49 research outputs found

    Profilaktyczny program wczesnego rozpoznawania przewlekłej choroby nerek- akcja „Uwaga Nerki”- Bydgoszcz 2010.

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant health problem in Poland and all over the world. It is estimated that in Poland CKD affects more than 4 million people (it is about 10-13% of the Polish population). Early detection of CKD is of great importance because of the possibility of an effective therapy to protect kidney function especially in patients with high risk of developing CKD. The aim of the study was to analyze the results of the program for early detection of kidney disease conducted in Bydgoszcz in 2010. 347 subjects took part in preventive action of early detection of kidney disease. They underwent free laboratory tests:urinalysis, serum creatinine level, eGFR calculation. Moreover, in each patient’s blood pressure was measured. Besides laboratory tests results, all patients were given comprehensive information concerning further nephrological management. 347 people were evaluated in this local Preventive Program of  Early CKD detection. There were two fold more women than       men. The largest group among the respondents were people aged between 50 and 70 years of age, in stage 2 (63.1%, GFR> 60 ml/min) and 3-stage kidney disease (31.4%, eGFR <60 ml /min).      Przewlekła choroba nerek (PChN) stanowi znaczący problem zdrowotny w Polsce i na świecie. Szacuje się, że w  Polsce na choroby nerek choruje ponad 4 mln osób co stanowi ok. 10-13% społeczeństwa. Wczesne wykrywanie PChN  ma ogromne znaczenie dla możliwości podjęcia skutecznej  terapii, mającej na celu ochronę funkcji nerek zwłaszcza w  grupach wysokiego ryzyka rozwoju PChN.  Celem przedstawionej pracy jest analiza wyników programu wczesnego wykrywania chorób nerek przeprowadzonego na terenie Bydgoszczy w roku 2010. W programie profilaktycznym udział wzięło 347 osób, którym wykonano badanie ogólne moczu, oznaczono stężenie kreatyniny, wyliczono eGFR oraz zmierzono ciśnienie tętnicze. Pacjentom wydano ulotki informacyjne na temat dalszego postępowania po uzyskaniu wyników badań laboratoryjnych. Na badania profilaktyczne zgłosiło się 347 osób, dwukrotnie więcej kobiet niż mężczyzn, najliczniejszą grupę stanowiły osoby w wieku pomiędzy 50 a 70 rokiem życia. Najliczniejszą  grupę stanowili badani w stadium 2 (63,1%, GFR> 60 ml/min)   i w stadium 3 PChN (31.4%, eGFR <60 ml / min).      

    Preventive program of early detection of chronic kidney disease. Action “Warning Kidney”- Bydgoszcz 2010.

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant health problem in Poland and all over the world. It is estimated that in Poland CKD affects more than 4 million people (it is about 10-13% of the Polish population). Early detection of CKD is of great importance because of the possibility of an effective therapy to protect kidney function especially in patients with high risk of developing CKD. The aim of the study was to analyze the results of the program for early detection of kidney disease conducted in Bydgoszcz in 2010. 347 subjects took part in preventive action of early detection of kidney disease. They underwent free laboratory tests:urinalysis, serum creatinine level, eGFR calculation. Moreover, in each patient’s blood pressure was measured. Besides laboratory tests results, all patients were given comprehensive information concerning further nephrological management. 347 people were evaluated in this local Preventive Program of Early CKD detection. There were two fold more women than men. The largest group among the respondents were people aged between 50 and 70 years of age, in stage 2 (63.1%, GFR> 60 ml/min) and 3-stage kidney disease (31.4%, eGFR 60 ml/min) i w stadium 3 PChN (31.4%, eGFR <60 ml / min)

    Generalized ramsey theory for graphs, x: double stars

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    The double star S(n, m), where n [ges] m [ges] 0, is the graph consisting of the union of two stars K1,n and K1,m together with a line joining their centers. Its ramsey number r(S(n, m)) is the least number p such that there is a monochromatic copy of S(n, m) in any 2-coloring of the edges of Kp. It is shown that r(S(n, m)) = max (2n + 1, n + 2m + 2) if n is odd and m[les]2 and r(S(n, m)) = max (2n + 2, n + 2m + 2) otherwise, for n [les] [radical sign]2m or n [ges] 3m.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/23705/1/0000677.pd

    Relationship between Cardiopulmonary, Mitochondrial and Autonomic Nervous System Function Improvement after an Individualised Activity Programme upon Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients

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    Background: The therapeutic effects of exercise from structured activity programmes have recently been questioned; as a result, this study examines the impact of an Individualised Activity Program (IAP) on the relationship with cardiovascular, mitochondrial and fatigue parameters. Methods: Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients were assessed using Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire (CFQ), Fatigue Severity Score (FSS) and the Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS). VO(2)peak, VO(2)submax and heart rate (HR) were assessed using cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Mfn1 and Mfn2 levels in plasma were assessed. A Task Force Monitor was used to assess ANS functioning in supine rest and in response to the Head-Up Tilt Test (HUTT). Results: Thirty-four patients completed 16 weeks of the IAP. The CFQ, FSS and FIS scores decreased significantly along with a significant increase in Mfn1 and Mfn2 levels (p = 0.002 and p = 0.00005, respectively). The relationships between VO2 peak and Mfn1 increase in response to IAP (p = 0.03) and between VO2 at anaerobic threshold and ANS response to the HUTT (p = 0.03) were noted. Conclusions: It is concluded that IAP reduces fatigue and improves functional performance along with changes in autonomic and mitochondrial function. However, caution must be applied as exercise was not well tolerated by 51% of patients

