3,749 research outputs found

    Anisotropy effects in a mixed quantum-classical Heisenberg model in two dimensions

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    We analyse a specific two dimensional mixed spin Heisenberg model with exchange anisotropy, by means of high temperature expansions and Monte Carlo simulations. The goal is to describe the magnetic properties of the compound (NBu_{4})_{2}Mn_{2}[Cu(opba)]_{3}\cdot 6DMSO\cdot H_{2}O which exhibits a ferromagnetic transition at Tc=15KT_{c}=15K. Extrapolating our analysis on the basis of renormalisation group arguments, we find that this transition may result from a very weak anisotropy effect.Comment: 8 pages, 10 Postscript figure

    Neuronal-spiking-based closed-loop stimulation during cortical ON- and OFF-states in freely moving mice.

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    The slow oscillation is a central neuronal dynamic during sleep, and is generated by alternating periods of high and low neuronal activity (ON- and OFF-states). Mounting evidence causally links the slow oscillation to sleep's functions, and it has recently become possible to manipulate the slow oscillation non-invasively and phase-specifically. These developments represent promising clinical avenues, but they also highlight the importance of improving our understanding of how ON/OFF-states affect incoming stimuli and what role they play in neuronal plasticity. Most studies using closed-loop stimulation rely on the electroencephalogram and local field potential signals, which reflect neuronal ON- and OFF-states only indirectly. Here we develop an online detection algorithm based on spiking activity recorded from laminar arrays in mouse motor cortex. We find that online detection of ON- and OFF-states reflects specific phases of spontaneous local field potential slow oscillation. Our neuronal-spiking-based closed-loop procedure offers a novel opportunity for testing the functional role of slow oscillation in sleep-related restorative processes and neural plasticity

    Dissociable contributions of ventromedial prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex to value-guided choice

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    AbstractTwo long-standing traditions have highlighted cortical decision mechanisms in the parietal and prefrontal cortices of primates, but it has not been clear how these processes differ, or when each cortical region may influence behaviour. Recent data from ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC) have suggested one possible axis on which the two decision processes might be delineated. Fast decisions may be resolved primarily by parietal mechanisms, whereas decisions made without time pressure may rely on prefrontal mechanisms. Here, we report direct evidence for such dissociation. During decisions under time pressure, a value comparison process was evident in PPC, but not in vmPFC. Value-related activity was still found in vmPFC under time pressure. However, vmPFC represented overall input value rather than compared output value. In contrast, when decisions were made without time pressure, vmPFC transitioned to encode a value comparison while value-related parameters were entirely absent from PPC. Furthermore, under time pressure, decision performance was primarily governed by PPC, while it was dominated by vmPFC at longer decision times. These data demonstrate that parallel cortical mechanisms may resolve the same choices in differing circumstances, and offer an explanation of the diverse neural signals reported in vmPFC and PPC during value-guided choice

    LINER/H II "Transition" Nuclei and the Nature of NGC 4569

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    Motivated by the discovery of young, massive stars in the nuclei of some LINER/H II ``transition'' nuclei such as NGC 4569, we have computed photoionization models to determine whether some of these objects may be powered solely by young star clusters rather than by accretion-powered active nuclei. The models were calculated with the photoionization code CLOUDY, using evolving starburst continua generated by the the STARBURST99 code of Leitherer et al. (1999). We find that the models are able to reproduce the emission-line spectra of transition nuclei, but only for instantaneous bursts of solar or higher metallicity, and only for ages of ~3-5 Myr, the period when the extreme-ultraviolet continuum is dominated by emission from Wolf-Rayet stars. For clusters younger than 3 Myr or older than 6 Myr, and for models with a constant star-formation rate, the softer ionizing continuum results in an emission spectrum more typical of H II regions. This model predicts that Wolf-Rayet emission features should appear in the spectra of transition nuclei. While such features have not generally been detected to date, they could be revealed in observations having higher spatial resolution. Demographic arguments suggest that this starburst model may not apply to the majority of transition nuclei, particularly those in early-type host galaxies, but it could account for some members of the transition class in hosts of type Sa and later. The starburst models during the Wolf-Rayet-dominated phase can also reproduce the narrow-line spectra of some LINERs, but only under conditions of above-solar metallicity and only if high-density gas is present (n_e >~ 10^5 cm^{-3}). This scenario could be applicable to some ``Type 2'' LINERs which do not show any clear signs of nonstellar activity.Comment: To appear in PASP. 22 pages, includes 9 figures, uses AASTeX v5.

