379 research outputs found

    Our Nearest 15 Million Neighbors: The Field Low-Mass Stellar Luminosity and Mass Functions

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    We report on a new measurement of the luminosity function (LF) and mass function (MF) of field low-mass dwarfs using Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) photometry. The final catalog is composed of ~15 million low-mass stars (0.1 Msun < M < 0.8 Msun), spread over 8,400 square degrees. Distances to the stars are estimated using new photometric parallax relations, constructed from ugriz photometry of nearby low-mass stars with trigonometric parallaxes. The LF is measured with a novel technique, which simultaneously measures Galactic structure and the stellar LF. The resulting LF is compared to previous studies and converted to a MF. The MF is well-described by a log-normal distribution, with Mo = 0.27 Msun.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Included in the proceedings of Cool Stars 1

    The Luminosity and Mass Functions of Low-Mass Stars in the Galactic Disk: I. The Calibration Region

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    We present measurements of the luminosity and mass functions of low-mass stars constructed from a catalog of matched Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and 2 Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) detections. This photometric catalog contains more than 25,000 matched SDSS and 2MASS point sources spanning ~30 square degrees on the sky. We have obtained follow-up spectroscopy, complete to J=16, of more than 500 low mass dwarf candidates within a 1 square degree sub-sample, and thousands of additional dwarf candidates in the remaining 29 square degrees. This spectroscopic sample verifies that the photometric sample is complete, uncontaminated, and unbiased at the 99% level globally, and at the 95% level in each color range. We use this sample to derive the luminosity and mass functions of low-mass stars over nearly a decade in mass (0.7 M_sun > M_* > 0.1 M_sun). We find that the logarithmically binned mass function is best fit with an M_c=0.29 log-normal distribution, with a 90% confidence interval of M_c=0.20--0.50. These 90% confidence intervals correspond to linearly binned mass functions peaking between 0.27 M_sun and 0.12 M_sun, where the best fit MF turns over at 0.17 M_sun. A power law fit to the entire mass range sampled here, however, returns a best fit of alpha=1.1 (where the Salpeter slope is alpha = 2.35). These results agree well with most previous investigations, though differences in the analytic formalisms adopted to describe those mass functions can give the false impression of disagreement. Given the richness of modern-day astronomical datasets, we are entering the regime whereby stronger conclusions can be drawn by comparing the actual datapoints measured in different mass functions, rather than the results of analytic analyses that impose structure on the data a priori. (abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. 21 pages, emulateapj format, 12 figures. Figures 1, 4, 11 and 12 degraded for astroph; full resolution version available for download at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~kcovey

    Low-Mass Dwarf Template Spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present template spectra of low-mass (M0-L0) dwarfs derived from over 4,000 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectra. These composite spectra are suitable for use as medium-resolution (R ~ 1,800) radial velocity standards. We report mean spectral properties (molecular bandhead strengths,equivalent widths) and use the templates to investigate the effects of magnetic activity and metallicity on the spectroscopic and photometric properties of low-mass stars.Comment: 16 pages, 11 Figures, accepted to the Astronomical Journal, low-resolution figures included. Full-resolution images can be found at http://www.astro.washington.edu/bochansk/lowmass.pd

    Using the Galactic Dynamics of M7 Dwarfs to Infer the Evolution of Their Magnetic Activity

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    We present a spectroscopic study and dynamical analysis of ~2600 M7 dwarfs. We confirm our previous finding that the fraction of magnetically active stars decreases with vertical distance from the Galactic plane. We also show that the mean luminosity of the H-alpha emission has a small but statistically significant decrease with distance. Using space motions for ~1300 stars and a simple one-dimensional dynamical simulation, we demonstrate that the drop in the activity fraction of M7 dwarfs can be explained by thin disk dynamical heating and a rapid decrease of magnetic activity at a mean stellar age of ~6-7 Gyr.Comment: 6 pages, accepted for publication in A

    Spectroscopic Properties of Cool Stars in the SDSS: An Analysis of Magnetic Activity and a Search for Subdwarfs

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    We present a spectroscopic analysis of nearly 8000 late-type dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Using the Halpha emission line as an activity indicator, we investigate the fraction of active stars as a function of spectral type and find a peak near type M8, confirming previous results. In contrast to past findings, we find that not all M7-M8 stars are active. We show that this may be a selection effect of the distance distributions of previous samples, as the active stars appear to be concentrated near the Galactic Plane. We also examine the activity strength (ratio of the luminosity emitted in Halpha to the bolometric luminosity) for each star, and find that the mean activity strength is constant over the range M0-M5 and declines at later types. The decline begins at a slightly earlier spectral type than previously found. We explore the effect that activity has on the broadband photometric colors and find no significant differences between active and inactive stars. We also carry out a search for subdwarfs using spectroscopic metallicity indicators, and find 60 subdwarf candidates. Several of these candidates are near the extreme subdwarf boundary. The spectroscopic subdwarf candidates are redder by \~0.2 magnitudes in g-r compared to disk dwarfs at the same r-i color.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Meeting the Cool Neighbors VII: Spectroscopy of faint, red NLTT dwarfs

