124 research outputs found


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    Currently, the implementation of OSHMS is very important to support the success of K3 in a project, because the number of work accidents continues to increase every year. The government is trying to reduce the number of accidents by regulating all K3 managerial elements in Government Regulation No. 50 of 2012. From several indications, several findings still exist in the Dr. RSAU development project. M. Moenir. Airfield. Abd. Saleh District. Poor. One important factor in this finding is the lack of optimal implementation of the SMK3 used. The aim of this research is to analyze the level of implementation of the SMK3 guidelines listed in Appendix I PP No. 50 of 2012 on the RSAU Lanud development project. Abd Saleh District. Poor. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Where the main data source is interviews with informant I, and testing the validity of the data using the Source and Technique Triangulation method. The results of the analysis show that the implementation of SMK3 in the RSAU Lanud Abd project. Saleh was satisfactory with a total achievement of 85.98% where points a) policy determination 83.33%, b) K3 planning 85.45%, c) implementation of K3 plans 83.13%, d) monitoring and evaluation 88%, e) review and 90% improvemen


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    ABSTRAKKondisi industri jasa konstruksi saat ini memiliki tingkat persaingan yang sangat ketat, karena mampu memberikan kontribusi terhadap produk domestik bruto perekonomian negara sebesar 7 % (Surya, 2011 : 10) serta meluasnya pasar di bidang ini sehingga setiap perusahaan jasa konstruksi harus memiliki keunggulan bersaing agar dapat menciptakan daya saing untuk bersaing dalam mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup perusahaan dan mencegah kebangkrutan pada perusahaannya. Permasalahan timbul karena cukup banyak keunggulan-keunggulan yang digunakan oleh perusahan jasa konstruksi, keunggulan tersebut harus digunakan secara tepat agar dihasilkan suatu daya saing bagi perusahaan tersebut untuk terus bersaing dan dapat memenangkan persaingan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan faktor-faktor utama yang mempengaruhi daya saing perusahaan kontraktor kelas menengah di Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap, yaitu tahap pengumpulan data dan tahap pengolahan data. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui kuesioner terhadap 31 responden yaitu perusahaan konstruksi kelas menengah di Banda Aceh. Tahap pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan bantuan Microsoft excel dan SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) dengan metode critical success factors (CSFs). Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh hasil analisa validitas menunjukkan bahwa semua variabel valid dengan nilai ? 0,199 dan hasil uji reliabilitas menunjukkan kuisioner memiliki nilai Cronbach Alpha ? 0,6. Dari hasil analisis deskriptif diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa variabel indikator daya saing utama yang paling banyak dipilih dengan mean sebesar 4,52 adalah indikator hubungan kerja sama dan subindikator yang memiliki nilai mean paling besar adalah hubungan dengan Dinas Pemerintah sebesar 4,97, sedangkan dari hasil analisa critical success factors (CSFs) diperoleh 25 indikator yang menjadi faktor kritis daya saing internal perusahaan kontraktor kelas menengah di Banda Aceh.Kata Kunci : daya saing, persaingan, kontraktor, critical success factors (CSFs

    State Role Model in Regulating Market in Indonesia on Islamic Perspective

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    Background of this research is the traditional market alienation due to unbalance compete with modern market on the retail market in Indonesia. Limited capital, business management simple and limited networks make traditional markets are not able to compete with the modern market. This research use qualitative methods and use a case-based approach (statute approach) the Commission’s decision number 09/KPPU-L/2005 and the Commission’s Decision No. 03/ KPPU-LI /2000 and history approach, the history of the market Prophet Muhammad’s time and during the time of the Islamic empire. In addition, this study also helped to pull through direct surveys in several markets in Jakarta and Medan. The result of this research is models of the pressing role state (sadd) by prohibition of monopolistic practices, intervention of price and the location, state role with a capital acces (fath) by empowering, providing capital assistance, as well as collaboration (jam’u) to encourage cooperation between traditional and modern market


