9 research outputs found

    Mesure du protoxyde d'azote (N2O) depuis l'espace

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    Cette thÚse porte sur la mesure du protoxyde d'azote (N2O) à partir de capteurs spatiaux. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les processus d'émissions et de transport de N2O depuis l'Asie jusqu'au bassin méditerranéen. Pour cette étude, nous avons utilisé des sorties du modÚle de chimie-transport LMDz-Or-INCA ansi que des profils de N2O estimés à partir d'observations du capteur spatial TANSO-FTS (Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation Fourier Transform Spectrometer) de la plateforme GOSAT (Greenhouses gases Observing SATellite). Ensuite, nous avons mis en place un systÚme de restitution des profils troposphériques de N2O à partir des mesures du capteur spatial infrarouge IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) des plateformes MetOp. Ce systÚme a ensuite été validé en utilisant les mesures in-situ des campagnes aéroportées HIPPO (High performance Instrumented airborne platform for environmental research Pole-to-Pole Observations). Enfin, nous avons étudié l'apport théorique du capteur IASI-NG (IASI-New Generation) par rapport à IASI pour la mesure du N2O troposphérique.This thesis focuses on the measurement of nitrous oxide (N2O) from space sensors. Firstly, we studied the transport and emission processes of N2O from Asia to the Mediterranean Basin (MB). For this study, we used N2O profiles over the period 2010-2013 retrieved from TANSO-FTS (Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation Fourier Transform Spectrometer) observations onboard the platform GOSAT (Greenhouses gases Observing SATellite) . We also used outputs of the chemistry-transport model LMDz-Or-INCA over the same period. Secondly, we built an algorithm to retrieve N2O profiles using observations from IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) onboard the MetOp platforms. This algorithm was validated by comparing the retrieved profiles with in-situ measurements from HIPPO (High performance Instrumented airborne platform for environmental research Pole-to-Pole Observations) airborne campaigns. Finally, we performed a theoretical intercomparison between IASI-NG (IASI-New Generation) and IASI concerning the tropospheric N2O measurements

    Measurement of nitrous oxide (N2O) from space

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    Cette thÚse porte sur la mesure du protoxyde d'azote (N2O) à partir de capteurs spatiaux. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les processus d'émissions et de transport de N2O depuis l'Asie jusqu'au bassin méditerranéen. Pour cette étude, nous avons utilisé des sorties du modÚle de chimie-transport LMDz-Or-INCA ansi que des profils de N2O estimés à partir d'observations du capteur spatial TANSO-FTS (Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation Fourier Transform Spectrometer) de la plateforme GOSAT (Greenhouses gases Observing SATellite). Ensuite, nous avons mis en place un systÚme de restitution des profils troposphériques de N2O à partir des mesures du capteur spatial infrarouge IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) des plateformes MetOp. Ce systÚme a ensuite été validé en utilisant les mesures in-situ des campagnes aéroportées HIPPO (High performance Instrumented airborne platform for environmental research Pole-to-Pole Observations). Enfin, nous avons étudié l'apport théorique du capteur IASI-NG (IASI-New Generation) par rapport à IASI pour la mesure du N2O troposphérique.This thesis focuses on the measurement of nitrous oxide (N2O) from space sensors. Firstly, we studied the transport and emission processes of N2O from Asia to the Mediterranean Basin (MB). For this study, we used N2O profiles over the period 2010-2013 retrieved from TANSO-FTS (Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation Fourier Transform Spectrometer) observations onboard the platform GOSAT (Greenhouses gases Observing SATellite) . We also used outputs of the chemistry-transport model LMDz-Or-INCA over the same period. Secondly, we built an algorithm to retrieve N2O profiles using observations from IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) onboard the MetOp platforms. This algorithm was validated by comparing the retrieved profiles with in-situ measurements from HIPPO (High performance Instrumented airborne platform for environmental research Pole-to-Pole Observations) airborne campaigns. Finally, we performed a theoretical intercomparison between IASI-NG (IASI-New Generation) and IASI concerning the tropospheric N2O measurements

