4,387 research outputs found

    Examining the appropriateness of nonverbal measures of intelligence with deaf and hard-of-hearing children: a critical review of the literature

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    There are a variety of assessment instruments available today that are widely used to assess the intellectual abilities of children. Specific considerations should be made when using these instruments to assess the deaf and hard-of-hearing population. This critical review of the literature begins with a brief overview of the D-HH population, a general history of intellectual assessment, and assessment considerations that are specific to the D-HH population. Information obtained from available literature regarding the internal consistency of six assessment instruments is presented. The instruments reviewed include the UNIT, the Leiter-R, the WISC-IV, the SB5, the CTONI, and the CAS. The results indicated that all of the measures examined show sufficient reliability and validity when applied to the general population. However, Braden (2005) has suggested that a measurement instrument is appropriate for a particular group when similar reliability and validity values are found for that group as for the general population. Of the measures examined, CTONI reported internal consistency studies with a subgroup of D-HH children in the manual. Additional independent research on the internal consistency of the UNIT and the WISC-IV is available. The literature review suggests that there are several factors that can influence test results when working with the D-HH population that have not been examined through independent research to date. Areas of interest for future research are presented

    Shock-related radio emission during coronal mass ejection lift-off?

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    Aims: We identify the source of fast-drifting decimetric-metric radio emission that is sometimes observed prior to the so-called flare continuum emission. Fast-drift structures and continuum bursts are also observed in association with coronal mass ejections (CMEs), not only flares. Methods: We analyse radio spectral features and images acquired at radio, H-alpha, EUV, and soft X-ray wavelengths, during an event close to the solar limb on 2 June 2003. Results: The fast-drifting decimetric-metric radio burst corresponds to a moving, wide emission front in the radio images, which is normally interpreted as a signature of a propagating shock wave. A decimetric-metric type II burst where only the second harmonic lane is visible could explain the observations. After long-lasting activity in the active region, the hot and dense loops could be absorbing or suppressing emission at the fundamental plasma frequency. The observed burst speed suggests a super-Alfvenic velocity for the burst driver. The expanding and opening loops, associated with the flare and the early phase of CME lift-off, could be driving the shock. Alternatively, an instantaneous but fast loop expansion could initiate a freely propagating shock wave. The later, complex-looking decametre-hectometre wave type III bursts indicate the existence of a propagating shock, although no interplanetary type II burst was observed during the event. The data does not support CME bow shock or a shock at the flanks of the CME as the origin of the fast-drift decimetric-metric radio source. Therefore super-Alfvenic loop expansion is the best candidate for the initiation of the shock wave, and this result challenges the current view of metric/coronal shocks originating either in the flanks of CMEs or from flare blast waves.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted by A&A (Research Note

    Interpretation of increased energetic particle flux measurements by SEPT aboard the STEREO spacecraft and contamination

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    Context. Interplanetary (IP) shocks are known to be accelerators of energetic charged particles observed in-situ in the heliosphere. However, the acceleration of near-relativistic electrons by shocks in the interplanetary medium is often questioned. On 9 August 2011 a Corotating Interaction Region (CIR) passed STEREO B (STB) that resulted in a flux increase in the electron and ion channels of the Solar Electron and Proton Telescope (SEPT). Because electron measurements in the few keV to several 100 keV range rely on the so-called magnet foil technique, which is utilized by SEPT, ions can contribute to the electron channels. Aims. We aim to investigate whether the flux increase in the electron channels of SEPT during the CIR event on 9 August 2011 is caused by ion contamination only. Methods. We compute the SEPT response functions for protons and helium utilizing an updated GEANT4 model of SEPT. The CIR energetic particle ion spectra for protons and helium are assumed to follow a Band function in energy per nucleon with a constant helium to proton ratio. Results. Our analysis leads to a helium to proton ratio of 16.9% and a proton flux following a Band function with the parameters I0=1.24104I_0 = 1.24 \cdot 10^4 / (cm2 s sr MeV/nuc.), Ec=79E_c = 79 keV/nuc. and spectral indices of γ1=0.94\gamma_1 = -0.94 and γ2=3.80\gamma_2 = -3.80 which are in good agreement with measurements by the Suprathermal Ion Telescope (SIT) aboard STB. Conclusions. Since our results explain the SEPT measurements, we conclude that no significant amount of electrons were accelerated between 5555 keV and 425425 keV by the CIR