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    Menginterpretasi drama modern yang ditonton dengan menggunakan media audiovisual adalah salah satu pembelajaran yang melatih peserta didik dalam kegiatan menulis dan menyimak. Penulis bermaksud untuk mengetahui kemampuan peserta didik mengenai proses menginterpretasi drama modern yang ditonton dengan menggunakan media audiovisual. Permasalahan saat ini ditandai oleh peserta didik yang sulit dalam menginterpretasi drama modern yang ditonton dengan menggunakan media audiovisual. Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah metode eksperimen kuasi. Adapun hasil penelitiannya, yaitu: (1) Penulis mampu merencanakan, melaksanakan, dan menilai kegiatan pembelajaran menginterpretasi drama modern yang ditonton dengan menggunakan media audiovisual.. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil nilai perencanaan dan pelaksanaan sebesar 3,9; (2) Peserta didik kelas VIII SMPN 1 Dayeuh Kolot mampu menginterpretasi drama modern yang ditonton. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil nilai rata-rata pretes yaitu sebesar 14,73 dan nilai rata-rata postes sebesar 71,23. Jadi, adanya peningkatan 56,6; (3) Media audiovisual efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran menginterpretasi drama modern yang ditonton dengan menggunakan media audiovisual pada peserta didik kelas VIII SMPN 1 Dayeuh Kolot. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil perhitungan statistik dengan hasil t hitung > t tabel yaitu yaitu 11,93 > 28,27 pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% dan db sebesar 29. Berdasarkan fakta tersebut, maka disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan hipotesis yang penulis ajukan dapat diterima. Kata kunci: Menginterpretasi, media audiovisual, teks drama moder

    Faktor-Faktor yang dapat Mempengaruhi Keinginan Nasabah untuk Menggunakan Product Bundling Ziswaf pada Bank Muamalat KCP Sukaramai

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    In an effort to improve the welfare of the community, philanthropy is an effort that provides solutions to overcome the people who live within. Islam is often about the teachings of philanthropy. By taking a study of ZISWAF's Product Bundling. Therefore, this study aims to determine marketing strategies and factors that can influence customer interest or desire in using ZISWAF Product Bundling and the process of obtaining benefits from this product at Bank Muamalat Medan Sukaramai. The methodology of this research is descriptive qualitative with an empirical approach, because the purpose of this research is to describe a situation that is factual in a systematic and accurate manner. The results showed that what made customers interested in using ZISWAF Product Bundling were Product Innovation Factors, Marketing Strategy Factors, Trust Factors, Product Quality Factors, and Income Factors. Then, that the ZISWAF Product Bundling referred to in this study is the discovery of banking products from Bank Muamalat which can be a financial investment as well as an investment in the afterlife. Product innovation is in the form of Savings and Deposits which are bundled with the ZISWAF program. Keywords:  Product Bundling ZISWAF, Marketing Strategy, Islamic Ban

    Determinan Persepsi Terhadap Sikap Penerimaan Wisata Halal Pada Masyarakat Sumatera Utara

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    Munculnya kontroversi mengenai wacana pengembangan wisata halal merupakan fenomena yang menarik untuk diteliti. Dengan konsep wisata halal yang dikembangkan oleh pemerintah, tentu saja masyarakat muslim menerimanya dengan antusias, namun masyarakat non-muslim belum tentu memiliki pandangan yang sama. Maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi produk dan layanan wisata halal serta persepsi pengembangan pada masyarakat non-muslim di Sumatera Utara sebagai indikasi sikap menerima atau menolak wacana pengembangan wisata halal. Pandangan kelompok masyarakat tersebut sangat penting dalam memastikan keberhasilan pengembangan pariwisata di masa depan. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Responden yang dipilih adalah masyarakat non-Muslim di Sumatera Utara generasi millenial dan Gen-Z. Temuan menunjukkan bahwasanya masyarakat non muslim memiliki persepsi yang positif yang mengindikasikan penerimaan terhadap wisata halal terutama persepsi pengembangan yang memuat dampak perekonomian positif. Namun pada persepsi produk dan layanan masyarakat non-muslim memberikan persepsi yang negatif dan penolakan pada etika islam yakni pelarangan minuman alkohol, adegan berpelukan dan berciuman serta larangan perjudian. Dan mereka berpendapat sepatutnya tidak ada kewajiban bagi mereka untuk mematuhi aturan islam dilokasi wisata

