255 research outputs found

    Electric pulse characteristics can enable species recognition in African weakly electric fish species

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    Nagel R, Kirschbaum F, Hofmann V, Engelmann J, Tiedemann R. Electric pulse characteristics can enable species recognition in African weakly electric fish species. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2018;8(1): 10799.Communication is key to a wide variety of animal behaviours and multiple modalities are often involved in this exchange of information from sender to receiver. The communication of African weakly electric fish, however, is thought to be predominantly unimodal and is mediated by their electric sense, in which species-specific electric organ discharges (EODs) are generated in a context-dependent and thus variable sequence of pulse intervals (SPI). While the primary function of the electric sense is considered to be electrolocation, both of its components likely carry information regarding identity of the sender. However, a clear understanding of their contribution to species recognition is incomplete. We therefore analysed these two electrocommunication components (EOD waveform and SPI statistics) in two sympatric mormyrid Campylomormyrus species. In a set of five playback conditions, we further investigated which components may drive interspecific recognition and discrimination. While we found that both electrocommunication components are species-specific, the cues necessary for species recognition differ between the two species studied. While the EOD waveform and SPI were both necessary and sufficient for species recognition in C. compressirostris males, C. tamandua males apparently utilize other, non-electric modalities. Mapped onto a recent phylogeny, our results suggest that discrimination by electric cues alone may be an apomorphic trait evolved during a recent radiation in this taxon

    Ontogeny of electric organ and electric organ discharge in Campylomormyrus rhynchophorus (Teleostei: Mormyridae)

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    The aim of this study was a longitudinal description of the ontogeny of the adult electric organ of Campylomormyrus rhynchophorus which produces as adult an electric organ discharge of very long duration (ca. 25 ms). We could indeed show (for the first time in a mormyrid fish) that the electric organ discharge which is first produced early during ontogeny in 33-mm-long juveniles is much shorter in duration and has a different shape than the electric organ discharge in 15-cm-long adults. The change from this juvenile electric organ discharges into the adult electric organ discharge takes at least a year. The increase in electric organ discharge duration could be causally linked to the development of surface evaginations, papillae, at the rostral face of the electrocyte which are recognizable for the first time in 65-mm-long juveniles and are most prominent at the periphery of the electrocyte.Leibniz-Gemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001664Peer Reviewe

    Intragenus F1-hybrids of African weakly electric fish (Mormyridae: Campylomormyrus tamandua ♂ × C. compressirostris ♀) are fertile

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    Hybridization is widespread in fish and constitutes an important mechanism in fish speciation. There is, however, little knowledge about hybridization in mormyrids. F1-interspecies hybrids between Campylomormyrus tamandua ♂ × C. compressirostris ♀ were investigated concerning: (1) fertility; (2) survival of F2-fish and (3) new gene combinations in the F2-generation concerning the structure of the electric organ and features of the electric organ discharge. These F1-hybrids achieved sexual maturity at about 12–13.5 cm total length. A breeding group comprising six males and 13 females spawned 28 times naturally proving these F1-fish to be fertile. On average 228 eggs were spawned, the average fertilization rate was 47.8%. Eggs started to hatch 70–72 h after fertilization, average hatching rate was 95.6%. Average mortality rate during embryonic development amounted to 2.3%. Average malformation rate during the free embryonic stage was 27.7%. Exogenous feeding started on day 11. In total, we raised 353 normally developed larvae all of which died consecutively, the oldest specimen reaching an age of 5 months. During survival, the activities of the larval and adult electric organs were recorded and the structure of the adult electric organ was investigated histologically.Peer Reviewe

    A new genome assembly of an African weakly electric fish (Campylomormyrus compressirostris, Mormyridae) indicates rapid gene family evolution in Osteoglossomorpha

