74 research outputs found

    Türkiye’de hemşirelik lisans programlarında kültürlerarası hemşirelik

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    Aim: The aims of this manuscript are to examine the presence of transcultural Nursing concept and foundations in Turkey's Bachelor's Of Science In Nursing curricula.Methods: Tis study was planned as a descriptive study during the 2004-2005 academic year in Turkey's Bachelor's of Science in Nursing Curricula. The manuscript data were collected by internet, mail, fax and telephone calls. Percentage was used in the statistical evaluation.Results: According to findings none of the 66 Bachelor's of Science in Nursing curriculum programs had "transcultural Nursing" as a required course. There was only one nursing school that did have the course as an elective. However, There was courses like Socio-Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Health Sociology and Anthropology which has the elements of transcultural nursing concept are included in BSN programs.Conclusions: Based on the findings it is recommended that Turkey's university curriculum programs in Nursing College and Health Colleges to be reevaluated for the inclusion of a transcultural Nursing Course.Amaç: Bu çalışma Türkiye'de Hemşirelik Lisans programlarında Kültürlerarası Hemşireliğin içerik ve kavramlarını kapsayan derslerin dağılımının değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapıldı.Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı olan çalışma 2004-2005 Akademik yılında yapıldı. Çalışma iletişim ulaşılabilen 66 hemşirelik lisan programı ile yapıldı. Programlara web sayfaları, telefon, faks ve mail ile ulaşıldı. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde yüzdelik dağılım kullanıldı. Bulgular: Hemşirelik lisans programlarının hiçbirinde kültürlerarası hemşirelik dersi yoktu. Yalnızca bir programda seçmeli ders olarak konulmuştu. Bununla beraber kültürlerarası hemşirelik dersinin içerik ve kapsamını yansıtan sosyo-antropoloji, Medikal antropoloji, Sağlık Sosyolojisi ve Antropoloji dersleri mevcuttu. Sonuç ve Öneri: Çalışma sonuçlarına göre Türkiye'de Hemşirelik Lisans Programlarında Kültürlerarası Hemşirelik dersine yer verilmemektedir. Programlardaki bu eksiliğin giderilmesine yönelik çalışmalar önerilebilir.&nbsp

    A rarely seen breast tumor: looking over the literature related to intracystic papillary carcinoma

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    Intracystic papillary carcinoma of the breast is a rarely seen tumor. It is often classified as a variant of in situ ductal carcinoma. Intracystic papillary carcinoma is slow growing and usually surrounded and limited by fibrosis capsule. Presently described is case of a 51-year-old postmenopausal patient. She felt a tumor in her left breast, and after examination, it was diagnosed as intracystic papillary carcinoma. Following adjuvant chemotherapy breast excision, and axillar dissection, patient was given curative external radiotherapy and hormonal treatment. As result of 40-month follow-up, the patient was evaluated as having local recurrence and no distant metastases. Follow-up and treatment protocols should be observed on case-by-case basi

    Marka Kişiliğinin Algılanması Üzerine Bir Araştırma

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    DergiPark: 288702trakyaiibfPazarlama literatüründe marka kişiliği ile ilgili çalışmalar, algılanan marka kişiliğinin ölçümünde öncü bir çalışma olan Aaker’in (1997) çalışmasından sonra gittikçe artmaktadır. Marka kişiliği ile ilgili çalışmalar ürün markalarından hizmet markalarına, kurum markalarına ve kar amacı gütmeyen organizasyon markalarına doğru genişlemiştir. Bu çalışmada bir kamu kurumunun kurum marka kişiliğinin ölçülmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kurumun algılanan marka kişiliği hem dış müşterilerin hem de iç müşterilerin bakış açısı ile analiz edilmiştir. Bulgulara göre iki grup arasında on kişilik özelliği ile ilgili farklılık bulunmaktadır. Faktör analizi sonuçlarına göre yedi adet faktör oluşmuştur ve bu faktörler ile ilgili algılamalar cinsiyet, eğitim ve gelir düzeyi gibi demografik özelliklere göre farklılaşmaktadır

    Safra kesesinin intravasküler diffüz büyük hücreli lenfoması

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    Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (IVLBCL) is a rare type of extranodal B-cell lymphoma characterized by the growth of lymphoma cells within the lumina of small vessels. Two major patterns of clinical presentation have been recognized: the first is in European countries, with brain and skin involvement, and the second in Asian countries, where patients typically present with multiorgan failure, hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, and hemophagocytic syndrome [1,2,3,4,5]. Primary IVLBCL of the gallbladder is exceedingly rare

    Possibility of using EM38 device to determine the extent and severity of soil salinity: a case study in the lower Seyhan plain, Turkey