    Heavy quark action on the anisotropic lattice

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    We investigate the O(a)O(a) improved quark action on anisotropic lattice as a potential framework for the heavy quark, which may enable precision computation of hadronic matrix elements of heavy-light mesons. The relativity relations of heavy-light mesons as well as of heavy quarkonium are examined on a quenched lattice with spatial lattice cutoff aσ1a_\sigma^{-1} \simeq 1.6 GeV and the anisotropy ξ=4\xi=4. We find that the bare anisotropy parameter tuned for the massless quark describes both the heavy-heavy and heavy-light mesons within 2% accuracy for the quark mass aσmQ<0.8a_\sigma m_Q < 0.8, which covers the charm quark mass. This bare anisotropy parameter also successfully describes the heavy-light mesons in the quark mass region aσmQ1.2a_\sigma m_Q \leq 1.2 within the same accuracy. Beyond this region, the discretization effects seem to grow gradually. The anisotropic lattice is expected to extend by a factor ξ\xi the quark mass region in which the parameters in the action tuned for the massless limit are applicable for heavy-light systems with well controlled systematic errors.Comment: 11 pages, REVTeX4, 11 eps figure

    Quenched charmonium spectrum on anisotropic lattices

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    We present the results of quenched charmonium spectrum for S- and P-states, obtained by a relativistic heavy quark method on anisotropic lattices. Simulations are carried out using the standard plaquette gauge action and a meanfield-improved clover quark action at at1=3a_t^{-1} = 3--6 GeV with the renormalized anisotropy fixed to ξas/at=3\xi \equiv a_s/a_t =3. We study the scaling of our fine and hyperfine mass splittings, and compare with previous results.Comment: Lattice 2000 (Heavy Quark Physics), 4 pages, 6 eps figures, LaTeX(espcrc2.sty

    Latitudinal gradients of galactic cosmic rays during the 2007 solar minimum

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    Ulysses, launched in 1990 October in the maximum phase of solar cycle 22, completed its third out-of-ecliptic orbit in 2008 February. This provides a unique opportunity to study the propagation of cosmic rays over a wide range of heliographic latitudes during different levels of solar activity and different polarities in the inner heliosphere. Comparison of the first and second fast latitude scans from 1994 to 1995 and from 2000 to 2001 confirmed the expectation of positive latitudinal gradients at solar minimum versus an isotropic Galactic cosmic ray distribution at solar maximum. During the second scan in mid-2000, the solar magnetic field reversed its global polarity. From 2007 to 2008, Ulysses made its third fast latitude scan during the declining phase of solar cycle 23. Therefore, the solar activity is comparable in 2007-2008 to that from 1994 to 1995, but the magnetic polarity is opposite. Thus, one would expect to compare positive with negative latitudinal gradients during these two periods for protons and electrons, respectively. In contrast, our analysis of data from the Kiel Electron Telescope aboard Ulysses results in no significant latitudinal gradients for protons. However, the electrons show, as expected, a positive latitudinal gradient of ~0.2% per degree. Although our result is surprising, the nearly isotropic distribution of protons in 2007-2008 is consistent with an isotropic distribution of electrons from 1994 to 1995

    Türkiye’deki Fen Bilgisi Öğretmenlerinin Mesleki İyilik Durumlarının Bazı Demografik ve Kontekst Değişkenleri ile İlişkisi : Çok Değişkenli Analiz

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    The purpose of this study was twofold: first, to determine the Turkish elementary science teachers’ occupational well-being profile and second, to investigate the relation of science teachers’ occupational well-being to some contextual and demographic characteristics. The contextual variables included class size, years of teaching experience and weekly course hours, while demographic characteristics included gender, graduated faculty, marital status, and having children. Moreover, occupational well-being was examined in terms of job satisfaction and burnout (i.e. emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment). 376 elementary science teachers that were randomly selected across the Turkey participated in the study. Descriptive statistics and canonical correlation analysis were utilized to analyze the data. Results showed that Turkish elementary science teachers experience low level of Emotional exhaustion and high level of personal accomplishment and job satisfaction. Additionally, it was found that as class size and weekly course hour increase, elementary science teachers tend to experience more emotional exhaustion but less job satisfaction. Teachers having children appeared to experience more emotional exhaustion but less job satisfaction. Moreover, a positive relationship was found between teaching experience and occupational well-being (i.e. job satisfaction and personal accomplishment). Female teachers appeared to experience more personal accomplishment and job satisfaction than male teachers. Similarly, teachers graduated from faculties of arts and sciences were found to have higher level of personal accomplishment and job satisfaction than teachers graduated from educational faculties.Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’deki fen bilgisi öğretmenlerinin mesleki iyilik durumlarını incelemek ve bu fen öğretmenlerinin mesleki iyilik durumlarının bazı demografik ve kontekst değişkenleri ile ilişkisini araştırmaktır. Demografik değişkenler cinsiyet, mezun olunan fakülte türü, medeni durum ve çocuk sahibi olma durumunu içerirken, kontekst değişkenleri ortalama sınıf mevcudu, öğretmenin iş deneyimi ve öğretmenin haftalık ders saatini içermektedir. Ayrıca, mesleki iyilik durumu; iş tatmini ve tükenmişlik (duygusal tükenmişlik ve kişisel başarı) olarak ele alınmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Türkiye genelinden basit seçkisiz örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenen 376 fen bilgisi öğretmeni oluşturmuştur. Veri setinin analizi için betimsel istatistikler ve kanonik korelasyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları Türkiye’deki fen bilgisi öğretmenlerinin yaşadığı duygusal tükenmişliğin düşük düzeyde; kişisel başarı hissi ve iş tatmininin ise yüksek düzeyde olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca, ders verilen sınıfların mevcudu ve öğretmenin haftalık ders saati sayısı arttıkça öğretmenlerin daha çok duygusal tükenmişlik ve daha az iş tatmini yaşama eğiliminde oldukları bulunmuştur. Çocuk sahibi olan öğretmenlerin daha çok duygusal tükenmişlik ve daha az iş tatmini yaşadıkları görülmüştür. Bunun yanı sıra, iş deneyiminin iş tatmini ve kişisel başarı hissi ile pozitif yönde ilişkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Bayan öğretmenler, erkek öğretmenlere kıyasla daha yüksek iş tatmini ve kişisel başarı hissi yaşadıklarını ifade etmişlerdir. Benzer şekilde, üniversitelerin fen-edebiyat fakültelerinden mezun öğretmenlerin de eğitim fakültesi mezunlarına göre daha yüksek iş tatmini ve kişisel başarı hissi yaşadıkları bulunmuştur

