68 research outputs found

    The Use of Protection for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Unwanted Pregnancy among Norwegian Heterosexual Young Adults 2009

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    This paper explores the use and none-use of condoms among young heterosexual adults in Norway. To what extent do young heterosexuals use condoms and other types of contraception, and in which context does the use take place? What are the motives underlying both use and non use of condoms? The results are based on a 2009 national web panel survey among 16–24 year-olds in Norway (n = 871). Most respondents reported having met their most recent sex partner via friends or family, and 62% referred to the sex partner as a sweetheart. One out of two claimed they had not used condoms during the first sexual intercourse with this partner. A factor analysis revealed 2-D of motivation for not using condoms, referred to here as ‘Fear of Suspicion’ and ‘Mutual Trust’. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that, when controlled for gender, age, and number of sex partners in one’s life, ‘Mutual Trust’ had a statistically significant relationship to coital frequency and the number of years coitally active. None of the predictor variables had a statistically significant relationship with 'Fear of Suspicion'. The most commonly reported motives for the most recent sexual intercourse were having been ‘sexually aroused’ and ‘in love’. A total of 56% reported using hormonal contraception, while 20% used condoms. The most important reasons for not using condoms were: ‘used other contraception’, ‘did not worry about STIs’, ‘more pleasurable without’, ‘had none available’, and ‘unprepared for intercourse’. The most important reasons for condom use were to ‘avoid pregnancy’, ‘avoid STIs’, and ‘avoid HIV’

    Factors associated with Chlamydia trachomatis testing in a high school based screening and previously in clinical practice: a cross-sectional study in Norway

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    BACKGROUND: High school based chlamydia screening has been shown to increase uptake and detect hidden infections among sexually active adolescents. Our study aimed to: i) examine the proportions of 15–20 year-olds tested in a high school based screening and previously in clinical practice, ii) determine chlamydia prevalence according to testing pattern, and iii) examine factors associated with testing in the two settings. METHODS: A population based cross-sectional study was conducted in 5 high schools in Norway in 2009, using web-questionnaires and Chlamydia trachomatis PCR in first-void urine (800 girls/818 boys, mean age 17.2 years). Only sexually active participants at risk for chlamydia infections were included in the analyses. Crude and multivariable logistic regression models were applied with ‘clinic based testing’ and ‘school based screening’ as outcome variables. RESULTS: 56% of girls and 21% of boys reported previous clinic based testing. In the school based screening, 93% were tested with no gender difference. 42% of girls and 74% of boys were tested for the first time at school (‘school-only test’). Both girls with clinic based testing and girls with school-only test had high chlamydia prevalence (7.3% vs 7.2%). Boys with clinic based testing had twice the prevalence of those with school-only test (6.2% vs 3.0%, p = 0.01). Half of infections were detected in participants with school-only test. One-fifth were repeat infections. In multivariable analysis of girls and boys combined, female gender, older age, early sexual debut, no condom use at first and last intercourse, steady relationship, and higher number of lifetime partners increased the odds of clinic based testing. The odds of school based screening increased with male gender, academic affiliation, later sexual debut, condom use at first intercourse, and current urogenital symptoms in multivariable analysis. CONCLUSIONS: More than half the girls had been tested prior to the school based screening and had high prevalence independent of previous clinic based testing. School screening was mostly associated with factors unknown to increase chlamydia infection risk, while clinic based testing was associated with traditional risk factors. The unusually high and equal participation between genders and the detection of a large chlamydia reservoir confirms the value of school based screening suggesting this approach to be further explored in Norway

    Liposomes-In-Hydrogel Delivery System Enhances the Potential of Resveratrol in Combating Vaginal Chlamydia Infection

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common cause of bacterial sexually transmitted infections and causes serious reproductive tract complications among women. The limitations of existing oral antibiotics and treatment of antimicrobial resistance require alternative treatment options. We are proposing, for the first time, the natural polyphenol resveratrol (RES) in an advanced delivery system comprising liposomes incorporated in chitosan hydrogel, for the localized treatment of C. trachomatis infection. Both free RES and RES liposomes-in-hydrogel inhibited the propagation of C. trachomatis in a concentration-dependent manner, assessed by the commonly used in vitro model comprising McCoy cells. However, for lower concentrations, the anti-chlamydial effect of RES was enhanced when incorporated into a liposomes-in-hydrogel delivery system, with inhibition of 78% and 94% for 1.5 and 3 µg/mL RES, respectively for RES liposomes-in-hydrogel, compared to 43% and 72%, respectively, for free RES. Furthermore, RES liposomes-in-hydrogel exhibited strong anti-inflammatory activity in vitro, in a concentration-dependent inhibition of nitric oxide production in the LPS-induced macrophages (RAW 264.7). The combination of a natural substance exhibiting multi-targeted pharmacological properties, and a delivery system that provides enhanced activity as well as applicability for vaginal administration, could be a promising option for the localized treatment of C. trachomatis infection

