11 research outputs found

    Vorstudie für eine Repräsentativbefragung zur Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung(en)

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    Schröttle M, Hornberg C, Zapfel S, et al. Vorstudie für eine Repräsentativbefragung zur Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung(en). Forschungsbericht. Vol 447. Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS); 2014

    Abschlussbericht: "Vorstudie für eine Repräsentativbefragung zur Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderung(en)"

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    Die Vorstudie enthält ein Konzept für Forschungsdesign und Erhebungsinstrumente für eine repräsentative quantitative Befragung zur Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen. Im Einzelnen werden Inhalte und Themenfelder, Grundüberlegungen zur Realisierung der Repräsentativität, relevante Teilpopulationen, die Stichprobenkonzeption und Zielgruppengewinnung sowie die Entwicklung eines geeigneten Fragebogens in Anlehnung an bestehende (inter-)nationale Surveys und andere Erhebungen konkretisiert. Die Studie empfiehlt Methodik und Konzeption von vertiefenden qualitativen Befragungen. Sie prüft bereits bestehende regelmäßige bundesweite Befragungen und Datenerhebungen, um festzustellen, wie ergänzend ein Aufbau von Längsschnittdaten für das Monitoring erfolgen kann und macht dazu Erweiterungsvorschläge

    Friction after polishing – a new performance orientated test method in situ

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    Friction of pavement surfaces and skid resistance are major functional requirements which have to be fulfilled"br" over the service time of pavements. The skid resistance in situ on a pavement surface is measured by non"br" destructive continuous measurement systems at traffic speed like SKM in Germany. To determine decisive"br" performance characteristics it is necessary to develop test methods which simulate the in-situ performance"br" realistically. So the question arises how to predict pavement performance concerning skid resistance for type"br" testing in laboratory. In Germany the test system of the Wehner/Schulze machine offers the possibility to"br" determine the friction of aggregates as well as the friction of real asphalt samples in laboratory. It is furthermore"br" possible to submit the specimen to accumulated polishing procedures to evaluate the changes in friction due to"br" simulated loading of the surface. The aim is to use this test method to evaluate friction performance in laboratory"br" to predict the performance of skid resistance over the service life of a pavement in situ."br" In Europe today the resistance to polishing is only described by the resistance of aggregates against polishing by"br" determining the polish stone value (EN 1097-8). The influence of bitumen and the grading curve of aggregates"br" used for the asphalt mixture are herewith not taken into account. By using the Wehner Schulze machine and the"br" use of asphalt specimen in the friction after polishing test (FAP, EN 12697-49) a first step was made to tie"br" aggregates performance up to pavement performance in situ. With the new testing machine of BASt FAP test are"br" able to perform in situ on test sites. So in future is will be possible to survey pavements’ friction performance"br" over the service life of a pavement. This enables a realistic correlation of pavement performance in situ to"br" laboratory trials with simulated loading by polishing the specimen."br" With the test method Friction after Polishing a test method is available to evaluate the performance of asphalt"br" with regard to friction already in laboratory to design an asphalt mixture with resists reliable the loading in situ"br" over its service life

    Barrierefreie Veranstaltungen in der Hochschule

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    Diese Handreichung richtet sich an Menschen, die eine öffentliche Fachveranstaltung im Hochschulkontext planen und durchführen wollen. Wir möchten Sie darin unterstützen, Ihre geplanten Veranstaltungen im besten Falle barrierefrei zu gestalten. Durch Barrierefreiheit ist Ihre Veranstaltung für mehr Menschen zugänglich und wird dadurch sowohl auf dem Podium als auch im Publikum vielseitiger. Es ist schließlich das Recht eines jeden Menschen, an Veranstaltungen und dem dort stattfindenden Wissenstransfer und Austausch teilzunehmen. Hinweise zu barrierefreie Veranstaltungen an der Evangelischen Hochschule Rheinland-Westfalen-Lippe (EvH RWL) entnehmen Sie bitte der standortspezifischen Liste unter folgendem Link: www.evh-bochum.de/transferpublikationen.html

    WRN mutations in Werner syndrome patients: genomic rearrangements, unusual intronic mutations and ethnic-specific alterations.

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    Item does not contain fulltextWerner syndrome (WS) is an autosomal recessive segmental progeroid syndrome caused by null mutations at the WRN locus, which codes for a member of the RecQ family of DNA helicases. Since 1988, the International Registry of Werner syndrome had enrolled 130 molecularly confirmed WS cases from among 110 worldwide pedigrees. We now report 18 new mutations, including two genomic rearrangements, a deep intronic mutation resulting in a novel exon, a splice consensus mutation leading to utilization of the nearby splice site, and two rare missense mutations. We also review evidence for founder mutations among various ethnic/geographic groups. Founder WRN mutations had been previously reported in Japan and Northern Sardinia. Our Registry now suggests characteristic mutations originated in Morocco, Turkey, The Netherlands and elsewhere.1 juli 201

    Neuronal Correlates of Facial Emotion Discrimination in Early Onset Schizophrenia

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    Emotion discrimination deficits represent a well-established finding in schizophrenia. Although imaging studies addressed the cerebral dysfunctions underlying emotion perception in adult patients, the question of trait vs state characteristics is still unresolved. The investigation of juvenile patients offers the advantage of studying schizophrenia at an age where influences of illness course and long-term medication are minimized. This may enable a more detailed characterization of emotion discrimination impairments and their cerebral correlates with respect to their appearance and exact nature. A total of 12 juvenile patients with early onset schizophrenia and matched healthy juveniles participated in this study. fMRI data were acquired during an emotion discrimination task consisting of standardized photographs of faces displaying happy, sad, angry, fearful, or neutral facial expression. Similar to findings in adult patients, juvenile patients exhibited reduced performance specificity whereas sensitivity was unaffected. Independent of the valence, their processing of emotional faces was associated with hypoactivations in both fusiform gyri and in the left inferior occipital gyrus. In addition, hyperactivations in patients were found in the right cuneus common to happy, angry, and fearful faces. Further, most distinct changes were present in juvenile patients when processing sad faces. These results point to a dysfunction in cerebral circuits relevant for emotion processing already prominent in adolescent schizophrenia patients. Regions affected by a decrease in activation are related to visual and face processing, similar to deficits reported in adult patients. These changes are accompanied by hyperactivations in areas related to emotion regulation and attribution, possibly reflecting compensatory mechanisms