30 research outputs found

    Arbeitszeit neu gedacht! MĂŒttererwerbstĂ€tigkeit fördern und Zeit fĂŒr die Familie ermöglichen

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    Dem Leitbild vieler junger Menschen nach sind MĂŒtter und VĂ€ter erwerbstĂ€tig, wobei unterschiedliche Arbeitszeiten im Lebensverlauf und zwischen den Partnern erwĂŒnscht sind. Die meisten Frauen wĂŒnschen sich in der Phase mit Kleinkindern in Teilzeit zu arbeiten. Die FĂŒrsorge kleiner Kinder nimmt besonders viel Zeit in Anspruch, diese reduziert sich aber mit zunehmendem Alter der Kinder. MĂŒtter bleiben hĂ€ufig langfristig und oft ungewollt in einer TeilzeitbeschĂ€ftigung. Dadurch sind sie ökonomisch abhĂ€ngig vom Partner und haben ein erhöhtes Risiko von Altersarmut betroffen zu sein. Zudem bleiben viele BeschĂ€ftigungspotenziale volkswirtschaftlich ungenutzt. Nach EinfĂŒhrung des Elterngeldes kehren MĂŒtter heute hĂ€ufiger schon im zweiten Lebensjahr des Kindes in den Beruf zurĂŒck. Die Erwerbsarbeitszeit aller MĂŒtter mit minderjĂ€hrigen Kindern ist seit 2006 um mehr als ein FĂŒnftel angestiegen. Politische Maßnahmen können flexible Erwerbsmodelle fĂŒr Eltern weiter fördern, die eine phasenweise Reduzierung der Arbeitszeit zugunsten der Familie ermöglichen und dauerhafte berufliche Nachteile durch verbesserte RĂŒckkehrmöglichkeiten in Vollzeit vermeiden helfen

    Spontaneous relapsing-remitting EAE in the SJL/J mouse: MOG-reactive transgenic T cells recruit endogenous MOG-specific B cells

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    We describe new T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice (relapsing-remitting [RR] mice) carrying a TCR specific for myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) peptide 92–106 in the context of I-As. Backcrossed to the SJL/J background, most RR mice spontaneously develop RR experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) with episodes often altering between different central nervous system tissues like the cerebellum, optic nerve, and spinal cord. Development of spontaneous EAE depends on the presence of an intact B cell compartment and on the expression of MOG autoantigen. There is no spontaneous EAE development in B cell–depleted mice or in transgenic mice lacking MOG. Transgenic T cells seem to expand MOG autoreactive B cells from the endogenous repertoire. The expanded autoreactive B cells produce autoantibodies binding to a conformational epitope on the native MOG protein while ignoring the T cell target peptide. The secreted autoantibodies are pathogenic, enhancing demyelinating EAE episodes. RR mice constitute the first spontaneous animal model for the most common form of multiple sclerosis (MS), RR MS

    Phenotype of Arabidopsis thaliana semi-dwarfs with deep roots and high growth rates under water-limiting conditions is independent of the GA5 loss-of-function alleles

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The occurrence of Arabidopsis thaliana semi-dwarf accessions carrying inactive alleles at the gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis GA5 locus has raised the question whether there are pleiotropic effects on other traits at the root level, such as rooting depth. In addition, it is unknown whether semi-dwarfism in arabidopsis confers a growth advantage under water-limiting conditions compared with wild-type plants. The aim of this research was therefore to investigate whether semi-dwarfism has a pleiotropic effect in the root system and also whether semi-dwarfs might be more tolerant of water-limiting conditions. METHODS: The root systems of different arabidopsis semi-dwarfs and GA biosynthesis mutants were phenotyped in vitro using the GROWSCREEN-ROOT image-based software. Semi-dwarfs were phenotyped together with tall, near-related accessions. In addition, root phenotypes were investigated in soil-filled rhizotrons. Rosette growth trajectories were analysed with the GROWSCREEN-FLUORO setup based on non-invasive imaging. KEY RESULTS: Mutations in the early steps of the GA biosynthesis pathway led to a reduction in shoot as well as root size. Depending on the genetic background, mutations at the GA5 locus yielded phenotypes characterized by decreased root length in comparison with related wild-type ones. The semi-dwarf accession Pak-3 showed the deepest root system both in vitro and in soil cultivation experiments; this comparatively deep root system, however, was independent of the ga5 loss-of-function allele, as shown by co-segregation analysis. When the accessions were grown under water-limiting conditions, semi-dwarf accessions with high growth rates were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The observed diversity in root system growth and architecture occurs independently of semi-dwarf phenotypes, and is probably linked to a genetic background effect. The results show that there are no clear advantages of semi-dwarfism at low water availability in arabidopsis.International Max Planck Research School PhD Fellowship/[]/IMPRS/AlemaniaHelmholtz Association//[]//AlemaniaUCR::VicerrectorĂ­a de InvestigaciĂłn::Unidades de InvestigaciĂłn::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Centro para Investigaciones en Granos y Semillas (CIGRAS