    The interaction of planetary nebulae and their AGB progenitors with the interstellar medium

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    Interaction with the Interstellar Medium (ISM) cannot be ignored in understanding planetary nebula (PN) evolution and shaping. In an effort to understand the range of shapes observed in the outer envelopes of PNe, we have run a comprehensive set of three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations, from the beginning of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) superwind phase until the end of the post--AGB/PN phase. A 'triple-wind' model is used, including a slow AGB wind, fast post--AGB wind and third wind reflecting the linear movement through the ISM. A wide range of stellar velocities, mass-loss rates and ISM densities have been considered. We find ISM interaction strongly affects outer PN structures, with the dominant shaping occuring during the AGB phase. The simulations predict four stages of PN--ISM interaction whereby the PN is initially unaffected (1), then limb-brightened in the direction of motion (2), then distorted with the star moving away from the geometric centre (3) and finally so distorted that the object is no longer recognisable as a PN and may not be classed as such (4). Parsec-size shells around PN are predicted to be common. The structure and brightness of ancient PNe is largely determined by the ISM interaction, caused by rebrightening during the second stage; this effect may address the current discrepancies in Galactic PN abundance. The majority of PNe will have tail structures. Evidence for strong interaction is found for all known planetary nebulae in globular clusters.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures, accepted by MNRAS (consists of 14 page journal paper and 8 page online-only appendix). Email C Wareing for high quality PDF versio

    Sea surface temperature changes in the southern California borderlands during the last glacial-interglacial cycle

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    A variety of evidence suggests that average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during the last glacial maximum in the California Borderlands region were significantly colder than during the Holocene. Planktonic foraminiferal δ18O evidence and average SST estimates derived by the modern analog technique indicate that temperatures were 6°-10°C cooler during the last glacial relative to the present. The glacial plankton assemblage is dominated by the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral coiling) and the coccolith Coccolithus pelagicus, both of which are currently restricted to subpolar regions of the North Pacific. The glacial-interglacial average SST change determined in this study is considerably larger than the 2°C change estimated by Climate: Long-Range Investigation, Mapping, and Prediction (CLIMAP) [1981]. We propose that a strengthened California Current flow was associated with the advance of subpolar surface waters into the Borderlands region during the last glacial

    SPARTAN: a global network to evaluate and enhance satellite-based estimates of ground-level particulate matter for global health applications

