166 research outputs found

    Metal foam recuperators on micro gas turbines: Multi-objective optimisation of efficiency, power and weight

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    Small size and high efficiency of micro gas turbines require a higher surface-to-volume ratio of recuperators. Conventional recuperators can achieve a range of 250–3600 m2/m3. Advances in materials and manufacturing, such as metal foams, can increase significantly the exchange surface and improve compactness ranging approximately from 500 to over 10,000 m2/m3, due to their exceptional micro geometry. The main advantage is that the increase of surface area does not impact the cost of the heat exchanger as much as conventional recuperators due to their easy manufacturing. This work addresses the optimisation of the recuperator using multiple objectives satisfying efficiency, power output and weight criteria, offering a holistic approach that takes into account the entire system rather than individual components or channels. A model is developed to represent the performance of a compact heat exchanger in micro gas turbines. The recuperator is an annular heat exchanger with involute profile filled with porous media in a counterflow arrangement on the hot and cold sides. The model allows the evaluation of the effect of the recuperator geometry features on the electrical efficiency, power output and weight savings in a micro gas turbine. Existing models for the global heat transfer coefficient, effective thermal conductivity, surface area and pressure drop of porous media are selected and implemented. The design variables of multi-objective are the pore density, porosity and number of channels, whilst the objectives are the overall electrical efficiency, power output and recuperator weight. The problem is solved using the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) to determine an approximation of the Pareto front, whilst the accuracy of the approximation is assessed against the solution obtained by an exhaustive search. The comparison shows that NSGA-II outperforms an exhaustive search by at least 90 % in terms of computational efficiency. These results allow the quantification of the impact of metal foam technology on performance metrics of the recuperator as well as the entire system. This quantitative analysis provides valuable insights into the behaviour of metal foam recuperators in micro gas turbines. An optimal design with 30 % efficiency and 28 kW power output appears in pore densities of approximately 10 and 20 pores per inch (PPI) for the air and gas side respectively, and a porosity of 85 %, which leads to a state-of-the-art recuperator weight of 48 kg. The efficiency improvement over the industry standard is 15 %, with only a 2.5 % reduction in power output

    Off-design performance comparison between single and two-shaft engines: part 1 — fixed geometry

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    This paper describes an investigation into the off-design performance comparison of single and two-shaft gas turbine engines. A question that has been asked for a long time which gas turbine delivers a better thermal efficiency at part load. The authors, notwithstanding their intensive searches, were unable to find a comprehensive answer to this question. A detailed investigation was carried out using a state of the art performance evaluation method and the answer was found to be: It depends! In this work, the performance of two engine configurations is assessed. In the first one, the single-shaft gas turbine operates at constant shaft rotational speed. Thus, the shape of the compressor map rotational speed line will have an important influence on the performance of the engine. To explore the implications of the shape of the speed line, two single-shaft cases are examined. The first case is when the speed line is curved and as the compressor pressure ratio falls, the non-dimensional mass flow increases. The second case is when the speed line is vertical and as the compressor pressure ratio falls, the non-dimensional mass flow remains constant. In the second configuration, the two-shaft engine, the two-shafts can be controlled to operate at different rotational speeds and also varying relationships between the rotational speeds. The part-load operation is characterized by a reduction in the gas generator rotational speed. The tool, which was used in this study, is a 0-D whole engine simulation tool, named Turbomatch. It was developed at Cranfield and it is based on mass and energy balance, carried out through an iterative method, which is based on component maps. These generic, experimentally derived maps are scaled to match the design point of a particular engine before an off-design calculation is performed. The code has been validated against experimental data elsewhere, it has been used extensively for academic purposes and the research activities that have taken place at Cranfield University. For an ideal cycle, the single-shaft engine was found to be a clear winner in terms of part-load thermal efficiency. However, this picture changed when realistic component maps were utilized. The basic cycle and the shape of component maps had a profound influence on the outcome. The authors explored the influence of speed line shapes, levels of component efficiencies and the variation of these component efficiencies within the operating range. This paper describes how each one of these factors, individually, influences the outcome

    Spin ∼ 60 ℏ in 156Dy: Competition between collective and terminating structures at very high-spin

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    The highest-spin discrete states (I ∼ 60 ℏ and Ex ∼ 30 MeV) in normal deformed nuclei have been observed in the rare-earth isotope 156Dy using the 124Sn(36S,4n) reaction in conjunction with the GAMMASPHERE spectrometer. The positive parity yrast sequence appears to evolve smoothly from a prolate (collective) towards an oblate (non-collective) shape, in contrast to the sudden shape change observed in the isotone 158Er. Terminating states are identified in the negative parity sequences at Iπ = 52- and 53- and specific multi-particle-hole configurations are assigned by comparison with cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations. An order of magnitude increase in the interaction strength between close lying high-spin weakly collective structures is determined compared with that found in the lower-spin strongly collective domain. These results give valuable insight into the interplay between collective and terminating structures, and their competition for yrast status in the 40 - 60 ℏ spin range

    Determination of the neutron fluence, the beam characteristics and the backgrounds at the CERN-PS TOF facility

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    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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    Dynamic Performance Investigations of a Turbojet Engine using a Cross-Application Visual Oriented Platform