    Barrierer mot etterlevelse av retningslinjer for helsepersonell i sykehus

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    Bakgrunn: Kunnskapsbaserte faglige retningslinjer skal bidra til å kvalitetssikre helsetjenesten. Tidligere forskning viser et gap mellom anbefalinger i retningslinjer og klinisk praksis. Få studier har undersøkt etterlevelsen av retningslinjer blant helsepersonell på sykehus etter avsluttet implementering. Denne studien tar utgangspunkt i «Keisersnittprosjektet», et kvalitetsforbedringsprosjekt i en føde-/barselavdeling, hvor ti nye og ni reviderte retningslinjer i pasientforløpet for keisersnitt ble innført samtidig som et knippe av intervensjoner i 2014. Prosjektet ble igangsatt på grunn av vedvarende høy forekomst av infeksjoner i operasjonsområdet etter keisersnitt. Hensikt: Studien undersøker klinisk helsepersonells egne erfaringer med etterlevelse av faglige retningslinjer tre år etter at Keisersnittprosjektet ble implementert. Metode: Studien har en kvalitativ beskrivende og utforskende forskningsdesign. Et strategisk utvalg av seks informanter fra føde-/barselavdelingen ble inkludert i to tverrfaglige fokusgruppeintervjuer, som hver besto av lege, jordmor og barnepleier. Vi analyserte resultatene med Tjoras stegvise deduktive-induktive metode og Fixsen og medarbeideres «Rammeverk for implementering». Resultat: Informantene beskrev at de syntes retningslinjene var vanskelige å etterleve hvis de ikke oppfattet dem som faglig velbegrunnet, logiske, relevante eller i samsvar med egne kliniske erfaringer og følelser. Anbefalinger som konkurrerte med avdelingens fagtradisjoner og verdier, kunne også bidra til barrierer. De forklarte ofte avvik fra retningslinjene som glemsomhet og snarveier. Informantene opplevde det som krevende å gi og motta korrigerende tilbakemeldinger fra kolleger ved observerte avvik, særlig fra kolleger med en annen yrkestilhørighet. Ved tvil om anbefalt praksis benyttet legene i hovedsak retningslinjer, mens jordmødrene og barnepleierne ofte spurte en erfaren kollega som de hadde tillit til. Konklusjon: Informantenes forståelse av retningslinjer, forståelse og håndtering av avvik samt konkurrerende fagtradisjoner og verdier bidro til barrierer mot etterlevelse av retningslinjer. Informantene ønsket å være mer involvert og ønsket regelmessig, aktiv dialog om retningslinjer, praktiske øvelser og tilbakemeldinger på egen praksis. Studier med større utvalg bør gjennomføres for å belyse funnene i denne studien bedre

    Multilocus Sequence Typing of Genital Chlamydia trachomatis in Norway Reveals Multiple New Sequence Types and a Large Genetic Diversity

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    Background: The Chlamydia trachomatis incidence rate in Finnmark, the most northern and sparsely populated county in Norway, has been twice the national average. This population based cross-sectional study among Finnmark high school students had the following aims: i) to examine distribution of multilocus sequence types (STs) of C. trachomatis in a previously unmapped area, ii) to compare chlamydia genetic diversity in Finnmark with that of two urban regions, and iii) to compare discriminatory capacity of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) with conventional ompA sequencing in a large number of chlamydia specimens. Methodology: ompA sequencing and a high-resolution MLST system based on PCR amplification and DNA sequencing of five highly variable genetic regions were used. Eighty chlamydia specimens from adolescents aged 15-20 years in Finnmark were collected in five high schools (n = 60) and from routine clinical samples in the laboratory (n = 20). These were compared to routine clinical samples from adolescents in Tromso (n = 80) and Trondheim (n = 88), capitals of North and Central Norway, respectively. Principal Findings: ompA sequencing detected 11 genotypes in 248 specimens from all three areas. MLST displayed 50 STs providing a five-fold higher resolution. Two-thirds of all STs were novel. The common ompA E/Bour genotype comprised 46% and resolved into 24 different STs. MLST identified the Swedish new variant of C. trachomatis not discriminated by ompA sequencing. Simpson's discriminatory index (D) was 0.93 for MLST, while a corrected D-c was 0.97. There were no statistically significant differences in ST genetic diversity between geographic areas. Finnmark had an atypical genovar distribution with G being predominant. This was mainly due to expansion of specific STs of which the novel ST161 was unique for Finnmark. Conclusions/Significance: MLST revealed multiple new STs and a larger genetic diversity in comparison to ompA sequencing and proved to be a useful tool in molecular epidemiology of chlamydia infections.Manuscript title: High-resolution Multilocus Sequence Typing of Chlamydia trachomatis reveals multiple new genotypes in North and Central Norwa