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    Ground-based observations have insufficient spatial coverage to assess long-term human exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) at the global scale. Satellite remote sensing offers a promising approach to provide information on both short-and long-term exposure to PM2.5 at local-to-global scales, but there are limitations and outstanding questions about the accuracy and precision with which ground-level aerosol mass concentrations can be inferred from satellite remote sensing alone. A key source of uncertainty is the global distribution of the relationship between annual average PM2.5 and discontinuous satellite observations of columnar aerosol optical depth (AOD). We have initiated a global network of ground-level monitoring stations designed to evaluate and enhance satellite remote sensing estimates for application in health-effects research and risk assessment. This Surface PARTiculate mAtter Network (SPARTAN) includes a global federation of ground-level monitors of hourly PM2.5 situated primarily in highly populated regions and collocated with existing ground-based sun photometers that measure AOD. The instruments, a three-wavelength nephelometer and impaction filter sampler for both PM2.5 and PM10, are highly autonomous. Hourly PM2.5 concentrations are inferred from the combination of weighed filters and nephelometer data. Data from existing networks were used to develop and evaluate network sampling characteristics. SPARTAN filters are analyzed for mass, black carbon, water-soluble ions, and metals. These measurements provide, in a variety of regions around the world, the key data required to evaluate and enhance satellite-based PM2.5 estimates used for assessing the health effects of aerosols. Mean PM2.5 concentrations across sites vary by more than 1 order of magnitude. Our initial measurements indicate that the ratio of AOD to ground-level PM2.5 is driven temporally and spatially by the vertical profile in aerosol scattering. Spatially this ratio is also strongly influenced by the mass scattering efficiency.Fil: Snider, G.. Dalhousie University Halifax; CanadáFil: Weagle, C. L.. Dalhousie University Halifax; CanadáFil: Martin, R. V.. Dalhousie University Halifax; Canadá. University of Cambridge; Reino UnidoFil: van Donkelaar, A.. Dalhousie University Halifax; CanadáFil: Conrad, K.. Dalhousie University Halifax; CanadáFil: Cunningham, D.. Dalhousie University Halifax; CanadáFil: Gordon, C.. Dalhousie University Halifax; CanadáFil: Zwicker, M.. Dalhousie University Halifax; CanadáFil: Akoshile, C.. University of Ilorin; NigeriaFil: Artaxo, P.. Governo Do Estado de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Anh, N. X.. Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. Institute of Geophysics; VietnamFil: Brook, J.. University of Toronto; CanadáFil: Dong, J.. Tsinghua University; ChinaFil: Garland, R. M.. North-West University; SudáfricaFil: Greenwald, R.. Rollins School of Public Health; Estados UnidosFil: Griffith, D.. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research; SudáfricaFil: He, K.. Tsinghua University; ChinaFil: Holben, B. N.. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Estados UnidosFil: Kahn, R.. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Estados UnidosFil: Koren, I.. Weizmann Institute Of Science Israel; IsraelFil: Lagrosas, N.. Manila Observatory, Ateneo de Manila University campus; FilipinasFil: Lestari, P.. Institut Teknologi Bandung; IndonesiaFil: Ma, Z.. Rollins School of Public Health; Estados UnidosFil: Vanderlei Martins, J.. University of Maryland; Estados UnidosFil: Quel, Eduardo Jaime. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rudich, Y.. Weizmann Institute Of Science Israel; IsraelFil: Salam, A.. University Of Dhaka; BangladeshFil: Tripathi, S. N.. Indian Institute Of Technology, Kanpur; IndiaFil: Yu, C.. Rollins School of Public Health; Estados UnidosFil: Zhang, Q.. Tsinghua University; ChinaFil: Zhang, Y.. Tsinghua University; ChinaFil: Brauer, M.. University of British Columbia; CanadáFil: Cohen, A.. Health Effects Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Gibson, M. D.. Dalhousie University Halifax; CanadáFil: Liu, Y.. Rollins School of Public Health; Estados Unido

    The limits of relational governance: Sales force strategies in the U.S. medical device industry

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    Research Summary: We explore how inter-organizational relationships shape firm boundary decisions. Using data on 545 U.S. medical device manufacturers’ product portfolios and sales governance choices (i.e., internal or external sales forces) from 1983 to 1996, we find relational capital between manufacturers and external sales forces influences future firm boundary decisions. Relational capital lowers the likelihood of integrating the sales function, but only when firms remain focused on the same product market. Further, launching an innovative product has a nuanced effect. For firms lacking relational capital, innovation increases the likelihood of sales integration. This pattern reverses as relational capital accumulates, but only when innovations are in the firm’s existing focal product market. Our findings suggest important limits on the effect of relational governance on firm strategy. Managerial Abstract: Choosing between in-house or external sales is a key strategic decision. In the medical device industry, this decision is particularly important because sales people are conduits between R&D and customers. For firms who initially choose external sales, the tradeoff between maintaining existing links (via external sales) and developing new, direct relationships (by bringing sales in-house) can change significantly as product portfolios change. Analyzing 545 U.S. medical device manufacturers from 1983 to 1996, we find that existing relationships with external sales forces reduce the likelihood of bringing sales in-house, but only when firms remain in the same product market, such as orthopedic implants. When firms launch products in new markets, especially innovations, they are more likely to bring sales in-house