    Improved Gauge Actions on Anisotropic Lattices I

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    On anisotropic lattices with the anisotropy ξ=aσ/aτ\xi=a_\sigma/a_\tau the following basic parameters are calculated by perturbative method: (1) the renormalization of the gauge coupling in spatial and temporal directions, gσg_\sigma and gτg_\tau, (2) the Λ\Lambda parameter, (3) the ratio of the renormalized and bare anisotropy η=ξ/ξB\eta=\xi/\xi_B and (4) the derivatives of the coupling constants with respect to ξ\xi, gσ2/ξ\partial g_\sigma^{-2}/\partial \xi and gτ2/ξ\partial g_\tau^{-2}/\partial \xi. We employ the improved gauge actions which consist of plaquette and six-link rectangular loops, c0P(1×1)μν+c1P(1×2)μνc_0 P(1 \times 1)_{\mu \nu} + c_1 P(1 \times 2)_{\mu \nu}. This class of actions covers Symanzik, Iwasaki and DBW2 actions. The ratio η\eta shows an impressive behavior as a function of c1c_{1}, i.e.,η>1\eta>1 for the standard Wilson and Symanzik actions, while η<1\eta<1 for Iwasaki and DBW2 actions. This is confirmed non-perturbatively by numerical simulations in weak coupling regions. The derivatives gτ2/ξ\partial g^{-2}_{\tau}/\partial \xi and gσ2/ξ\partial g^{-2}_{\sigma}/\partial \xi also changes sign as c1-c_{1} increases. For Iwasaki and DBW2 actions they become opposite sign to those for standard and Symanzik actions. However, their sum is independent of the type of actions due to Karsch's sum rule

    Ethics in Archaeological Lidar

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    Airborne laser scanning or lidar has now been used by archaeologists for twenty years, with many of the first applications relying on data acquired by public agencies seeking to establish baseline elevation maps, mainly in Europe and North America. More recently, several wide-area acquisitions have been designed and commissioned by archaeologists, the most extensive of which cover tropical forest environments in the Americas and Southeast Asia. In these regions, the ability of lidar to map microtopographic relief and reveal anthropogenic traces on the Earth’s surface, even beneath dense vegetation, has been welcomed by many as a transformational breakthrough in our field of research. Nevertheless, applications of the method have attracted a measure of criticism and controversy, and the impact and significance of lidar are still debated. Now that wide-area, high-density laser scanning is becoming a standard part of many archaeologists’ toolkits, it is an opportune moment to reflect on its position in contemporary archaeological practice and to move towards a code of ethics that is vital for scientific research. The papers in this Special Collection draw on experiences with using lidar in archaeological research programs, not only to highlight the new insights that derive from it but also to cast a critical eye on past practices and to assess what challenges and opportunities remain for developing codes of ethics. Using examples from a range of countries and environments, contributions revolve around three key themes: data management and access; the role of stakeholders; and public education. We draw on our collective experiences to propose a range of improvements in how we collect, use, and share lidar data, and we argue that as lidar acquisitions mature we are well positioned to produce ethical, impactful, and reproducible research using the technique

    Affine Toda field theory from tree unitarity

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    Elasticity property (i.e. no-particle creation) is used in the tree level scattering of scalar particles in 1+1 dimensions to construct the affine Toda field theory(ATFT) associated with root systems of groups a2(2)a_2^{(2)} and c2(1)c_2^{(1)}. A general prescription is given for constructing ATFT (associated with rank two root systems) with two self conjugate scalar fields. It is conjectured that the same method could be used to obtain the other ATFT associated with higher rank root systems.Comment: 22 pages, 50 postscript figure files, Latex2e Added reference, typos corrected, minor text modificatio