraft data and should be available within the next year. A test CD-ROM of these data has been created and is currently under review

    New limb-darkening coefficients and synthetic photometry for model-atmosphere grids at Galactic, LMC, and SMC abundances

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    New grids of Atlas9 models have been calculated using revised convection parameters and updated opacity-distribution functions, for chemical compositions intended to be representative of solar, [M/H] = +0.3, +0.5, Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) abundances. The grids cover T(eff) = 3.5-50kK, from log(g) = 5.0 to the effective Eddington limit. Limb-darkening coefficients and synthetic photometry are presented in the UBVRIJHKLM, uvby, ugriz, WFCAM, Hipparcos/Tycho, and Kepler passbands for these models, and for Castelli's comparable `new-ODF' grids. Flux distributions are given for the new models. The sensitivity of limb-darkening coefficients to the adopted physics is illustrated

    Absolute dimensions of eclipsing binaries. XXVI, Setting a new standard : masses, radii, and abundances for the F-type systems AD Bootis, VZ Hydrae, and WZ Ophiuchi

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    Context. Accurate mass, radius, and abundance determinations from binaries provide important information on stellar evolution, fundamental to central fields in modern astrophysics and cosmology. Aims. We aim to determine absolute dimensions and abundances for the three F-type main-sequence detached eclipsing binaries ADBoo, VZHya, and WZOph and to perform a detailed comparison with results from recent stellar evolutionary models. Methods. uvby light curves and uvbyÎČ standard photometry were obtained with the Strömgren Automatic Telescope at ESO, La Silla, radial velocity observations at CfA facilities, and supplementary high-resolution spectra with ESO’s FEROS spectrograph. State-ofthe-art methods were applied for the analyses: the EBOP andWilson-Devinney binary models, two-dimensional cross-correlation and disentangling, and the VWA abundance analysis tool. Results. Masses and radii that are precise to 0.5–0.7% and 0.4–0.9%, respectively, have been established for the components, which span the ranges of 1.1 to 1.4 M and 1.1 to 1.6 R. The [Fe/H] abundances are from –0.27 to +0.10, with uncertainties between 0.07 and 0.15 dex. We find indications of a slight α-element overabundance of [α/Fe] ∌ +0.1 for WZOph. The secondary component of ADBoo and both components of WZOph appear to be slightly active. Yale-Yonsai and Victoria-Regina evolutionary models fit the components of ADBoo and VZHya almost equally well, assuming coeval formation, at ages of about 1.75/1.50 Gyr (ADBoo) and 1.25/1.00 Gyr (VZHya). BaSTI models, however, predict somewhat different ages for the primary and secondary components. For WZOph, the models from all three grids are significantly hotter than observed. A low He content, decreased envelope convection coupled with surface activity, and/or higher interstellar absorption would remove the discrepancy, but its cause has not been definitively identified. Conclusions. We have demonstrated the power of testing and comparing recent stellar evolutionary models using eclipsing binaries, provided their abundances are known. The strongest limitations and challenges are set by Teff and interstellar absorption determinations, and by their effects on and correlation with abundance results

    A new path to first light for the Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer

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    The Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer (MROI) was the most ambitious infrared interferometric facility conceived of in 2003 when funding began. Today, despite having suffered some financial short-falls, it is still one of the most ambitious interferometric imaging facilities ever designed. With an innovative approach to attaining the original goal of fringe tracking to H = 14th^{th} magnitude via completely redesigned mobile telescopes, and a unique approach to the beam train and delay lines, the MROI will be able to image faint and complex objects with milliarcsecond resolutions for a fraction of the cost of giant telescopes or space-based facilities. The design goals of MROI have been optimized for studying stellar astrophysical processes such as mass loss and mass transfer, the formation and evolution of YSOs and their disks, and the environs of nearby AGN. The global needs for Space Situational Awareness (SSA) have moved to the forefront in many communities as Space becomes a more integral part of a national security portfolio. These needs drive imaging capabilities ultimately to a few tens of centimeter resolution at geosynchronous orbits. Any array capable of producing images on faint and complex geosynchronous objects in just a few hours will be outstanding not only as an astrophysical tool, but also for these types of SSA missions. With the recent infusion of new funding from the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) in Albuquerque, NM, MROI will be able to attain first light, first fringes, and demonstrate bootstrapping with three telescopes by 2020. MROI’s current status along with a sketch of our activities over the coming 5 years will be presented, as well as clear opportunities to collaborate on various aspects of the facility as it comes online. Further funding is actively being sought to accelerate the capability of the array for interferometric imaging on a short time-scale so as to achieve the original goals of this ambitious facility.AFRL (Cooperative Agreement FA9453-15-2-0086 titled “Amplitude Interferometer Research for Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) Space Situational Awareness (SSA)”), Congressional Delegation of the State of New Mexico, Science and Technology Facilities CouncilThis is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SPIE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.223391

