29 research outputs found

    Las revistas académicas de comunicación de acceso abierto en México. Retos y vicisitudes

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    Introduction. The research exposes the case of academic journals of open access communication in Mexico, their background, current status, challenges and vicissitudes. It also distinguishes the number of undergraduate and graduate degrees in communication in the country with the idea of ​​reflecting and relating the information to the total of existing journals. Methodology: Descriptive, the work is based on the review of open access academic publications that deal with communication issues. It identifies the characteristics of the adjective "academic", examines their visibility through indexing to databases, access formats, use of the Open Journal Systems (ojs), inclusion of the digital object identifier (doi), use of antiplagiarism programs, adherence to the Committee on Publication Ethics (Cope), use of Creative Commons licenses, and registration of citing in Google Scholar, various access formats, among others. Results and discussion: In two tables, the current status of open access communication journals in Mexico recognizes that existing publications are insufficient; that, in parallel, they coexist with their printed version, and that the electronic version is lagging behind technological advances and international standardization processes that leaves them out of the interest of some of the national authors to publish in them. It also recognizes the existence of journals endorsed by educational institutions, which do not have precisely the interest of being indexed to national and international databases, since their inbred/institutional role allows them to be appropriately a learning platform for the training of academics who for the first time experience the art of publishing

    La delgada línea entre derechos humanos, comunicación y gênero

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    The theoretical work, briefly addresses some approaches that delineate the narrow and polysemous relationship between human rights, communication and gender. It should be recognized that these concepts - interwoven in the social sciences - have been explained and reinterpreted in various fields through the existing sociocultural transformations, so the document will not necessarily delve into definitions, since each meaning should be placed in the diverse areas in which these notions continue immersed. Under this reflection, the objective of the article provides three aspects, identifying the thin relationship between human rights, communication and gender, emphasizing the "right to communicate" as an inherent right to the human being; in a second aspect, the visible position is addressed sexist that widens the inequality gap between men and women in the field of communication as a profession, and third, no less relevant, states that in countries like Mexico, a continuous violation of the "right to communicate" coexists. The results show that the gender perspective is a cultural construction that directly affects the composition of human rights, which confirms that communication is considered key in the development of the configuration of social practices on human rights more elementary In addition, it is identified in the literature, that despite various efforts, women are still poorly represented in the media content; finally, Mexico is indicated as the sixth country with the highest number of violations of human rights of communicators, regardless of their gender

    Un breve acercamiento a la ineludible relación entre comunicación, género y derechos humanos

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    The theoretical work, briefly addresses some approaches that delineate the narrow and polysemous relationship between human rights, communication and gender. It should be recognized that these concepts - interwoven in the social sciences - have been explained and reinterpreted in various fields through the existing sociocultural transformations, so the document will not necessarily delve into definitions, since each meaning should be placed in the diverse areas in which these notions continue immersed. Under this reflection, the objective of the article provides three aspects, identifying the thin relationship between human rights, communication and gender, emphasizing the "right to communicate" as an inherent right to the human being; in a second aspect, the visible position is addressed sexist that widens the inequality gap between men and women in the field of communication as a profession, and third, no less relevant, states that in countries like Mexico, a continuous violation of the "right to communicate" coexists. The results show that the gender perspective is a cultural construction that directly affects the composition of human rights, which confirms that communication is considered key in the development of the configuration of social practices on human rights more elementary In addition, it is identified in the literature, that despite various efforts, women are still poorly represented in the media content; finally, Mexico is indicated as the sixth country with the highest number of violations of human rights of communicators, regardless of their gender

    Minimum Education Requirements for Crime Scene Investigators

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    The initial crime scene investigation is critical since it is the primary step in the investigative process; therefore, individuals assigned to process a scene should be highly educated. Improperly educated (or uneducated) crime scene investigators (CSIs) can mishandle evidence during an investigation, affecting the outcome of cases. The minimum education requirement for CSIs should transition from a high school diploma—the current requirement—toward a bachelor’s degree. The importance of acquiring a college-level education is observed in a study conducted on crime scene examiners in Australia. To determine the educational requirement for CSIs in the United States, information was gathered electronically from numerous law enforcement departments. The most common entry-level education was a high school diploma, followed by an associate’s degree, and lastly, a bachelor’s degree. A bachelor’s degree, with coursework specifically intended for individuals not wanting to work in a laboratory, will ensure CSIs are well equipped to correctly perform their duties

