267 research outputs found

    Navigating Generational Frictions Through Bihu Festival Performance in Assam, India

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    Abstract: Drawing on research conducted during doctoral fieldwork in Assam, India from 2009 to 2016, this article investigates frictions that shape narratives of generational change. In addition to exploring how female performers in rural Assam creatively interpret the narrative themes of Bihu as they transition from youth to adulthood, I situate the work of singer Khagen Mahanta, whose performances contributed to the mass popularity of Bihu, alongside more recent musical innovations of his son, who has become an icon of Assamese youth culture. These discussions intersect with my experiences performing with artists who move between ritual contexts, festival stages, and competitions.RĂ©sumĂ© : À partir d ’ un travail de terrain menĂ© dans le cadre d ’ une recherche doctorale dans l ’ État d ’ Assam en Inde, de 2009 Ă  2016, cet article enquĂȘte sur les frictions qui donnent forme aux rĂ©cits de changement gĂ©nĂ©rationnel. En plus d ’ explorer la façon dont les interprĂštes fĂ©minines de l ’ Assam rural recrĂ©ent les thĂšmes narratifs du Bihu au moment oĂč elles opĂšrent leur transition de la jeunesse Ă  l ’ Ăąge adulte, je mets en contexte le travail du chanteur Khagen Mahanta, dont les interprĂ©tations ont contribuĂ© Ă  donner au Bihu une grande popularitĂ©, de pair avec les innovations musicales plus rĂ©centes de son fils, qui est devenu une icĂŽne culturelle des jeunes assamais. Ces discussions s ’ entrecroisent avec mes propres expĂ©riences d ’ interprĂ©tation avec des artistes qui se dĂ©placent entre contextes rituels, scĂšnes de festivals et concours

    Multiple timescales for neutralization of fossil fuel CO2

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    The long term abiological sinks for anthropogenic CO2 will be dissolution in the oceans and chemical neutralization by reaction with carbonates and basic igneous rocks. We use a detailed ocean / sediment carbon cycle model to simulate the response of the carbonate cycle in the ocean to a range of anthropogenic CO2 release scenarios. CaCO3 will play only a secondary role in buffering the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere because CaCO3 reaction uptake capacity and kinetics are limited by the dynamics of the ocean carbon cycle. Dissolution into ocean water sequesters 70-80 of the CO2 release on a time scale of several hundred years. Chemical neutralization of CO2 by reaction with CaCO3 on the sea floor accounts for another 9-15 decrease in the atmospheric concentration on a time scale of 5.5 - 6.8 kyr. Reaction with CaCO3 on land accounts for another 3-8, with a time scale of 8.2 kyr. The final equilibrium with CaCO3 leaves 7.5-8 of the CO2 release remaining in the atmosphere. The carbonate chemistry of the oceans in contact with CaCO3 will act to buffer atmospheric CO2 at this higher concentration until the entire fossil fuel CO2 release is consumed by weathering of basic igneous rocks on a time scale of 200 kyr

    “ Bold in the Senate House and Brave at War ” : Naval Officers in the House of Commons 1715 - 1815

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    Between 1715 and 1815, 182 British naval officers sat in the House of Commons, a group hitherto unstudied in a systematic way. This thesis draws upon the work of the History of Parliament Trust to examine naval MPs’ backgrounds, means of entering and leaving Parliament, activities in the House and the interrelationship between their professional and parliamentary obligations and patronage. By critically engaging with contemporary scholarship, naval MPs are placed within an eighteenth century context of nascent patriotism and national identity fuelled by popular culture and print media, indicating further avenues of inquiry

    Rethinking climate engineering categorization in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation

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    The portfolio of approaches to respond to the challenges posed by anthropogenic climate change has broadened beyond mitigation and adaptation with the recent discussion of potential climate engineering options. How to define and categorize climate engineering options has been a recurring issue in both public and specialist discussions. We assert here that current definitions of mitigation, adaptation, and climate engineering are ambiguous, overlap with each other and thus contribute to confusing the discourse on how to tackle anthropogenic climate change. We propose a new and more inclusive categorization into five different classes: anthropogenic emissions reductions (AER), territorial or domestic removal of atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases (D-GGR), trans-territorial removal of atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gases (T-GGR), regional to planetary targeted climate modification (TCM), and climate change adaptation measures (including local targeted climate and environmental modification, abbreviated CCAM). Thus, we suggest that techniques for domestic greenhouse gas removal might better be thought of as forming a separate category alongside more traditional mitigation techniques that consist of emissions reductions. Local targeted climate modification can be seen as an adaptation measure as long as there are no detectable remote environmental effects. In both cases, the scale and intensity of action are essential attributes from the technological, climatic, and political viewpoints. While some of the boundaries in this revised classification depend on policy and judgement, it offers a foundation for debating on how to define and categorize climate engineering options and differentiate them from both mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change

