138 research outputs found

    Performance Implications of Firm Resource Interactions in the Acquisition of R&D-Intensive Firms

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    We explore the role of resource interactions in explaining firm performance in the context of acquisitions. Although we confirm that acquisitions do not lead to higher performance on average, we do find that complementary resource profiles in target and acquiring firms are associated with abnormal returns. Specifically, we find that acquiring firm marketing resources and target firm technology resources positively reinforce (complement) each other; meanwhile, acquiring and target firm technology resources negatively reinforce (substitute) one another. Implications for management theory and practice are identified

    Gastropods alien to South Africa cause severe environmental harm in their global alien ranges across habitats

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    CITATION: Kesner, D. & Kumschick, S. 2018. Gastropods alien to South Africa cause severe environmental harm in their global alien ranges across habitats. Ecology and Evolution, 8(16):8273-8285, doi:10.1002/ece3.4385.The original publication is available at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.comAlien gastropods have caused extensive harm to biodiversity and socioeconomic systems like agriculture and horticulture worldwide. For conservation and management purposes, information on impacts needs to be easily interpretable and comparable, and the factors that determine impacts understood. This study aimed to assess gastropods alien to South Africa to compare impact severity between species and understand how they vary between habitats and mechanisms. Furthermore, we explore the relationship between environmental and socioeconomic impacts, and both impact measures with life‐history traits. We used the Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) and Socio‐Economic Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (SEICAT) to assess impacts of 34 gastropods alien to South Africa including evidence of impact from their entire alien range. We tested for correlations between environmental and socioeconomic impacts per species, and with fecundity and native latitude range using Kendall's tau tests. Kruskal–Wallis tests were used to compare impact magnitude among mechanisms and habitats, respectively. This study presents the first application of EICAT and SEICAT for invertebrates. There was no correlation between environmental impacts and socioeconomic impacts. Habitats did not differ regarding the severity of impacts recorded, but impacts via disease transmission were lower than other mechanisms. Neither fecundity nor native range latitude was correlated with impact magnitude. Despite gastropods being agricultural and horticultural pests globally, resilience of socioeconomic systems makes high impacts uncommon. Environmental systems may be vulnerable to gastropod impacts across habitats, having experienced multiple local extinctions of wetland island snail fauna. South Africa stands out as the only continental country that follows this trend. The knowledge gained on severity and nature of gastropod impacts is useful in risk assessment, which can aid conservation management. To make impact assessments more realistic, we suggest alternative ways of reporting impacts classified under EICAT and SEICAT.South African National Department of Environmental AffairsNational Research FoundationDST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion BiologySouth African National Biodiversity Institutehttps://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ece3.4385Publisher's versio

    Book Reviews

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    A proof of strong normalisation of the typed atomic lambda-calculus

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    Assessment of Potential Augmentation and Management Strategies for Razorback Sucker \u3cem\u3eXyrauchen texanus\u3c/em\u3e in Lake Mead and Grand Canyon: A 2021 Science Panel Summary

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    Razorback Sucker Xyrauchen texanus is a large-bodied, long-lived species endemic to the Colorado River Basin. This species historically ranged throughout the basin from the Colorado River delta in Mexico to Wyoming and Colorado. Currently, the species persists ,in a small portion of its historical range with the help of intensive management efforts including augmentation. Recruitment to adult life stages is extremely limited in the wild, but is documented consistently in Lake Mead. Research and monitoring efforts in Lake Mead are ongoing since 1996 and have recently expanded to include the Colorado River inflow area and portions of lower Grand Canyon. Despite evidence of recruitment, the current population size in Lake Mead and Grand Canyon is believed to be small (data) and susceptible to stochastic effects. This raised interest in the potential to augment the population to prevent loss of genetic diversity and increase abundance and distribution in general, as well as explore recruitment bottlenecks. To address critical uncertainties surrounding this management option and to brainstorm other potential options, a Planning Committee and Steering Committee made up of representatives of state (Arizona, Nevada), tribal (Hualapai Tribe, Navajo Nation), and federal (Bureau of Reclamation, National Park Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) management agencies convened an Expert Science Panel (ESP; 2021), to consider augmentation and management strategies for Razorback Sucker in Lake Mead and Grand Canyon. The purpose of this report is to summarize those findings

    Association Between Biomarkers of Ovarian Reserve and Infertility Among Older Women of Reproductive Age

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    Despite lack of evidence of their utility, biomarkers of ovarian reserve are being promoted as potential markers of reproductive potential or “fertility tests.

    The Reading Palaeofire Database : an expanded global resource to document changes in fire regimes from sedimentary charcoal records

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    Sedimentary charcoal records are widely used to reconstruct regional changes in fire regimes through time in the geological past. Existing global compilations are not geographically comprehensive and do not provide consistent metadata for all sites. Furthermore, the age models provided for these records are not harmonised and many are based on older calibrations of the radiocarbon ages. These issues limit the use of existing compilations for research into past fire regimes. Here, we present an expanded database of charcoal records, accompanied by new age models based on recalibration of radiocarbon ages using IntCal20 and Bayesian age-modelling software. We document the structure and contents of the database, the construction of the age models, and the quality control measures applied. We also record the expansion of geographical coverage relative to previous charcoal compilations and the expansion of metadata that can be used to inform analyses. This first version of the Reading Palaeofire Database contains 1676 records (entities) from 1480 sites worldwide. The database (RPDv1b - Harrison et al., 2021) is available at https://doi.org/10.17864/1947.000345.Peer reviewe