    Las revistas académicas de comunicación de acceso abierto en México. Retos y vicisitudes

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    Introduction. The research exposes the case of academic journals of open access communication in Mexico, their background, current status, challenges and vicissitudes. It also distinguishes the number of undergraduate and graduate degrees in communication in the country with the idea of ​​reflecting and relating the information to the total of existing journals. Methodology: Descriptive, the work is based on the review of open access academic publications that deal with communication issues. It identifies the characteristics of the adjective "academic", examines their visibility through indexing to databases, access formats, use of the Open Journal Systems (ojs), inclusion of the digital object identifier (doi), use of antiplagiarism programs, adherence to the Committee on Publication Ethics (Cope), use of Creative Commons licenses, and registration of citing in Google Scholar, various access formats, among others. Results and discussion: In two tables, the current status of open access communication journals in Mexico recognizes that existing publications are insufficient; that, in parallel, they coexist with their printed version, and that the electronic version is lagging behind technological advances and international standardization processes that leaves them out of the interest of some of the national authors to publish in them. It also recognizes the existence of journals endorsed by educational institutions, which do not have precisely the interest of being indexed to national and international databases, since their inbred/institutional role allows them to be appropriately a learning platform for the training of academics who for the first time experience the art of publishing

    La práctica docente reflexiva en profesores mexicanos ante los retos de la nueva ciudadanía

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    Teachers bear the burden of achieving a true integral education and, if that were not enough, they must also submit administrative reports, carry out school management, develop research or establish linkages with various sectors, etc. Do all these tasks keep teachers from reflecting on how to really get their students involved in their learning? How can teachers help students make sense of their own learning? Teachers must continually rethink their professional work in order to innovate and improve (Galbán, 2016). Faced with an increasingly dehumanised world, education is emerging as the only means to promote and strengthen education in values, awareness of the dignity of people as well as service to others (Patiño, 2015). Therefore, this paper presents the results of a case study in which 26 teachers who teach at various levels of the Mexican educational system, did an exercise of self-observation and reflection of their teaching practice, in order to detect which factors are limiting learning. The analysis of the observations made it possible to identify that there are aspects, not necessarily linked to the contents, that prevent the training objectives from beingachieved. Specifically, those aspects are related to group process (motivation, team work and integration) and they might hinder the strengthening of comprehensive training among students.Los docentes llevan sobre sí el peso de lograr una verdadera formación integral y por si fuera poco, deben además entregar reportes administrativos, realizar gestiones escolares, desarrollar investigación o vinculación con diversos sectores, etc. Lo anterior, deja poco tiempo para hacer un alto en la enseñanza a fin de reflexionar sobre ¿cómo lograr realmente que sus estudiantes se involucren en sus aprendizajes? ¿Cómo hacer para que éstos tengan sentido para el alumno? El docente debe recapacitar continuamente sobre su labor profesional con objeto de innovarla y mejorarla (Galbán, 2016). Frente al mundo cada vez más deshumanizado, la educación se perfila como el único medio para promover y fortalecer la formación valoral, la conciencia de la dignidad de las personas así como, el servicio a los demás (Patiño, 2015). Por lo tanto, en este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un estudio de caso en el que 26 profesores que imparten clases en los diversos niveles del sistema educativo mexicano, realizaron un ejercicio de auto-observación y reflexión de su práctica docente, con objeto de detectar cuáles factores están limitando el aprendizaje. El análisis de las observaciones permitió identificar que hay aspectos no necesariamente vinculados a los contenidos, que impiden que los objetivos formativos se logren. En particular, sobresalieron los relacionados con el proceso grupal (motivación, trabajo en equipo e integración) que prevalece en el aula, mismo que podría obstaculizar el fortalecimiento de la formación integral entre los educandos de cara a la nueva ciudadanía