    Mesure du protoxyde d'azote (N2O) depuis l'espace

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    This thesis focuses on the measurement of nitrous oxide (N2O) from space sensors. Firstly, we studied the transport and emission processes of N2O from Asia to the Mediterranean Basin (MB). For this study, we used N2O profiles over the period 2010-2013 retrieved from TANSO-FTS (Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation Fourier Transform Spectrometer) observations onboard the platform GOSAT (Greenhouses gases Observing SATellite) . We also used outputs of the chemistry-transport model LMDz-Or-INCA over the same period. Secondly, we built an algorithm to retrieve N2O profiles using observations from IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) onboard the MetOp platforms. This algorithm was validated by comparing the retrieved profiles with in-situ measurements from HIPPO (High performance Instrumented airborne platform for environmental research Pole-to-Pole Observations) airborne campaigns. Finally, we performed a theoretical intercomparison between IASI-NG (IASI-New Generation) and IASI concerning the tropospheric N2O measurements.Cette thÚse porte sur la mesure du protoxyde d'azote (N2O) à partir de capteurs spatiaux. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les processus d'émissions et de transport de N2O depuis l'Asie jusqu'au bassin méditerranéen. Pour cette étude, nous avons utilisé des sorties du modÚle de chimie-transport LMDz-Or-INCA ansi que des profils de N2O estimés à partir d'observations du capteur spatial TANSO-FTS (Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation Fourier Transform Spectrometer) de la plateforme GOSAT (Greenhouses gases Observing SATellite). Ensuite, nous avons mis en place un systÚme de restitution des profils troposphériques de N2O à partir des mesures du capteur spatial infrarouge IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) des plateformes MetOp. Ce systÚme a ensuite été validé en utilisant les mesures in-situ des campagnes aéroportées HIPPO (High performance Instrumented airborne platform for environmental research Pole-to-Pole Observations). Enfin, nous avons étudié l'apport théorique du capteur IASI-NG (IASI-New Generation) par rapport à IASI pour la mesure du N2O troposphérique

    Utilisation des techniques gĂ©ospaiales pour l’évaluation des transformations spatiales dues aux pressions anthropiques dans le canton AffĂ©ma (Sud-Est ivoirien)