    Nationwide audit and feedback on implementation of antibiotic stewardship programmes in Norwegian hospitals

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    Background Implementation of antibiotic stewardship programmes (ASPs) in hospitals is challenging and there is a knowledge gap on how to pursue this process efficiently. Objectives To evaluate whether audit and feedback (A&F) is a feasible and useful methodology to assess and support the implementation of ASPs in hospitals. Methods A multidisciplinary team performed document reviews and on-site interviews with professionals involved in the implementation of ASPs. Oral feedback on preliminary findings and areas of improvement were provided on-site, followed by feedback reports summarizing major findings and recommendations. Descriptive statistics were used to present number of hospital trusts, interviewees, professions, disciplines, workload and costs. Results All 22 hospital trusts in Norway participated in the A&F conducted October 2017 to April 2019. Altogether, 446 leaders and healthcare workers were interviewed: 110 leaders, 336 health professionals of whom 89 were antimicrobial stewardship team members. Median number of days from audits were performed till reporting were 36 (IQR 30–49). Median workload for auditors per visit was 7 days (6–8). Total costs were €133 952. Main audit findings were that ASP structures were established in most hospital trusts, but leadership commitment and implementation of interventions were often lacking. The hospital trusts received feedback on establishing governance structures, setting local targets, implementing interventions and increased involvement of nurses. Conclusions Nationwide A&F provides a unique and comprehensive insight into the implementation of ASPs in hospitals and is feasible with a reasonable amount of resources. This approach can identify targets for improved implementation of ASPs in hospitals.publishedVersio

    Liposomes-In-Hydrogel Delivery System Enhances the Potential of Resveratrol in Combating Vaginal Chlamydia Infection

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common cause of bacterial sexually transmitted infections and causes serious reproductive tract complications among women. The limitations of existing oral antibiotics and treatment of antimicrobial resistance require alternative treatment options. We are proposing, for the first time, the natural polyphenol resveratrol (RES) in an advanced delivery system comprising liposomes incorporated in chitosan hydrogel, for the localized treatment of C. trachomatis infection. Both free RES and RES liposomes-in-hydrogel inhibited the propagation of C. trachomatis in a concentration-dependent manner, assessed by the commonly used in vitro model comprising McCoy cells. However, for lower concentrations, the anti-chlamydial effect of RES was enhanced when incorporated into a liposomes-in-hydrogel delivery system, with inhibition of 78% and 94% for 1.5 and 3 µg/mL RES, respectively for RES liposomes-in-hydrogel, compared to 43% and 72%, respectively, for free RES. Furthermore, RES liposomes-in-hydrogel exhibited strong anti-inflammatory activity in vitro, in a concentration-dependent inhibition of nitric oxide production in the LPS-induced macrophages (RAW 264.7). The combination of a natural substance exhibiting multi-targeted pharmacological properties, and a delivery system that provides enhanced activity as well as applicability for vaginal administration, could be a promising option for the localized treatment of C. trachomatis infection

    Clinical course, treatment and visual outcome of an outbreak of Burkholderia contaminans endophthalmitis following cataract surgery