    Pedagogía de la alteridad: una propuesta metodológica

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    En este trabajo se parte de la revisión de la literatura producida en el ámbito iberoamericano en torno a la Pedagogía de la Alteridad, misma que se concibe como un discurso pedagógico que toma como punto de partida la relación ético moral que se establece entre el educador y los educandos; por lo que las acciones educativas emprendidas por el educador se centran en el reconocimiento y responsabilidad del otro (alumno) y su singular contexto. Con base a dicha revisión se procedió en la delimitación conceptual de sus características y aspectos relacionados principalmente con el perfil del educador, la función de la escuela, la concepción del educando-alumno y, la función de la familia, producto de ello, se conformó un esquema conceptual analítico que posteriormente derivó en un modelo categorial que puede concebirse como herramienta metodológica de utilidad para las tareas asociadas a la aplicación de técnicas cualitativas como el Análisis de Contenido y Análisis de Discurso y al desarrollo y diseño de instrumentos cualitativos (cuestionarios de medición) en torno al constructo Pedagogía de la Alteridad

    Fonctionne et indicateurs de la Pédagogie de l’Alterité

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    This article does not focus on the philosophical-anthropological aspect of the Pedagogy of Alterity, which is based on the ideas of Lévinas, Horkheimer, Adorno and Pedro Ortega. Nor does it aim to add theoretical elements to said construct. It presents a categorial model built using the ideas that form the construct as a foundation. The importance of this contribution lies on the fact that the categorial model allows making operational the discourse elements, so that they can be used in the construction of instruments in empirical studies. The model is formed by a meta-category or main variable, which is the pedagogy of alterity, and four categories: professor profile, student profile, function of the school and function of the family, with their characteristics and indicators, which are the elements used to design data collection instruments.El presente artículo no pretende orientarse en la profundización filosófico-antropológica de la Pedagogía de la Alteridad, cuyo sustento teórico se remonta a los planteamientos de Lévinas, Horkheimer, Adorno y Pedro Ortega. Ni pretende abonar elementos teóricos a dicho constructo, sino que aporta un modelo categorial construido según los planteamientos que lo forman. La importancia de esta aportación radica en que el modelo categorial permite hacer operativos los elementos del discurso, para ser utilizados en la construcción de instrumentos en estudios empíricos. El modelo está conformado por una metacategoría o variable principal –pedagogía de la alteridad– y cuatro categorías: perfil del profesor, perfil del alumno, función de la escuela y función de la familia, con sus características e indicadores, que son el insumo para el diseño de instrumentos de recolección de datos.Cet article n’est pas destiné à l’étude philosophique-anthropologique de la Pédagogie de l’Altérité, dont le fondement théorique remonte aux idées de Lévinas, Horkheimer, Adorno et Pedro Ortega. Son but n’est pas de payer cette construction des éléments théoriques, mais d’apporter un modèle catégorique construit sur la base des idées qui forment cette construction. L’importance de cette contribution est que le modèle catégorique permet l’exploitation des éléments du discours, à utiliser dans la construction d’instruments dans les études empiriques. Le modèle est composé d’un meta-categorie ou variable principal: pédagogie de l’altérité, et quatre catégories: profil du professeur, profil de l’élève, la fonction de l’école et le rôle de la famille, avec ses caractéristiques et ses indicateurs, qui sont l’entrée pour le conception d’instruments de collecte de données

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Alcançar do aprendizado de matemática no PISA, ENLACE e PLANEA em adolescentes mexicanos. Uma análise retrospectiva

