8 research outputs found

    Using Major Ion and Stables Isotopes to Characterize Groundwater Recharge and Hydrochemical Processes in a Mountain-Plain Area: A Case Study in High-Atlas of Marrakech, Morocco

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    Piedmont landscape is especially important as groundwater recharge zones. Determination groundwater recharge origin and qualitatively, evaluate their contribution on groundwater in piedmont area of Haouz plain was based on the use of geochemical and isotopic analysis of groundwater, surface water and springs of the contact zone between the High-Atlas Chain and the Haouz plain.  The correspondence in the space evolution of the various chemical elements of evaporitic origin (SO42-, Cl-, Sr2+) in groundwater, piedmont springs, and surface water reveals the existence of recharge water from the adjacent High-Atlas Chain. The various recharge modes of the different aquifers (High Atlas and Haouz plain) determined by isotopic analysis, shows that the source of groundwater both for the alluvial aquifer of Haouz and piedmont seems to be composite between a direct infiltration on the High-Atlas tributaries and a remote recharge from the bordering High Atlas aquifers. Remarkable mountain bloc recharge was observed in the piedmont area near the axis of syncline structures, which have layers of Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits and control groundwater mineralization both in piedmont and plain. Keywords: Groundwater recharge, Interaction groundwater-river, Mountain block recharge, Isotopic signature, Hydrochemical proces

    La relation entre l’innovation frugale et le développement social

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    Frugal innovation, launched from emerging markets to overcome resource constraints and meet the needs of bottom-of-the-pyramid consumers has received widespread attention. Companies are striving to remove non-essential functions from their products or reduce their processes to cut costs, seeking to offer affordable products or services. Frugal innovation is not only related to simplicity, cost reduction and saving natural resources, but it also meets some basic human needs and creates a significant social value for low-income citizens in emerging countries. The objective of this paper is twofold, firstly through a detailed literature review, we will try to define this new emerging paradigm, as well as determine those characteristics that distinguish it from other innovations, and then find the possible interconnections between the two concepts of social sustainability which represents the important pillar of sustainable development and frugal innovation, this will be done through a theoretical narrative framework that will determine the essential themes of social sustainability and show their relevance in practice through the field of action of frugal innovation. The examples discussed demonstrate that the notion of frugal innovation can be seen as an approach to achieving social sustainability and subsequently achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The paper seeks to explain how businesses and non-profit organizations can collaborate to undertake frugal innovations, thereby successfully helping various groups of disadvantaged people.   Keywords: Frugal innovation, social value, social sustainability. JEL Classification: O15, O32, O33 Paper type: Theoretical ResearchL’innovation frugale, lancĂ©e Ă  partir des marchĂ©s Ă©mergents pour surmonter les contraintes de ressources et rĂ©pondre aux besoins des consommateurs du bas de la pyramide a suscitĂ© une large attention. Les entreprises s'efforcent de supprimer les fonctions non essentielles de leurs produits ou de rĂ©duire leurs processus afin de diminuer les couts, en cherchant Ă  offrir des produits ou des services abordables. L’innovation frugale n’est pas liĂ©e seulement Ă  la simplicitĂ©, Ă  la rĂ©duction des couts et Ă  l’économie des richesses naturelles, au contraire elle rĂ©pond Ă©galement Ă  certaines nĂ©cessitĂ©s humaines fondamentales et crĂ©e une valeur sociale non nĂ©gligeable pour les citoyens Ă  faibles revenus. L’objectif de cet article est double, d’abord Ă  l’aide d’une revue de littĂ©rature dĂ©taillĂ©e, on va essayer de dĂ©finir ce nouveau paradigme naissant, ainsi que dĂ©terminer les caractĂ©ristiques qui le distingue des autres innovations, et par la suite trouver les interconnexions possibles entre les deux concepts de durabilitĂ© sociale (qui reprĂ©sente le  pilier important du dĂ©veloppement durable) et de l’innovation frugale, cela va se faire Ă  travers un cadre thĂ©orique narratif qui va dĂ©terminer  les thèmes essentiels de la durabilitĂ© sociale et montrer leur pertinence dans la pratique grâce aux champs d’action de l'innovation frugale. Les exemples Ă©voquĂ©s dĂ©montrent que la notion de l’innovation frugale peut ĂŞtre considĂ©rĂ©e comme une approche de la rĂ©alisation de la durabilitĂ© sociale et par la suite l’atteinte des objectifs de dĂ©veloppement durable. Le document cherche Ă  expliquer comment les entreprises et des organisations Ă  but non lucratif peuvent collaborer pour entreprendre des innovations frugales, aidant ainsi avec succès divers groupes de personnes dĂ©favorisĂ©es.   Les mots-clĂ©s : Innovation frugale, une valeur sociale, la durabilitĂ© sociale. Classification JEL : O15, O32, O33 Type de papier : article thĂ©oriqu

    Composition and seasonality of Culicoides in three host environments in Rabat region (Morocco)

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    We reconstruct the eruptive chronology of the Yucamane–Calientes compound volcano in southern Peru based on extensive fieldwork and a large dataset of geochronological (K-Ar, 40Ar/39Ar, U-Pb, and 14C) and geochemical (major and trace element) analyses. This compound volcano is composed of two edifices that have experienced discontinuous volcanic activity from the middle Pleistocene to the Holocene. The Calientes volcano has been constructed in four successive stages: Calientes I is composed of andesitic lava flows dated at ~500 ka. Subsequently, the Callazas ignimbrite (Calientes II stage) was emplaced ~160–190 ka, followed by the main cone-building stage (Calientes III) at ~130–100 ka. Finally, the Holocene Calientes domes were emplaced and represent the last eruptive products of this edifice. The Yucamane volcano has been constructed in three stages: Yucamane I consists of a succession of andesitic lava flows exposed at the base of the volcano that are older than 40 ka. Yucamane II (~36–30 ka) comprises a thick sequence of block-and-ash-flow deposits that represents an episode of dome growth predating the younger Yucamane cone (Yucamane III) built after 20–25 ka. During the Holocene, Yucamane vulcanian to sub-Plinian activity has emplaced tephra-fall and pyroclastic-density-current deposits. The most recent explosive eruptions occurred ca. 3000 BP and emplaced a tephra-fall and pumice-flow deposits. Most samples from Calientes volcano are andesites and dacites (60.1–67.7 wt% SiO2), while rocks from Yucamane volcano are basaltic-andesites to dacites (53.4–66.9 wt% SiO2). The rocks have a mineral assemblage of plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, olivine, and Fe-Ti oxides. The analyzed samples are categorized within a high-K, calc-alkaline series. Calientes volcano erupted mostly andesitic magmas, but its history is punctuated by rare eruptions of silica-rich magmas. In contrast, Yucamane volcano follows a different trend characterized by a gradual decrease in silica content through post-glacial time, from the large (VEI 3) sub-Plinian andesitic eruption of ~3 ka to moderate (VEI ≤ 2) vulcanian eruptions of basaltic-andesitic. On the basis of such recurrent and recent (Holocene), low-to-moderate explosive activity, Yucamane must be considered an active and potentially threatening volcano, which may affect the province of Candarave with ~8000 inhabitants

    Update of the species checklist of Culicoides Latreille, 1809 biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) of Morocco

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    Update of the species checklist of Culicoides Latreille, 1809 biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) of Morocc