    A basic analysis toolkit for biological sequences

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    This paper presents a software library, nicknamed BATS, for some basic sequence analysis tasks. Namely, local alignments, via approximate string matching, and global alignments, via longest common subsequence and alignments with affine and concave gap cost functions. Moreover, it also supports filtering operations to select strings from a set and establish their statistical significance, via z-score computation. None of the algorithms is new, but although they are generally regarded as fundamental for sequence analysis, they have not been implemented in a single and consistent software package, as we do here. Therefore, our main contribution is to fill this gap between algorithmic theory and practice by providing an extensible and easy to use software library that includes algorithms for the mentioned string matching and alignment problems. The library consists of C/C++ library functions as well as Perl library functions. It can be interfaced with Bioperl and can also be used as a stand-alone system with a GUI. The software is available at under the GNU GPL

    Insight into aquaculture's potential of marine annelid worms and ecological concerns: a review

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    Polychaetes are marine annelid worms that can contribute to aquaculture diversification. Its culture has been viable, and commercially attempted, but intensive production has progressed only in few countries around the world. In the countries with no production, marine polychaetes are imported or harvested. A strong and sustained research investment provided to a better understanding of the nutritional requirements and reproduction of some species. Recent studies showed new technical improvements, which can lead to an important progress in productivity and give a new impetus to the polychaete production. Some marine worm species were identified as good candidates for integrated multitrophic aquaculture. The development of cost-effective aquaculture techniques for marine annelid worms is essential to ensure a balance between commercial interests and the preservation of ecosystems. The influence of polychaete aquaculture on the environment and vice versa raise important concerns related to ecological security and sustainability of this activity. This review focus on the main technical improvements and advances that have been made in areas as diverse as: aquaculture potential of polychaetes, reared species, main species used worldwide, and highlights biological and ecological concerns, important challenges and recommendations.This study was supported by the FCT (Portuguese National Board of Scientific Research), through the MARE (Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre) (UID/MAR/04292/2013) strategic programme and through strategic project PEst-OE/MAR/UI0199/2014, granted to MARE. This study has also the financial support of PROMAR Program through the project 31-03-05-FEP42: LIVE BAIT – Annelid polychaetes as live bait in Portugal: harvesting, import and rearing management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Non-invasive assessment of skin tissues structures and body composition analysis of the persons suffering from cellulite - a case study

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    Zmiany struktury skóry dotkniętej cellulitem są spowodowane wieloma czynnikami, m.in. zaburzeniami metabolizmu tkanki tłuszczowej, upośledzeniem przepływu krwi I limfy oraz magazynowaniem produktów przemiany mateiii w skórze. Problem cellulitu dotyczy wielu osób, w zdecydowanej większości kobiet. Wykorzystując nowoczesne metody analizy właściwości tnechanicznych skóry oraz analizy składu ciała, możliwa jest analiza wielu czynników wpływających na nasilenie procesu negatywnych zmian strukturalnych w obrębie skóry i tkanki podskórnej.Morphological changes of skin with ceilulite are caused by various factors, e.g. adipose tissue metabolism and microcirculation disorders. T h e y may also result from gathering of metabolism products witthin skin. Cellulite problems are considered to be a serious problem for women. This kind of sk n changes causes various problem in dermatological and psychological aspects of treatment. Modernand non-invasive examination techniques of skin propertis and body composition analysis enable to obtain very valuable data concerning ceilulite

    Tylosine, Bayo-N-ox and Ridzol effect on the growth of piglets and feed conversion

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    Соответствующий опыт был проведен на 50 пометах поросят в 2-12 недельном возрасте, разделенных на 5 групп в зависимости от стимулятора роста прибавляемого к смесям Пре-стартер и Гроуэр. Поросята кормимые рационом с прибавкой Тилозина или Байонокса показывали на 14-16% высшие привесы, а при совместной подаче обоих указанных стимуляторов роста привесы были выше на 19%. Положительное влияние совместной подачи двух указанных стимуляторов роста было подтверждено меньшим потреблением корма, лучшей переваримостью белка и повышенным задержанием азота у поросят. Ридзол оказывал незначительное влияние на привесы поросят.The respective experiment comprised 50 litters of piglets aging 2-12 weeks. The piglets were divided into 5 groups depending on the animal growth stimulators "Prestarter" and "Grower" added to feed mixtures. Piglets fed mixture with added Tylosine or Bayo-N-ox showed by 14-16% higher weight gains, while at joint administration of both growth stimulators the weight gains were by 19% higher. Favourable effect of the joint administration of both growth stimulators manifested itself in smaller consumption of feed, better digestibility of protein and higher nitrogen retention in piglets. The effect of Ridzol on weight gains of the piglets was insignificant