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    This article offers a historical analysis of the achievement level of mathematics learning in Mexican ninth graders. The results of the PISA, ENLACE and PLANEA tests are analyzed, with emphasis on the mathematics evaluations, given the relevance of this topic in the development of useful skills to generate technology for the 4th Industrial Revolution. In the international context, the results of the PISA test show the important gap that exists between the students evaluated in leading countries (especially the Asian ones), and the Mexican students. There is an undeniable and alarming failure in the national education system in terms of mathematics learning achievement in ninth grade students, since the results have remained low for more than 10 years in both PISA and national tests (ENLACE and PLANEA) that are aligned to the curriculum. These results reflect the great shortcomings that our students will have in the future, and the limited knowledge with which we are equipping them to work with in a globalized context where they must compete with the citizens of great world countries, whose governments, by the way, dedicate a high portion of their Gross Domestic Product to their education budgets. This will result in a disadvantageous insertion of Mexican students into the world of work and into spaces for social participation, as well as limited opportunities to continue with their formal education. The mathematics learning achievement is a great pending issue in the Mexican education policy agenda.En el presente artículo se ofrece un análisis histórico del nivel de logro de aprendizaje en matemáticas en adolescentes mexicanos de 15 años que cursan último año de secundaria. El análisis se focaliza en los resultados de las pruebas PISA, ENLACE y PLANEA en el logro de la competencia matemática para ese nivel, dada la relevancia de ésta asignatura en el desarrollo de competencias útiles para generar tecnología, de cara a la 4ta Revolución Industrial.  A nivel internacional, los resultados de la prueba PISA dan cuenta de la importante distancia que existe entre los adolescentes evaluados de los países punteros (sobre todo los asiáticos), en comparación con los adolescentes mexicanos. Es innegable el rotundo fracaso que enfrenta el sistema educativo nacional en cuanto al logro de los aprendizajes en matemáticas en tercer grado de secundaria, ya que los resultados se han mantenido en los niveles más bajos de la escala, por más de diez años tanto en PISA como en las pruebas nacionales (ENLACE y PLANEA), estas últimas además están alineadas al currículo, lo que refleja que no se están alcanzando los aprendizajes planeados. Estos resultados reflejan las grandes carencias que tendrán nuestros jóvenes en el futuro y los escasos conocimientos con los que los estamos equipando para trabajar en un contexto globalizado y para competir con los ciudadanos de las grandes potencias mundiales. Gobiernos que, por cierto, dedican un alto presupuesto de su Producto Interno Bruto a la educación, lo que a su vez se traduce en una inserción desventajosa al mundo del trabajo y en los espacios de participación social, así como en limitadas oportunidades para proseguir con su educación formal. El logro de los aprendizajes en matemáticas es la gran asignatura pendiente en la agenda de política educativa mexicana.Este artigo oferece uma análise histórica do nível de aprendizado em matemática em adolescentes mexicanos de 15 años que estão no último año do ensino médio. A análise enfoca os resultados tres testes PISA, ENLACE e PLANEA na conquista de competência matemática para esse nível, dada a relevância desse assunto no desenvolvimento de habilidades úteis para gerar tecnologia, tendo em vista a 4ª Revolução Industrial. Em nível internacional, os resultados do teste PISA mostram a importante distância que existe entre os adolescentes avaliados nos países líderes (especialmente asiáticos), em comparação com os adolescentes mexicanos. É inegável o fracasso retumbante que o sistema nacional de ensino enfrenta no que diz respeito ao aprendizado da matemática na terceira série do ensino médio, uma vez que os resultados permaneceram nos níveis mais baixos da escala, por mais de dez anos, tanto no PISA como nos testes nacionais (ENLACE e PLANEA), estes últimos também estão alinhados com o currículo, refletindo que o aprendizado planejado não está sendo alcançado. Esses resultados refletem as grandes deficiências que nossos jovens terão no futuro e o escasso conhecimento com o qual os estamos equipando para trabalhar em um contexto globalizado e competir com os cidadãos das grandes potências mundiais. Governos que, aliás, dedicam um alto orçamento de seu Produto Interno Bruto à educação, o que, por sua vez, se traduz em uma inserção desvantajosa no mundo do trabalho e nos espaços de participação social, bem como em oportunidades limitadas de continuar Sua educação formal. A conquista do aprendizado em matemática é a grande questão pendente na agenda de políticas educacionais do México