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    We present low-resolution optical spectroscopy and BVRI photometry of 453 candidate nearby stars drawn from the NLTT proper motion catalogue. The stars were selected based on optical/near-infrared colours, derived by combining the NLTT photographic data with photometry from the 2MASS Second Incremental Data Release. Based on the derived photometric and spectroscopic parallaxes, we identify 111 stars as lying within 20 parsecs of the Sun, including 9 stars with formal distance estimates of less than 10 parsecs. A further 53 stars have distance estimates within 1-sigma of our 20-parsec limit. Almost all of those stars are additions to the nearby star census. In total, our NLTT-based survey has so far identified 496 stars likely to be within 20 parsecs, of which 195 are additions to nearby-star catalogues. Most of the newly-identified nearby stars have spectral types between M4 and M8.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figure

    The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: the growth rate of cosmic structure since redshift z=0.9

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    We present precise measurements of the growth rate of cosmic structure for the redshift range 0.1 < z < 0.9, using redshift-space distortions in the galaxy power spectrum of the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey. Our results, which have a precision of around 10% in four independent redshift bins, are well-fit by a flat LCDM cosmological model with matter density parameter Omega_m = 0.27. Our analysis hence indicates that this model provides a self-consistent description of the growth of cosmic structure through large-scale perturbations and the homogeneous cosmic expansion mapped by supernovae and baryon acoustic oscillations. We achieve robust results by systematically comparing our data with several different models of the quasi-linear growth of structure including empirical models, fitting formulae calibrated to N-body simulations, and perturbation theory techniques. We extract the first measurements of the power spectrum of the velocity divergence field, P_vv(k), as a function of redshift (under the assumption that P_gv(k) = -sqrt[P_gg(k) P_vv(k)] where g is the galaxy overdensity field), and demonstrate that the WiggleZ galaxy-mass cross-correlation is consistent with a deterministic (rather than stochastic) scale-independent bias model for WiggleZ galaxies for scales k < 0.3 h/Mpc. Measurements of the cosmic growth rate from the WiggleZ Survey and other current and future observations offer a powerful test of the physical nature of dark energy that is complementary to distance-redshift measures such as supernovae and baryon acoustic oscillations.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    Comparison of pharmaceutical, illicit drug, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine levels in wastewater with sale, seizure and consumption data for 8 European cities

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    Background: Monitoring the scale of pharmaceuticals, illicit and licit drugs consumption is important to assess the needs of law enforcement and public health, and provides more information about the different trends within different countries. Community drug use patterns are usually described by national surveys, sales and seizure data. Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) has been shown to be a reliable approach complementing such surveys. Method: This study aims to compare and correlate the consumption estimates of pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine from wastewater analysis and other sources of information. Wastewater samples were collected in 2015 from 8 different European cities over a one week period, representing a population of approximately 5 million people. Published pharmaceutical sale, illicit drug seizure and alcohol, tobacco and caffeine use data were used for the comparison. Results: High agreement was found between wastewater and other data sources for pharmaceuticals and cocaine, whereas amphetamines, alcohol and caffeine showed a moderate correlation. methamphetamine and 3,4- methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and nicotine did not correlate with other sources of data. Most of the poor correlations were explained as part of the uncertainties related with the use estimates and were improved with other complementary sources of data. Conclusions: This work confirms the promising future of WBE as a complementary approach to obtain a more accurate picture of substance use situation within different communities. Our findings suggest further improvements to reduce the uncertainties associated with both sources of information in order to make the data more comparable.Jose Antonio Baz Lomba, Stefania Salvatore, Richard Bade, Erika Castrignanò, Ana Causanilles, Juliet Kinyua, Ann-Kathrin McCall, Pedram Ramin, Nikolaos I. Rousis, and Yeonsuk Ryu acknowledge the EU Marie-Skłodowska Curie Initial Training Network SEWPROF (Marie Curie-FP7-PEOPLE, grant number 317205) for their Early Stage Researcher grant and Emma Gracia-Lor for her Experienced Researcher grant. We thank the people and agencies who assisted in the collection of the wastewater samples, in particular Pia Ryrfors and colleagues at Vestfjorden Avløpselskap (VEAS, Oslo, Norway)

    Meeting the Cool Neighbors. IX. The Luminosity Function of M7-L8 Ultracool Dwarfs in the Field

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    We present a 20-pc, volume-limited sample of M7-L8 dwarfs created through spectroscopic follow-up of sources selected from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) Second Incremental Release Point Source Catalog. In this paper, we present optical spectroscopy of 198 candidate nearby ultracool dwarfs, including 12 late-M and L dwarfs likely to be within 20 pc of the Sun and 94 more distant late-type dwarfs. We have also identified five ultracool dwarfs with spectral signatures of low-gravity. Combining these data with previous results, we define a sample of 99 ultracool dwarfs in 91 systems within 20 pc. These are used to estimate the J- and K-band luminosity functions for dwarfs with optical spectral types between M7 and L8 (10.5<M_J<15, 9.5<M_K<13). We find a space density of 4.9 x 10^-3 pc^-3 for late-M dwarfs (M7-M9.5) and a lower limit of 3.8 x 10^-3 pc^-3 for L dwarfs.Comment: Accepted to A