    Faktor- Faktor Menurunnya Jumlah Pembiayaan pada BPRS Al-Washliyah Medan

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    Tujuan idari ipenelitian iini iadalah iuntuk imengetahui ifaktor-faktor iyang imenyebabkan ipenurunan ipembiayaan iBPRS iAl-wahilyah iidilihat idari iDana iPihak iKetiga i(DPK), iNon iPerforming iFinancing i(NPF), iReturn iOn iAsseti(ROA) idani Capital iAdequacy iRatioi(CAR) imempengaruhi ipembiayaan.iPopulasi idalam ipenelitian iini iadalahi BPRS iAl-wahilyah. iVariabel idependen i(Y)i dari ipenelitian iinii adalah ipembiayaan idi iBPRS iAl-wahilyah. iUntuk ivariabel iindependen i(X) imeliputi:i Dana iPihak iKetiga i(DPK), iNon iPerforming iFinancing i(NPF), iCapital iAdequacy iRatioi(CAR) idan iReturni Oni Asseti (ROA).i Metode iyang idigunakan iadalah imetode ipenelitian ikuantitatif.i Untuk isumber idata iadalah idata isekunderi dengan imenggunakan ianalisis ipemrosesan idata iSPSSi20.i Berdasarkan ihasil ianalisis iregresii berganda, ihasil ipenelitian iini imenunjukkan ibahwai Dana iPihak iKetiga i(DPK)i mempengaruhi ipembiayaani BPRS iAlwahilyah,i Non iPerforming iFinancing i(NPF) itidaki mempengaruhii pembiayaan iBPRSi Al-wahilyah, iCapital iAdequacyi Ratio i(CAR) itidak iberpengaruh ipada ipembiayaan iBPRS iAl-wahilyah, iReturnion iAsseti(ROA) imempengaruhi ipembiayaan iBPRS iAl-wahilyah

    Analysis of Underpassing Skills in Volleyball Game for Students Interested in Sports Talent in Sports Education Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

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    The purpose of this study was to look at the Underpassing Skills in Volleyball Games for Students who are Interested in Sports Talent in Sports Education at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The sample in this study was  Volleyball athletes interested in sports education talent with a total sample of 33 while for sampling techniques using purposive sampling. Data collection techniques using observation while this type of research is descriptive research using a quantitative research type approach. Based on the results of the study obtained, it can be concluded that the passing skills of men in MBO Sports Education students, from a total of 18 people in the sample studied, 10 sample people were in the interval of >47 with a score of 55.56%, 5 sample people were in an interval of 40-46 or with a score of 27.78%, 2 sample people were in an interval of 27-39 with a score of 11.11%,  1 sample person was in an interval of 17-26 with a value gain of 5.56%, and 0 sample people were in an interval of <16


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    Service quality is a measure of how well the level of service performance provided by a company compare to customer expectations. Service quality determines whether the perceived service delivery meets, exceeds, or fails to meet customer expectations. Service quality is very important for the sustainability of the bank, because service is a factor that is felt directly by customers, whether the service provided is good or bad. This study aims to determine the effect of services including tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy on customer retention. The method used in this research is quantitative research with associative approach. Data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive test, validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression test and hypothesis testing through ttest and Ftest as well as coefficient of determination test. Testing is done by using SPSS. The results showed that the variables in this study are valid and reliable. The classical assumption test, the data is normally distributed, there is no heteroscedasticity and multicollinearity. The results of the hypothesis test (t test) found that tangible and reliability do not have a significant effect to customer retention. While responsiveness, assurance and empathy have a positive and significant effect to customer retention. So it can be concluded that the variable tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy simultaneously have a significant effect to customer retention. It also can be seen from the results of the coefficient of determination test (r2), it shows that the magnitude of variable tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy is 70.4% on customer retention, the remaining 29.6% is influenced by other variable outside the research that are not examined in this study such as product quality, trust, commitment, promotion and others

    Legalitas Pendirian Yayasan Oleh Orang Asing Di Indonesia

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    The research was conducted for the sole purpose of knowing the legality of establishing a foundation as a legal entity operating in the social, religious, and humanitarian fields, in this case the foundation was founded by foreigners. This research uses a method with normative research in addition to legislation is used as an approach, in addition to facts and conceptual analysis used as an approach in this research method. The results of the study indicate that the legali ty of the establishment of a foundation by foreigners in Indonesia has now been determined in Law Number 28 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Law Number 16 of 2001 concerning Foundations where foreigners in this context have more opportunities to set up a foundation. Regulations on foreign foundations are related to their establishment which are further emphasized in Government Regulation Number 63 of 2008 concerning the Implementation of the Law on Foundations as an implementing regulation that provides legal certainty to foreigners in establishing a foundation. as well as the nation, and the State of Indonesia
