86 research outputs found

    The Yield and Composition of Dill Essential Oil in Relation to N Application, Season of Cultivation and Stage of Harvest

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    The effect of nitrogen (N) fertilization, season of cultivation and stage of harvest on the growth, foliar essential oil composition and yield of dill (Anethum graveolens L. cv. Ducat) was studied in two consecutive crops. Seeds were sown in October (autumn-winter crop) and January (spring crop) and the plants transplanted to a substrate of peat and perlite (1:1 v/v) 30 and 39 days later, respectively. Nitrogen (NH4NO3) was applied weekly at four levels (50, 150, 300, 450 ppm) in a completely randomized design. The plants were harvested at 158 (autumn-winter crop) and 83 (spring crop) days after sowing. The plant foliage was weighed and the essential oils were isolated by hydro-distillation and analyzed by GC/MS. The foliage fresh weight per plant progressively increased with increasing N up to 450 ppm in the autumn/winter, but was maximal at 300 ppm N in the spring. The essential oil concentration within the foliage was low and was unaffected by N application in the autumn/winter, but was significantly higher at 300 ppm N than at other N levels in the spring. The main components of the foliar essential oil were α-phellandrene, β-phellandrene, dill ether, α-pinene, β-pinene, α-thujene, myrcene, and π-cymene. In both crops α-phellandrene was the principal constituent. In the spring the concentration of all the essential oil constituents identified (except π- cymene) was highest at 300 ppm N, whereas in the autumn/winter crop the concentrations of α-phellandrene, β-phellandrene and dill ether were also higher at 300 ppm N, but the other constituents were not affected by higher N. It is concluded that for the autumn/winter crop 450 ppm N is optimal for biomass and foliar oil yield (biomass x oil concentration) whereas in the spring 300 ppm N is recommended

    Citizen motivation on the go: the role of psychological empowerment

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    Although advances in technology now enable people to communicate ‘anytime, anyplace’, it is not clear how citizens can be motivated to actually do so. This paper evaluates the impact of three principles of psychological empowerment, namely perceived self-efficacy, sense of community and causal importance, on public transport passengers’ motivation to report issues and complaints while on the move. A week-long study with 65 participants revealed that self-efficacy and causal importance increased participation in short bursts and increased perceptions of service quality over longer periods. Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings for citizen participation projects and reflect on design opportunities for mobile technologies that motivate citizen participation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contrasting Male and Female Dietary Life Histories: A Case Study at an Ancestral Muwekma Ohlone Heritage Site in San Jose, California

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    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of bones and teeth at the ancestral heritage Muwekma Ohlone site of Yakmuy ‘Ooyákma-tka (“Place of the East Ridge Site”; CA-SCL-215) reveal significant differences in the dietary life history of males and females. Overall, isotope data indicate that site inhabitants were primarily dependent on low trophic-level foods, likely plants, and minor amounts of marine food for their main source of dietary protein. From tooth dentin serial samples, we found that males were elevated by 0.6-1.0‰ in δ15N in early childhood (age 1-9 years) relative to females, while δ13C values were similar by sex, indicating boys were accessing slightly greater amounts of higher trophic-level foods, such as meat from game. The sex-biased difference in δ15N diminishes during the second decade of life, as female δ15N values increase and become equal to males. However, a difference in δ13C emerges during the second decade where female δ13C values are elevated relative to males. This could indicate that teenage females consumed higher amounts of low trophic-level, marine-derived protein, such as shellfish. During later adult years, the difference in δ13C disappears, while males again show an increase in δ15N relative to females. Although these differences are small, they reveal important sex-biased life history patterns during childhood and adulthood in this ancient community

    Improving Working Conditions to Promote Worker Safety, Health and Wellbeing for Low-Wage Workers: The Workplace Organizational Health Study

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    This paper addresses a significant gap in the literature by describing a study that tests the feasibility and efficacy of an organizational intervention to improve working conditions, safety, and wellbeing for low-wage food service workers. The Workplace Organizational Health Study tests the hypothesis that an intervention targeting the work organization and environment will result in improvements in workers’ musculoskeletal disorders and wellbeing. This ongoing study is being conducted in collaboration with a large food service company. Formative evaluation was used to prioritize outcomes, assess working conditions, and define essential intervention elements. The theory-driven intervention is being evaluated in a proof-of-concept trial, conducted to demonstrate feasibility and potential efficacy using a cluster randomized design. Ten worksites were randomly assigned to intervention or control conditions. The 13-month intervention uses a comprehensive systems approach to improve workplace policies and practices. Using principles of participatory engagement, the intervention targets safety and ergonomics; work intensity; and job enrichment. The evaluation will provide a preliminary assessment of estimates of the intervention effect on targeted outcomes and inform understanding of the intervention implementation across worksites. This study is expected to provide insights on methods to improve working conditions in support of the safety and wellbeing of low-wage workers

    Using Total Worker Health® implementation guidelines to design an organizational intervention for low-wage food service workers : the Workplace Organizational Health Study

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    Total Worker Health® (TWH) interventions that utilize integrated approaches to advance worker safety, health, and well-being can be challenging to design and implement in practice. This may be especially true for the food service industry, characterized by high levels of injury and turnover. This paper illustrates how we used TWH Implementation Guidelines to develop and implement an organizational intervention to improve pain, injury, and well-being among low-wage food service workers. We used the Guidelines to develop the intervention in two main ways: first, we used the six key characteristics of an integrated approach (leadership commitment; participation; positive working conditions; collaborative strategies; adherence; data-driven change) to create the foundation of the intervention; second, we used the four stages to guide integrated intervention planning. For each stage (engaging collaborators; planning; implementing; evaluating for improvement), the Guidelines provided a flexible and iterative process to plan the intervention to improve safety and ergonomics, work intensity, and job enrichment. This paper provides a real-world example of how the Guidelines can be used to develop a complex TWH intervention for food service workers that is responsive to organizational context and addresses targeted working conditions. Application of the Guidelines is likely transferable to other industries