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    article publiĂ© en français (p. 12-21), avec un rĂ©sumĂ© Ă©tendu en anglais (22-23) et 6 planches couleur hors-texte (p.59-64)International audienceThe introduction of coffee and cocoa in the south-east of Ivory Coast has induced during the 20th century a profound change in this region’s landscape. The results has been a massive development and expansion of cash crops at the sacrifice of natural vegetation formations. This situation has grown stronger during the last decades with the promotion of oil palm and rubber plantations. Thus, the diversification of cash crops promoted by the Ivorian government endangers the natural resources and the availability of agricultural lands for the growingpopulation of the region. The lack of data (mapping and statistics) about land availabilities and the level of human pressure hinder the decision-making for better resource management. The main objective of this study focused on land use/land cover mapping is to conduct a diagnosison the state of land use and to analyze the spatial changes induced by the progress and diversification of cash crops. The Affema’s canton is located in the south-east of Ivory Coast (latitudes 5 °24’56; 5°31’47 north and longitudes 2°50’03 and 2°54’04 west), precisely in the realm Sanwi which is the setting of this study. The Affema’s canton with about 10 villages has an estimated area of 589,13 kmÂČ. The great partof the canton’s population, estimated at 30061 in 2014 is rural and involved in farming. This study has recourse to remote sensing andGeographic Information Systems (GIS) as tools of investigation, analysis and monitoring of the south-east’s area landscape. In the present study we have used mainly two types of data available on the study site: three Landsat images acquired in 1986, 200 and 2014 and a topographic map. Otherwise, for the purpose of mapping and analyzing the land use/land cover some themes were selected:forest; coffee/cocoa plantations; oil palm; rubber cultivation; field/fallow; bare soil and water bodies. It is important clarify that those themes may change from one year to another, as new crops are gradually introduced in the area. Land cover mapping has been achieved from a supervised classification of Landsat data, using Maximum Likelihood (ML) algorithm to label each pixel as the most probable classic, with reference to 5 land cover classes (1986), 6 classes (2000) and 7 classes (2014). Validation of results was obtained using a set of 35 samples identified on the year 2014 image, namely 5 samples per class. On the year 2000 image; 30 samples including 5 samples per class were gathered. In 1986, a set of 35 samples including 5 samples per class was also selected. These samples’ coordinates were stored in a GPS for a verification and a consolidation in the field. After classification, sample points were checked from the field survey for accuracy assessment. In this study, the classifications accuracy was assessed through a confusion matrix. Considering land cover maps in 1986, 2000 and 2014, total accuracies of classifications, assessed from Kappa coefficients, are respectively 87 %; 85 % and 82 %, indicating satifactory results. The evaluation of the rate of recession or evolution rate Tx between 1986 nd 2014 was derived using the following expression: Tx = [(SP2 – SP1) / SP1] x100, with SP1 = surface area in 1986, SP2 = surface area in 2014. Results indicate a great amount of spatial changes, mainly due to introduction of new cash crops. The decline of forest lands is very significant. In spite of developement of oil palms and rubber plantations,landscape is still strongly dominated by coffee and cocoa plantations. The comparison of land use/land cover maps in 1986, 2000 and 2014 derived from satellite imagery indicates that there is a significant increase in the anthropogenic pressures on the agricultural land. The main results of increased human impact on landscape is the expansion of agricultural land, representing now nearly 90 % of the land andinducing a saturation effect. The forest cover remains only as relict patches. Finally, our results clearly show the effectiveness of geospatial technologies to conduct a diagnosis on the state of land use/ land cover and analyze the spatial changes induced by the development anddiversification of cash crops. The quantification of land use/land cover changes of the AffĂ©ma’s canton is very useful for environmental management groups, policymakers and for public to better understand the problem of agricultural land saturation.L’introduction de la culture du cafĂ© et du cacao a entrainĂ© au siĂšcle dernier une modification profonde du paysage naturel du sud-est de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire. Ceci s’est traduit par un dĂ©veloppement et une extension remarquable des cultures de rentes au dĂ©triment des formations forestiĂšres. Cette situation s’est accentuĂ©e dans les derniĂšres dĂ©cennies avec la diversification des cultures de rentes, faisant peser de rĂ©els dangers sur l’avenir des terres agricoles de cette rĂ©gion. Cette Ă©tude se propose au moyen de la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection et des systĂšmes d’information gĂ©ographique(SIG) d’évaluer, Ă  l’échelle du terroir villageois, la pression anthropique et les transformations spatiales occasionnĂ©es par le dĂ©veloppement des cultures de rentes, afin de pouvoir envisager une meilleure gestion des terres. Le canton AffĂ©ma, situĂ© dans le sud-est de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire, constitue notre cadre d’étude. Les rĂ©sultats des traitements numĂ©riques des images-satellites de 1986, 2000 et 2014 rĂ©vĂšlent que les terres dans le canton AffĂ©ma subissent une trĂšs forte pression humaine, qui conduit Ă  une saturation progressive de l’espace potentiellement utilisable par l’agriculture. Les formations forestiĂšres ont presque toutes Ă©tĂ© remplacĂ©es par des cultures de rentes. Cette situation constitue une rĂ©elle menace pour la population qui augmente, et dont les revenus proviennent principalement de l’exploitation des terres