    The force of the sign. Terrorism as a symbolic phenomenon

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    Seit der radikalen Änderung der weltpolitischen Lage durch das Selbstmordattentat islamistischer Terroristen auf die Supermacht U.S.A. am 11.9.01 versucht die Weltöffentlichkeit, dem PhĂ€nomen des Terrorismus durch die verschiedensten ErklĂ€rungsstrategien Herr zu werden. Man fĂŒhrt den Kampf der Kulturen oder Religionen an, verweist auf die Ausbeutung der Peripherie des kapitalistischen Weltsystems durch den Hegemon U.S.A. oder pathologisiert bzw. dĂ€monisiert die Taten der Terroristen. Uns scheinen diese ErklĂ€rungsstrategien den Machtkonstellationen der postmodernen Gesellschaften nicht gerecht zu werden, da sie ein zentrales soziales PhĂ€nomen der vergangenen Jahrzehnte nicht beachten: das Unbehagen an der pluralistischen Gesellschaft und der konsensuell-reprĂ€sentativen Demokratie. Um dieses Unbehagen angemessen beschreiben zu können, wollen wir uns ihm aus einer zeichentheoretischen Perspektive nĂ€hern, die soziale Formationen nicht durch (kooperative) Arbeit determiniert sieht, sondern durch die Instanz des Codes. FĂŒr Jean Baudrillard ist die Wahl des Ziels der beiden TĂŒrme bedeutend, die sich wechselseitig reflektieren und das System nach allen Seiten hin abschließen. Mit ihnen wurde das neuralgische Zentrum des Systems getroffen, das sich auf einem binĂ€ren Code grĂŒndet. Die Twintowers bedeuteten nicht nur das Ende jedweder originalen Referenz, sondern auch den Abschluss des Bezeichneten durch die Wiederholung des Zeichens. Der Code fĂŒhrt eine symbolische Verteilung der gesellschaftlichen Körper durch und zielt auf eine möglichst genaue Übereinstimmung der Gemeinschaft mit sich selbst gemĂ€ĂŸ eines arithmetischen und geometrischen KalkĂŒls. Die integrative Kraft dieses auf dem IdentitĂ€tsprinzip basierenden Systems scheint immer hĂ€ufiger nicht mehr in der Lage zu sein, das negative Potential antagonistischer Strategien binden zu können, die in Form von zivilem Ungehorsam, Politik von MinoritĂ€ten oder terroristischen Akten die symbolische Ordnung der westlichen Gesellschaften unterhöhlen. In diesem Tagungsband diskutieren wir das Ausmaß der Krise der konsensuellen Demokratie und ihrer Institutionen. Die AufsĂ€tze behandeln folgende Themen: ‱ Die Krise der pluralistischen Gesellschaft: Wie verstĂ€ndlich ist das kulturelle, politische und religiöse Unbehagen am westlichen Wertekanon? ‱ Die Funktion der Medien in der konsensuellen Demokratie; die gesellschaftliche Wirkung der medialen Reproduktion terroristischer Akte; das Bild des Terrorismus in der PopulĂ€rkultur ‱ Ästhetischer Terror: Die Vernichtung von Sinn und Bedeutung in der zeitgenössischen Kunst und Kunsttheorie ‱ Die politische Logik des Terrorismus (Ziele, Bedingungen u. LegitimitĂ€t des Terrorismus in Abgrenzung zu alternativen politischen Ausdrucksformen wie z.B. dem zivilen Ungehorsam; die Bedeutung des terroristischen Opfertodes) ‱ Geschichte des Terrorismus (speziell der Terrorismus der RAF) ‱ Terror als irrationale Gewalt (der ontologische Status des Terrorismus)Since the radical changes in international politics caused by the suicide attacks on the USA by Islamic terrorists on the 11th of September in 2001, the world public tries to grasp the phenomenon of „Terrorism“ through different explanatory strategies. These include referring to the clash of cultures and of religions, to the exploitation of the periphery by the capitalist system incarnated by the USA, or pathologizing as well as demonizing the deeds of the terrorists. All these explanatory attempts do not seem to do justice to the actual constellations of power in postmodern societies, because they do not take a widespread social phenomenon of the past decades in consideration: the discomfort with the pluralistic society and with the concurrent-representative democracy. In order to describe this discomfort adequately we would like to approach the phenomenon from a semiotic perspective which does not consider social formations as determined by cooperative work but rather by the authority of the code. For Jean Baudrillard the target was meaningful since the two towers not only reflect each other but also completely close the system. With them the neuralgic center which is based upon the binary code was severely hit. The twin towers not only meant the end of every original reference but also the completion of the signified by the reduplication of the sign. The code conducts a symbolic distribution of the social bodies and aims at an as accurate as possible identification of the community with itself corresponding to an arithmetic and geometric calculus. The system which is based upon the principle of identity does not seem to have the ability to integrate antagonist energies properly. So these antagonist powers undermine the symbolic order of western societies in terms of civil disobedience, politics of minorities or terroristic acts. In this conference transcript we discuss the degree of crisis of consensual democracy and ist institutions. The essays cover the following topics: ‱ The crisis of the pluralistic society: How comprehensible and justified is the cultural, political, and religious discomfort with western values? ‱ The function of mass media in democratic systems: What is the impact of the reproduction of terrorist acts on society? How does popular culture deal with terrorism? ‱ Aesthetic terror: the destruction of sense and meaning in contemporary arts and art theory ‱ The political logic of terrorism (aims, legitimacy of terrorism as opposed to other forms of opposition like civil disobedience; the meaning of the terrorist self-sacrifice death) ‱ History of terrorism (e.g. The German terrorism of the RAF) ‱ Terrorism as an irrational power (ontological status of terrorism