    O impacto, sobre estudantes brasileiros, de uma linguagem visual para aprender a aprender conjuntamente

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    Resumo Um dos temas mais importantes na aprendizagem colaborativa apoiada pelo computador é a autorregulação da aprendizagem sem o apoio de professores. A autorregulação da colaboração pode ser definida como o conjunto dos processos sociais que os alunos usam para coordenar o seu esforço conjunto em uma atividade. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso brasileiro que examina o impacto da plataforma computacional Metafora para apoiar a regulação da colaboração entre os estudantes brasileiros. Nosso objetivo é investigar se o uso da linguagem visual Metafora ajuda os alunos a aprenderem a aprender em conjunto (learn to learn togueter – L2L2). L2L2 abrange o desenvolvimento da capacidade de coordenação da colaboração. Para perseguir esse objetivo, são fornecidas evidências de mecanismos de coordenação e as respostas emocionais subjacentes ao uso, pelos alunos, da ferramenta de planejamento Metafora. Os resultados deste estudo de caso demonstram que as interações dos alunos, ao usarem a ferramenta de planejamento Metafora, influenciaram o seu desenvolvimento de L2L2 de maneira natural e envolvente. A ferramenta de planejamento Metafora proporciona aos alunos um ambiente amigável para a regulação dos processos de grupo e tem potencial para modificar os pensamentos dos estudantes com respeito à coordenação de processos colaborativos

    Epidemiology, practice of ventilation and outcome for patients at increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications

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    BACKGROUND Limited information exists about the epidemiology and outcome of surgical patients at increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs), and how intraoperative ventilation was managed in these patients. OBJECTIVES To determine the incidence of surgical patients at increased risk of PPCs, and to compare the intraoperative ventilation management and postoperative outcomes with patients at low risk of PPCs. DESIGN This was a prospective international 1-week observational study using the ‘Assess Respiratory Risk in Surgical Patients in Catalonia risk score’ (ARISCAT score) for PPC for risk stratification. PATIENTS AND SETTING Adult patients requiring intraoperative ventilation during general anaesthesia for surgery in 146 hospitals across 29 countries. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES The primary outcome was the incidence of patients at increased risk of PPCs based on the ARISCAT score. Secondary outcomes included intraoperative ventilatory management and clinical outcomes. RESULTS A total of 9864 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The incidence of patients at increased risk was 28.4%. The most frequently chosen tidal volume (VT) size was 500 ml, or 7 to 9 ml kg1 predicted body weight, slightly lower in patients at increased risk of PPCs. Levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) were slightly higher in patients at increased risk of PPCs, with 14.3% receiving more than 5 cmH2O PEEP compared with 7.6% in patients at low risk of PPCs (P < 0.001). Patients with a predicted preoperative increased risk of PPCs developed PPCs more frequently: 19 versus 7%, relative risk (RR) 3.16 (95% confidence interval 2.76 to 3.61), P < 0.001) and had longer hospital stays. The only ventilatory factor associated with the occurrence of PPCs was the peak pressure. CONCLUSION The incidence of patients with a predicted increased risk of PPCs is high. A large proportion of patients receive high VT and low PEEP levels. PPCs occur frequently in patients at increased risk, with worse clinical outcome

    Epidemiology, practice of ventilation and outcome for patients at increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications: LAS VEGAS - An observational study in 29 countries

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    BACKGROUND Limited information exists about the epidemiology and outcome of surgical patients at increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs), and how intraoperative ventilation was managed in these patients. OBJECTIVES To determine the incidence of surgical patients at increased risk of PPCs, and to compare the intraoperative ventilation management and postoperative outcomes with patients at low risk of PPCs. DESIGN This was a prospective international 1-week observational study using the ‘Assess Respiratory Risk in Surgical Patients in Catalonia risk score’ (ARISCAT score) for PPC for risk stratification. PATIENTS AND SETTING Adult patients requiring intraoperative ventilation during general anaesthesia for surgery in 146 hospitals across 29 countries. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES The primary outcome was the incidence of patients at increased risk of PPCs based on the ARISCAT score. Secondary outcomes included intraoperative ventilatory management and clinical outcomes. RESULTS A total of 9864 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The incidence of patients at increased risk was 28.4%. The most frequently chosen tidal volume (V T) size was 500 ml, or 7 to 9 ml kg−1 predicted body weight, slightly lower in patients at increased risk of PPCs. Levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) were slightly higher in patients at increased risk of PPCs, with 14.3% receiving more than 5 cmH2O PEEP compared with 7.6% in patients at low risk of PPCs (P ˂ 0.001). Patients with a predicted preoperative increased risk of PPCs developed PPCs more frequently: 19 versus 7%, relative risk (RR) 3.16 (95% confidence interval 2.76 to 3.61), P ˂ 0.001) and had longer hospital stays. The only ventilatory factor associated with the occurrence of PPCs was the peak pressure. CONCLUSION The incidence of patients with a predicted increased risk of PPCs is high. A large proportion of patients receive high V T and low PEEP levels. PPCs occur frequently in patients at increased risk, with worse clinical outcome.</p