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    Background - Postoperative endophthalmitis is a rare but dreaded complication of intraocular surgery and often results in severe visual impairment or blindness. The present study describes the clinical course, treatment and visual outcome of an outbreak of Burkholderia contaminans endophthalmitis following cataract surgery. Methods - Among 290 patients who underwent uneventful phacoemulsification cataract surgery at one outpatient clinic between January 4th and 28th 2019, 6 cases developed Burkholderia contaminans endophthalmitis. Clinical data were collected by retrospective review of patient records. Microbiological samples from vitreous aspirates, intraocular lenses (IOL) and lens capsules were cultured, and recA and draft whole genome sequences analysed. Results - The recA sequences of all Burkholderia contaminans isolates and the allelic profile of the isolates were identical. All cases had a similar clinical presentation with rapid development of endophthalmitis symptoms with variable time to onset. The mean time to admission was 34 days (12–112 days). All cases had a seemingly favourable response to intravitreal antibiotics. However, acute recurrences occurred after long time periods (12–71 days). The cases experienced between 0 and 3 recurrences. Due to persistent infection, the cases received between 5 and 15 treatments (mean 7.8) including IOL and lens capsule explantation in 5 of 6 cases. Burkholderia contaminans was detected in all explanted lens capsules. The final corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA, Snellen chart) was between 0.8 and 1.2 and all cases had final CDVA ≥0.8. Conclusions - A persistent and intensive treatment approach including total lens capsule and IOL explantation is recommended for Burkholderia contaminans endophthalmitis following cataract surgery and may lead to a favourable visual result

    Finding sexual partners online: prevalence and associations with sexual behaviour, STI diagnoses and other sexual health outcomes in the British population.

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    OBJECTIVES: Online venues might facilitate sexual encounters, but the extent to which finding partners online is associated with sexual risk behaviour and sexual health outcomes is unclear. We describe use of the internet to find sexual partners in a representative sample in Britain. METHODS: The third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3) was a cross-sectional probability survey of 15 162 adults (aged 16-74 years) undertaken 2010-2012. We estimated prevalence of, and identified factors associated with, finding sexual partners online among those reporting ≥1 new sexual partners in the past year. RESULTS: Finding sexual partners online in the past year was reported by 17.6% (95% CI 15.6 to 19.9) of men and 10.1% (8.5-11.9) of women, and most common among those aged 35-44 years. After age-adjustment, those reporting a non-heterosexual identity were more likely to report this. Finding partners online was also associated with reporting sexual risk behaviours: condomless sex with ≥2 partners (adjusted OR (aOR) men: 1.52 (1.03 to 2.23); women: 1.62 (1.06 to 2.49)), concurrent partnerships (aOR men: 2.33 (1.62 to 3.35); women: 2.41 (1.49 to 3.87)) and higher partner numbers (reporting ≥5 partners aOR men: 5.95 (3.78 to 9.36); women: 7.00 (3.77 to 13.00)) (all past year). STI diagnoses and HIV testing were more common among men reporting finding partners online (adjusted for age, partner numbers, same-sex partnerships), but not women. CONCLUSIONS: Finding partners online was associated with markers of sexual risk, which might be important for clinical risk assessment, but this was not matched by uptake of sexual health services. Online opportunities to find partners have increased, so these data might underestimate the importance of this social phenomenon for public health and STI control

    Illicit drug use and its association with key sexual risk behaviours and outcomes: Findings from Britain's third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3).

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    OBJECTIVES: We explore the hypothesis that using illicit drugs other than, or in addition to, cannabis is associated with sexual risk behaviour and sexual health outcomes in the British population. METHODS: We analysed data, separately by gender, reported by sexually-active participants (those reporting > = 1 partners/past year) aged 16-44 years (3,395 men, 4,980 women) in Britain's third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3), a probability survey undertaken 2010-12 involving computer-assisted personal-interview and computer-assisted self-interview. Analyses accounted for the stratification, clustering and weighting of the data. Multivariable logistic regression was used to calculate adjusted odds ratios. RESULTS: Use of illicit drugs other than, or in addition to, cannabis in the past year was reported by 11.5% (95%CI:10.4%-12.8%) of men and 5.5% (4.8%-6.3%) of women. Use of these types of drugs was more common among those = weekly (age-adjusted ORs, aAORs, 10.91 (6.27-18.97) men; 9.95 (6.11-16.19) women); having > = 2 condomless partners in the past year (aAOR:5.50 (3.61-8.39) men; 5.24 (3.07-8.94) women). Participants reporting illicit drug use were more likely (than those who did not) to report sexual health clinic attendance (ORs after adjusting for age, sexual identity and partner numbers: 1.79 (1.28-2.51) men; 1.99 (1.34-2.95) women), chlamydia testing (1.42 (1.06-1.92) men; 1.94 (1.40-2.70) women), unplanned pregnancy (2.93 (1.39-6.17) women), and among men only, sexually transmitted infection diagnoses (3.10 (1.63-5.89)). CONCLUSIONS: In Britain, those reporting recent illicit drug use were more likely to report other markers of poor general and sexual health. They were also more likely to attend sexual health clinics so these should be considered appropriate settings to implement holistic interventions to maximise health gain
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