281 research outputs found

    Corporate Social Responsibility and Firms’ Financial Performance: A Conceptual Framework

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    This paper conceptually analyses the impact of corporate social responsibility(CSR) on firms’ financial performance. CSR is considered as an important business strategy that achieves a steady growth in firms’ profitability through improving their image. It includes all those strategies which account for are an ethical conduct and society friendly approach beneficial for the development of society. In addition to profit-maximization, the firm is also supposed to undertake activities which uplift the life of employees and the general public. In this regard, the conceptual framework of the current study shows that firms spend on awarding scholarships to needy students, health activities such as health awareness program, free medical camps, environmental protection awareness programs and sports activities. The conceptual framework alsohighlights that firms with large capital spend more on CSR activities owing to anincreased pressure of the government, public, media and other stakeholders. Based on the previous extant literature, it is also assumed that firms which earn higher profits spend more on CSR in the coming year/s that have positive impacts on their profitability. However, by following theoretical postulations, it is assumed the relationship between CSR and firms’ profitability may be endogenous. Accordingly, this study proposes dynamic GMM estimation that is a preferred technique, particularly in the presence of endogeneity

    Tensile strength of woven yarn kenaf fiber reinforced polyester composites

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    This paper presents the tensile strength of woven kenaf fiber reinforced polyester composites. The as-received yarn kenaf fiber is weaved and then aligned into specific fiber orientations before it is hardened with polyester resin. The composite plates are shaped according to the standard geometry and uni-axially loaded in order to investigate the tensile responses. Two important parameters are studied such as fiber orientations and number of layers. According to the results, it is shown that fiber orientations greatly affected the ultimate tensile strength but it is not for modulus of elasticity for both types of layers. It is estimated that the reductions of both ultimate tensile strength and Young’s modulus are in the range of 27.7-30.9% and 2.4-3.7% respectively, if the inclined fibers are used with respect to the principal axis

    Densely Deformable Efficient Salient Object Detection Network

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    Salient Object Detection (SOD) domain using RGB-D data has lately emerged with some current models' adequately precise results. However, they have restrained generalization abilities and intensive computational complexity. In this paper, inspired by the best background/foreground separation abilities of deformable convolutions, we employ them in our Densely Deformable Network (DDNet) to achieve efficient SOD. The salient regions from densely deformable convolutions are further refined using transposed convolutions to optimally generate the saliency maps. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations using the recent SOD dataset against 22 competing techniques show our method's efficiency and effectiveness. We also offer evaluation using our own created cross-dataset, surveillance-SOD (S-SOD), to check the trained models' validity in terms of their applicability in diverse scenarios. The results indicate that the current models have limited generalization potentials, demanding further research in this direction. Our code and new dataset will be publicly available at https://github.com/tanveer-hussain/EfficientSO


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    Increasing competition in the automobile industry has led to a vast variety of choices when buying a car thus making car selection a tedious task. The objective of this research is to develop a new hybrid multi-criteria decision-making technique, with accuracy greater than that of the already existing methods, in order to help the people in decision-making while buying a car. Hence, considering a broader spectrum, this study aims at easing the process of multi-criteria decision-making problems in different fields. To achieve the objective, seven different alternatives were evaluated with respect to the enlisted evaluation criteria, which were selected after analyzing the secondary data obtained from Pak wheels based on style, fuel economy, price, comfort and performance. These criteria were then analyzed using the proposed Full Consistency Fuzzy TOPSIS method. As the name tells, this method is a unique combination of two techniques. The Full Consistency method is used to calculate the weights of the criteria while the Fuzzy TOPSIS approach is applied to rank the alternatives according to their scores in the selected criteria. The outcomes demonstrate an increase in the consistency ratio of the weight coefficients due to which the ranking of the alternatives by the FCF-TOPSIS is more accurate than the TOPSIS and the Analytical Hierarchy Process. The novelty of the method lies in the fact that this combination has not been used for an alternative selection scenario before. In addition to this, it can be used in various industries where a choice between the available alternatives arises based on a set of evaluation criteria

