96 research outputs found

    Avaliação preoperatória de nódulos thireóides: papel da ultrassonografia e da biópsia de aspiraçào por agulha fina, seguida de citologia

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    PURPOSE:To evaluate the preoperative assessment of thyroid nodules using ultrasound studies and cytology of nodular aspirates. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 2,468 patients with thyroid nodules were examined from 1999 to 2005. All patients were clinically examined and underwent ultrasonography followed by fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) and cytology. RESULTS:Nodules larger than 10 mm were classified ultrasonographically in a 4-tier system and received a score according to the criterion of possible malignancy. Cytological examinations were conducted independently by 2 cytologists and classified as benign (score 1), indeterminate (score 2), suspicious (score 3), and malignant (score 6). Combining both scores, an index was generated that would indicate a higher probability of malignancy (benign, doubtful, suspicious, and malignant). Thyroid surgery was performed in 274 patients. Of those, 115 patients had a score of 2 to 5 and only 8 had a histological diagnosis of thyroid cancer (6.9%). For patients with a score of 5 (n = 51), 11.5% had a malignant lesion, and 51% of the 61 patients with a score of 6 had confirmed thyroid cancer. Of the 98 patients with a combined score of 7 to 10, 99% had a histological confirmation of malignancy. CONCLUSIONS: The index score had a sensitivity of 94.1% and specificity of 77.5%. The overall accuracy was 85.8%. Therefore, we concluded that this methodology may improve the preoperative diagnosis of thyroid cancer in nodules larger than 10 mm. Association with other methods such as color Doppler echography, serum TSH concentration, galectin-3 expression analysis, and FDG/PET scan would be useful in avoiding the higher costs of thyroid surgical procedures.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a possibilidade de diagnóstico pré-operativo de nódulos da tireóide (de diâmetro superior a 10mm) usando ultra-sonografia da glândula tireóide e citologia de punção aspirativa por agulha fina guiada pela ultra-sonografia. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Nódulos tireóideos (maiores que 10mm) foram classificados ultra-sonograficamente em graus de I a IV e escores numéricos de 1 a 4, de acordo com crescente possibilidade de malignidade. O exame citológico, subseqüentemente, classificou os nódulos como benigno (escore 1) indeterminado (escore 2) suspeito (escore 3) e maligno (escore 6). Somando-se os escores obtidos nas duas metodologias obtém-se um índice considerado benigno (índice combinado 2-4), duvidoso (índice combinado 5) suspeito para malignidade (índice combinado 6) e elevada probabilidade de malignidade (índice combinado 7 a 10). Cirurgia da Tireóide foi realizada em 274 pacientes, dos quais 64 apresentavam índice de 2-4; destes, apenas 2 pacientes (3,1%) apresentaram comprovação histológica de câncer. Em pacientes com índice 5 (n= 51), 11,8% apresentaram câncer de tireóide e, em 61 pacientes com índice 6, (n= 31), 51% tiveram diagnóstico confirmado de malignidade. O índice combinado de 7-10 (n= 98) apresentou 99% de pacientes com câncer de tireóide. CONCLUSÕES: O índice combinado apresentou sensibilidade de 94,1% e especificidade de 77,5%. A precisão desta metodologia foi de 85,8%. Concluímos que o índice combinado pode ser útil no diagnóstico pré-cirúrgico do nódulo tireóideo, mormente se associado com outras metodologias como a ecografia com Doppler colorido, nível elevado de TSH sérico, análise de expressão de galectina-3 e imagens por FDG/PET

    The Prevalence of Thyroid Dysfunction in Elderly Cardiology Patients with Mild Excessive Iodine Intake in the Urban Area of São Paulo

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in elderly cardiac patients in an outpatient setting. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 399 consecutive patients (268 women, age range 60-92 years) who were followed at Heart Institute were evaluated for thyroid dysfunction with serum free T4, TSH, anti-Peroxidase antibodies, urinary iodine excretion measurements and thyroid ultrasound. RESULTS: Hyperthyroidism (overt and subclinical) was present in 29 patients (6.5%), whereas hypothyroidism (overt and subclinical) was found in 32 individuals (8.1%). Cysts were detected in 11 patients (2.8%), single nodules were detected in 102 (25.6%), and multinodular goiters were detected in 34 (8.5%). Hashimoto's thyroiditis was present in 16.8% patients, most of whom were women (83.6%). The serum TSH increased with age and was significantly higher (p= <0.01) in patients, compared to the normal control group. No significant differences in serum TSH and free T4 values were observed when patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) where compared with those without arrhythmia. The median urinary iodine levels were 210 µg/L (40-856 µg/L), and iodine levels were higher in men than in women (p<0.01). Excessive iodine intake (urinary iodine >300 µg/L) was observed in one-third of patients (30.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Elderly patients have a higher prevalence of both hypo- and hyperthyroidism as well as thyroid nodules when compared with the general population. About one-third of the older patients had elevated urinary secretion of iodine and a higher prevalence of chronic Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It is recommended that ultrasonographic studies, tests for thyroid function and autoimmunity should be evaluated in elderly patients