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    This paper presents the development of visual oriented tools for the dynamic performance simulation of a turbojet engine using a cross-application approach. In particular, the study focuses on the feasibility of developing simulation models using different programming environments and linking them together using a popular spreadsheet program. As a result of this effort, a low fidelity cycle program has been created, capable of being integrated with other performance models. The amount of laboratory sessions required for student training during an educational procedure, for example for a course in gas turbine performance simulation, is greatly reduced due to the familiarity of most students with the spreadsheet software. The model results have been validated using commercially available gas turbine simulation software and experimental data from open literature. The most important finding of this study is the capability of the program to link to aircraft performance models and predict the transient working line of the engine for various initial conditions in order to dynamically simulate flight phases including take-off and landing

    Design analysis of a novel orifice control valve for turbomachinery testing facilities

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    In testing facilities for turbomachinery applications, the main component for the regulation of the flow is the control valve. In order to fulfill the flow rate requirements, the performance of the control valve should be highly accurate in a specified flow range. The robustness against variations or disturbances, is a major issue to be considered. A control valve incorporated in any testing facility has to meet certain requirements. Thus, operating aspects, such as the flow rate range and the valve pressure drop, along with control prerequisites, regarding flow stability, repeatability and robustness of the valve, are considered. The purpose of this study is to establish a new designing approach for control valves. Orifice plates are used as a guideline for this study because of the geometrical similarities with the control valve. A sensitivity analysis determines the most influential parameters and prioritizes the requirements. With emphasis on the cross-sectional area and by neglecting its shape, a simplified 2-D model is optimized. Eventually, a CFD model, verified by experiments, is used for the analysis of the effects of geometrical parameters. The established workflow weighs the requirements according to each application and indicates the method to reach the desired goals. CFD simulations verify the 2-D model and assist in the fine adjustment of the control valve’s characteristics. With an average deviation of 3% between the 2-D and the 3-D model, the simplified 2-D model proves to be sufficient for setting the valve’s characteristics, setting the CFD simulations necessary, only in applications of extreme flow rates and temperature conditions

    Dynamic Performance Investigations of a Turbojet Engine using a Cross-Application Visual Oriented Platform

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    This paper presents the development of visual oriented tools for the dynamic performance simulation of a turbojet engine using a cross-application approach. In particular, the study focuses on the feasibility of developing simulation models using different programming environments and linking them together using a popular spreadsheet program. As a result of this effort, a low fidelity cycle program has been created, capable of being integrated with other performance models. The amount of laboratory sessions required for student training during an educational procedure, for example for a course in gas turbine performance simulation, is greatly reduced due to the familiarity of most students with the spreadsheet software. The model results have been validated using commercially available gas turbine simulation software and experimental data from open literature. The most important finding of this study is the capability of the program to link to aircraft performance models and predict the transient working line of the engine for various initial conditions in order to dynamically simulate flight phases including take-off and landing

    On the Efficiency of a Piezoelectric Energy Harvester under Combined Aeroelastic and Base Excitation

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    A flutter-type, nonlinear piezoelectric energy harvester was tested in various combinations of aerodynamic and harmonic base excitation to study its power output and efficiency. The commercial polyvinylidene fluoride film transducer LDT1-028K was used in 33 excitation mode. The aerodynamic excitation was created by a centrifugal fan and the base excitation by a cone speaker. The excitations were produced by varying independently the mean airflow velocity and the frequency of base vibration. A capacitive load was used to store the harvested energy. A line laser was employed along with long exposure photography and high-speed video, for the visualization of the piezo film’s mode shapes and the measurement of maximum tip deflection. The harvested power was mapped along with the maximum tip deflection of the piezo-film, and a process of optimally combining the two excitation sources for maximum power harvesting is demonstrated. The energy conversion efficiency is defined by means of electrical power output divided by the elastic strain energy rate of change during oscillations. The efficiency was mapped and correlated with resonance conditions and results from other studies. It was observed that the conversion efficiency is related to the phase difference between excitation and response and tends to decrease as the excitation frequency rises

    Salivary nitrate – An ecological factor in reducing oral acidity

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    Human oral cavities represent a novel environment with a constant supply of concentrated nitrate. For humans, over 80% of dietary nitrate originates from fruit and vegetables. With a healthy, balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables, the concentration of nitrate in saliva can reach up to more than three times the European drinking water standard. The physiological function of the active excretion of salivary nitrate is unknown. Furthermore, little is known of the ecological function of oral nitrate and the effect on the oral environment during its subsequent oral microbial conversions. The objectives of the research were to investigate the effect on salivary pH coupled with oral microbial nitrate and/or nitrite reduction. Human saliva samples were incubated anaerobically in the presence of 111.0 mmol glucose (2%), with and without 1.5 mmol nitrate/nitrite, and pH and nitrate/nitrite consumption were measured during the time-course of the incubations. We found that anaerobic incubation of saliva containing a mixture of oral bacteria in the presence of nitrate/nitrite substrates and glucose resulted in a higher pH than was found in controls in the absence of nitrate/nitrite. These results suggest that the presence of these electron acceptors repressed acid fermentation, or increased alkali production, or consumed acid produced, thus reducing salivary acidity. This finding identifies salivary nitrate as a possible ecological factor in reducing oral acidity. The possibility that a symbiotic relationship between host nitrate excretion and nitrate-reducing microorganisms might help to protect against tooth decay should be explored further