    Deep Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving: Current Challenges and Future Directions

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    [EN] Advances in information and signal processing technologies have a significant impact on autonomous driving (AD), improving driving safety while minimizing the efforts of human drivers with the help of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. Recently, deep learning (DL) approaches have solved several real-world problems of complex nature. However, their strengths in terms of control processes for AD have not been deeply investigated and highlighted yet. This survey highlights the power of DL architectures in terms of reliability and efficient real-time performance and overviews state-of-the-art strategies for safe AD, with their major achievements and limitations. Furthermore, it covers major embodiments of DL along the AD pipeline including measurement, analysis, and execution, with a focus on road, lane, vehicle, pedestrian, drowsiness detection, collision avoidance, and traffic sign detection through sensing and vision-based DL methods. In addition, we discuss on the performance of several reviewed methods by using different evaluation metrics, with critics on their pros and cons. Finally, this survey highlights the current issues of safe DL-based AD with a prospect of recommendations for future research, rounding up a reference material for newcomers and researchers willing to join this vibrant area of Intelligent Transportation Systems.This work was supported by Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) Grant funded by the Korea Government (MSIT) (2019-0-00136, Development of AI-Convergence Technologies for Smart City Industry Productivity Innovation); The work of Javier Del Ser was supported by the Basque Government through the EMAITEK and ELKARTEK Programs, as well as by the Department of Education of this institution (Consolidated Research Group MATHMODE, IT1294-19); VHCA received support from the Brazilian National Council for Research and Development (CNPq, Grant #304315/2017-6 and #430274/2018-1).Muhammad, K.; Ullah, A.; Lloret, J.; Del Ser, J.; De Albuquerque, VHC. (2021). Deep Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving: Current Challenges and Future Directions. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 22(7):4316-4336. https://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2020.30322274316433622

    Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Potential of Aerial Parts of Monotheca buxifolia

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    In this study, different aerial parts of Monotheca Buxifolia were screened for their antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-oxidant activity. Extract of the fruit was most active against P. mirabilis, MSSA and M. morganii strains. Moreover, the methanolic fruit extract demonstrated good antibacterial properties against VRSA, S. aureus and Acinetobacter. Despite having good antibacterial properties, Monotheca buxifolia showed low antifungal activity. The cytotoxic activity was the highest in the pet-ether fruit extract, causing 60% of lethality against Artemia salina larvae with LD50 at 3.307. The highest scavenging activity was shown by the methanolic leaf extract in a concentration-dependent pattern. The findings of this study suggest that Monotheca Buxifolia has good antibacterial, antioxidant potential but low antifungal properties

    Compact beam-switchable antenna for mm-wave 5G handheld devices

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    An electronically beam-steerable antenna (BSA) is envisioned. The presented BSA is a possible solution to overthrow the limitations inherent to phased antenna arrays. The design consists of a gap coupling inset feed rectangular patch (driven element) and 3 x 1 passive parasitic patches deployed on both sides of the driven patch. Prototype having 20 x 20 mm dimensions is printed on Rogers(R) RT/duroid(R)5870. Four switches are used to load the reactive impedance on parasitic patches, which in turn, change the phases of surface current on parasitic elements and the driven element. Based on the different ON and OFF configuration of switches in parasitic array elements, the main beam is steered along with different directions. The simulated results show that the design can operate between 26.8 and 30.3 GHz a wide impedance bandwidth |S-11|< -10 dB (12.5%) with a peak gain of 8.9 dBi and wide 3-dB scanning angle that is, -37 degrees to 156 degrees in the azimuth plane. The exhibited performance of BSA with favourable characteristics, such as wideband, adequate gain, wide-angle beam switching, and low profile renders the BSA a good candidate for 5G millimetre wave handheld devices. Moreover, to corroborate the performance, the design is fabricated, and experimental measurements were performed. Congruence is observed between the experimentally measured and computationally simulated results. The simulated results of spherical coverage analysis of BSA with the integration of smartphone form factor are also presented