    A new path to first light for the Magdalena Ridge Observatory interferometer

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    The Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer (MROI) was the most ambitious infrared interferometric facility conceived of in 2003 when funding began. Today, despite having suffered some financial short-falls, it is still one of the most ambitious interferometric imaging facilities ever designed. With an innovative approach to attaining the original goal of fringe tracking to H = 14th magnitude via completely redesigned mobile telescopes, and a unique approach to the beam train and delay lines, the MROI will be able to image faint and complex objects with milliarcsecond resolutions for a fraction of the cost of giant telescopes or space-based facilities. The design goals of MROI have been optimized for studying stellar astrophysical processes such as mass loss and mass transfer, the formation and evolution of YSOs and their disks, and the environs of nearby AGN. The global needs for Space Situational Awareness (SSA) have moved to the forefront in many communities as Space becomes a more integral part of a national security portfolio. These needs drive imaging capabilities ultimately to a few tens of centimeter resolution at geosynchronous orbits. Any array capable of producing images on faint and complex geosynchronous objects in just a few hours will be outstanding not only as an astrophysical tool, but also for these types of SSA missions. With the recent infusion of new funding from the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) in Albuquerque, NM, MROI will be able to attain first light, first fringes, and demonstrate bootstrapping with three telescopes by 2020. MROI's current status along with a sketch of our activities over the coming 5 years will be presented, as well as clear opportunities to collaborate on various aspects of the facility as it comes online. Further funding is actively being sought to accelerate the capability of the array for interferometric imaging on a short time-scale so as to achieve the original goals of this ambitious facility.AFRL (Cooperative Agreement FA9453-15-2-0086 titled “Amplitude Interferometer Research for Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) Space Situational Awareness (SSA)”), Congressional Delegation of the State of New Mexico, Science and Technology Facilities Counci

    Fabry-Perot Observations of Comet Hale-Bopp H_2O(+) Velocity Fields

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    We have obtained Doppler-sliced images of H_2O(+) emission from Comet Hale-Bopp, using a 15-cm, dual-etalon, Fabry-Perot/CCD imaging spectrometer at the McMath-Pierce 0.8-meter west auxiliary telescope of the National Solar Observatory on Kitt Peak. The 6-arcmin field of view was centered on the comet nucleus, and the spectral resolution was 0.4 Angstroms (20km/sec). The observations consisted of ``data cubes,\u27\u27 i.e., a sequence of images of the 6158 Angstroms emission doublet at velocity steps of 12.5 or 25km/sec, covering a range from -75km/sec to +75km/sec in the comet reference frame. We were able to follow the comet for 1 to 1(1/_2) hours each clear night. We obtained useable data cubes on at least ten nights between February 25 and April 16. These data are being examined to investigate the comet-solar wind interaction. We will present both still images and time-lapse movies showing sequences of ion velocities and accelerations on the plane of the sky

    The Wisconsin/GSFC Hale-Bopp Observing Campaign

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    From September 1996 to April 1997, we conducted an extensive campaign of observations of several atomic (O, C, H), ionic (H_2O(+) ), and molecular (OH, C_2, C_3, CN, NH_2) emissions from Comet Hale-Bopp, using a variety of telescopes (McMath-Pierce, WHAM, Burrel-Schmidt, WIYN, PBO, WISP), instruments (imagers, Fabry-Perot and grating spectrometers, polarimeters), and data formats (spectra, images, datacubes). We will present an overview of the observations, and highlight early results, some of which will be presented in detail in poster papers at this meeting