    Caracterisationdu ruissellement dans le district d’Abidjan

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    Cette Ă©tude met en Ă©vidence le ruissellement des eaux de pluie dans le district d’Abidjan marquĂ© par une forte impermĂ©abilitĂ© du sol due Ă  une urbanisation galopante. Pour caractĂ©riser ce phĂ©nomĂšne, le bilan hydrologique (mĂ©thode de Thornthwaite) a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© et l’analyse comparative des ruissellements des diffĂ©rentes stations Ă  partir des Evapotranspirations potentielles (ETP) et des Evapotranspirations reelles (ETR).Les rĂ©sultats montrent qu’Abidjan AĂ©roport reçoit 1751,8 mm chaque annĂ©e et l’évapotranspiration rĂ©elle de 1067,69 mm soit prĂšs de 60,95% de la lame d’eau tombĂ©e. La quantitĂ© d’eau ruisselĂ©e est de l’ordre 572 mm soit 39,05% de la lame d’eau tombĂ©e et infiltrĂ©e est 112,1 mm. AdiopodoumĂ© reçoit environ 1597,74 mm de pluie chaque annĂ©e et l’évapotranspiration rĂ©elle de 1136,37 mm soit 71,12 % de la lame d’eau tombĂ©e. La quantitĂ© d’eau ruisselĂ©e dans cette partie d’Abidjan est 459,19 mm soit 28,88% de la lame d’eau prĂ©cipitĂ©e. La quantitĂ© infiltrĂ©e est de l’ordre de 69,93 mm.A Bingerville, la moyenne annuelle de la pluviomĂ©trie est de l’ordre 1720,7 mm et l’évapotranspiration rĂ©elle est 979,19 mm soit 56 ,91%de la lame d’eau tombĂ©e. La quantitĂ© d’eau ruisselĂ©e est de 681,97 mm de la pluie tombĂ©e soit 43,09 %. La quantitĂ© d’eau infiltrĂ©e est de 60 mm. La modification de la pluie de ces derniĂšres dĂ©cennies marquĂ©e par la reprise de la pluviomĂ©trie est Ă  la base de cette augmentation du ruissellement urbain provoquant des inondations pendant les mois de mai et de juin.Mots clĂ©s: Ruissellement pluvial, bilan hydrologique, urbanisation, Abidjan, CĂŽte d’IvoireEnglish Title: Characterization of runoff in the district pf AbidjanEnglish AbstractThis study highlights the rainwater runoff in the Abidjan district marked by a high level of impermeability of the soil due to rampant urbanization. To characterize this phenomenon, the water balance (Thornthwaite method) was used and the comparative analysis of runoff of the different stations from Potential evapotranspiration (ETP) and Real evapotranspiration (ETR).The results show that Abidjan Airport receives 1751.8 mm each year and the actual evapotranspiration of 1067.69 mm is nearly 60.95% of the fallen water slide. The quantity of run-off water is of the order of 572 mm, ie 39.05% of the fallen water slide and infiltrated is 112.1 mm. AdiopodoumĂ© receives approximately 1597.74 mm of rain each year and the actual evapotranspiration of 1136.37 mm is 71.12% of the fallen water slide. The amount of water run in this part of Abidjan is 459.19 mm or 28.88% of the precipitated water slide. The amount infiltrated is of the order 69.93 mm.In Bingerville, the average annual rainfall is about 1720.7 mm and the actual evapotranspiration is 979.19 mm or 56.91% of the water slide. The amount of run-off water is 681.97 mm from the 43.9% fall in rainfall. The amount of water infiltrated is 60 mm. The change in rainfall in recent decades marked by the resumption of rainfall is at the root of this increase in urban runoff causing floods during the months of May June.Keywords: Rain runoff, water balance, urbanization, Abidjan, CĂŽte d’Ivoir

    ActivitĂ© Anti-Inflammatoire Et Études Phytochimiques De L’extrait Aqueux Des Écorces Distemonanthus Benthamianus Baill. (Caesalpiniaceae : Leguminosae - Caesalpinioideae)