    Birth room transition support for preterm infants : A cochrane overview

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    This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Overview). The objectives are as follows: We will describe and summarise Cochrane Reviews of birth room interventions for preterm infants, and assess their methodological quality and the validity of their findings.We will map the evidence from Cochrane Reviews and identify important gaps in the evidence base. We will not compare multiple interventions with the intention of drawing inferences about their comparative effectiveness

    Mutação monoalélica no gene da tireoperoxidase em paciente com hipotireoidismo congênito com defeito total de incorporação de iodeto

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    The aim of this study was to identify the genetic defect of a patient with dyshormonogenetic congenital hypothyroidisms (CH) with total iodide organification defect (TIOD). A male child diagnosed with CH during neonatal screening. Laboratory tests confirmed the permanent and severe CH with TIOD (99% perchlorate release). The coding sequence of TPO, DUOX2, and DUOXA2 genes and 2957 base pairs (bp) of the TPO promoter were sequenced. Molecular analysis of patient's DNA identified the heterozygous duplication GGCC (c.1186_1187insGGCC) in exon 8 of the TPO gene. No additional mutation was detected either in the TPO gene, TPO promoter, DUOX2 or DUOXA2 genes. We have described a patient with a clear TIOD causing severe goitrous CH due to a monoallelic TPO mutation. A plausible explanation for the association between an autosomal recessive disorder with a single TPO-mutated allele is the presence of monoallelic TPO expression.O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar defeitos genéticos em paciente com hipotireoidismo congênito (HC) por disormonogênese e defeito total de incorporação de iodeto (DIIT). Neonato do sexo masculino com HC diagnosticado pelo rastreamento neonatal. Exames clínicos e radiológicos confirmaram que o paciente apresentava HC severo e permanente com DIIT (teste de perclorato: 99%). A região codificadora dos genes TPO, DUOX2, DUOXA2 e 2957 pares de bases (pb) do promotor de TPO foram sequenciados. No paciente foi identificada a duplicação em heterozigose GGCC no éxon 8 do gene TPO (c.1186_1187insGGCC). Nenhuma outra mutação foi localizada nos genes TPO, incluindo o promotor, DUOX2 ou DUOXA2. Descrevemos paciente com grave defeito de organificação de iodeto, provocando HC severo com bócio, em consequência de uma única mutação monoalélica no gene TPO. A expressão monoalélica no tecido tireoideano explicaria a associação de uma doen­ça autossômica recessiva com uma única mutação monoalélica

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): curation and reanalysis of 16.6k redshifts in the G10/COSMOS region

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    We discuss the construction of the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) 10h region (G10) using publicly available data in the Cosmic Evolution Survey region (COSMOS) in order to extend the GAMA survey to z ∼ 1 in a single deg2 field. In order to obtain the maximum number of high precision spectroscopic redshifts we re-reduce all archival zCOSMOS-bright data and use the GAMA automatic cross-correlation redshift fitting code autoz. We use all available redshift information (autoz, zCOSMOS-bright 10k, PRIMUS, VVDS, SDSS and photometric redshifts) to calculate robust best-fitting redshifts for all galaxies and visually inspect all 1D and 2D spectra to obtain 16 583 robust redshifts in the full COSMOS region. We then define the G10 region to be the central ∼1 deg2 of COSMOS, which has relatively high spectroscopic completeness, and encompasses the CHILES VLA region. We define a combined r < 23.0 mag and i < 22.0 mag G10 sample (selected to have the highest bijective overlap) with which to perform future analysis, containing 9861 sources with reliable high-precision VLT-VIMOS spectra. All tables, spectra and imaging are available at http://ict.icrar.org/cutout/G10

    Design of the EXercise Intervention after Stem cell Transplantation (EXIST) study: a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an individualized high intensity physical exercise program on fitness and fatigue in patients with multiple myeloma or (non-) Hodgkin's lymphoma treated with high dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of high-dose chemotherapy combined with autologous stem cell transplantation has improved the outcome of hematologic malignancies. Nevertheless, this treatment can cause persistent fatigue and a reduced global quality of life, role and physical function. Physical exercise interventions may be beneficial for physical fitness, fatigue and quality of life. However, the trials conducted so far to test the effects of physical exercise interventions in this group of patients were of poor to moderate methodological quality and economic evaluations are lacking. Hence there is need for a rigorous, appropriately controlled assessment of the effectiveness of exercise programs in these patients. The aims of the present study are (1) to determine the effectiveness of an individualized high intensity strength and interval training program with respect to physiological and psychological health status in patients with multiple myeloma or (non-)Hodgkin's lymphoma who have recently undergone high dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation; and (2) to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of this program.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A multicenter, prospective, single blind randomized controlled trial will be performed. We aim to recruit 120 patients within an inclusion period of 2 years at 7 hospitals in the Netherlands. The patients will be randomly assigned to one of two groups: (1) intervention plus usual care; or (2) usual care. The intervention consists of an 18-week individualized supervised high-intensity exercise program and counselling. The primary outcomes (cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength and fatigue) and secondary outcomes are assessed at baseline, at completion of the intervention and at 12 months follow-up.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The strengths of this study include the solid trial design with clearly defined research groups and standardized outcome measures, the inclusion of an economic evaluation and the inclusion of both resistance and endurance exercise in the intervention program.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>This study is registered at the Netherlands Trial Register (NTR2341)</p