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    Background: Teleost fishes comprise more than half of the vertebrate species. Within teleosts, most phylogenies consider the split between Osteoglossomorpha and Euteleosteomorpha/Otomorpha as basal, preceded only by the derivation of the most primitive group of teleosts, the Elopomorpha. While Osteoglossomorpha are generally species poor, the taxon contains the African weakly electric fish (Mormyroidei), which have radiated into numerous species. Within the mormyrids, the genus Campylomormyrus is mostly endemic to the Congo Basin. Campylomormyrus serves as a model to understand mechanisms of adaptive radiation and ecological speciation, especially with regard to its highly diverse species-specific electric organ discharges (EOD). Currently, there are few well-annotated genomes available for electric fish in general and mormyrids in particular. Our study aims at producing a high-quality genome assembly and to use this to examine genome evolution in relation to other teleosts. This will facilitate further understanding of the evolution of the osteoglossomorpha fish in general and of electric fish in particular. Results: A high-quality weakly electric fish (C. compressirostris) genome was produced from a single individual with a genome size of 862 Mb, consisting of 1,497 contigs with an N50 of 1,399 kb and a GC-content of 43.69%. Gene predictions identified 34,492 protein-coding genes, which is a higher number than in the two other available Osteoglossomorpha genomes of Paramormyrops kingsleyae and Scleropages formosus. A Computational Analysis of gene Family Evolution (CAFE5) comparing 33 teleost fish genomes suggests an overall faster gene family turnover rate in Osteoglossomorpha than in Otomorpha and Euteleosteomorpha. Moreover, the ratios of expanded/contracted gene family numbers in Osteoglossomorpha are significantly higher than in the other two taxa, except for species that had undergone an additional genome duplication (Cyprinus carpio and Oncorhynchus mykiss). As potassium channel proteins are hypothesized to play a key role in EOD diversity among species, we put a special focus on them, and manually curated 16 Kv1 genes. We identified a tandem duplication in the KCNA7a gene in the genome of C. compressirostris. Conclusions: We present the fourth genome of an electric fish and the third well-annotated genome for Osteoglossomorpha, enabling us to compare gene family evolution among major teleost lineages. Osteoglossomorpha appear to exhibit rapid gene family evolution, with more gene family expansions than contractions. The curated Kv1 gene family showed seven gene clusters, which is more than in other analyzed fish genomes outside Osteoglossomorpha. The KCNA7a, encoding for a potassium channel central for EOD production and modulation, is tandemly duplicated which may related to the diverse EOD observed among Campylomormyrus species.</p

    Host‐Guest Chemistry of Truncated Tetrahedral Imine Cages with Ammonium Ions

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    Three shape-persistent [4+4] imine cages with truncated tetrahedral geometry with different window sizes were studied as hosts for the encapsulation of tetra-n-alkylammonium salts of various bulkiness. In various solvents the cages behave differently. For instance, in dichloromethane the cage with smallest window size takes up NEt4_{4}t+^{+} but not NMe4_{4}t+^{+}, which is in contrast to the two cages with larger windows hosting both ions. To find out the reason for this, kinetic experiments were carried out to determine the velocity of uptake but also to deduce the activation barriers for these processes. To support the experimental results, calculations for the guest uptakes have been performed by molecular mechanics’ simulations. Finally, the complexation of pharmaceutical interested compounds, such as acetylcholine, muscarine or denatonium have been determined by NMR experiments

    Quantification of exhaled propofol is not feasible during single-lung ventilation using double-lumen tubes : A multicenter prospective observational trial

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    Background: Volatile propofol can be measured in exhaled air and correlates to plasma concentrations with a time delay. However, the effect of single-lung ventilation on exhaled propofol is unclear. Therefore, our goal was to evaluate exhaled propofol concentrations during single-lung compared to double-lung ventilation using double-lumen tubes. Methods: In a first step, we quantified adhesion of volatile propofol to the inner surface of double-lumen tubes during double- and single-lumen ventilation in vitro. In a second step, we enrolled 30 patients scheduled for lung surgery in two study centers. Anesthesia was provided with propofol and remifentanil. We utilized left-sided double-lumen tubes to separately ventilate each lung. Exhaled propofol concentrations were measured at 1-min intervals and plasma for propofol analyses was sampled every 20 min. To eliminate the influence of dosing on volatile propofol concentration, exhalation rate was normalized to plasma concentration. Results: In-vitro ventilation of double-lumen tubes resulted in increasing propofol concentrations at the distal end of the tube over time. In vitro clamping the bronchial lumen led to an even more pronounced increase (Δ AUC +62%) in propofol gas concentration over time. Normalized propofol exhalation during lung surgery was 31% higher during single-lung compared to double-lung ventilation. Conclusion: During single-lung ventilation, propofol concentration in exhaled air, in contrast to our expectations, increased by approximately one third. However, this observation might not be affected by change in perfusion-ventilation during singlelung ventilation but rather arises from reduced propofol absorption on the inner surface area of the double-lumen tube. Thus, it is only possible to utilize exhaled propofol concentration to a limited extent during single-lung ventilation. Registration of Clinical Trial: DRKS-ID DRKS00014788 (www.drks.de)

    Nonequilibrium stabilization of charge states in double quantum dots

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    We analyze the decoherence of charge states in double quantum dots due to cotunneling. The system is treated using the Bloch-Redfield generalized master equation for the Schrieffer-Wolff transformed Hamiltonian. We show that the decoherence, characterized through a relaxation τr\tau_{r} and a dephasing time τϕ\tau_{\phi}, can be controlled through the external voltage and that the optimum point, where these times are maximum, is not necessarily in equilibrium. We outline the mechanism of this nonequilibrium-induced enhancement of lifetime and coherence. We discuss the relevance of our results for recent charge qubit experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure