125 research outputs found

    Przyrodoobraz jako przestrzeń kulturowych transformacji wyobraźni artystycznej

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    The text considers artistic creativity in the context of complex relationships which are formed between nature and man. Artistic creation can be perceived as an attempt to present and understand, but also to shape the reality that emerges from a pilgrimage into the world of nature. In the creators’ imagination, multilevel and differentiated messages that change and affect the experience of recipients are constructed

    Early hospital rehabilitation in patients with a performed intestinal stoma

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    An intestinal stoma is an intentional connection between the light of the small intestine (ileostomy) or the large intestine (colostomy) and the skin surface. The aim of the study was to present the topic of early hospital rehabilitation in patients who had to have a selected stoma as a result of the procedure. Rehabilitation is a supplement to surgical treatment and conditions good functioning of the patient after surgery. The main components of the therapy are: respiratory exercises, exercises of expectoration and effective coughing, wound stabilization, learning to change position from lying to sitting, anticoagulation exercises, general development exercises, verticalisation. More and more often, the rehabilitation is complemented by the use of kinesiology taping. Properly conducted physiotherapy may bring measurable benefits to the patient in the form of functional improvement and return to efficiency before surgery, or reduction of the degree of disability. The patient improvement plan is subject to constant modification by the therapist and is adapted to the physical and mental abilities of the patient on a given day. An important element in the healing process of patients with a performed stoma is the interdisciplinary care provided by all members of the therapeutic team: a doctor, a nurse, a physiotherapist, a psychologist, a nutritionist

    Bariatric patient from the point of view of a nutritionist

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    Nowadays obesity is one of the biggest worldwide problem. The predominant factor that may result in obesity is an excesive amount of energy and low physical activity. At the present time there are two overwhelming methods to fight obesity- conservative treatment and bariatric surgery. The second one is regarded as the most effective way to reduce body weight of the people suffering from the morbid obesity. Surgical treatment can only be efficient when it is followed by introducing dietary indications, both before and after the surgery. The bariatric patients have to be monitored by medical staff including the dietician to help them change eating habits. The dietician’s support is also crucial to avoid nutrient deficiency and digestive system ailments

    GWAS on your notebook: Fast semi-parallel linear and logistic regression for genome-wide association studies

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    Background: Genome-wide association studies have become very popular in identifying genetic contributions to phenotypes. Millions of SNPs are being tested for their association with diseases and traits using linear or logistic regression models. This conceptually simple strategy encounters the following computational issues: a large number of tests and very large genotype files (many Gigabytes) which cannot be directly loaded into the software memory. One of the solutions applied on a grand scale is cluster computing involving large-scale resources. We show how to speed up the computations using matrix operations in pure R code.Results: We improve speed: computation time from 6 hours is reduced to 10-15 minutes. Our approach can handle essentially an unlimited amount of covariates efficiently, using projections. Data files in GWAS are vast and reading them into computer memory becomes an important issue. However, much improvement can be made if the data is structured beforehand in a way allowing for easy access to blocks of SNPs. We propose several solutions based on the R packages ff and ncdf.We adapted the semi-parallel computations for logistic regression. We show that in a typical GWAS setting, where SNP effects are very small, we do not lose any precision and our computations are few hundreds times faster than standard procedures.Conclusions: We provide very fast algorithms for GWAS written in pure R code. We also show how to rearrange SNP data for fast access

    Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Fingering Detection System for Contrabass Using Musical Rules

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    ここに掲載した著作物の利用に関する注意 本著作物の著作権は日本ソフトウェア科学会に帰属します.本著作物は著作権者である日本ソフトウェア科学会の許可のもとに掲載するものです.ご利用に当たっては「著作権法」に従うことをお願いいたします

    Genome-wide Analysis of Large-scale Longitudinal Outcomes using Penalization - GALLOP algorithm

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) with longitudinal phenotypes provide opportunities to identify genetic variations associated with changes in human traits over time. Mixed models are used to correct for the correlated nature of longitudinal data. GWA studies are notorious for their computational challenges, which are considerable when mixed models for thousands of individuals are fitted to millions of SNPs. We present a new algorithm that speeds up a genome-wide analysis of longitudinal data by several orders of magnitude. It solves the equivalent penalized least squares problem efficiently, computing variances in an initial step. Factorizations and transformations are used to avoid inversion of large matrices. Because the system of equations is bordered, we can re-use components, which can be precomputed for the mixed model without a SNP. Two SNP effects (main and its interaction with time) are obtained. Our method completes the analysis a thousand times faster than the R package lme4, providing an almost identical solution for the coefficients and p-values. We provide an R implementation of our algorithm

    The features of liver lesions in children at the time of diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease. Observations from one medical center

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    Wstęp: W przebiegu nieswoistych zapaleń jelit stosunkowo często procesem chorobowym objęte są inne narządy, w tym wątroba.Cel pracy: Ocena częstości występowania biochemicznych cech uszkodzenia wątroby w momencie rozpoznania nieswoistego zapalenia jelit (NZJ) u dzieci.Materiał i metody: Analizą objęto 49 dzieci z NZJ w wieku 2–18 lat. U wszystkich chorych przeprowadzono badanie kliniczne oraz diagnostykę laboratoryjną [między innymi aktywność aminotransferazy alaninowej (ALT) i asparaginowej (AST), gammaglutamylotranspeptydazy (GGTP) i stężenie bilirubiny w surowicy krwi]. Rozpoznanie choroby podstawowej ustalono na podstawie badania endoskopowego przewodu pokarmowego oraz oceny histopatologicznej wycinków błony śluzowej jelita. Jako podstawowe kryterium uszkodzenia wątroby przyjęto wartości aktywności ALT powyżej 45 j./l.Wyniki: Podwyższoną aktywność ALT stwierdzono u 16 badanych dzieci (32%) z nieswoistymi zapaleniami jelit. Aktywność ALT mieściła się w granicach 45–157 j./l; średnio 75,8 ± 40 j./l.Wnioski: U pacjentów pediatrycznych z nieswoistymi zapaleniami jelit stosunkowo często, już w momencie rozpoznania, obserwuje się cechy uszkodzenia wątroby. U wszystkich chorych z nieswoistymi zapaleniami jelit należy monitorować parametry funkcji wątroby w celu wczesnego rozpoznania współistniejących powikłań hepatologicznych. Obserwacje poczynione w niniejszym badaniu mają jedynie charakter wstępny i zobowiązują do pogłębienia diagnostyki „hepatologicznej” w celu ustalenia szczegółowego rozpoznania i wdrożenia właściwego leczenia. Konieczne są dalsze badania obejmujące liczniejsze grupy dzieci chorych na nieswoiste zapalenia jelit.Introduction: Patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) often develop complications involving other organs, including the liver.Aim of study: To assess the prevalence of elevated liver enzymes in children suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).Material and methods: We analyzed a group of 49 patients with IBD from 2 to 18 years old. Each patient had physical examination done, medical history taken and laboratory tests performed [alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), gamma gluthamylotranspeptydase (GGTP), bilirubin]. The diagnosis of IBD was based on endoscopic and histopathological criteria.The liver damage was recognized when activity of ALT was above 45 U/l.Results: Increased liver enzymes activity was found in a group of 32% of patients with IBD. The activity of ALT ranged from 54 to 157 U/l.Conclusions: 1. In pediatric population with inflammatory bowel diseases the liver damage might be present at the very beginning of the IBD. 2. In all the patients with IBD liver enzymes activity ought to be monitored in order to recognize hepatic complications. 3. Observations of this study oblige to extend diagnostic procedures enabling accurate recognition and appropriate treatment

    Аксіологічні виміри душпастирства у творах Іоана Золотоустого

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    Стаття Світлани Білоус "Аксіологічні виміри душпастирства у творах Іоана Золотоустого" присвячена пошуку джерел духовної опіки над людиною, витоки яких автор бачить у християнському середньовіччі. Життя і творча спадщина Іоана Золотоустого – яскравий приклад пояснення сутності й визначення ціннісної природи душпастирювання крізь призму поняття священства.Статья Светланы Билоус "Аксиологические измерения душпастирства в произведениях Іоана Золотоустого" посвящена поиску источников духовной опеки над человеком, истоки которіх автор видит в христианском средневековье. Жизнь и творческое наследство Иоанна Золотоустого – яркий пример объяснения сущности и определение ценностной природы душпастирства сквозь призму понятия священства.The article by Svitlana Bilous "Axiological dimensions of priesthood in the Ioan Zolotoustyi’s works" is dedicated to finding sources of spiritual care over a human, the origin of which the author sees in the Christian Middle Ages. The life and literary heredity of Ioan Zolotoustyi is a brilliant pattern of explaining the essence and definition of valuable ​​nature of pastoral care through the prism of the concept of the priesthood