262 research outputs found

    The relationship between information technology (IT) capability and performance of Islamic banking branches in Kedah from the perspectives of Maqasid Al-Shariah

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between IT capability and the performance of Islamic Banking Branches in Kedah. The study is focuses on Islamic banking branches in Kedah. IT capability in the relationship of banks performance. The IT capability dimension include IT knowledge, IT operations and IT objects. The questionnaires were sent directly to branches and collected by hand. Disproportionate stratified random sampling was used for sample selection. 63 questionnaires were sent to manager of Islamic Banking, 59 samples were returned but only 57 samples were used for data analysis. The data was analyzed using ‘Statistical Package for Social Science’ SPSS version 21. Collectively, the result shows that the IT capability are able to influence overall performance of Islamic banking branches in Kedah and other three (3) dimension of performance (educating individual, establishing justice and public interest). All of the dimension of the IT capability can influence the performance of the Islamic banking. Therefore, the manager of the Islamic banking in Kedah branches should focus on this kind of implementation which is IT capability in order to enhance the performance of their banks. the outcome of this study provide the important insights to both managers and researchers for further understanding about IT capability and performance of Islamic Bankin

    Implementasi Multimedia Interaktif Mata Pelajaran Administrasi Infrastruktur Jaringan Pada Jurusan Teknik Komputer Dan Jaringan Berbasis Android

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    Penerapan teknologi untuk pendidikan sangat banyak dikembangkan, seperti pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam dan sosial pada sekolah-sekolah. Namun, selama ini di jurusan teknik komputer dan jaringan SMK Paramarta 2. Media yang dipergunakan untuk menyampaikan mata pelajaran administrasi infrastruktur jaringan saat ini masih menggunakan whiteboard dan PowerPoint, sehingga pada beberapa bagian materi tertentu media tersebut dianggap kurang maksimal dalam menyampaikan isi materi pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu pnerapan teknologi sangatlah perlu untuk meningkatkan proses pembelajaran pada SMK Paramarta 2 Seputih Banyak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode scrum. Metode Scrum merupakan suatu kerangka responsif yang digunakan dalam pembuatan software untuk mengelola produk atau aplikasi dengan fokus pada strategi dan fleksibilitas dalam bekerja sebagai satu unit untuk mencapai hasil bersama. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi multimedia interaktif untuk melakukan proses belajar mengajar pada SMK Paramarta 2 Seputih Banyak


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    Taman kota merupakan sebuah ruang terbuka hijau yang dapat menghubungkan antara masyarakat dengan alam dan memiliki peranan penting dalam menyelaraskan kehidupan masyarakat perkotaan. Selain itu taman kota juga memiliki manfaat secara estetis, rekreasi psikologis, sosial serta ekonomis bagi masyarakat perkotaan. Oleh karena itu penyediaan aplikasi persebaran lokasi taman kota dibutuhkan. Dengan memanfaatkan software Android Studio untuk membuat aplikasi sistem informasi geografis persebaran lokasi taman kota di Kota Pasuruan dan dengan mengkombinasikan antara LBS (Location Based Services), GPS (Globas Position System), Google Maps, serta Java, Kotlin, XML sebagai bahasa pemrograman. Hasilnya berupa aplikasi berbasis android persebaran taman kota di Kota Pasuruan dan dengan adanya aplikasi ini diharapkan aplikasi dapat memperkenalkan kepada pengguna aplikasi tentang taman yang ada di Kota Pasuruan beserta fasilitas sesuai temanya

    Konsep jihad perspektif Sivitas Pesantren di Sumenep: kajian Hadis dalam Kitab Bulǔgh Al-Marăm Min ’Adillat Al-Aḥkȃm Karya Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalȃnȋy

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    Munculnya beberapa nama alumni pesantren yang terlibat dalam aksi teror di Indonesia menyudutkan umat Muslim sebagai pihak yang terdakwa dan menuduhkan agama Islam sebagai agama teroris karena oknum-oknum yang melakukan aksi teror tersebut seringkali menggunakan jargon-jargon agama Islam. Efek negatif dari tindakan ini, bukan hanya berpengaruh pada citra umat Muslim, namun juga pada pesantren yang secara umum yang mengajarkan ilmu-ilmu keislaman. Hal ini sebagaimana dikatakan oleh Colin Powell, Menteri Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat tahun 2001-2005, pesantren merupakan ladang yang subur penyemaian radikalisme dan terorisme. Pada waktu yang bersamaan di Pesantren memang mengkaji hadis-hadis tentang jihad dan beberapa oknum radikalis dan teroris ternyata merupakan alumni pesantren. Atas dasar itu, penelitian ini akan menjawab 2 pertanyaan, yaitu 1. bagaimana kajian hadis jihad dalam kitab Bulǔgh al-Marǎm min adillat al-Aḥkăm oleh sivitas pesantren di Sumenep? 2. Bagaimana pandangan sivitas pesantren di Sumenep tentang konsep jihad setelah mengkaji hadis jihad dalam kitab Bulǔgh al-Marǎm min adillat al-Aḥkăm? Dalam rangka menjawab dua pertanyaan di atas, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus dan metode pemahaman hadis. Adapun teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori jihad, radikalisme dan terorisme. Dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan. Pertama, kajian hadis jihad dalam kitab Bulŭgh al-Marăm dilakukan baik di kelas maupun di asrama santri. Adapun alasan mengkaji hadis jihad supaya para santri dan alumni pesantren dapat memahami term jihad secara baik dan benar sehingga tidak mudah terjerumus pada pemahaman yang radikal. Selanjutnya, sivitas pesantren di Sumenep dalam mengkaji hadis jihad menggunakan metode pemahaman hadis secara tekstual, kontekstual dan intertekstual. Kedua, Pandangan sivitas pesantren di Sumenep tentang konsep jihad sepakat bahwa term jihad berbeda term qităl, Islam melarang aksi terorisme karena Islam sangat melarang segala bentuk kekerasan, apalagi sampai menghilangkan nyawa seseorang dengan tanpa ada alasan yang dibenarkan oleh agama. Dari beberapa pandangan sivitas pesantren di Sumenep di atas, menunjukkan bahwa dengan melakukan kajian hadis-hadis jihad pada kitab Bulŭgh al-Marăm memberikan energi positif bagi sivitas pesantren untuk lebih moderat dalam mengkaji ayat-ayat al-Qur’an dan hadis-hadis tentang jihad. Konsep jihad menurut sivitas pesantren di Sumenep dapat dikatakan konsep peaceful jihad karena bentuk-bentuk jihad yang ditawarkan oleh sivitas pesantren di Sumenep tidak sedikitpun mengandung unsur kekerasan apalagi unsur teror

    Pengaruh Latihan Quick Leat Terhadap Explosive Power Otot Tungkai Pada Pemain Sepak Bola Di Ssb Pekanbaru City Soccer School

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    This research want to know whether the effect of quick leat exercise toward the explosive power of leg muscle for football players in SSB Pekanbaru City Soccer School. The design of this research was an experimental research and the population was 24 people. The data of this research used purposive sampling or the samples determined by the researcher with the particular consideration. The samples were 16 people who often follow a competition as the main team. Instrument which done in this research was standing broad jump test. It aimed to measure the explosive power of leg muscle. After that, the data were statistically treated to examine the normality by using lilifors test in a significant standard 0.05α. The hypothesis was to know the effect of quick leat exercise toward the explosive power of leg muscle. Based on the analyses of T test stated that Tcountwas 3.092 and Ttablewas 1.753. It means that Tcount > Ttable. Based on analysis and statistics, the average of pree-test was 1.96 and the average of post-test was 2.26. It means that the data were normal. Therefore, there was the effect of quick leat exercise toward the explosive power of leg muscle for football players in SSB Pekanbaru City Soccer School

    Disentangling Internal and External Contributions to Atlantic Multidecadal Variability Over the Past Millennium

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    The Atlantic multidecadal variability (AMV) modulates the North Atlantic surface ocean variability and affects decadal climates over the globe; its underlying mechanisms remain, however, under debate. In this study, we use a multi-model ensemble of transient past-millennium (850–1849) and unperturbed preindustrial control simulations contributing to the paleoclimate modeling intercomparison project—phase 4 (PMIP4) to decompose the AMV signal into the internal AMV and the external signal. The internal component of AMV exhibits no robust behavior across simulations during periods of major forcing such as strong volcanic eruptions, whereas the external forced temperature responds to volcanic eruptions with an immediate radiative cooling followed, in some simulations, by a sequence of damped multidecadal oscillations. The internal component tightly relates with the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and dominates the fluctuations of AMV; whereas the external signal has limited impacts on AMOC and explains ∼25% of the AMV variance over the past millennium

