144 research outputs found

    La institucionalización de la migración laboral en Israel

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    In this paper we shed light into the process of institutionalization of labor migration in Israel. Specifically, we show the ways by which state regulations created a fertile ground for the creation of a precarious and captive labor force of non-citizens in the Israeli labor market. We focus on the following four main dimensions: (1) the policy of quotas, work permits, and subsidies; (2) the binding system which regulates employment relations; (3) the creation of an infrastructure for manpower agencies that over time became the main stakeholder in the institutionalization of labor migration; and (4) the creation of a complementary mechanism for the “discipline” and control of workers in the form of the deportation policy.El artículo se centra en el proceso de institucionalización del fenómeno de migraciones laborales en Israel. El análisis describe las formas a través de las cuales las regulaciones del estado crearon las condiciones para el surgimiento de una fuerza de trabajo precaria y flexible de extranjeros en el mercado laboral Israelí. Cuatro dimensiones del proceso de institucionalización son analizadas: (1) la fijación de cuotas, otorgamiento de permisos de trabajo y subsidios, (2) el sistema de empleo que regula las relaciones laborales llamado binding, (3) la creación de una infraestructura de agencias de reclutamiento que se benefician de la comodificación del trabajo a través del cobro de tarifas ilegales a los inmigrantes, (4) la implementación del sistema de deportaciones como mecanismo de control y castigo hacia los trabajadores que no respetan las condiciones del contrato

    Archaeological Monitoring and Test Excavations at the 1722 Presidio San Antonio de Bexar (Plaza de Armas Buildings), San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas

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    From April 2013 to November 2014, the Center for Archaeological Research (CAR) at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) conducted archaeological monitoring and test excavations at the site of the 1722 Presidio San Antonio de Bexar, also known in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as the Plaza de Armas Buildings (Vogel Belt Complex) within Military Plaza in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. The project was performed for Ford, Powell and Carson, Architects and Planners, Inc. under contract with the City of San Antonio in anticipation of renovations and improvements to the Plaza de Armas Buildings (Vogel Belt Complex) to serve as offices and studios for the City of San Antonio. The complex is listed as contributing to the Main and Military Plaza National Register of Historic Places District, with the buildings listed individually on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). In addition to the above, the property is owned by the City of San Antonio. Compliance with the Antiquities Code of Texas was required. As such, the State Antiquities Code and Chapter 35 of the San Antonio Local Government Code that require coordination with the City Office of Historic Preservation and the Texas Historical Commission Divisions of Archaeology and Architecture govern the undertakings. CAR, therefore, conducted the work under Texas Antiquities Committee Permit No. 6526. Dr. Steve A. Tomka served as the Principal Investigator for the majority of the fieldwork, the initial analysis, and the description of materials collected. Kristi Nichols served as the Project Archaeologist during this initial monitoring and testing, assisted by Lindy Martinez. Both Dr. Tomka and Ms. Nichols left UTSA in 2014, and Dr. Raymond Mauldin assumed the Principal Investigator role for the project. Clinton McKenzie and Leonard Kemp were the Project Archaeologists for the final phases of monitoring, as well as for assembling the final report. Leonard Kemp oversaw additional test excavation. Trinomial 41BX2088 was assigned to the location. Principal activities during the project included monitoring trenches on the complex’s exterior, monitoring soil removal in sections of the interior, and hand excavations of a series of units in the basement. These basement excavations produced a variety of materials. CAR staff documented eight features, including several trash pits, recovered a variety of Spanish Colonial, Native American, and European/English ceramics, along with faunal material, chipped stone tools and debitage, and construction related items. It was concluded that much of this material was intact, and that additional features and midden deposits are present. The project provides direct evidence of materials associated with the Presidio de Bexar, built by the Spanish at this general location in 1722, as well as occupation in this area through the early twentieth century. CAR recommends that prior to any impacts in the basements, or any external impacts greater than 2.0 m in depth at the rear of the Plaza de Armas Buildings (Vogel Belt Complex), a comprehensive, systematic effort to recover significant data be initiated

    The influence of viewing boxes luminance on the detectability of fibers and microcalcifications using simulated objects