    High Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Secretion and Loss of High Avidity Cross-Reactive Cytotoxic T-Cells during the Course of Secondary Dengue Virus Infection

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    BACKGROUND: Dengue is one of the most important human diseases transmitted by an arthropod vector and the incidence of dengue virus infection has been increasing - over half the world's population now live in areas at risk of infection. Most infections are asymptomatic, but a subset of patients experience a potentially fatal shock syndrome characterised by plasma leakage. Severe forms of dengue are epidemiologically associated with repeated infection by more than one of the four dengue virus serotypes. Generally attributed to the phenomenon of antibody-dependent enhancement, recent observations indicate that T-cells may also influence disease phenotype. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) showing high level cross reactivity between dengue serotypes could be expanded from blood samples taken during the acute phase of secondary dengue infection. These could not be detected in convalescence when only CTL populations demonstrating significant serotype specificity were identified. Dengue cross-reactive CTL clones derived from these patients were of higher avidity than serotype-specific clones and produced much higher levels of both type 1 and certain type 2 cytokines, many previously implicated in dengue pathogenesis. CONCLUSION: Dengue serotype cross-reactive CTL clones showing high avidity for antigen produce higher levels of inflammatory cytokines than serotype-specific clones. That such cells cannot be expanded from convalescent samples suggests that they may be depleted, perhaps as a consequence of activation-induced cell death. Such high avidity cross-reactive memory CTL may produce inflammatory cytokines during the course of secondary infection, contributing to the pathogenesis of vascular leak. These cells appear to be subsequently deleted leaving a more serotype-specific memory CTL pool. Further studies are needed to relate these cellular observations to disease phenotype in a large group of patients. If confirmed they have significant implications for understanding the role of virus-specific CTL in pathogenesis of dengue disease

    Implicit achievement motive limits the impact of task difficulty on effort-related cardiovascular response

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    In contrast to the motive literature, motivational intensity theory predicts that the implicit achievement motive (nAch) should only exert an indirect impact on effort by limiting the impact of task difficulty. To contrast these two views, sixty-eight participants with a low or high nAch performed an easy or difficult arithmetic task. Effort was assessed using cardiac pre-ejection period (PEP). Supporting motivational intensity theory’s view, PEP response was low in both easy-task conditions but stronger in the high-nAch group than in the low-nAch group in the difficult task. These findings suggest that nAch exerts an indirect effect on effort investment by setting the maximally justified effort instead of directly determining the amount of effort that is invested to satisfy the motive

    Longitudinal Cell Tracking and Simultaneous Monitoring of Tissue Regeneration after Cell Treatment of Natural Tendon Disease by Low-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Treatment of tendon disease with multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) is a promising option to improve tissue regeneration. To elucidate the mechanisms by which MSC support regeneration, longitudinal tracking of MSC labelled with superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could provide important insight. Nine equine patients suffering from tendon disease were treated with SPIO-labelled or nonlabelled allogeneic umbilical cord-derived MSC by local injection. Labelling of MSC was confirmed by microscopy and MRI. All animals were subjected to clinical, ultrasonographical, and low-field MRI examinations before and directly after MSC application as well as 2, 4, and 8 weeks after MSC application. Hypointense artefacts with characteristically low signal intensity were identified at the site of injection of SPIO-MSC in T1- and T2∗-weighted gradient echo MRI sequences. They were visible in all 7 cases treated with SPIO-MSC directly after injection, but not in the control cases treated with nonlabelled MSC. Furthermore, hypointense artefacts remained traceable within the damaged tendon tissue during the whole follow-up period in 5 out of 7 cases. Tendon healing could be monitored at the same time. Clinical and ultrasonographical findings as well as T2-weighted MRI series indicated a gradual improvement of tendon function and structure

    The influence of temperature and age on the t1 relaxation time of the equine distal limb

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    The extent of fat suppression using short tau inversion recovery (STIR) imaging is variable between horses. Our aim was to determine if patient's age and/or hoof temperature have an influence on the T 1 relaxation time of bone marrow in the equine dista