    Increased Amazon basin wet-season precipitation and river discharge since the early 1990s driven by tropical Pacific variability

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    International audienceThe Amazon Basin, the largest watershed on Earth, experienced a significant increase in wet-season precipitation and high-season river discharge from the early 1990s to early 2010s. Some studies have linked the increased Amazon Basin hydrologic cycle to decadal trends of increased Pacific trade winds, eastern Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) cooling, and associated strengthening of the Pacific Walker circulation. However, it has been difficult to disentangle the role of Pacific decadal variability from the impacts of greenhouse gases and other external climate drivers over the same period. Here, we separate the contributions of external forcings from those of Pacific decadal variability by comparing two large ensembles of climate model experiments with identical radiative forcing agents but imposing different tropical Pacific wind stress. One ensemble constrains tropical Pacific wind stress to its long-term climatology, suppressing tropical Pacific decadal variability; the other ensemble imposes the observed tropical Pacific wind stress anomalies, simulating realistic tropical Pacific decadal variability. Comparing the Amazon Basin hydroclimate response in the two ensembles allows us to distinguish the contributions of external forcings common to both simulations from those related to Pacific trade wind variability. For the 1992–2012 trend, the experiments with observed tropical Pacific wind stress anomalies simulate strengthening of the Walker circulation between the Pacific and South America and sharpening of the Pacific–Atlantic interbasin SST contrast, driving increased Amazon Basin wet-season precipitation and high-season discharge. In contrast, these circulation and hydrologic intensification trends are absent in the simulations with climatological tropical Pacific wind stress. This work underscores the importance of Pacific decadal variability in driving hydrological cycle changes and modulating the hydroclimate impacts of global warming over the Amazon Basin

    Coupling statistically downscaled GCM outputs with a basin-lake hydrological model in subtropical South America: evaluation of the influence of large-scale precipitation changes on regional hydroclimate variability

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    International audienceWe explore the reliability of large-scale climate variables, namely precipitation and temperature, as inputs for a basin-lake hydrological model in central Argentina. We used data from two regions in NCEP/NCAR reanalyses and three regions from LMDZ model simulations forced with observed sea surface temperature (HadISST) for the last 50 years. Reanalyses data cover part of the geographical area of the Sali-Dulce Basin (region A) and a zone at lower latitudes (region B). The LMDZ selected regions represent the geographical area of the Sali-Dulce Basin (box A), and two areas outside of the basin at lower latitudes (boxes B and C). A statistical downscaling method is used to connect the large-scale climate variables inferred from LMDZ and the reanalyses, with the hydrological Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model in order to simulate the Rio Sali-Dulce discharge during 1950-2005. The SWAT simulations are then used to force the water balance of Laguna Mar Chiquita, which experienced an abrupt level rise in the 1970's attributed to the increase in Rio Sali-Dulce discharge. Despite that the lowstand in the 1970's is not well reproduced in either simulation, the key hydrological cycles in the lake level are accurately captured. Even though satisfying results are obtained with the SWAT simulations using downscaled reanalyses, the lake level are more realistically simulated with the SWAT simulations using downscaled LMDZ data in boxes B and C, showing a strong climate influence from the tropics on lake level fluctuations. Our results highlight the ability of downscaled climatic data to reproduce regional climate features. Laguna Mar Chiquita can therefore be considered as an integrator of large-scale climate changes since the forcing scenarios giving best results are those relying on global climate simulations forced with observed sea surface temperature. This climate-basin-lake model is a promising approach for understanding and simulating long-term lake level variations

    Supply Chain Risks, Green Supply Chain Management Practices and Organizational Performance: A Research Direction

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    Supply chain disruptions, such as floods and unforeseen events, have historically caused severe economic and environmental consequences, emphasizing the need for risk mitigation strategies to improve organizational performance. The multi-dimensional nature of these risks necessitates comprehensive classification and identification to inform effective managerial decisions. This study reviews the role of GSCM practices as a strategic approach to mitigate supply chain risks and enhance economic and environmental performance. By examining existing research on supply chain risks, GSCM practices, and organizational performance, this study seeks to fill a gap in the literature, particularly in exploring the integration of GSCM practices into risk mitigation strategies. This study contributes by highlighting the intersection of supply chain risks, GSCM practices, and organizational performance, with a focus on the Malaysian manufacturing sector. Through a comprehensive review and analysis, this study aims to shed light on the role of GSCM practices in building resilient and sustainable supply chains