    Nitrogen attenuation of terrestrial carbon cycle response to global environmental factors

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23 (2009): GB4028, doi:10.1029/2009GB003519.Nitrogen cycle dynamics have the capacity to attenuate the magnitude of global terrestrial carbon sinks and sources driven by CO2 fertilization and changes in climate. In this study, two versions of the terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycle components of the Integrated Science Assessment Model (ISAM) are used to evaluate how variation in nitrogen availability influences terrestrial carbon sinks and sources in response to changes over the 20th century in global environmental factors including atmospheric CO2 concentration, nitrogen inputs, temperature, precipitation and land use. The two versions of ISAM vary in their treatment of nitrogen availability: ISAM-NC has a terrestrial carbon cycle model coupled to a fully dynamic nitrogen cycle while ISAM-C has an identical carbon cycle model but nitrogen availability is always in sufficient supply. Overall, the two versions of the model estimate approximately the same amount of global mean carbon uptake over the 20th century. However, comparisons of results of ISAM-NC relative to ISAM-C reveal that nitrogen dynamics: (1) reduced the 1990s carbon sink associated with increasing atmospheric CO2 by 0.53 PgC yr−1 (1 Pg = 1015g), (2) reduced the 1990s carbon source associated with changes in temperature and precipitation of 0.34 PgC yr−1 in the 1990s, (3) an enhanced sink associated with nitrogen inputs by 0.26 PgC yr−1, and (4) enhanced the 1990s carbon source associated with changes in land use by 0.08 PgC yr−1 in the 1990s. These effects of nitrogen limitation influenced the spatial distribution of the estimated exchange of CO2 with greater sink activity in high latitudes associated with climate effects and a smaller sink of CO2 in the southeastern United States caused by N limitation associated with both CO2 fertilization and forest regrowth. These results indicate that the dynamics of nitrogen availability are important to consider in assessing the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of terrestrial carbon sources and sinks.We also acknowledge the financial support of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Land Cover and Land Use Change Program (NNX08AK75G)

    Three-dimensional streamlined finite elements: Design of extrusion dies

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    A method to determine three-dimensional die shapes from extrudate swell and vice versa is presented using a three-dimensional Galerkin finite element method based on a streamlined formulation with the fluid velocities and pressures represented by triquadratic and trilinear basis functions respectively. The three-dimensional streamlined method, an extension of the two-dimensional formulation, uses successive streamsurfaces to form a boundary-conforming co-ordinate system. This produces a fixd, computational domain leaving the spatial location of the elements as unknowns to be determined with the standard primary variables ( u , v , w , p ). The extrudate produced by a die of a given shape is considered for moderate Reynolds numbers. Finally, the method is extended to address the problem of die design, where a die profile is sought to produce a target extrudate shape.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/50206/1/1650140103_ftp.pd

    Future atmospheric methane concentrations in the context of the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations

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    Abstract. Tropospheric CH 4 concentration depends, according to modeled tropospheric processes, on many factors, including emissions of CH 4 as well as NO x and CO. Illustrative analyses of the relation between emissions and CH 4 concentration give some guidance on the role of CH 4 in the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations. The contribution of CH 4 to radiative forcing at the time of stabilization is expected to be modest, provided CH 4 and CO emissions do not go far beyond current rates. However, in cases leading to stabilization the potential mitigation of increases in radiative forcing by methane control could be comparable to that of CO 2 control over the next century. Whether or not this potential is realized will depend partially on the cost of deep reductions of CH 4 , NO x , CO, or CO 2 emissions over the next century, which is not known

    Chapter 10 - Industry

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    This chapter provides an update to developments on mitigation in the industry sector since the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) (IPCC, 2007), but has much wider coverage. Industrial activities create all the physical products (e.g., cars, agricultural equipment, fertilizers, textiles, etc.) whose use delivers the final services that satisfy current human needs. Compared to the industry chapter in AR4, this chapter analyzes industrial activities over the whole supply chain, from extraction of primary materials (e.g., ores) or recycling (of waste materials), through product manufacturing, to the demand for the products and their services. It includes a discussion of trends in activity and emissions, options for mitigation (technology, practices, and behavioural aspects), estimates of the mitigation potentials of some of these options and related costs, co-benefits, risks and barriers to their deployment, as well as industry-specific policy instruments. Findings of integrated models (long-term mitigation pathways) are also presented and discussed from the sector perspective. In addition, at the end of the chapter, the hierarchy in waste management and mitigation opportunities are synthesized, covering key waste-related issues that appear across all chapters in the Working Group III contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