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    Salinity is an increasing problem in irrigated areas which causes important reductions in agricultural production. Distribution of soil salinity and its variability are required to set up measure-observation control in an irrigated area. The conventional methods to determine soil salinity in an irrigated area entail intensive land survey and laboratory analysis. However these take plenty of time and cost much. Instead of these conventional methods, lately, practical and simple techniques have become a current issue in salinity assessment. One of them is to use electromagnetic induction meter (Geonics-EM38) that measures apparent soil salinity, ECa. EM38 is a device which is designed to measure ECa horizontally and vertically, i.e., to a depth of 0-1 m and 0-2 m, respectively. In this research, we tried to investigate the effectiveness of EM38 device in identifying and mapping of soil salinity. The study was conducted in Yemi li Irrigation District (YID), covering an area of 7110 ha. YID is located in the Lower Seyhan Plain in the eastern part of the Mediterranean region, Adana, Turkey. The majority of farmers in YID use irrigation return flows of poor quality, diverted from main drainage canals. For this reason, the fields in YID are always under the risk of soil salinization. Therefore, soil salinity has to be monitored frequently in a quick and efficient way. Because of these characteristics, YID was chosen and 112 EM38 readings were done for salinity assessment. Concurrently, soil samples from 20 points, distributed randomly in the field, were taken from 1 m soil profile with 0.3 m intervals, summing up three totally. Extracts of soil saturation paste were obtained. Composite samples for 0-1 m depths were prepared by using extracts of each layer and salinities of composite samples were measured, ECe, to determine average ECe of 0-1 m depth. The relationship between ECe and ECa is determined. Then, ECe map was produced and salinity profile distribution was developed for the study area. The results showed that the electromagnetic induction meter (EM38) can be used very efficiently to determine soil salinity in areas prone to salinization like in YID. Additionally, spatial and temporal changes in soil salinity can be derived from EM38 readings, provided that the deterministic association between ECa and ECe is determined

    Factor XIII Val34Leu polymorphism in patients with cardiac syndrome X

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    Background: The aim of the study was to examine the frequency of factor XIII polymorphism among patients with cardiac syndrome X (CSX).Methods: This study was designed as a cross-sectional and observational study. Forty-eight female patients with CSX and 36 controls matched by age, gender, diabetes, and hypertension were studied. CSX was defined as typical chest pain during rest or effort, abnormal test result for exercise ECG, and presence of angiographically normal epicardial coronary arteries after ruling out inducible spasm. Factor XIII gene polymorphism was investigated by using CVD Strip Assay (ViennaLab Diagnostic GmbH) commercial kit.Results: The frequency of factor XIII (Val/Leu + Leu/Leu) mutation was significantly higher in patients with CSX (43%) than in controls (19%) (p = 0.02). Frequency of the Leu allele was significantly higher in the patient group (23.5% vs. 11.1%, p = 0.04). Factor XIII (Val/Leu + Leu/Leu) mutation (p = 0.01, OR = 3.42; 95% CI 1.22–9.58) and smoking (p = 0.04, OR = 3.33, 95% CI 1.05–10.58) were identified as independent predictors of the disease in multivariate regression analysis.Conclusions: This study indicates that there is an evidence for association between factor XIII Val34Leu polymorphism and CSX

    Congenital arterial thrombosis in newborn: A case report

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    Neonatal thrombosis is a serious event that can cause mortality or severe morbidity. Although catheters are the most common cause of neonatal thrombosis, spontaneous events can also occur. Arterial thrombosis is very rare and accounts for approximately half of all thrombotic events in neonates. Genetic prothrombotic risk factors may affect the occurence of neonatal thrombosis. In this report, a case of left brachial, radial, and ulnar arterial thrombosis associated with methylene-tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene C677T and A1298C polymorphism heterozygosity is presented. Plasma homocysteine level and other prothrombotic components were normal. Standard heparin, aspirin, vitamin B12, B6 and folic acid were initiated for treatment. However, the left arm of the patient was amputated at the shoulder because its capillary stream could not be observed. We suggest that MTHFR gene C677T and A1298C polymorphism heterozygosity might be investigated in neonates with congenital arterial thrombosis in spite of normal serum homocysteine levels. © Trakya University Faculty of Medicine

    Intraperitoneal drain placement and outcomes after elective colorectal surgery: international matched, prospective, cohort study