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    Distemonanthus benthamianus est une plante utilisĂ©e en mĂ©decine traditionnelle dans certains pays Africains tels que : la CĂŽte d’Ivoire, le Ghana, le Cameroun etc. Plusieurs Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es relatives Ă  son effet sur les activitĂ©s antioxydante, antitumorale, antituberculeuse, bactĂ©ricide, antivirale. L’objectif de ce travail a Ă©tĂ© d’évaluer in vivo l’activitĂ© anti-inflammatoire de l’extrait total aqueux des Ă©corces de cette plante. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le screening phytochimique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© afin de dĂ©terminer les mĂ©tabolites secondaires prĂ©sentent dans l’extrait de la plante. L’activitĂ© antiinflammatoire a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© par l’ingestion de la carragĂ©nine 1% au niveau l’aponĂ©vrose plantaire des rats Wistars. Le screening phytochimique a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence de tanins, polyphĂ©nols, flavonoĂŻdes, saponosides, de triterpĂšnes et d’alcaloĂŻdes Les rĂ©sultats de l’activitĂ© anti-inflammatoire ont montrĂ© que le diclofĂ©nac et l’extrait aqueux de la plante ont atteint leur activitĂ© maximale d’inhibition de l’ƓdĂšme Ă  la 3Ăšme heure avec une inhibition de 52.88 %, et 44.95%, 60.03% et 70.19 aux doses de 200, 400 et 800mg/kg/pc respectivement. Quant Ă  la prednisone, il a atteint son activitĂ© maximale de 26.66% Ă  la 4Ăšme heure. L’inhibition de l’ƓdĂšme des pattes des rats par l’extrait de la plante montre ainsi les propriĂ©tĂ©s anti-inflammatoires de cet extrait. L’utilisation de cette plante comme un anti-inflammatoire en milieu naturel serait donc justifiĂ©e.   Distemonanthus benthamianus is a plant used in traditional medicine in some African countries such as: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon etc. Several studies have been carried out relating to its effect on antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-tuberculosis, bactericidal and antiviral activities. The objective of this work was to evaluate in vivo the anti-inflammatory activity of the total aqueous extract of the bark of this plant. To achieve this goal, phytochemical screening was carried out to determine the secondary metabolites present in the plant extract. Anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by ingestion of 1% carrageenan in the plantar fascia of Wistars rats. The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of tannins, polyphenols, flavonoids, saponosides, triterpenes and alkaloids The results of anti-inflammatory activity showed that diclofenac and the aqueous extract of the plant reached their maximum activity d inhibition of edema at the 3rd hour with an inhibition of 52.88%, and 44.95%, 60.03% and 70.19 at doses of 200, 400 and 800 mg / kg / bw respectively. As for prednisone, it reached its maximum activity of 26.66% at the 4th hour. The inhibition of rat paw edema by the plant extract thus demonstrates the anti-inflammatory properties of this extract. The use of this plant as an anti-inflammatory in a natural environment would therefore be justified

    Characteristics of HIV-2 and HIV-1/HIV-2 Dually Seropositive Adults in West Africa Presenting for Care and Antiretroviral Therapy: The IeDEA-West Africa HIV-2 Cohort Study.

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    HIV-2 is endemic in West Africa. There is a lack of evidence-based guidelines on the diagnosis, management and antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-2 or HIV-1/HIV-2 dual infections. Because of these issues, we designed a West African collaborative cohort for HIV-2 infection within the framework of the International epidemiological Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA).We collected data on all HIV-2 and HIV-1/HIV-2 dually seropositive patients (both ARV-naive and starting ART) and followed-up in clinical centres in the IeDEA-WA network including a total of 13 clinics in five countries: Benin, Burkina-Faso Cîte d'Ivoire, Mali, and Senegal, in the West Africa region.Data was merged for 1,754 patients (56% female), including 1,021 HIV-2 infected patients (551 on ART) and 733 dually seropositive for both HIV-1 and HIV 2 (463 on ART). At ART initiation, the median age of HIV-2 patients was 45.3 years, IQR: (38.3-51.7) and 42.4 years, IQR (37.0-47.3) for dually seropositive patients (p = 0.048). Overall, 16.7% of HIV-2 patients on ART had an advanced clinical stage (WHO IV or CDC-C). The median CD4 count at the ART initiation is 166 cells/mm(3), IQR (83-247) among HIV-2 infected patients and 146 cells/mm(3), IQR (55-249) among dually seropositive patients. Overall, in ART-treated patients, the CD4 count increased 126 cells/mm(3) after 24 months on ART for HIV-2 patients and 169 cells/mm(3) for dually seropositive patients. Of 551 HIV-2 patients on ART, 5.8% died and 10.2% were lost to follow-up during the median time on ART of 2.4 years, IQR (0.7-4.3).This large multi-country study of HIV-2 and HIV-1/HIV-2 dual infection in West Africa suggests that routine clinical care is less than optimal and that management and treatment of HIV-2 could be further informed by ongoing studies and randomized clinical trials in this population