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    Considering the subtle findings observed in mammography images, it is relevant to know how detectability of fibers and microcalcifications can be influenced by the luminance of the viewing boxes. Our goal was to determine the influence of the luminance on the detectability of tiny simulated objects. We obtained seven images with different exposure levels using a phantom that allows statistical analysis. The results were computed using a five point scale to report the confidence levels (100 if the evaluator was sure that the object is present; 75 if likely; 50 if uncertain; 25 if not likely; zero if definitely absent). The images were analyzed by specialists using a standard and a specific viewing box for mammography. The detectability was compared using the Pearson chi-square test (p < 0.05). The values varied from 0.79 to 0.87. We concluded that the detectability determined from simulated objects through readings on the specific viewing boxes is higher when compared with the readings using standard viewing boxes.Considerando a natureza sutil dos achados mamográficos, é importante conhecermos como a detectabilidade de pequenos objetos, como fibras e microcalcificações, normalmente presentes em imagens mamográficas, pode ser influenciada pela intensidade luminosa do negatoscópio utilizado nas leituras. Nosso objetivo foi verificar como a luminância pode alterar a detectabilidade de objetos simulados. Foram feitas sete imagens com diferentes intensidades de exposição em duas condições técnicas usando um simulador que permite avaliações estatísticas. Os resultados foram computados usando uma escala de cinco níveis de confiança (100 se o especialista tem certeza da presença do objeto; 75 se provável a presença do objeto; 50 se incerta; 25 se improvável; zero se definitivamente ausente). As imagens foram interpretadas por especialistas que utilizaram negatoscópios padrões e específicos para imagens mamográficas. As detectabilidades foram estatisticamente comparadas entre si para cada tipo de negatoscópio por meio do teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson (p < 0,05). A detectabilidade variou de 0,79 a 0,87. Pudemos concluir que a detectabilidade dos objetos, determinada por meio de objetos simulados, é superior para os negatoscópios específicos para mamografias quando comparada aos negatoscópios padrões amplamente utilizados na radiologia geral.EPM-UNIFESP Coordenadoria de Física e Higiene das RadiaçõesUNIFESP Mestre em Ciências RadiológicasUNIFESP Física EspecializandaEPM-UNIFESP Departamento de Diagnóstico por ImagemEPM-UNIFESP Departamento de Ginecologia Setor de MastologiaEPM-UNIFESP Departamento de Diagnóstico por Imagem Setor de MamografiaUNIFESP, EPM, UNIFESP, Coordenadoria de Física e Higiene das RadiaçõesUNIFESP, Mestre em Ciências RadiológicasUNIFESP, Física EspecializandaEPM-UNIFESP, Depto. de Diagnóstico por ImagemEPM-UNIFESP, Depto. de Ginecologia Setor de MastologiaEPM-UNIFESP, Depto. de Diagnóstico por Imagem Setor de MamografiaSciEL

    Dopamine and Glutamate in Antipsychotic-Responsive Compared With Antipsychotic-Nonresponsive Psychosis: A Multicenter Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study (STRATA)

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    The variability in the response to antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia may reflect between-patient differences in neurobiology. Recent cross-sectional neuroimaging studies suggest that a poorer therapeutic response is associated with relatively normal striatal dopamine synthesis capacity but elevated anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) glutamate levels. We sought to test whether these measures can differentiate patients with psychosis who are antipsychotic responsive from those who are antipsychotic nonresponsive in a multicenter cross-sectional study. 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) was used to measure glutamate levels (Glucorr) in the ACC and in the right striatum in 92 patients across 4 sites (48 responders [R] and 44 nonresponders [NR]). In 54 patients at 2 sites (25 R and 29 NR), we additionally acquired 3,4-dihydroxy-6-[18F]fluoro-L-phenylalanine (18F-DOPA) positron emission tomography (PET) to index striatal dopamine function (Kicer, min−1). The mean ACC Glucorr was higher in the NR than the R group after adjustment for age and sex (F1,80 = 4.27; P = .04). This was associated with an area under the curve for the group discrimination of 0.59. There were no group differences in striatal dopamine function or striatal Glucorr. The results provide partial further support for a role of ACC glutamate, but not striatal dopamine synthesis, in determining the nature of the response to antipsychotic medication. The low discriminative accuracy might be improved in groups with greater clinical separation or increased in future studies that focus on the antipsychotic response at an earlier stage of the disorder and integrate other candidate predictive biomarkers. Greater harmonization of multicenter PET and 1H-MRS may also improve sensitivity

    Study on multi-ELVES in the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Since 2013, the four sites of the Fluorescence Detector (FD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory record ELVES with a dedicated trigger. These UV light emissions are correlated to distant lightning strikes. The length of recorded traces has been increased from 100 μs (2013), to 300 μs (2014-16), to 900 μs (2017-present), to progressively extend the observation of the light emission towards the vertical of the causative lightning and beyond. A large fraction of the observed events shows double ELVES within the time window, and, in some cases, even more complex structures are observed. The nature of the multi-ELVES is not completely understood but may be related to the different types of lightning in which they are originated. For example, it is known that Narrow Bipolar Events can produce double ELVES, and Energetic In-cloud Pulses, occurring between the main negative and upper positive charge layer of clouds, can induce double and even quadruple ELVES in the ionosphere. This report shows the seasonal and daily dependence of the time gap, amplitude ratio, and correlation between the pulse widths of the peaks in a sample of 1000+ multi-ELVES events recorded during the period 2014-20. The events have been compared with data from other satellite and ground-based sensing devices to study the correlation of their properties with lightning observables such as altitude and polarity

    First results from the AugerPrime Radio Detector

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    Update of the Offline Framework for AugerPrime

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    Event-by-event reconstruction of the shower maximum XmaxX_{\mathrm{max}} with the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory using deep learning

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    Reconstruction of Events Recorded with the Water-Cherenkov and Scintillator Surface Detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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