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    Despite current guidelines, intraperitoneal drain placement after elective colorectal surgery remains widespread. Drains were not associated with earlier detection of intraperitoneal collections, but were associated with prolonged hospital stay and increased risk of surgical-site infections.Background Many surgeons routinely place intraperitoneal drains after elective colorectal surgery. However, enhanced recovery after surgery guidelines recommend against their routine use owing to a lack of clear clinical benefit. This study aimed to describe international variation in intraperitoneal drain placement and the safety of this practice. Methods COMPASS (COMPlicAted intra-abdominal collectionS after colorectal Surgery) was a prospective, international, cohort study which enrolled consecutive adults undergoing elective colorectal surgery (February to March 2020). The primary outcome was the rate of intraperitoneal drain placement. Secondary outcomes included: rate and time to diagnosis of postoperative intraperitoneal collections; rate of surgical site infections (SSIs); time to discharge; and 30-day major postoperative complications (Clavien-Dindo grade at least III). After propensity score matching, multivariable logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards regression were used to estimate the independent association of the secondary outcomes with drain placement. Results Overall, 1805 patients from 22 countries were included (798 women, 44.2 per cent; median age 67.0 years). The drain insertion rate was 51.9 per cent (937 patients). After matching, drains were not associated with reduced rates (odds ratio (OR) 1.33, 95 per cent c.i. 0.79 to 2.23; P = 0.287) or earlier detection (hazard ratio (HR) 0.87, 0.33 to 2.31; P = 0.780) of collections. Although not associated with worse major postoperative complications (OR 1.09, 0.68 to 1.75; P = 0.709), drains were associated with delayed hospital discharge (HR 0.58, 0.52 to 0.66; P < 0.001) and an increased risk of SSIs (OR 2.47, 1.50 to 4.05; P < 0.001). Conclusion Intraperitoneal drain placement after elective colorectal surgery is not associated with earlier detection of postoperative collections, but prolongs hospital stay and increases SSI risk

    Marka kişiliğinin algılanması ve kamu kurumunda bir uygulanma

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    ÖZETMARKA KİŞİLİĞİNİN ALGILANMASI VE KAMU KURUMUNDA BİR UYGULANMAPazarlama literatüründe marka kişiliği ile ilgili çalışmalar, algılanan marka kişiliğinin ölçümünde öncü bir çalışma olan Aaker’in (1997) çalışmasından sonra gittikçe artmaktadır. Marka kişiliği ile ilgili çalışmalar ürün markalarından hizmet markalarına, kurum markalarına ve kar amacı gütmeyen organizasyon markalarına doğru genişlemiştir. Bu çalışmada bir kamu kurumunun kurum marka kişiliğinin ölçülmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kurumun algılanan marka kişiliği hem dış müşterilerin hem de iç müşterilerin bakış açısı ile analiz edilmiştir. Bulgulara göre iki grup arasında on kişilik özelliği ile ilgili farklılık bulunmaktadır. Faktör analizi sonuçlarına göre yedi adet faktör oluşmuştur ve bu faktörler ile ilgili algılamalar cinsiyet, eğitim ve gelir düzeyi gibi demografik özelliklere göre farklılaşmaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Marka kişiliği, kurum marka kişiliği, kamu sektörü.ABSTRACTPERCEPTION OF BRAND PERSONALITY AND AN APPLICATION IN A PUBLIC AGENCYResearch regarding brand personality concept has been increasing in marketing literature since the pioneering study of Aaker (1997) in measuring perceived personality of a brand. Research regarding brand personality broadened from product brands to service brands, corporate brands and non-profit organizations brands. This research aims to measure corporate personality of a public agency. Personality of the public agency is measured from both external customer and internal customer views. Findings show that ten of the personality items of the public agency differentiate between two groups. According to the Factor Analysis results, seven factors appear and perception of these factors differentiates according to demographic features such as gender, education and income.Keywords: Brand personality, corporate brand personality, public sector

    Marka kişiliğinin algılanması ve kamu kurumunda bir uygulanma

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    MARKA KİŞİLİĞİNİN ALGILANMASI VE KAMU KURUMUNDA BİR UYGULANMA Pazarlama literatüründe marka kişiliği ile ilgili çalışmalar, algılanan marka kişiliğinin ölçümünde öncü bir çalışma olan Aaker’in (1997) çalışmasından sonra gittikçe artmaktadır. Marka kişiliği ile ilgili çalışmalar ürün markalarından hizmet markalarına, kurum markalarına ve kar amacı gütmeyen organizasyon markalarına doğru genişlemiştir. Bu çalışmada bir kamu kurumunun kurum marka kişiliğinin ölçülmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kurumun algılanan marka kişiliği hem dış müşterilerin hem de iç müşterilerin bakış açısı ile analiz edilmiştir. Bulgulara göre iki grup arasında on kişilik özelliği ile ilgili farklılık bulunmaktadır. Faktör analizi sonuçlarına göre yedi adet faktör oluşmuştur ve bu faktörler ile ilgili algılamalar cinsiyet, eğitim ve gelir düzeyi gibi demografik özelliklere göre farklılaşmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Marka kişiliği, kurum marka kişiliği, kamu sektörü. ABSTRACT PERCEPTION OF BRAND PERSONALITY AND AN APPLICATION IN A PUBLIC AGENCY Research regarding brand personality concept has been increasing in marketing literature since the pioneering study of Aaker (1997) in measuring perceived personality of a brand. Research regarding brand personality broadened from product brands to service brands, corporate brands and non-profit organizations brands. This research aims to measure corporate personality of a public agency. Personality of the public agency is measured from both external customer and internal customer views. Findings show that ten of the personality items of the public agency differentiate between two groups. According to the Factor Analysis results, seven factors appear and perception of these factors differentiates according to demographic features such as gender, education and income. Keywords: Brand personality, corporate brand personality, public sector