35 research outputs found

    Assessment of the legal regulation of forensic medical bureau activities in the field of anti-epidemic measures

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    The purpose of the study is to propose measures to improve the regulation of relevant procedures based on the analysis of the legal regulation of BFM activities in matters of infectious safety.Цель исследования — на основе анализа правового регулирования деятельности БСМЭ в вопросах инфекционной безопасности предложить меры по совершенствованию регулирования соответствующих процедур

    Онлайн-курс по первой помощи при критических состояниях на международной платформе ˝Coursera˝

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    The pandemic of the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has had an enormous impact on the education system. Higher educational institutions were forced to adapt to remote interaction with students and urgently switch to online learning. Currently, there are many educational platforms, among which one of the leading is the Californian Coursera service. In 2020, Kazan Federal University developed and published the first Coursera course on first aid — “Staying Alive! First Aid in Emergency”. The purpose of the current study was to demonstrate the course results in one calendar year. We analyzed the general indicators of Coursera — the global online learning platform. We reviewed the course indicators from December 21, 2020, to December 21, 2021. The research assesses the advantages and disadvantages of using online courses in the medical education system. It was concluded that massive open online courses effectively teach theoretical disciplines. In case of implementation of applied courses, it is necessary to search and introduce new approaches for practical skill development.Пандемия новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 оказала чрезвычайное влияние на систему образования. Высшие учебные заведения были вынуждены адаптироваться к удаленному взаимодействию с обучающимися и в ургентном порядке перейти на систему онлайн-обучения. В настоящее время функционирует множество образовательных платформ, среди которых одним из ведущих является калифорнийский сервис ˝Сoursera˝. В 2020 году Казанский федеральный университет разработал и опубликовал первый на ˝Сoursera˝ курс на тему оказания первой помощи пострадавшим — ˝Staying Alive! First Aid in Emergency˝ (Остаться в живых! Первая помощь в неотложной ситуации). Целью данного исследования явилась демонстрация результатов реализации курса за один календарный год. Проанализированы общие показатели международной платформы онлайн-образования ˝Сoursera˝. Проведен аналитический обзор показателей курса за период с 21 декабря 2020 по 21 декабря 2021 года. Дана оценка преимуществам и недостаткам использования онлайн-курсов в системе медицинского образования. Сделан вывод о том, что массовые открытые онлайн-курсы достаточно эффективны при преподавании теоретических дисциплин. В случае реализации прикладных курсов необходим поиск и внедрение новых подходов для освоения обучающимися практических навыков

    Inducible Gene Manipulations in Brain Serotonergic Neurons of Transgenic Rats

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    The serotonergic (5-HT) system has been implicated in various physiological processes and neuropsychiatric disorders, but in many aspects its role in normal and pathologic brain function is still unclear. One reason for this might be the lack of appropriate animal models which can address the complexity of physiological and pathophysiological 5-HT functioning. In this respect, rats offer many advantages over mice as they have been the animal of choice for sophisticated neurophysiological and behavioral studies. However, only recently technologies for the targeted and tissue specific modification of rat genes - a prerequisite for a detailed study of the 5-HT system - have been successfully developed. Here, we describe a rat transgenic system for inducible gene manipulations in 5-HT neurons. We generated a Cre driver line consisting of a tamoxifen-inducible CreERT2 recombinase under the control of mouse Tph2 regulatory sequences. Tissue-specific serotonergic Cre recombinase expression was detected in four transgenic TPH2-CreERT2 rat founder lines. For functional analysis of Cre-mediated recombination, we used a rat Cre reporter line (CAG-loxP.EGFP), in which EGFP is expressed after Cre-mediated removal of a loxP-flanked lacZ STOP cassette. We show an in-depth characterisation of this rat Cre reporter line and demonstrate its applicability for monitoring Cre-mediated recombination in all major neuronal subpopulations of the rat brain. Upon tamoxifen induction, double transgenic TPH2-CreERT2/CAG-loxP.EGFP rats show selective and efficient EGFP expression in 5-HT neurons. Without tamoxifen administration, EGFP is only expressed in few 5-HT neurons which confirms minimal background recombination. This 5-HT neuron specific CreERT2 line allows Cre-mediated, inducible gene deletion or gene overexpression in transgenic rats which provides new opportunities to decipher the complex functions of the mammalian serotonergic system

    Tetracycline Inducible Gene Manipulation in Serotonergic Neurons

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    The serotonergic (5-HT) neuronal system has important and diverse physiological functions throughout development and adulthood. Its dysregulation during development or later in adulthood has been implicated in many neuropsychiatric disorders. Transgenic animal models designed to study the contribution of serotonergic susceptibility genes to a pathological phenotype should ideally allow to study candidate gene overexpression or gene knockout selectively in serotonergic neurons at any desired time during life. For this purpose, conditional expression systems such as the tet-system are preferable. Here, we generated a transactivator (tTA) mouse line (TPH2-tTA) that allows temporal and spatial control of tetracycline (Ptet) controlled transgene expression as well as gene deletion in 5-HT neurons. The tTA cDNA was inserted into a 196 kb PAC containing a genomic mouse Tph2 fragment (177 kb) by homologous recombination in E. coli. For functional analysis of Ptet-controlled transgene expression, TPH2-tTA mice were crossed to a Ptet-regulated lacZ reporter line (Ptet-nLacZ). In adult double-transgenic TPH2-tTA/Ptet-nLacZ mice, TPH2-tTA founder line L62-20 showed strong serotonergic β-galactosidase expression which could be completely suppressed with doxycycline (Dox). Furthermore, Ptet-regulated gene expression could be reversibly activated or inactivated when Dox was either withdrawn or added to the system. For functional analysis of Ptet-controlled, Cre-mediated gene deletion, TPH2-tTA mice (L62-20) were crossed to double transgenic Ptet-Cre/R26R reporter mice to generate TPH2-tTA/Ptet-Cre/R26R mice. Without Dox, 5-HT specific recombination started at E12.5. With permanent Dox administration, Ptet-controlled Cre-mediated recombination was absent. Dox withdrawal either postnatally or during adulthood induced efficient recombination in serotonergic neurons of all raphe nuclei, respectively. In the enteric nervous system, recombination could not be detected. We generated a transgenic mouse tTA line (TPH2-tTA) which allows both inducible and reversible transgene expression and inducible Cre-mediated gene deletion selectively in 5-HT neurons throughout life. This will allow precise delineation of serotonergic gene functions during development and adulthood

    The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex

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    The cerebral cortex underlies our complex cognitive capabilities, yet little is known about the specific genetic loci that influence human cortical structure. To identify genetic variants that affect cortical structure, we conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis of brain magnetic resonance imaging data from 51,665 individuals. We analyzed the surface area and average thickness of the whole cortex and 34 regions with known functional specializations. We identified 199 significant loci and found significant enrichment for loci influencing total surface area within regulatory elements that are active during prenatal cortical development, supporting the radial unit hypothesis. Loci that affect regional surface area cluster near genes in Wnt signaling pathways, which influence progenitor expansion and areal identity. Variation in cortical structure is genetically correlated with cognitive function, Parkinson's disease, insomnia, depression, neuroticism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder